King Aemon I Targaryen

The war was done, Aegon Targaryen had died, crushed by his dragon as he had fallen. Aemon had seen the corpse when the battle had ended, the boy had had silver hair and violet eyes, but Aemon did not know if he looked like Rhaegar or not, for he did not know Rhaegar, had never known Rhaegar. Aemon had thought he would feel satisfaction at the pretender's death, instead all he felt was remorse, remorse that so many had had to die, and that a dragon had to die as well. Still they had moved on from there, Connington had died during the fighting, as had Oberyn Martell, the man's niece was dead, executed for treason, and Doran Martell had died from a heart attack. Stark was alive, and many other things had happened as well during that time. Dany had given birth, he'd come back to find twins waiting for him, a boy named Gaemon and a girl, named not Daenys, but Rhaella for their mother. They were perfect, everything was perfect, and now it was time for a court session, the final one before they broke for feasting.

Aemon was sat on the throne, looking down at all those who were there in the throne room, the knights of the Kingsguard, his Kingsguard stood there guarding the throne all seven of them, and Rakharo was there as well, Grey Worm also, his wife sat on a throne just down from him. He looks at all of them then speaks, and silence falls. "My lords and ladies. I thank you all for coming today. We have suffered through a long war, started long ago when things beyond our control happened. Winter has come, and with it, we hope for peace and a chance for us to rebuild and start a fresh. Already the royal treasury is replenished and work to rebuild the Riverlands and Stormlands has begun. Today, I shall make a few announcements, and take oaths of fealty." He pauses and sees some people shifting nervously, he smiles and continues speaking. "Firstly, I believe it is important for a King to have a council, my ancestor King Aegon the First, believed in ruling fairly, and so shall I. I name as Hand of the King, Lord Jorah Mormont and confirm him in his land and titles as Lord of Bear Island." There is a muted murmur at that, Aemon nods at Jorah then continues. "I confirm Lord Varys as my Master of Whispers; the man has done a very good job and has proven most useful for us." Little is said at that. "We name Lord Yohn Royce, Lord of Runestone as Master of Laws." There is some murmuring there. "Master of Ships of courses goes to our good friend and ally Lord Paxter Redwyne." Somewhere in the shadows, Aemon knows Velaryon is pouting, but Aemon does not care. "As Grand Maester, as appointed by the citadel, we welcome Maester Gormon." The old Maester comes forward and bows as the others had. "Finally, as master of coin we name Lord Mooton." This causes some murmuring, Mooton is weak, but he controls a city, and as such, Aemon will use him, Baelish sits in chains, for multiple things, his crimes had been revealed when Aemon had returned. Those named to the council step forward and swear their oaths of allegiance, with Aemon saying the necessary words in response.

Once that is done, Aemon speaks once more, gesturing to the seven white knights standing at the foot of the throne. "The Kingsguard suffered a grievous blow when the usurper took command. There were men who served who were underserving of that cloak, and there were men who were forced into serving a King or Kings who were underserving of that title. The knights you see before the throne, are those who I believe will best represent the heart of chivalry. Lord Commander Ser Brynden Tully, Ser Arys Oakheart, Ser Rolland Storm, Ser Gerold Dayne, Ser Balon Swann, Ser Lyle Crakehall and Ser Robar Royce." There is applause then, as they all recognise the importance of what has been said. The Targaryen dragon flies on their sigils now, not the Baratheon stag.

Once the murmuring has settled, Aemon looks around the room, notes the faces there and speaks loudly and clearly. "We have lost much during this war. Westeros has been subject to bad rule for many years now. I intend to change that, I intend to make sure that the corruption and the destruction of my father's reign as well as that of the usurper's reign does not happen. For that to be the case, I need loyal lords and lord paramounts at my side. I believe I have them." He pauses, waiting as the respective lords come forward. "As Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Lord of Casterly Rock Kevan Lannister." The man bows and swears his oath of fealty. "As Lord Paramount of the Trident and Lord of Riverrun, Edmure Tully." The man comes and does the same as Kevan Lannister. "As Lord of the Vale and Warden of the East Robert Arryn." The young boy comes forward and on shaky legs bows and swears his oath. "As Lord Paramount of the Reach and Warden of the South, Lord of Highgarden Mace Tyrell." The bumbling oath comes and vows himself to the throne. He pauses for a moment, allowing tension to grow. "Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Eddard Stark." A shock gasp goes up, and though he is wary of the man, Stark still swears the vows. "Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands Tommen Baratheon." A dangerous move this, but one he knows will make sense. "And finally, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Quentyn Martell." The boy comes and swears his vows. Seeing the lords paramounts all on their knees fills him with power, eventually Aemon says. "Now rise and go and make my kingdom safe again."

They all rise and make suitable noises, though Aemon knows he will keep a close eye on all of them. Finally, the final piece of court happens. Baelish is brought in, Aemon does not even bother speaking, he merely steps down, takes Blackfyre from his squire and swings the sword, Baelish's head roles to the floor, to be picked up by one of the Kingsguard. Aemon sheathes the sword, hands it back to his squire and says. "Court has ended. You may go." The courtiers leave like children being told to go play, Aemon watches them leave, then turns to his wife who has stepped off her throne, taking her hand he says. "Come my love, let us watch our kingdom grow."

Dany smiles and replies. "I would like that, my love."