Epilogue 5: The loyal healer, and The enduring leader.

"Okay, that's the last of the shots. You'll be ok in a few days." Said Tom to a patient.

Morales watched. "Very good! You only have to do a few more things and I can officially license you as a field medic."

"Good to hear. I can't wait to go exploring. Just imagine what's out there." Said Tom.

Muradin was carefully sitting on a crate in the corner so as not to disturb anyone, but he laughed loudly enough to make Tom jump a little anyway. "You're a right chip off the old block. C'mon,lad. You can do it!"

Tom nodded. "Yeah, I can do it! What's left, mom?"

Morales looked at a clipboard "You just need to pass an equipment maintenance test and a basic personality check. You'll pass."

"Then let's go. I've got a lot to see!" Said Tom.

"That's my boy!" Said Muradin.

Joe, Jaina and Raynor were outside the room at the end of the worlds.

"Nice of you to care, but are you totally sure this ain't a trap?" Said Raynor, as they approached the monolith.

"It can't be. You saw how powerful that guy is. They could have taken on all of us and won with ease." Answered Joe.

"Fair enough. Guess I ought to be a little more trusting." Said Raynor.

Jaina walked up to the monolith. "Perhaps we should have brought Rogers with us. He deserves to be with Joe too, after all he did. My father too, if he weren't trapped in Blackheart's world."

Raynor shook his head "Rogers was okay with staying back for this one. Checked with him myself. Hell of a butler. We left him to face off against the apocalypse and he still found time to raise Joe."

Joe dissolved the monolith, and the three of them stepped into The Room. "Hello?" He called.

"…hello." Came the reply.

Joe walked in briskly. "Is everything okay? I thought that you might be lonely."

The Heart stepped up from a corner. "I… I normally spend my days like this. I have for as long as I can remember… But everything is okay."

Joe sighed in relief, and smiled. "That's great to hear. I brought my Scrabble set, so would you like to play with us?"

"Yes…" Said The Heart.

The Heart turned out to be very, very good at Scrabble. Triple word scores simply fell into place and very complex yet high scoring words were put down almost every turn. Joe was doing his best, but losing, Jaina was only fifty or so points behind the heart, and Raynor was struggling to get anything down. But they all laughed and smiled and congratulated each other on their words. The last word went down, and the game ended with The Heart first, then Jaina, Joe and Raynor.

"Wow, you're a natural at this." Said Joe.

The Heart shrugged "I… think I know all words. It's nice that you all care. So there's something I should tell you, Joe."

"What is it?"

"There are other realities. I cannot visit them, but I can send you to them for a short while, provided they would have you. I could send your friends, too. In these realities… There are different versions of those you know. If you, or one of your friends ever wants to visit another world… I will send you there." Offered The Heart.

Joe smiled "Thanks, but maybe not right now. I still want to spend some time with my parents."

"I understand that. But, will you play another round of Scrabble? I enjoyed the last one…"

Author's notes: And that is all. I've even given you some explanation as to how these characters might end up elsewhere should you borrow them. I have little left to say, so… Goodbye for now, and thank you! *Relaxing credits music plays...*

Mpopl2: I think I will (if I do write that). I can 100% sympathise with burning out on comments. I went through it myself. And I've had much less capacity for it after starting writing. If I wrote them, I would set them in this multiverse I created. Probably the base dimension.