Everything seemed calm and quite serene.

The bright sunlight shone upon the red head's face which made him squint his eyes a little to continue at gazing towards the sky.

During the night Sasori had thought of continuing to stay in Konoha.

It was safer here and he didn't have to take any risk of being followed by bounty hunters, criminal organizations or similar threats.

He sighed as he leaned towards the walls of the rooftop.

He had to complete his recent project and he still needed to fasten some puppet parts.

More of all he had thought of training Sakura with handling Hikokugutsu.

It was pretty fine with her being well trained in combat according to Sasori but it would be better if she trained in puppetry as well…

More like Sasori needed training in defending himself.

Sure he couldn't punch like and destroy mountains within seconds like Sakura but he could at least improve.

He decided they both would help while introducing their fighting styles to each other.

That might give some benefit.

The red head went back downstairs to Sakura's room to check If she was awake or not.

He calmly opened the door.

The pinkette was awake but she was still lying in the bed her blanket half sprawled on the floor exposing her legs.

"How are you feeling?"

Sasori asked monotonously but his eyes spoke differently.

"I don't understand… where am I?"

She asked while looking at Sasori.

"We are in Konoha, remember that I had to refill my supply?"

He said excluding the Akatsuki Incident.

"Oh… but why am I bandaged here?"

She asked in curiosity and traced her fingers on her waist where it was bandaged.

"You got knocked out and received a minor injury on your waist."

He said while half lying half pointing out the truth.

"Thank you for bringing me here… I must've been a big burden for you to lift."

She said while looking towards the floor.

"No, it's ok. You were not a burden. You are and always were a useful part to me."

She smiled towards Sasori while the corner of the red head's lips slightly quirked upwards.

He was trying his best to smile and that made Sakura laugh out loud.

"You really need some practice with smiling."

He turned pink and huffed.

The pinkette chuckled at his childish behavior.

"Are you well fit for training?"

Sasori asked out of the blue.

"Erm…. Maybe I think I can handle a few punches."

"Good, get ready then. We'll go for some exercise in the training grounds."

He said and sat on a chair.

"Okay… that was sudden."

She mumbled.

The pinkette got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After that she came outside.

She decided to take a shower later after training.

"I'm all ready."

Sakura said while pulling her gloves up her fists.

"Wait… how are we even allowed to go to the training grounds?!"

"I already asked Tsunade and she granted me free permission to roam around the place."

Sasori said while slightly smirking.

"Let's go."

They both walked out of the Hokage's mansion.

Sakura's eyes widened in pure astonishment as she gazed to her surroundings; there were fresh green trees everywhere which looked quite beautiful and refreshing to the pinkette's eyes.

Soon they were crossing through the busy streets of Konoha.

There were markets with products of different varieties.

The people seemed kind of welcoming and nice.

Withn the crowds there was a little child laughing with his parents, enjoying every moment they seemed to have.

Sasori's eyes drifted towards the boy.

It made his heart ache remembering old memories which had crumbled, like those lifeless dead leaves falling from the trees.

The memories of his loving parents…

Then his eyes moved to look on Sakura.

Her pink hair flowed with the wind blowing in her face.

Her eyes look pretty peaceful and her lips were curled up in a smile.

He might not have his parents at the moment… but he had Sakura, she was like family to him, now.

Was it possible that he was developing feelings to the pinkette?

Shaking his head slightly he moved on forward trying to forget the previous thought.

A few moments later they both reached the training grounds.

Luckily it was empty at the moment.

They both entered through the small gate.

Sakura felt the sweet sensation of long lush green grass rubbing her exposed toes, as she was wearing sandals.


She derived her attention from the gratifying feeling and focused on the red head.

"First you'll teach me how to battle in combat, and then I'll introduce you to my style."

Sakura nodded and stood in front of Sasori maintaining a good distance.

Both of them boosted up their chakra.

Then all of the sudden Sakura made a swift move as she punched the ground with such sheer force that the ground tore apart.


Sasori moved aside as quickly as possible.

Rocks and different particles came hitting towards Sasori.

He definitely needed to work hard at defense without puppets.

If the punch hit him he wouldn't be in his current state.

He dodged the obstacles with facing less difficulty.

"Watch out Sasori!"

Sakura screamed as she landed another destructive punch in his direction.

He got the warning and moved out of the place as soon as he could.

The place where he placed his foot unfortunately contained a paper bomb attached by Sakura on purpose.

His eyes widened and the bomb exploded.

Luckily he had performed the substitution technique.

'That was close, I better watch out where I step.'

He said while wiping off the sweat from his brow.

"Tired already?! I haven't even started yet!"

Sakura said and gave a wide toothy smirk.

He panted and glared at Sakura who was mercilessly advancing towards his way.

Sasori had already felt weak in the knees, but he didn't quite think of giving up yet.

He moved as fast as Sakura did and dodged that attack.

Sakura chuckled as she stopped her massive destruction.

"You okay there?"

She asked with concern as she walked towards her teammate.

"I'm okay."

He said while straightening his posture.

"Show me your hand, there's a scratch on it."

He wanted to keep his hands remaining in their current position but he automatically showed it to the pinkette.

She looked at it professionally.

"There's this scar I made when I threw the kunai containing the paper bomb."

She said calmly and healed his wound.

He took a deep breath and sakura had healed the scar in no time.

"Okay now I'll teach you how to attack."

She said while going back to her position.

"Come at me."

Sasori ran with pure determination of achievement.

He increased the chakra in his legs and tried to kick Sakura in the chin to make her fly upwards.

Sakura bobbed her head aside from Sasori's kick but she went upwards.

He jumped at sakura's level and kicked her again.

She blocked the outbreak with her leg.

She noticed that Sasori had more force this time.

While smirking she immediately crept up to the back side of Sasori.

She was about to stoop her elbow hardly on his back when suddenly Sasori flipped out of the way.

He gripped on Sakura's elbows from behind and forced her to the ground.

She gasped as she realized what just happened.

The red head had Sakura pinned to the ground.

He was smirking and her eyes widened.

Sasori was weak in combat wasn't he?

He picked up her tricks so quickly! Of course he wasn't ranked up as an S ranked nin for nothing.

While being focused too much in puppetry he got weak in combat.

He just needed to get awake himself for once without his specialty; his puppets.

She tried to free herself by struggling but the red heads grip was very hard.


"Feisty performance…"

Sasori whispered in Sakura's ears and she stopped struggling.

Some moments later she felt a weird feeling arouse herself, as if she was forced to keep still from moving.

"I'm the puppet master Sa-ku-ra."

Then it came to her notice that she was stuck in Sasori's chakra strings.

"Damn it."

She cursed under her breath.

"That makes me the winner, right Sakura?"

He asked while going down to the pinkette's level.

"I… guess…"

She stuttered while breaking the eye contact.

"Heh… Let's go I'm almost exhausted and I don't want you to get hurt."

Sakura's eyes widened she thought she imagined the last line.

Maybe her mind was imagining things on its own.

She shrugged her shoulders and followed the red head outside the training grounds.

She walked beside Sasori and noticed a scar on his face.

She brought her hand near the scratch and it started to glow green.

Sasori felt a slight ticklish and burning sensation on his cheeks.

He immediately looked towards his right and saw Sakura treating his scar.

"It's just a slight scratch."

"Now, is that an understatement?"

"No, I mean it you're just wasting your chakra."

"It's a scar, and I'm not wasting any chakra here."

He sighed and continued to walk on.

"Sasuke! That was very rude."

Sakura stopped and looked at three kids sitting together eating at a Ramen shop.

One was blonde with a orange jumpsuit the other one was a stoic raven who was glaring at the hyper blonde coolly. Besides them there was a shy girl sitting with the blonde fidgeting with her fingers.

"Ichiraku ramen, huh?"

It was pretty famous and Sakura had heard many rumors of it being the best ramen shop out there which sold the most delicately delicious ramen.

"Sasori, Can we stop here for the while? Please?"

"But Saku-"


She interrupted him and he sighed.

'If you insist then it won't hurt.'

He nodded and she gladly sat on a seat beside the dark haired, shy Hyuga girl.

"Welcome to Ichiraku ramen! I'm Ayame."

A kind brunette came and gave Sakura a menu.

"Take your time and choose something."

She said and bowed.

"I would like a bowl of ramen."

"okay, coming right up!"

She said and went.

Sakura gritted her teeth slightly and went outside.

"Sasori! Come inside what are you doing standing out there like that!?"

"Ugh… fine."

He went inside, sat beside Sakura and crossed his arms.

After a few minutes Ayame came out and saw Sakura saying something to Sasori.

She raised a brow and an idea struck her brain.

She grabbed two pairs of chopsticks and placed a bowl in between the two on the table.

"Enjoy the treat love birdies~!"

She chuckled and placed each pair on both of their hands.

Sasori glared at the bowl then at his hand which contained the chopsticks.

A frown appeared on his lips and his eye twitched.

He looked at Sakura for explanation.

"Umm… I just ordered a bowl but since u suddenly appeared she might seem to have mistaken us for a thing… eheh."

She chuckled nervously.

"Now let's dig in, what else could we do?"

He took a deep breath and sweat trickled down his forehead.


He hoarsely whispered.

Then he grabbed his chopstick and slurped some of the noodles from the bowl.

"Your turn."

She did the same.

The noodles sure were delicious!

She should've ordered an extra bowl for Sasori…

But now she had to deal with it hahahah….

After taking a few more turns both of them started to eat together

While Sakura was slurping the noodles she felt a weird sensation.

She mentally shrugged and kept on slurping the thing until she felt her lips stop and meet something else.

She felt something warm trickle her lips.

She opened her eyes and her pupils stared with pure surprise.

The red head's lips were connected with hers.

Sasori's cheeks burned red and his eyes were widened as well.



Yes people this is the famous scene from 'lady and the tramp' except they are eating ramen and it's Sasori and Sakura

A/N: damn this chapter took forever to update!

I was on writers block… and KPOP was getting the best of me.



Ja ne~