Welcome to "Jinxed Hearts"! Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks are two of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter series. With Tonks' colorful personality and Remus' quiet gentlemanly ways in mind, I decided to take their characters and add to their story. This is a story about falling in love and finding friendship. It will evenutually span the entire length of Order of the Phoenix.

With a soft pop of Apparition, Nymphadora Tonks landed first on her feet and then quickly fell to her bottom in her parents' back garden. She carefully stood, dusting off her robes. Mumbling under her breath about two left feet tangling her landing, she headed toward the back door of her childhood home. Tonks—most everyone she knew called her Tonks as very few individuals were granted the permission of using her given name Nymphadora—pushed open the door and delighted in the reassuring familiarity of the home. It was a wonderful feeling of relief to be standing in a place of absolute comfort after the strain of the events in the past couple of weeks, today itself being no exception.

The Triwizard Tournament finished at Hogwarts at the end of the previous month, leaving most of the wizarding world confused and unsure of whose version of events to believe. According to Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, Voldemort had come back to his full body and power during the third task of the Tournament. According to Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter were dangerous and not to be trusted, concocting stories of absolute untruths in order to further their own ends. The odd vehemence behind the statement the Minister for Magic released to the Auror office after the tournament concluded gave Tonks the feeling that Fudge was the one not to be trusted. Also weighing on Tonks' mind was the fact that her friend and mentor Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody was just found to have been locked in his own trunk for ten months by escaped Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. Fudge's assurances that Crouch was working on his own accord did not sit well with her. And what about the business about the Ministry employee Bertha Jorkins who went missing, but nobody seemed to want to truly investigate? These things together with the smear campaign the Daily Prophet was enthusiastically promoting since the tournament ended made Tonks feel like there was much more to the situation than Fudge wanted to acknowledge.

Tonks looked around the tidy kitchen and smiled. It felt good to be home. She found herself hopeful that her mother would serve her tea and help her think through the things weighing on her mind. The familiar things in the home eased her spirit; the kettle set upon the cooker and her father's music playing from his study. Due to her father thoroughly educating Tonks on the virtues of Muggle music, she could recognize The Beatles playing today. She felt instantly glad for her decision to pop in for a visit. She knew her parents would be expecting her as she had send her mum an owl earlier in the day saying she would be stopping by after she finished work. Tonks decided to look around the house for her parents, but before she could really begin her search, her mother came from the sitting room into the kitchen.

"Ah, Nymphadora, I thought I heard the backdoor open." Andromeda strode toward her, wrapped her in a hug, and then held her at arm's length to get a look at her daughter. "Honestly, Nymphadora, is this considered appropriate attire for work?"

Tonks looked down at her outfit for the day: A Weird Sisters concert tee, blue jeans that were fraying at the knees and tucked into her black combat boots, topped by her standard issue navy blue Auror robes. Her heavy boots helped keep her grounded, and the hems of her denims were always tucked in so there was one less obstacle for her to stumble over. Of course, being a Metamorphagus and being able to change her appearance at will, her hair was usually anything other than what most considered work appropriate. Today, for instance, she was sporting her favorite bright pink pixie style.

"I follow the Ministry directed dress code specific to the Auror department, Mum. Which simply states that I must wear my official Auror robes, badge visible, and wear footwear suitable for foot pursuits." Tonks grinned, quoting the line from the Auror Code of Conduct. This was not the first time Tonks' work attire had been brought up in conversation by Andromeda. She knew it drove her mother mad that she dressed like an errant teenager. Her mother's appearance, by contrast, was never anything less than a picture of perfection, from her nicely groomed dark curly locks to her meticulously neat and carefully selected clothing. Habits long ago instilled from Andromeda's fanatical pure-blood upbringing by the "Ancient and Most Noble House of Black".

"I think she looks smashing," came the voice of Ted Tonks as he entered the kitchen, The Daily Prophet tucked under his arm.

"Thanks, Dad," said Tonks, smiling at her father. "It certainly wouldn't annoy Scrimgeour as much if I dressed like a stuffed shirt."

Andromeda shook her head at her daughter with a smile then set about making tea for them all as Ted and Tonks sat at the kitchen table, Ted pulling the Prophet from under his arm. Tonks eyed her father's newspaper warily, wondering about her parents' take on the recent events. She knew her parents support Dumbledore as they'd spoken of their loyalty to him during the War, but she was curious to hear their feelings about the latest stories.

"Been catching up on the news of the day?" Tonks asked her dad casually.

"News of the day indeed. Rubbish if you ask me," replied Ted, a frown appearing on his usually jovial face. "Did you see they removed Dumbledore from the Wizengamot? Not sure what Fudge is playing at."

Tonks was relieved to hear him disparage the Prophet. Knowing that her parents were suspicious of the latest articles gave her hope that maybe they wouldn't think her completely mad for contemplating spying behind the Minister's back, defying her boss, risking her job and possibly her life…maybe I am completely mad.

"Have you heard from Alastor, Nymphadora?" Andromeda inquired, interrupting Tonks' thoughts.

Andromeda had a great deal of respect for the formidable Auror Alastor Moody. When Tonks had been accepted to the Auror training program, Andromeda had confessed feeling both happy and terrified. She was happy for her daughter, knowing how hard she had worked and how much she wanted a spot in the program. She also knew the dangers involved with being an Auror and had been pleased that Moody had taken Tonks on as a protégé, knowing she would be learning from the best.

"I actually had lunch with Mad-Eye and Kingsley today," Tonks replied. Thinking back on her interesting lunch with her colleagues, she wondered how much more on the subject she should say.

"Good to hear," her mother said happily while pouring tea for the three of them. "And did you ask how he's feeling? Is he recovering after his ordeal last year?"

Tonks laughed loudly. "Mad-Eye's more likely to discuss the state of Minerva McGonagall's knickers than he is to discuss his feelings! We did have a rather lengthy talk though." Tonks took the time to take a few sips from her cup in order to gather her thoughts on how to continue the conversation.

"Well, I do hope he is taking it easy. He should be taking advantage of being retired at this point, not pushing himself beyond what is necessary for a man his age," Andromeda stated while stirring her tea a bit to allow it to cool before taking a sip.

Tonks reflected on her time with Mad-Eye and Kingsley that afternoon, knowing that quiet retirement was the last thing the old Auror had on his mind right now.

Four hours earlier…

Tonks was sitting in her cubical sifting through the unending paperwork from her last mission when she heard Kingsley's deep voice behind her. "Have you got plans for lunch today?" he asked quietly.

"Unless you call a bad date with a quill and parchment 'plans', then no, I've no plans," she replied, turning toward him with a smile. "Asking me to lunch so you can finally declare your undying love for me, then?"

"Something like that," Kingsley replied with a grin. "Noon. Leaky Cauldron. Don't be late."

"I would never keep you waiting, love." Tonks laughed as Kingsley rolled his eyes and disappeared back to his office. Tonks got on with Kingsley better than any other Auror in the department. She loved his laid-back demeanor and his ability to take her constant clumsiness in stride.

Ten minutes before noon, Tonks headed for the Apparition point in the Ministry so she could leave for Diagon Alley. She Apparated to an alley in Muggle London close to the Leaky Cauldron and made her way down a couple of streets to the entrance to the pub. As Tonks stepped through the door, she glanced around looking for Kingsley, knowing that even though she arrived with two minutes to spare he was likely already waiting with a table. She caught sight of him in a booth toward the back and was happily surprised to see that Mad-Eye was sitting in the booth across from him. Tonks made her way through the pub, crowded with people during the lunch rush, caught her foot on a chair leg, and nearly toppled to the floor as she reached the booth.

"Wotcher, boys! Mad-Eye, good to see you're still alive. What would I do without the love of my life here to keep me constantly vigilant?" Tonks asked as she slid into the booth next to Kingsley.

"You asked me to declare my undying love for you not two hours ago," Kingsley said with mock hurt on his face as he passed her one of the bottles of Butterbeer already on the table. "Do things change that quickly?"

"You've really got to keep up, mate. Now that Mad-Eye's back you've got competition," Tonks said, smiling at the two men. "Now, why don't you two go ahead and duel to win my affection."

"You're daft, lass," Moody growled from across the table. "Now, if you two are quite done let's get down to business."

"What's the rush, Mad-Eye, haven't I at least got some time to ask how you are?" Tonks asked, eyeing her friend across the table. She'd worried about Mad-Eye since learning of what happened the previous year while he was supposedly teaching at Hogwarts. Of course, she didn't feel like she was told the whole story, just the ridiculous article the Prophet printed and the carefully worded statement released to the Auror department. She supposed she felt a bit guilty for not knowing there was something amiss. Tonks had written to Mad-Eye a few times during the school year, but had always received a brief owl back stating he was busy and didn't have time for mindless correspondence. That being a typical response from the gruff old Auror, she hadn't thought twice about the situation.

"I'm fine," he stated curtly. "No use thinking too much on it. What's done is done."

"Well, now that that's sorted," Tonks said dryly.

"Nymphadora," barked Mad-Eye, earning him a glare from Tonks. "Now's not the time or place for chit-chat." Mad-Eye's tone told her that it was indeed time to get down to business. He said in a lower voice, "Tell me what you think of what's been running in The Daily Prophet."

"Load of tosh if you ask me," Tonks replied, taking a cue from Moody and speaking quietly. "Seems like they have an agenda they're pushing with all their rubbish talk of Dumbledore going round the twist and making the Potter boy out to be a loony crackpot."

Mad-Eye and Kingsley seemed to communicate to each other with a look, and focused back on Tonks, prompting her to continue. "And all this back and forth about whether You-Know-Who is really back or not...seems like they are denying it all a bit too strongly for me to believe nothing's happened."

"Good girl," Moody said approvingly. "You've passed the test."

"Test?" Tonks asked, raising her eyebrows at him taking a drink from her Butterbeer. "I didn't realize there was an exam today. Next time warn a girl so I've time to prepare."

"We don't have much time before Tonks and I will be expected back at the office, we had better get going if we don't want to draw suspicion," Kingsley said, looking around a bit.

"Get going where? I thought you were buying me lunch?" Tonks said a bit crossly. "At least let a girl finish her drink."

"Right, then. I'll leave first." Ignoring Tonks' indignation over her lost meal, Mad-Eye started instructing them as if they were headed out on a mission. "After a few minutes, head back out to the alley and meet at my house. I'll be there to let you in." It was well known to anybody who knew Mad-Eye that he had certain procedures he wanted followed before allowing one entry into his house.

A few minutes after Mad-Eye left, Tonks and Kingsley rose from the table and made their way across the pub and out the door into Muggle London. After a couple of turns, they found themselves in a deserted alley ready to Apparate to their destination.

"I can't believe we're skipping lunch. What the bloody hell is going on, Kingsley?" Tonks asked.

"Not here," he replied. "You'll know more in a few minutes."

Turning on the spot, Tonks felt herself squeezed tight in Apparition before landing moments later in Mad-Eye's side garden, promptly falling into Kingsley who caught her under her arms before she hit the ground.

"Nice catch, mate," Tonks said brightly, smiling up at Kingsley who smiled slightly as he helped set her properly on her feet.

The pair made their way around the house to the front door, knocked three times, and waited. After a few moments, they heard the loud clunk of a wooden leg announcing Moody's arrival at the door.

"Wotcher, Mad-Eye," Tonks called through the door.

"What was the first thing I said to you on your first day of training?" Mad-Eye's first security question was for Tonks.

"I'm not here to make friends, girly," came Tonks' reply.

"Aye. And what did I say to you, boy, when I came out of retirement?"

"I don't care too much for that earring," Kingsley replied.

At the answer of Kingsley's question, they heard a series of complicated locks, the front door swung open and the Aurors were let inside. As Tonks, Kingsley, and Mad-Eye made their way through the front hall and turned left through a set of double doors into the sitting room, Tonks piped up with her questions.

"All right, boys, now that we're here are you going to fill me in on the mystery? Why'd we skip lunch to—" Tonks stopped short with her questions as she walked into the sitting room and caught sight of Albus Dumbledore sitting, quite relaxed, in one of the arm chairs.

"Good afternoon, Nymphadora," Dumbledore said pleasantly, peering at her with his famous bright blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles.

Tonks was so surprised to see her old headmaster sitting in front of her that she was briefly rendered speechless, looking back and forth at Mad-Eye and Kingsley. At last overcoming her shock, she greeted Dumbledore with a cheerful, "Wotcher, Professor. How's the Fat Friar?"

"Very jolly indeed, my dear," Dumbledore answered, smiling at her inquiry over the Hufflepuff ghost. He rose to his feet, stretching out his arm to shake Tonks' hand. "I believe he is currently lobbying on the behalf of Peeves for the poltergeist's admittance to the Start-of-Term Feast."

"Well, somebody's got to advocate for the trouble-makers, sir," Tonks replied with a wide grin, knowing her old headmaster to be quite aware of her own trouble making while attending Hogwarts.

"Ah, Kingsley." Dumbledore turned to face the younger man. "Thank you for your part today in bringing Nymphadora here for this meeting."

"Always willing to do my part, sir," Kingsley replied, shaking Dumbledore's hand. He then turned back to Tonks. "Why does Dumbledore get to call you 'Nymphadora' without threat of being hexed?"

Tonks smiled at Kingsley. "Do something brilliant enough to be put on a Chocolate Frog card and you too may call me 'Nymphadora'." Tonks felt the smile on her face widen as she realized that Dumbledore was chuckling softly at their exchange.

"Now, my dear girl, I do believe I owe you a meal," Dumbledore said while waving for the others in the room to take a seat. "Dobby," he called calmly. In an instant, a loud crack was heard and a house-elf appeared in the room.

"You is needing Dobby, sir?" asked the elf. Tonks thought she had never seen a stranger house-elf before. He appeared to look similar to most house-elves Tonks had met except that he was wearing a peculiar assortment of clothing. He wore what appeared to be a child's soccer jersey topped with a black vest over top of a pair of blue jeans that ended above his ankles showing off two very brightly colored mismatched socks.

"Yes, Dobby, I am in need of your services if you are willing," Dumbledore stated . "I require the time of Miss Nymphadora Tonks at the moment, but it just so happens to be her lunch hour. Since I am keeping her from her meal, I was very much hoping you could bring her something to take back to her office once I call for you again."

"Dobby is happy to help Miss Tonks, sir," Dobby squeaked out in his high voice while bowing low to Dumbledore. "What is you wanting Dobby to prepare for you, Miss Tonks?" Dobby asked happily.

"Erm, thanks Dobby. A sandwich will do just fine," Tonks said with a confused look on her face. Dobby quickly Disapparated once he had her request. Tonks wasn't at all sure why her lunch hour had gone from lunch with colleagues at a usual meeting place to sitting in Mad-Eye's sitting room ordering lunch from a house-elf summoned by Albus Dumbledore.

"I don't mean to be rude, but are one of you fine gentlemen going to see fit to fill me on what the ruddy hell is going on?" Tonks asked, looking at the three men sitting around her.

"Ah yes, I think an explanation and getting down to the matter at hand is a splendid idea," Dumbledore replied. "Now, Nymphadora, Alastor and I had a few moments to chat before you arrived, and I believe I heard all I need to hear. And if my instincts are correct, and I don't mind saying they usually are, I think you are just the person I need." Dumbledore paused and then asked, his tone taking on a more serious edge, "Tell me, my dear, what do you know of The Order of the Phoenix?"

Tonks looked at her former headmaster for a few moments before answering. By the expression on her old Headmater's face, the time for jokes had passed. Looking at Dumbledore levelly, she said, "The Order of the Phoenix is a secret society founded by you, sir, at the beginning of the War in order to protect the Wizarding world from You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters. The Order worked alongside the Ministry in its sole purpose of fighting to defeat You-Know-Who. After his downfall The Order dissolved."

"Indeed." Dumbledore seemed pleased at her description. "It is my belief that the time has come to reform The Order—without the aid of the Ministry, of course. I am here to recruit you personally as our newest member."

Tonks' mouth dropped open slightly in shock at his words. Her eyes quickly darted over to Mad-Eye and Kingsley sitting on the sofa, Mad-Eye looking grave and Kingsley's expression lacking the humor it held just minutes before. She recovered from her shock and looked back to Dumbledore, who was watching her closely.

"You're here to recruit me personally for The Order of the Phoenix?" Tonks repeated his words as if she couldn't believe them. "What exactly are you expecting from me as a member of The Order?"

"I'm so glad you asked," Dumbledore replied with a slight grin. "We don't have a great deal of time as you and Kingsley need to return to the Ministry quite soon, so I will give you a general overview of Order duties, and you can learn more from Alastor and Kingsley later today if you elect to join." Dumbledore paused for a moment, looking serious again. "Since we certainly do not have the backing of the Ministry this time, the need for secrecy is absolute. I must warn you that if you decide at this time that you do not desire to join our cause then I will need to modify your memory of the events of the day starting when Kingsley asked you to lunch."

"Understood, sir."

"As for Order duties, there are many things I need from its members at the moment. First, there are things that need to be kept safe and guarded. You will learn more of this later. Second, we must begin to account for and learn the movements of the Death Eaters. It is essential that we learn quickly what Voldemort's plans are." Dumbledore looked at Tonks with his piercing gaze as if he were trying to gauge her reaction thus far. "These are dangerous tasks I will be asking of you, Nymphadora. You will be putting yourself at great personal risk: your job, as well as your own physical safety as well as that of your parents, should you be found out. You must know that I do not ask these things of you lightly. I understand the sacrifice I'm asking of you."

"Why, sir? I mean, why me, sir?" Tonks asked.

"Surely you know some of the assets you possess that will make you a valuable member of The Order," Dumbledore said, his brows furrowing together slightly while he gazed at her.

Tonks couldn't help but feel she was being unknowingly tested for the second time that afternoon. "I'm a Metamorphagus," Tonks said evenly.

"Your morphing abilities certainly play a role in my decision," Dumbledore said still gazing at her. "Aside from that you are a highly trained, fully qualified Auror. Your position in the Ministry gives us an inside view to help us gather information. And as I hear it from those who have seen your work—" Dumbledore gestured toward Mad-Eye and Kingsley. "Your dueling skills are a sight to see."

"I can hold my own, sir," Tonks said modestly.

"I think you are far better than you're letting on, Nymphadora. I also believe that you will breathe some new life into our group of dodgy old men who tend to take themselves far too seriously." The familiar twinkle in the Headmaster's eye was back as spoke this last bit.

"When do you need your answer, sir?" Tonks asked, smiling slightly at his last comment. There was so much to consider, she was hoping she could have a bit of time to think.

"You will meet Mad-Eye back here at six o'clock with your answer," replied Dumbledore. "If you consent to join The Order, you will be informed of necessary details with which to proceed. If you decline to join, we will then modify your memory." He paused here and fixed Tonks with his piercing gaze once more. "I trust that you can leave here and speak of this to no one until this evening?"

"Sir, I won't speak of anything specific we discussed here today, but I'd like the chance to visit my parents for a bit before I return tonight." Tonks returned the Headmaster's gaze with her own determined stare.

"Yes, I think that will do fine," replied Dumbledore. "Now, you and Kingsley must return to the Ministry. It was most enjoyable to see you again, my dear, and I look forward to seeing you this evening." Dumbledore stood, prompting the rest to stand with him. "Let us not forget your lunch," he said with a small smile. "Dobby," Dumbledore called softly.

With a crack, Dobby reappeared in his strange outfit holding a bundle in his arms. "Dobby prepared Miss Tonks a toasted cheese sandwich, a bowl of tomato soup, coffee, and some biscuits. Dobby hopes you are pleased, miss," Dobby reported happily, bowing low to Tonks.

Tonks smiled at Dobby while taking the bundle packed with food from his arms. "Thank you, Dobby," Tonks said while holding the bundle out in front of her, as if measuring its weight. "This feels like quite a lunch you've packed for me here; you must know that I've quite an appetite."

"Dobby is happy to hear Miss Tonks is pleased," Dobby replied with unsuppressed glee on his face.

"Thank you, Dobby, that will do," Dumbledore stated, smiling at the house-elf. Dobby once again Disapparated and Dumbledore turned to Tonks, reaching out to shake her hand. "Until this evening, Nymphadora."

Tonks understood the dismissal and knew that it was time for her and Kingsley to head back to the Ministry. She and Kingsley said their goodbyes to Mad-Eye and walked through the hall to the front door. The front door closed quickly behind them as they stepped onto the stoop, the series of locks clicking into place.

They made their way to the side garden where they could Apparate back the Ministry. Tonks looked up at Kingsley as they walked, finding herself unusually at a loss for words. After a few paces, she said, "Well, that was the strangest lunch I've taken in a while. Wicked food though. I've not had a meal from a house-elf since my Hogwarts days. Reckon you want to share my sandwich?"

Kingsley looked down at Tonks and gave her slight grin. "Sorry I couldn't give you more warning. No more talk of it now though. Let's head back, share your food, and then you can take the rest of the day to visit your parents. I'll cover for you with Scrimgeour."

"I won't say anything other than the fact that we all took lunch together today," Tonks said, looking up at Kingsley solemnly.

"I trust you, Tonks," Kingsley said. "Believe me, you wouldn't be here if you weren't trusted."

Tonks and Kingsley Apparated to the Ministry where they quickly ate the lunch Dobby had prepared. Tonks finished enough paperwork to be passable for the day before she sent an owl to her parents and headed again for the Apparition point.


Tonks shook the thoughts of the day from her mind as she heard her mother speaking to her insistently. "Nymphadora, dear, you seem to be far away. Are you quite sure you're all right?"

"Hmm?" Tonks looked at her mother.

"I was asking about Mad-Eye remaining retired, and you didn't seem to hear me. Are you all right?" Andromeda asked again.

"Fine, Mum," Tonks replied. "It's just all this nonsense from the Prophet and Fudge's barmy statements to our department over the tournament. There's just something not quite right about all of it."

"It's starting again, don't you agree, Ted?" Andromeda turned her steely gray eyes towards Ted, placing a hand over top one of his. "Isn't this just like it started last time?"

"Unfortunately I think you're right, Dromeda," replied Ted. "Pretty soon there will be more disappearances, more deaths. Then all the rubbish talk of bloody purity and ridding the wizarding world of Muggle-borns will start again." Ted shifted his hand so he was now holding Andromeda's hand.

Tonks looked across the table at her parents. A blood-traitor and a Muggle-born who fought back in their own way during the War; defying the Black family and ignoring what was expected of them to be together. Tonks sat and watched her parents and knew right then that she wanted to fight back as well. Knew she would be heading to Mad-Eye's house at six o'clock to join The Order of the Phoenix.

A/N: Thank you for reading chapter 1 of my Tonks/Lupin story. My thanks go out to my wonderful Beta Kerichi. She rocks.

So, I hope readers will enjoy this story as it plays out. If you take the time to read, please review! Chapter two should be up quite soon.