Chapter 4 the perfect storm

May could feel Ash tremble and the heat radiating from him; she could hear waves and she could hear them crashing down on the shore as the rain dropped and the wind howled. She opened her eyes to find their hut shaking in the wind. It seemed a slightly stiffer breeze would blow it over. She turned to her new boyfriend to find out he was still asleep or so it seemed. She shook him slightly.

"Ash, ash wake up." she said and he didn't respond.

"Ash can you hear me? Can you hear me?" she asked as she continued to shake him but he wouldn't wake up. Then it hit her.

"The wound!" she muttered and climbed over to his other side to inspect Ash's leg. The gash on his thigh was damp and had yellow puss and some weird purple puss around it. It was badly infected.

"Oh my God…" she muttered. She had to sterilize it fast. She wrapped her arms around Ash and got ready to hoist him outside when a big wave came crashing down on them shattering the hut to pieces. May coughed the salty water out but when she recovered, she realized she lost grip on her friend and he was being swallowed by the sea.

"ASH!" she called after him. She ran to the shore and searched for him in the dark stormy sky. At first she couldn't see him. Then she found him, ten meters into the waters on the verge of drowning.

"I'm coming Ash…" she said softly and ran into the water and swam after him. The more she swam after him, the farther he seemed to drift away and down into the abyss. When she was a few meters away he sank completely underwater.

"No!" she yelled and dived down to avoid the waves and grabbed his drowning body and pulled him upward and gasped for air. She opened her eyes and looked around. The change of her orientation made her lose track of where the shore was. With no actual light on the island and with such poor visibility she couldn't tell which way to swim. Then came a blessing in disguise; lightning struck above the island, briefly illuminating its surface. Despite being terrified of lightning and thunder, May shrieked on instinct but also sighed in relief, now that she knew which way to swim. She held tightly onto her fiend and paddled with her feet back to shore. Within ten minutes they were once again on dry land. She walked with him a few more meters till they were a safe distance from the water line. Then she collapsed on the sand and struggled to catch her breathe. She lay there tiredly, glad that she and Ash were still alive. Or so she hoped. Then the surge of energy came rushing up her stomach and through her throat. She got up and vomited on the sand from the panic and from drinking all that sea water. She felt thirsty. Very thirsty. She went to her backpack and took out both hers and Ash's canteens and used them to collect the rain water. Once her bottle was filled she drank up and doused the whole thing down. Then again and again. After drinking four bottles of water, she had enough. She then realized something was on Ash's leg. A Magicarp was biting its wound. She panicked.

"Get off him! Get off him!" she yelled and pulled him off and then threw him back into the rough waters. She poured some rain water on his wound and then filled up again. Then she flipped him over on his back and patted him on the shoulder to eject any sea water he may have swallowed. He swallowed quite a bit but once everything was out she was relieved to hear him breathing naturally again. She opened his bottle and poured its contents down his throat. Then filled it up four more times so that in total he had five bottles of fresh water in his system. She could see him smile in his sleep. Knowing his thirst has been quantsed, she lifted him up and dragged him to the farther side of the island, looking for better shelter till the storm dies down. She walked and walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Then she saw something. She thought the island did not have a cave but she was wrong. Ahead stood a cave which seemed to have steam coming out of it. Oh how longed for the warmth, whatever it was. She hurried inside and set him down on the ground. She inhaled the steam. It smelled salty. She looked up and was surprised to see a hot spring and a lake inside. They were saved! Not only would they not freeze to death, but they also had more water to drink.

"Thank goodness…" she said.

"Ash, wake up. We're safe. Wake up." she said but he was still unconscious. She then remembered his wound. She took a look at it. For some reason it seemed to be doing better. At first she seemed puzzled it, but then she understood. She remembered hearing once that Magicarp spit has healing powers. It must have been attracted to Ash's wound.

"Now I feel guilty for throwing it off…" May said.

"But that's not gonna be enough to cure his infection. Hot springs have healing powers. Maybe it'll help…" then she got a chill. She was getting cold herself. Seeing as they didn't have swimsuits with them they would have to go in the spring in their usual clothes. May removed her shoes and jacket and did the same for Ash. She carried him into the spring and set him down inside it and sat down next to him. It didn't take long for her to warm up. Soon she felt warm and she sighed with relief. It was then that Ash groaned and woke up.

"What happened? Where am I? Am I dead?" he asked.

"No silly, you're in a hot spring." said May. He looked at her. Then he realized they were both laying in a hot spring.

"May, how did we get here?"

"You don't remember?"

He shook his head.


"Your injury got infected and you blacked out while we got caught in the storm. Then a wave destroyed our hut and you got swallowed by the sea, so I had to go after you. Once I brought you back, I went to find us some other shelter and we wound up here,"

Ash smiled.

"Thank you May. You saved my life."

She smiled back.

"Now we're even." She said and he chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. Once separated Ash pulled back and looked around. Then a question hit him.

"Hey May?"


"Why are we sitting in our clothes in this hot spring?"

"Because I wanted us to warm up as soon as possible."

"Yeah but we'll be cold again once we get out into the cold air."

"So what do you want to do?"

Ash's face turned a deep shade of red by what he was about to say.

"We could sit here in our underwear and let our clothes dry. If we stay in these wet clothes in the cold air outside this hot spring we'll get sick, and we don't have any medicine with us. I don't think we have a choice."

"Yes we do. We could light another campfire and sit around as we dry up."

Ash's blush intensified. He looked down bashfully.

"I forgot about that."

"Don't worry about it. After the storm ends I'll go outside and get some firewood first thing in the morning."

"But that would take all night." Said Ash.

"Then all night it is…" said May and rested her head on his shoulder as they slowly fell asleep while Pikachu floated on his back in the warm water, sound asleep with a big bobble coming out of his nose as he snored…

Well that was an interesting turn of events. For those of you who were wondering, Ash was not trying to come on to her regarding the underwear part, he was just trying to think of a way for them to stay warm. Anyway I hope you guys liked it and if you would leave a review below I'd greatly appreciate it.

Peace out…