A-n: this is just a note I am going through and fixing any mistakes I've had in previous chapters plus I'm adding to them so go back and start from the beginning!


I love all my faithful reviewers!

I would like to thank them all right here and also answer any questions:

Kelly: Yeah Pan does see to act like her parents, and her grandparents... must be a parent thing lol Thanks for saying sorry bout my cousin... it's a hard time for my family

Samantha ([email protected]: I'm going to try and get a new chapter up soon!

WildKat25 : sorry to leave you on a cliffy!

dream-come-true: sorry to leave you in suspense

MarsMoonStar Lol good like trying to find them thanks for the laugh

Tiara2 Thanks for your love of the story I hope the new fixed chapter will do for now

Chibi Pan: Yes i am a verrrrrrry busy person but I should update more... for shame on me thanks for the review!

supersaiyaman I will try my best to get more people figthing when I go back and fix some chapter I will add more fight scenes so look for them!

Katie: thanks for the love of the story!

Emerald-Forest: Thanks for the great laugh! Trunks and Pan are good but some time you need something different. I know I like to read Pan and Vegeta stories They're my favorite as of right now

Chibi Pan: I brougt Go-Chi back! I'll make sure I add him in the story more often though!

LILI: Lisa Why did I ever let you read my story lol you're just way to hyper for your own good especially when ur using my username

Kutie-Pan : I"m glad you love my story thanks you so much! The reason everyone Is helping Pan in her wheel chair is she damaged some muscles in her legs REALLLLLLY bad she doesn't want to risk doing more damaged and she is depressed because she got injured in the first place.... hope that helps. I really don't see a lot of juu\pan stories and that's kinda sad cuz they're a good couple...

Blank: Yes Rissa the duck will go out with Joe and Bob will go out with Karry... *Gives Karry thing of daisys...* Thanks for all your reviews you've brought many many laughs to me! Please review again soon!

Sailor Water Dragon: I'm glad you like my story! I wish there were more P\17 stories out there keep reading please!

This is me aka Carrie: lol it must get annoying to type all that. I saw both the lord of the rings movie at least I think Yes I'm a big Pan and Trunks supporter but after a while it's the same plot (which is ok) so looked at other couples right now I'm hooked on Pan and Vegeta stories. Can't wait to hear from you again carrrie

Rydia*Glade: Thanks for the support I'll put why I was grounded at the bottom... I'm going to go and fix all the chapters before I truly update again Thanks for the luck.... I need it lol

melovesesjuu: Hee hee he is soooo cute lol thanks for the review *goes back to previous state of drooling...*

The girl who cried oro: Glad I have that writing effect on people I never knew I did *grins*

ssjfpan: I shall update asap!

Ok for everyone who wanted to know I was grounded for taking my little brother ice skating on untested ice with some friends of mine.... i put me and my bro's life in danger he of course made it sound like i made him come on the ice.