Shades of Blue

Chapter 7

I Don't Love You

The wind blew by Tara as she smiled with the cool morning breeze flowing against her face. She was on the back of Ron's motorcycle as they road to school. To her the last forty-eight plus hours have seemed like a dream come true. She spent all of Saturday with Ron, where the two officially became a couple. Then again on Sunday they spent the entire day together when they took a drive to Upperton to spend the day at the amusement park. She had to admit to herself she was sad when the two days ended but that sadness was gone when she remembered she would see him again the next day.

The two pulled into the school parking lot and as they got off Ron's bike he looked to the sky "Hmm I guess I should have drove my car" he said as he stared at the dark clouds off in the distance. Tara cocked her head "You have a car?". Taking her hand in his as they walked towards the school he lightly laughed "Yeah but I guess no one knows because I'm usually on my bike. I'm trying to use it while the weather is still good". Tara thought about asking how he could afford a motorcycle and a car but decided it'd be rude to ask. For all she knew his parents got them for him.

Shrugging off the thought she moved her arm to lock it with Ron's and leaned against him as they walked into the school. For the first time ever the school will see the newest couple to walk the halls and though Tara did not care about the attention, she was giddy on the inside because of who made up the couple.

Kim gripped her steering wheel tightly to the point where her knuckles turned white. On the outside she seemed fine but on the inside she was a nuclear warhead ready to explode. She sat in her car as she watched Ron and the blonde 'bitch' pull into the school parking lot. She hated the mousy platinum blonde girl who was now in Ron's life. "Where did she even get the courage to talk to him" she said to herself as she sat there. She knew she had to make her move now. She had to make Ron see that he was making a mistake being with Tara and that he 'needed' to be with Kim. All she needed was the right moment. Some alone time with Ron. Breathing in and out heavily she calmed herself before putting on a friendly face. Stepping out of the car she walked into the school. In the distance thunder could be heard.

Kim walked into her homeroom which she shared with the newest Middleton High couple. When she saw the blonde girl laughing with Ron as they talked her blood boiled and it took every ounce of strength not to pounce on her. Thankfully for Kim Monique was not in the class yet which gave her time to recover her composure as she sat at her usual seat. Shortly before class began the schools self-appointed fashion expert walked in. Sitting next to Kim she looked across the room and saw Ron and Tara who seemed to be sitting closer than usual.

When Monique looked back at Kim she could tell this new couple was bothering her redheaded friend. "Easy Kim. Remember what we talked about the other day"

"I know Mon. It's just going to take some time" she said as she took her eyes off the blonds and turned back towards Monique, speaking in a low voice so no one would her "Have you noticed how Bonnie is taking this? She's just sitting over there doing nothing"

Monique looked over in Bonnie's direction and saw her reading one of her many magazines without a care in the world. She had to admit that it was weird that Bonnie, the Queen B, was just sitting there doing nothing. Not even ten feet from her was her best friend Tara with one of the people she belittled on a daily basis, yet there she sat like it had not effect on her. "Yeah that is weird" she said as she looked back at Kim. "Who knows maybe she and Tara had a talk back when she started to spend more time around Ron"

"Yeah maybe" Kim said looking back at the brunette girl across the room. She couldn't help but think something was off about Bonnie's attitude towards the new couple. She knew Bonnie despised Ron, so why did she seem okay with all this? If Bonnie was really okay with Tara and Ron being together than this was just going to mean Kim has to do more to get the two to break up.

Across the classroom Bonnie sat at her desk pretending that she was reading a magazine. In reality she was watching Kim from the corner of her eye and Tara with Ron who were talking about something she could care less about. She knew Kim was not liking this new couple as much as her but Bonnie was getting amusement out of it knowing Kim hated it just as much. Unlike Kim, Bonnie didn't want Ron… or so that's what she was telling herself. She wanted him destroyed but he had benefits. Benefits to her popularity and throne with him being the new star player for the school. 'I can't do that to Tara' she thought to herself as she shook her head. 'He has to go, even if he could benefit me' she thought for a second before a devilish smile took over her face 'Either way I win' were the last thoughts through her mind when Mr. Barkin walked into the room.

Class seemed to go by slower than usual for the redhead as she walked out. Down the hall ahead of her was Ron with Tara at her locker as she exchanged books. 'All I need is some seclusion with Ron' she thought as she passed the two at the lockers. At that moment it seemed like her prayers were answered by a familiar Beep-Beep-Beedbeep sound from her pocket. Reaching for her Kimmunicator she whipped it out as Ron turned towards her from Tara's locker.

"What's up Wade?" Kim asked as the screen lit up, showing the familiar tech. filled room of Wades. "It's Monkey Fist. It looks like he has stolen some ancient simian artifacts from an exhibit in Malaysia". Hearing the conversation Ron walked closer "Are you sure it's Monkey Fist?" he asked as he stepped into view of the Kimmunicator camera.

"Oh I'm more than sure" Wade said as he typed in some commands causing a video to pop up on the small screen. It was security footage showing ninja monkeys storming a room filled with artifacts. Soon after Monkey Fist walked into view, grabbed an object from a pedestal then looked up at the camera before leaving the room. "It's defiantly him" Kim said looking over her shoulder at Ron. "What did he take?" she asked.

"I have no clue. All I know is it's over a thousand years old. I've been able to track him down though" he said as Kim's screen changed again showing a location on a map. "It looks like he's at his old lair in England" "Well that's convenient" Ron said speaking up. "A little too convenient" Kim replied.

"Agreed" Wade concurred as he came back on screen. "Can you get us a ride?". "Already on the way" "Thanks Wade you rock" Kim said as the screen went black. Ron turned back towards Tara who had a worried look on her face.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked in a concerned tone. Looking up with worry in her eyes "I'm just worried about you is all" she said not wanting Ron to go. Lightly smiling Ron grasped her little hands in his "Everything will be fine, I got KP watching my back. Plus, we've faced this guy off multiple times and always take him down". His words did little to her worrisome attitude towards Ron.

Ever since the first Gill incident Tara has been worried for him whenever he went on missions. Before Gill she never realized how dangerous those missions were, she never realized that they put their lives on the line. Now that she knew the dangers she worried, even more so now that her and Ron were an item. Looking down she softly spoke "I know but I'm still worried"

Brining a hand up to her chin he tilted her head up. Looking down into her big blue eyes that he loved he smiled "I'll be fine, I promise". Tara fought the urge to cry as she nodded "I'll call you if it's not too late when I get back" Ron said just before kissing her on the cheek then jogged off with Kim.

"Thanks again for the ride Captain Jameson" Kim said to the pilot through the headset microphone. "After you saved old Betsy here from destruction it's the least I can do Ms. Possible" "It was no big" she replied shrugging off the fact that she surfed on top of the plane during a storm while guiding the broken rudder. She turned to Ron who was just finishing putting on his parachute, keying her mic "You ready?"

Ron gave her a thumbs up and spoke back into his mic but nothing came through. Kim just stared at him for a second before Ron fiddled with his headset "Sorry muted my mic, ready Freddy". Shaking her head Kim walked over to the sliding door and opened it. Ahead of the plane she could see the Fiske manor growing closer. There was a red light flashing next to her head when a voice came through the head sets "Your jump is coming up Ms. Possible" "Thanks Captain" she keyed back. A few moments later the door light turned green and Kim jumped. Ron shortly fallowed yelling 'GO GO GO!' in his head as he jumped.

As Kim landed she turned back to watch Ron half expecting him to be plummeting to his death half expecting him to land hard, but she was wrong. He glided down like someone who has been doing this for years. Though he has been doing it for years he's never been good at it or most of the things they do on missions. "When did you get so good at this?" she asked as he landed. "Oh you know me KP. I'm a master at everything" he said as he unstrapped his parachute. "Riiight" she said pulling out her Kimmunicator.

"Wade, we're outside of Monkey Fists lair. Can you do a scan and see if there are any traps or defenses?"

"You got it" Wade replied as he typed away on his keyboards. After a few moments he came back "Looks like there's no alarms, traps or defenses"

"It's Monkey Fist, Ninja Monkeys are his traps" Ron said cutting in before Kim said anything.

"He has a point. Thanks anyway Wade". When the screen went black Kim put away her device and started walking up hill towards a cliff base and used her grapple gun to climb up the side of the Manor, fallowed by Ron.

When the two gained entrance through a window they skulked around through the shadows to stay out of site "You see anythi…" "Shush" Kim said cutting Ron off. Tilting her head trying to listen for any sounds. Not hearing anything she turned back "Sorry and no". As the two continued down a hall they found a door slightly ajar with light coming through. Peeking through they saw Monkey Fist in the room with Monkey Ninjas around a table filled with other artifacts.

"Yes" he said in a low tone "Soon I will have the final piece and gain the power of the true Monkey Master" Holding up one of his artifacts he maniacally laughed "AND NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO STOP ME ESPECIALLY…" "Kim Possible?" Kim said as she kicked the door open and made their presence known. "Actually I was going to say the imposter Ron Stoppable, but you too"

"What are you up too now Fist?" Ron asked stepping into the room ready to fight. "Wouldn't you like to know" Fist shot back 'No…it can't be' he thought to himself as he looked at Ron 'This fool simply could not have unlocked the power' He glared at Ron as he studied his dramatic change. 'No. He hasn't'. Kim and Ron just stared at Monkey Fist who was lost in his own thoughts. Dropping his arms Ron stared back "So like…are we going to do this or what? Because there's someone I'd like to be with right now" he said bringing Monkey Fist back to reality and gaining a quick glare from Kim 'blonde whore' she thought to herself.

"You'll regret those words" Monkey Fist said before giving the command for his Monkey Ninjas to attack. As the Ninjas moved in Ron quickly jumped over them to come face to face with Monkey Fist, leaving Kim to deal with the other Monkeys. "C'mon Monte we both know how this is going to end" Ron taunted as he took a fighting stance "With you defeated again and me on my way home". Fist growled as he too took a fighting stance "Do you wish to test me boy?" Ron smirked and flicked a hand telling Fist to come at him.

Fist leapt towards Ron trying to strike him with a left swipe but Ron easily dodged it and countered with a slap to the back of Fists head. "C'mon Monte, this isn't going to end well for you". The taunt only angered Fist causing him to strike multiple blows at Ron who was weaving through them all then slapping Fist every time, only furthering his anger.

Meanwhile, Kim was making quick work of the Monkey Ninjas. In the background she could hear Ron's taunts towards Monkey Fist. When the final Monkey Ninja came at her with a bō staff she dodged the slammed attack and quickly round house kicked the monkey across the room, knocking it out like the rest. She turned her attention towards Ron who was now just toying with Monkey Fist who was getting angrier.

"Look I got places to be" Ron said as he easily swiped away one of Fists attacks. "So if you don't mind" when Fist came back with another swipe Ron grabbed the arm out of the air "I'm going to end this". Twisting his body Ron planted a foot into Monkey Fists stomach. Fist fell to the ground as he gasped for air. 'How could this be' he thought to himself as he looked up at Ron. "I warned you man" Ron said before bringing a leg up then bringing it down on Monkey Fists head, slamming him against the ground and knocking him out.

"First Drakken and Shego and now Monkey Fist. I gotta say Ron that was amazing" Kim said as she looked over the room and all the unconscious bodies. She looked at Ron who was standing next to the table with the artifacts. He studied them over then picked up the smallest one, a small sphere. He held it up in the air then slammed it down on the ground, destroying it. "RON!" Kim yelled "What the hell are you doing?!". Ron turned and looked at Kim "Knowing him" he said pointing to Monkey Fist "all this stuff has some weird monkey magic. So we might as well destroy a piece so he can't get it".

Over the years the two have seen some weird things so Kim had to agree with Ron. "Fine but just one" she said firmly. What Kim did not know was that Ron knew. He knew the object that he destroyed was irreplaceable, he also knew it was the only real magic item that would of given Monkey Fist what he wanted. Yamanouchi taught him well over his short time there.

"Wade" Kim said flipping on her Kimmunicator "Monkey Fist has been dealt with and we need a pick up". As he started typing he glances over at the camera "That must be a new record for you to defeat someone". "Actually it was Ron again" Kim said as she looked over at Ron who was holding up his cell trying to get service. Wade took a double take "Wait Ron? Again?"

"Yeah our last mission dealing with Drakken was all him, he wiped the floor with Shego like she was nothing and tonight he did the same with Monkey Fist" slightly smiling she looked back at her own device to see Wade with a surprised look "It was amazing". "I don't know if I really believe it but if you say it's true I guess I have no choice" Wade said as he went back to typing still shocked at what he heard. "Okay I have a European GJ branch picking you up" "Thanks Wade".

It was late when the two landed back in Middleton. Neither of the two thought to ask the pilot to drop them off at the school where their vehicles were so when they arrived in the town he dropped them off near Kim's house. Looking at her phone Kim saw it was just passed midnight. When she realized they were the only two on the streets she got a devilish smirk on her face. "Walk me home?" she asked as she looked at Ron "It's kind of late and it'd be nice to spend some time together" she continued. Ron just gave her his standard soft smile "Sure thing KP".

The two were walking down the sidewalk in silence under the moonlight. Kim glanced over at Ron who seemed relaxed in his new mission clothes. She didn't notice before but he now wore less baggy mission clothes, that or they were tighter on his body. Now staring at his new form she bit her bottom lip when she wondered how things were under the shirt. They were alone and now this was the chance she'd been looking for. 'It's not ideal but we are alone out here' she thought to herself. Looking ahead she saw bushes they could hide behind.

Just when the two were reaching the bushes Ron started to speak "Hey KP…" before he could finish he was tackled behind the bushes by Kim who was sitting on top of him. He looked up at her not noticing the devilish look in her green eyes "Kim what was that about?"

Kim looked down at Ron who was being lit up by the moon. A sultry grin took over her face as she looked down at him. With a hand on his chest she could feel the muscles that were now there and more as she dragged her hand down his chest to his stomach 'damn…' she thought to herself. "Uh KP?"

Closing her eyes and taking a breath Kim thought to herself 'Okay you can do this. This is the only chance you have and you have to get him away from that little blonde whore'. Opening her eyes, she looked down at Ron with a predatory look. Reaching down she lifted her mission shirt over her head and removed it. The cool night air chilled her as it touched her skin.

Ron could not believe what was happening in front of his eyes as he looked up at his friend. She was sitting on top of him without a shirt on. "K…Kim…what are you doing?" he softly stuttered as she leaned forward to get closer to him. He could feel her chest and bra against his chest and her breath against his face. "What I should have done a long time ago" she replied as their lips got closer. "Kim…we can't" he said just before her lips met his.

Ron was lost in everything that was going on. First she broke up with him, then when he got back she was acting weird, and now here she was on top of him without a shirt kissing him. Slowly Ron brought his hands up to Kim's chest. When his hands made contact she smiled in her kiss 'atta boy' she thought to herself just before she felt a force.

Ron pushed Kim up and off of him sending her to the ground behind her. She looked at him in shock as he quickly jumped up to his feet. "KIM! WHAT THE FUCK?!" he yelled as he threw his arms into the air. Kim just leaned back smirking as she looked up at him "What? You know you want to". Ron looked down at her dumbfounded "Maybe at some point I did…but not anymore". Ron looked away from Kim with his eyes tightly closed "I'm with Tara now".

"Ron what's wrong with you?!" Kim shot back as she stood up getting closer to him "I'm throwing myself at you with a sure thing and yet you're caught up on some dumb blonde slut" she said as she stood up and stepped closer. "Don't you call her that!" Ron shot back "And what's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ron began poking his finger into Kim's nearly bare chest "I leave after you dump me and come home a different person and NOW you want me? Why?! Is it because I'm arm candy to you now? Is this why?" He asked as he gestured as his body. "or is it because someone else has what you can't have you have to try and take it out of jealousy? That's low Kim. That's Bonnie low"

The last remark hurt Kim but what it did more was anger her. Before she knew it she felt a sting in her hand. She looked in anger and horror at the same time when she realized she just slapped Ron. He stared down at her. Breathing in heavily and releasing his breath as he calmed himself. "The truth hurts Kim, believe me I know" he said as he started walking past her and stopped when he was next to her "I think we need time apart" then started walking down the street again.

Kim bent over and quickly snatched her shirt and threw it on before running after Ron who stopped under a lamppost when he heard her running after him. "I thought you said you loved me Ron!" She yelled at him "What happened to that? Now you're going to turn you back on this all for some bimbo with big blue eyes?"

Ron didn't bother to turn around as he looked up into the night sky. "I did once Kim" he softly said before he continued walking down the street away from her. Kim stood there under the street lamp in anger. As she stood there a familiar knot started to take over her stomach, it pushed away the anger and brought heart ache. She stood there as a tear rolled down her cheek. His last words repeating over and over again in her head as she watched him disappear into the night. For a second time she caused him to leave her in tears.

Monkey Fist eyes shot open as he woke up. He looked around and found that he was in a cell. Rubbing his temples, he started to remember what had happened. When the memories came back anger rose. He growled as he remembered how Ron made him look like a fool, how he just toyed with him in their 'fight'. "No" he said in a low voice that grew louder "No no no no no nonononononono!" He continued to yell as he jumped around the cell flipping everything in sight over.

"HEY! KEEP IT DOWN OVER THERE!" he heard a familiar voice yell out. He stopped in his tantrum when he realized who it was "Drakken?" he asked "Yes?" came back the voice "Who am I speaking to?". "It's me you blue fool" Monkey Fist growled "Killigan?". "Monkey Fist" he snapped back.

"Monkey Fist? Ah the guy with the weird feet". Monkey Fist just sighed "Yes the guy with the weird feet." He found no point in explaining his hands and feet for the thousandth time "How'd you get here?"

"Kim Possilbes buffoon sidekick" Drakken growled as he remembered his recent defeat. "HEY KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE!" a guard said from down the hall. Monkey Fist sat down on the floor 'taken down by Stoppable'. He sat in silence as he thought to himself. In silence he plotted his next move but he was going to need help from others.


So I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading these along with Faving and Following. It really means a lot.

Yes, I know that flying from Middleton (which most people say is in Colorado) to England is roughly 14-16 hours but for the sake of the story and for not wanting to be to technical it's going to be only a few hours.

That scene with Kim and Ron? Yeah I've been planning that since chapter 1. Though it did turn out differently than planned. Also sorry about no longer updating daily. I don't remember if I said anything last time but I'm trying to spend more time planning and typing so that I can get more out of this. Also I'll be going on a mini vacation soon so I'll try and have Chapter 8 and maybe 9 up before I leave. If I don't you can bet I'll be writing on a pad while on the plane.

So what's going to happen when everyone at school finds out what happened? Is Team Possible done? And what in the hell is Monte planning?

By the way the hardest part I have with this is finding a title. Just saying.

Until next time
