Chapter 1: Devils in Daten City

All characters and concepts in this story are the property of their respected artists. First story on this site so let's see where this goes! Leave some feedback to help the writing process.

Our world is spilt in two. On one side we have the world of humans Assiah and on the other side, we have the world of demons also known as Gehenna. These two worlds once lived in harmony with one another, however, after taking over all materials in our world the demons are now invading.

This is where Exorcists come into play. Our job is to protect the balance between our parallel worlds. However, not only demons are evil in fact…Some have even helped humanity.

This is the story of a strange boy named Rin Okumura. He lives on both sides of this world. He was raised as a human child but has the blood of the ruler of Gehenna, Satan, running through his veins.

12 years ago…

A man walked down the streets of a city filled to the brim with evil. Daten city…A place located between heaven and hell. The man placed a cigarette on his lips and took a long drag before unleashing a large puff of smoke.

"This city never stops being entertaining does it?"

As he said this he pushed up his glasses which shined in the sunlight. However, behind him was something that could only be described as a monster.

"Evil is in their hearts. Oh lord give unto them according to their works and the wickedness of their inventions. According to the work of their hands render unto them their reward. Thou shalt destroy them and shalt not build them up. You have heard my suffocation. The Lord is my helper, and my protector. Thou shalt perish!" He shouted while reaching into his coat and pulling out a shotgun.

The monster let out a shrill roar as it charged the man. But it was stopped as the man shoved the gun into its mouth and pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang as the demons body was destroyed and turned to dust. The man smiled as he finished his smoke and stomped out the bud.

"It's been a long time Garterbelt! How's the single life treating you?"

From the shadows, a large man walked out wearing a sermons robes while holding a thick bible under his arm. The man was around 7 foot tall, mostly due to his comically oversized afro, and was built like a tank.

"Better than you living like a damn slave for the Knights of The True Cross. By the way, I've heard some weird rumors about you recently, Shiro." The man known as Garterbelt exclaimed with a raised brow.

Shiro didn't say a word as Garterbelt walked over to him. Instead, he just reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver locket.

"I heard that you had to kill the son of Satan….Must have been rough. But the weird part is I heard that you, the cold-hearted Exorcist, asked to take charge of a small church in japan."

As Garterbelt continued his explanation Shiro just smiled as he opened the locket and inside was a photo of himself along with two children. One had messy dark blue hair with bright blue eyes while the other had dark brown hair with the same eyes as the other boy.

"But the real part that bothers me is that I've heard that you're raising two children. So tell me, Shiro…What did you really do with the son of Satan?"

"To tell you the truth…..I'm raising them." Shiro said as he threw the locket over to Garterbelt who had a shocked look on his face.

"THEM!? Shiro, please don't tell me that you kept this a secret from the Order!"

Shiro didn't answer and instead he started walking away. Garterbelt watched as Shiro stopped and turned to him with that same cocky smile he always showed to everyone he talked to. He hated that smile….Shiro was by far the strongest man he had ever seen yet he belittled himself with a smile that showed nothing but arrogance.

"Garter…..There may come a day when my choice comes back to haunt me. But still, I will never turn my back on those boys. There my sons after all…Yuri…trusted me with their lives and I won't misplace that trust."

Garterbelt never could read Shiro's expressions. He was known as the cold-hearted exorcist for a reason after all. But this time…..something was different, there was genuine concern in his eyes.

"My friend….If there ever comes a time where I can't protect them. Mephisto will look after them but…."

Garterbelt sneered as he put the silver locket in his pocket.

"Don't bother….I understand why you called me. I don't know what you or that cracka Mephisto is planning but I'll keep your secret. Just don't die!" Garterbelt shouted as he walked away.

The last thing Garter remembered seeing that day was Shiro the man they called the paladin…Bowing to him. It was probably the most humiliating thing he had seen in a long time but what made it worst was his last words.

"Thank you, my friend…Let god guide you on your long journey."

12 Years Later…

Garterbelt woke up with a headache. It wasn't like a headache you would have after a hangover or from whiplash, but more like a dull faint pounding sensation in the back of his skull.

It had been years since he had thought of the old Exorcist. He sighed as he slowly put on his robes, however, he stopped when he saw the silver locket. He walked over to the old trinket and opened it showing the aged photo of Shiro and his sons.

"It's been 12 long years since he asked me to look after those brats. And now…..You're gone, my friend." Garterbelt exclaimed with a sigh as he opened the door to his secret chambers located underneath the altar in the church.

He groaned as he realized that….'THEY' weren't up yet. He reached for the trap door lever but stopped when he noticed another sacred parchment puked up by the…..rat? Dog? Ugly looking weasel monster called Chuck.

Garter unraveled the parchment and felt his body freeze on the spot.

"Well, old friend looks like I ain't gotta choice but to help you out. Old son of a bitch!" Garterbelt shouted with a smile as the stared at the paper.

On the paper was a single word written in blue ink. A word that more than summarized the job at hand.