A/N: Being my usual, forgetful self I forgot to add a disclaimer at the beginning of this story so here it is! I don't own anything! :) Thank you so much for all the reviews and views! I'm so happy people are enjoying this, I hope this chapter pleases you. Things will be moving faster now that introductions are out of the way. I promise I'll be updating soon! Enjoy and thank you so much for reading!

Bella was curled on her tattered green couch mindlessly staring at the tv while Edward stroked her hair. Ever since she received an out of the blue phone call from her cousin Hermione her mood had improved dramatically and Edward noticed. After the horrible months that Bella went through during Edward's absence Bella had been more withdrawn and anxious around him.

To the human eye Bella seemed normal, but the Cullen's had noticed the change in her mood. Once they all returned from Italy, Carlisle had spoken to a livid Charlie and once he calmed down he reluctantly divulged the details of what Bella was like in their absence. Needless to say the Cullen's were concerned, even Rosalie.

Bella preached every day that she was fine but everyone could see right through the façade. Edward was desperate to find something to help improve her sprits and help her heal. He had originally suggested a week on their private island Esme but was quickly shot down when he knew that Charlie still harbored thoughts of shooting him for taking his daughter away for three days.

Last night it seemed like Edward's prayers were answered when a squealing Bella had received a phone call from her cousin Hermione. Ever since then Bella has talked nonstop about her British cousin and it seemed like the light had returned to her eyes. Hermione had piqued the interest of the entire family and truth be told they were all looking forward to meeting the mysterious girl.

From the description Bella gave them he gathered that Hermione was a studious girl with brown, frizzy hair and large front teeth. Obviously this physical description was a little outdated but Bella imagined that her cousin hadn't changed much. From somewhere in the house Bella's phone rang out and she instantly shot up to go answer it.

Edward stayed in his position on the couch to give Bella some privacy but of course he could hear what she said. Bella's eager voice was somewhat muffled by the walls but Edward could still make out her greeting.

Going against his instincts, he decided to focus on the football game that was on the television to give Bella privacy. Not a minute later he heard her footsteps descending the stairs and approaching the living room. Her face looked disappointed as she slumped back into the spot she had previously vacated.

Edward's face was full of concern as he asked her what the matter was. Bella nervously glanced between him and the tv before finally answering. "Oh, it was nothing. I just thought Hermione would be calling but it wasn't her."

Edward held his breath unnecessarily as he raised an expectant eyebrow waiting for the next part of her answer. Bella looked at Edward with hesitation in her eyes as she said the last name Edward wanted to hear. "It was Jake. He asked if I wanted to come over later, apparently they are having another bonfire. I told him no of course. I'd much rather hang out with you." Bella blurted the last part out before Edward had time to interject.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves since the thought of that mutt made his blood boil. However before Edward could answer Bella's ringtone was sounding again from her bedroom. They shared a confused but knowing look and Bella reluctantly headed up to her room fully prepared to tell Jacob off for calling her again.

Once Bella was out of the room Edward rushed out the door muttering something about how dogs couldn't take a hint. He paced around the yard a few times and was kicking some rocks into the distance when Bella came barreling out of the house with a spring in her step and her phone clutched to her ear.

He rushed to her side as she opened the door to her truck with a smile plastered on her face. Edward slid into the passenger seat a little reluctantly since he always felt nervous when Bella would drive. Of course it had nothing to do with the fear of losing his life, it was the fear of her crashing and hurting herself. However he didn't say anything, he just stared at Bella with an amused grin and questioning eyes, waiting for an explanation.

He got his explanation when he heard hysterical laughing emanating from the phone followed by a strong British accent. "Bella calm down! Just breathe okay?" The unmistakable accent belonged to the girl he had been waiting to meet.

Bella's eyes lit up and she laughed, it was a wonderful sound that he had not heard in a while. "I can't Mya! Wow, I need to tell Charlie he will be so happy to see you!" Bella exclaimed. This made Edward's brows furrow in confusion, does this mean that Hermione is already here? Edward got lost in his thoughts and the next thing he heard was Bella narrowly avoiding telling Hermione that she had a fiancé.

As Bella hung up the phone her heart was heavy and she suddenly felt more anxious about seeing her cousin. Her heart started to race as she thought through all the possible explanations she could give to Hermione. "Bella? Are you okay?" Edward's voice reached her even through the mess of her thoughts.

Before she could answer a blaring horn sounded next to her. She snapped out of her daze and realized she had ran a red light and narrowly avoided clipping the side of a van. "Bella! What are you doing?" Edward yelled out as he grabbed the wheel and navigated her truck to the side of the road.

Bella stopped the car and took her shaky hands off the wheel. In a flash she was sitting in the passenger seat and Edward and pulling the truck back onto the road. "Bella talk to me, what's the matter?"

Bella just stared out the window with vacant eyes. "I don't know Edward. I told her you were with me and I told her you were my boyfriend. I know how she feels about marriage and I don't want her to give us a big lecture about how young we are. I just don't know what to say to her." She slumped into her seat with a defeated sigh.

"It'll be okay love, we will figure it out. Just focus on the fact that you're going to see her again, the rest will work out." Edward told her with a small smile. "Hey, which way am I going anyways?"

Bella laughed. "Take a right up here, she's staying in her family's old house. It's actually close to your house."

Edward looked at her surprised, "Wait is she in the old Victorian house in the woods?" Bella nodded in agreement. "Yeah that's the one. Nobody has been there in eight years, I really miss that place." As Edward turned onto the familiar country road he could hear heartbeat quicken and her breathing turn shallow. "Just relax love, you're home again."

The rumble of a red truck coming up her driveway made Hermione's heart quicken as soon as she heard it. She jumped off the side of her couch and pressed her hands against the large living room window and peered out. Her eyes shot to the windshield where she saw the outline of two figures. The afternoon sun reflected off the glass obstructing her view of them.

Hermione could barely contain her joy as she saw the passenger door open and her cousin step out. Bella looked the same yet completely different. She grew taller but she was still her thin self that Hermione remembered. She had dark brown hair that shimmered with red in the sunlight and the straight locks fell right below her shoulders. Her facial features were more angular, overall she looked much more mature than she had eight years ago.

Her skin was still the pale tint she remembered, but it was nothing compared to the person now at her side. The man standing next to her cousin resembled a sculpted god with icy skin and bronze hair. Everything about him screamed danger but Hermione was instantly intrigued by the man in her lawn. He glided across her lawn with ease and grace unlike Bella who stumbled like her usual self.

Hermione's attention snapped back to her cousin when the pair stepped onto her porch and approached her front door. She squealed and ran to the door, flinging it open and wrapping her arms around her cousin. Bella barely had time to react before she was engulfed in a forceful hug with her face full of honey hair. "Bella!" Hermione squealed.

"Hermione!" Bella exclaimed into her petite cousin's shoulder. She reluctantly let go of her British cousin so she could have a proper look at her. Bella couldn't believe her eyes when she looked at the woman before her. Gone was the busy-haired bookworm with the beaver teeth and in her place was a slender woman with honey brown hair that flowed in waves down to her waist.

Her face was thin and she was probably the tannest person in Forks currently, Bella was so close to her that she saw the small smattering of freckles that sprinkled her nose and cheeks. Hermione's amber eyes shown brightly as she stared at Bella.

"Wow! Hermione I can't believe it's actually you! Holy crap you got gorgeous!" Bella exclaimed. Hermione laughed and squeezed Bella tight again. "Bella love you are beautiful! I missed you so much!" Edward watched the reunion with awestruck eyes when he saw Hermione. The girl resembled Bella in many ways but at the same time she was completely different. She seemed to exude a confidence that he had never seen in Bella, her eyes were enchanting but they looked so familiar.

Edward knew they weren't like Bella's eyes, but he could've sworn he had seen them before. After their second embrace the attention turned to him. Hermione straightened and stared into his golden eyes before speaking with a smooth, assured voice. "You must be Isabella's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, I'm Hermione."

Edward extended his hand and smiled at the British girl. "That would be me, nice to meet you as well. I'm Edward." Hermione took his hand with confidence but faltered when she realized how hard and cool his skin was. Her eyes flared dangerously and darted between Bella and him, it seemed like she was debating on whether to run or not. Her easygoing demeanor toward him shifted and she stiffened while looking at him with guarded eyes.

Hermione turned to Bella and forced a smile. "Well please come in, we have a lot of catching up to do!" Bella walked through the door of the familiar home and gasped as she became submerged in her childhood memories. Before Edward could step into the Victorian home, Hermione blocked the doorway with her petite but commanding presence. Her eyes seemed livid yet eerily calm at the same time as she stared at him.

Hermione glanced behind her to make sure Bella was far enough away before speaking to the handsome man in front of her. She'd be lying if she said she didn't find Edward attractive but she had to remind herself that was their nature. As soon as she took Edward's hand her suspicions were confirmed, Edward was a vampire.

She knew he seemed familiar but once she heard his name she knew him immediately. His coven was in a textbook she had found in the restricted section of the library in Hogwarts. She came across it one night when writing an essay on how magical law pertains to magical beings that were not witches and wizards.

Her essay had earned high marks for her detailed portion on how vampire covens have to live by the laws set by the ministry and the Volturi. She knew all about them, but she wasn't quite sure they knew about her. Edward raised a curious eyebrow at the witch blocking the doorway.

"Edward," She spoke in a carefully controlled voice. "I think you would find it best to keep your distance from me." Edward was shocked at this, his eyes widened slightly and he cocked his head to the side. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean Hermione. Is something wrong?" He politely asked her.

She let out a humorless laugh and turned around, walking into her house. "Oh but I think you do know what I mean…Cullen."