Six. That was the number of times the phone rang before a female voice sounded through the speaker. "Hello?" This was a faintly familiar voice to Hermione. It sounded more mature than the prepubescent voice she remembered. Then again, Hermione hadn't
heard this voice in eight years.

"Bells? Is that you?" Hermione knew the answer of course, but she still wanted conformation. The line went deadly silent but she could almost hear the gears turning in her cousin's head as she realized that this was Hermione calling.

There was a small gasp, followed by a large sigh of relief. "Mya? Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! It's you! It's really you calling right?" Bella's voice was tinny coming through the phone, but it was music to Hermione's ears. She laughed and ran a hand
through her tumbling chestnut hair.

"Of course it's me bells! How many other British women do you have calling you?" A smile grew upon Hermione's face and for once it wasn't forced.

Bella giggled shyly and replied. "Well up until today none! Don't get me wrong it's so wonderful to hear from you Mione but what's going on? We haven't spoken in eight years give or take, is everything alright?"

Hermione sighed, she knew that not even Hogwarts was a good enough excuse to explain her absence in Bella's life. The two girls had practically grown up together despite the continental difference between them. Then Hermione turned eleven and was whisked
away to Hogwarts, leaving her closest friend behind. Hermione had always harbored guilt over leaving Bella in the dark about what she truly was. She took a deep breath and with certainty and Gryffindor courage she replied.

"Everything will be alright Bella. I'm coming home."

~Thanks for reading loves~