
"Wait, we're being separated?" Morgan asked.

"Yes you are. You are not to work together for this simulation." Sapphira answered walking into a room. The room was huge! It had 15 glass doors around it, six were outlined in red while the rest was outlined in green.

"What the...?" Reid started looking at all the technology behind one of those glass doors.

"Welcome to the High Stress Simulation."

"So what exactly is this thing? What does it do?" Morgan asked looking int the glass.

"If I told you, then it wouldn't cause as much stress." Sapphira stated wandering to the entrance of room. There was a keypad there where she quickly typed in a series of numbers. 8 glass doors that were outlined in green slid opened into a dark room. "Each person gets a different room."

"Do we have to?" Garcia asked looking around but still heading toward an open door but stopped when the others didn't move.

"Either you go in yourself or I help and push you in... Your choice." Sapphira stated.

"There's no way you're separating us." Morgan growled not moving from the center.

"We are a team." Hotch stated.

"And I don't care..." Sapphira signed. "You guys tested my patience's to the extreme..." She muttered under her breath before stating louder, "Get in the rooms before I make you."

"How wou-" Rossi was cut off when a metal tentacle grabbed him that came from a random open door. Soon all the others were grabbed too and were held near the door.

"Don't think you're the only ones that refused at first. Congrats on making it harder. Bye-bye!" Sapphira pressed one more button on the code and the team were dragged into their own dark room of mystery.

Morgan's POV

The clawed machine threw him into the pitch black room. Morgan couldn't see anything so he lightly felt along the floor to get up. Suddenly everything turned white, blinding his eyes and throwing him off balance.

*twinkle, twinkle little star...* the nursery rhyme started to play eerily and slowly.

Slowly Morgan was able to see where he was. He was in a pure white room with three doors. The first door on the left had smoke rising from underneath it with the bright bronze door knob. The middle door had a two chopped into it multiple times. The marks resembled the work of someone using a machete. The final door on the right had splashes of blood on it, and most of it was dripping blood on the ground below it.


A voice called out.



"What is it co-"


Morgan braced himself and quickly moved near the middle of the room. Soon enough, a hatch opened in the wall and a giant tiger walked out before resting it's eyes on Morgan.

In one blink, the tiger charged. Morgan quickly started to move and swerved before landing in from of door three. He quickly opened and then slammed the door shut. He felt the door jolt as the tiger jumped against it. He waited another few seconds before coming to the conclusion the tiger is gone.

When Morgan started to look around, he realized he entered a room that was drenched in blood. It looked like a regular living room if the blood disappeared. To his right laid a previously white couch which sat in from of a smashed flat screen TV. Between the two laid a coffee table with a note. Morgan inched slowly toward the letter and turned it over.

Don't turn around

He froze before ignoring the letter and slowly turned around.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TURN AROUND!" a loud voice rang out behind him from the couch.

Morgan quickly turned back and ducked.

The creature before him looked like a phantom. It wore a patched dress that hung loosely on it's body. It jerked slowly toward him with it's eyes staring straight into his.

"You'll never get out." It's voice echoed as it's eyes started to glow red.

"What the." Morgan muttered under his breath. Morgan's eyes widen as he jumped backwards. In his spot where his head was, were scorch marks like something was burnt. Morgan slowly put his hand back to get off the floor before turning towards it. He's hand was covered in a slimy wetness he has felt times before. Blood.

When Morgan looked up again the mechanical ghost thing was gone. Instead a puppet close to his face was there.

"Hi! I'm Toby." The puppet was built to look like a 5 year old holding a teddy bear.

"Hi Toby."

"Momma says she doesn't like you. So you have to go away."

"Alrighty, can you show me the exit?"

"Sure!" Toby stated reaching out his hand. As soon as Morgan placed his left hand in the puppet's hand he knew he made a mistake.

"There isn't an exit though. So you just have to die." Toby stated more darkly than before. The puppet's hand started to squeeze tighter and tighter to Morgan's hand, cutting off circulation. Morgan reached over to the table and with all his might smashed the puppet in the head over and over again. The puppet's grip continued to grow tighter until one successful smash hit the puppet in to its head making it shut off.

His left hand was crushed painfully. He wouldn't be able to use it.

"My child!" A voice rang out around Morgan. He quickly got up prepared for a fight. "What did you do to my child!"

Her hands turned into pointed skewers. Morgan quickly rolled to the right as the machine lunged where he was. He had to jump out of the way again when furniture started moving to block his way. Moving and dodging until the furniture and the machine backed him into a corner. Slowly the creature backed up spikes poking out all over it's body. It jerks to a stop at the end of the set up furniture that seemed to grown, towering from the grown to the ceiling. In a snap it started to bolt at Morgan.

"STOP!" The words exploded out of Morgan's chest before he knew what happened. The creature machine had stopped 2 feet in front of him with it's longest skewer three inches from his chest. He pushed one of the pieces of furniture, the bloody coach, and it seemed to let itself be pushed. The coach stayed in the air after being pushed off the table it was currently on. "What the?"

Derek looked around after pushing the furniture out of his way. He found a door in the back of the room on the right wall before heading in through there.

"Start" another voice said. He looked to his right and saw Sapphira who was smiling. He heard a screech and a thundering crash from the room he had just exited. "Congrats on finding your ability." Sapphira stated. "Now all you have to do is get out of this last room."

"Wait I thought all we had to do was find our ability."

"Once you find it, the next room you appear in, is a room that helps you understand it more. Nothing too stressful." She replied with a smirk before vanishing.

"Okay then." Morgan muttered scanning the room. It was empty square room with a clock. Looking behind him in case of the creature, he realizes the door had disappeared. Morgan slowly walks toward the middle of the room before a few panels fall from the ceiling and rise from the ground. Flashes of memories from his childhood all the way up to now. The seconds that tic by are incredibly loud. tic. tic. tic. Morgan seems to almost relive each memory that appears in front of him. Him with his whole family. Him with his father. His father's death. Buford. Cases fly by in his then he's reliving what happened just a few moments ago with the creature and Toby.

He comes to and realizes the room is blank again except for a door at the other side. As he walks the door doesn't move closer, so Morgan starts to run. The door doesn't get closer. "Stop" He commands automatically after realizing he was getting nowhere. He soon reached the door. Morgan started to walk out, before he paused. "Start" He continued onward.

A/N Super sorry I was gone for so long! I've haven't really been interested in this story as it was just a small concept for me. Well I hope you enjoyed it anyway! :)