The stretch limo pulls up to the front of the church carrying the bride. The second and third town cars pull up right behind the stretch. Out comes the wedding party. Six bride's maids all in matching blushing rose strapless dresses. They walk over to the bride to be and watch as she gets out of the limo. She is sheer beauty; no other words can describe her.

Getting everything ready to complete her big day they all proceed into the church. Setting up for last minute hair and makeup, the bride loves her look. It's now when everyone left the room when her nerves start to go into overdrive. Her father told her that when she had down time her mind would doubt the decision to actually get married. This is where she was. In less than a half hour and she would be married.

The groom has been here long before his bride arrived. He was precise. His tuxedo was pressed, shoes shined, cummerbund was straight, hair perfectly groomed. Today was the day he married the love of his life. Sensing the need to find her he tries to leave the small prep room that they are both in. He is stopped by his best man before he can even get up out of his seat.

The groom is handed his morning coat and top hat. After slipping into the coat, he steps into the full length mirror and checks his appearance one last time. Seeing that his cravat is a little loose he adjusts it tightly to his throat. He makes sure the rings are in his vest pocket and he leaves the prep room to stand with his best man at the altar.

The bride checks her make-up once again. Her maid of honor hands her the multi flower bouquet. Then she guides her out of the prep room and stops right inside the closed double doors that lead to the altar. She is now having thoughts that she should not be having at this stage of the game. He is a good man. He will make her happy, provide for her, and give her children. No she is only having cold feet.

She can hear the guests' quiet in preparation for the music that will start soon. Then it starts, Mendelssohn's Wedding March is what triggers her into movement. The doors open and then she glides through them. Slowly walking up the aisle, she catches sight of him. His name is soft on her lips as she whispers it Will. The walk continues and as she gets closer he smiles at her.

The music starts, the front doors open and these events startle him. The pipe organ that plays the wedding march is loud to say the least. He turns to find her. He watches as she walks to be by his side. Absentmindedly he rechecks his pocket for the rings. He will slip his to her when she arrives at the altar. Her maid of honor is trailing behind her keeping her train up off the floor. As she reaches the altar she hears him whisper her name Kate.

The priest holds a short mass, then starts the ceremony. When he has everyone's attention he comes to the part of the ceremony when he needs to ask if anyone objects to their marriage. In all his years as a priest, he has never heard of an objection to the wedding he is officiating.

"If any person present has reasons why these two should not be married in holy matrimony, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

It takes a brief moment for those words to sink into Kate's brain. As they do she just looks at the priest and then to Will. He sees it in her eyes immediately. As he tries to grab her arm to stop her from running, he's just a split second too late. She had already gathered up the bottom of her dress and is running the same way she came in only twenty minutes ago. Stopping and searching the street she sees a white BWM X5 driving up the avenue at an excessive amount of speed….


Rick Castle is a best-selling novelist, but he was feeling anything other than his best right now. He started to write earlier this morning. Easily slipping into the zone, he completely forgot to set his phone's alarm to remind himself that he needed to pick up his daughter from school later in the afternoon. This is why he is driving down fifth avenue like a man gone wild. He slams on his brakes as a hotdog vendor decided to cross prematurely on the yellow light at 5th and 63rd street. Narrowly missing him and the cart he is pushing. He waits for the light to change back too green. He impulsively keeps stepping on the gas pedal revving the engine, maybe he thinks this will please the green light gods and get him rolling again.

The light changes and he leaves a strip of rubber that goes on for about 150 feet. Finally getting traction to the rear wheels the speedometer hits almost 60 mph. As his eyes scan the street, his peripheral vision catches a splash of white moving towards the street mid-block away. As he gets closer he sees that it's a woman in her wedding dress running away from the church? he starts to maneuver to the right hand side of the street and as he reaches the corner he slows down almost reaching her, yeah he really wants to hear her story.

Kate sees the BMW slowdown and almost come to a rolling stop right in front of her. She is haphazardly trying to grab for the door handle, but the car is still rolling. She finally gets her hand on it and to her surprise the driver is still rolling. Pulling the door open she is met with the kindest and most understanding cerulean blue eyes she has ever seen. Pulling her train and what remains of her dress into the car, she only says four words to the driver as she slams the door closed.

"Step on the gas!"

Rick happily accommodates the request.

Not wanting to get too personal with her situation he has just two questions for her as they race down the avenue. He does not want to come off looking like someone who invades someone's privacy but he thinks that these questions will be okay. SO he goes with the easiest one first.

"Where to Miss?"

She jerks her head to face him. By the look on her face he thinks that she has forgotten that she just jumped into his car running from a church no less.

"Please, just drive."

"It would be nice if I knew your name, instead of calling you whatever strikes my fancy."

"Kate, my name is Kate….

Prompt from Castle Fanfic Prompts. This prompt was there one minute and then gone the next so I can't give credit to the person who posted this. I hope they like the result!