Chapter 1

Takao Kazunari owner of the Hawk Eye was sitting on a bench drinking water and watching his teammates practice. He stopped drinking his water and stared intently at the hoop, seemingly looking for something.

Takao Kazunari's P.O.V.

I sense something, a familiar yet foreign feeling. I… think, it's… an akuma, but what is this lingering scent? It smells like Shin-chan, but that isn't possible unless Shin-chan's soul got eaten but he's right in front of me. What is this unsettling feeling?

The basketball hoop seems to be the cause. I'll have to wait till it app-

"1 hoop, 2 hoops, can you still shoot? 1 miss, 2 miss, you'll never get the hang of this~" came an eerie voice.

Alright, let's go!

3rd Person's P.O.V

Takao got up from his seat with a bright smile plastered across his face.

"Inter-dimension." Takao whispered.

The world seemed to slow to a stop and then everything disappeared all around was black and there in the middle stood a teen with midnight black hair and white at tips. The rest of his body was concealed by a long tailed jacket with green embroideries that reached the ground.

"Child, won't you help me? A guy came up to me and said, 'I will help you if you capture a person named Arashi Chūjitsuna." Came a high pitch voice. "Arashi Chūjitsuna? Tell that guy, I said 'It's nice to meet you but, I'm afraid Tsuna-san won't be easy to catch'." the mystery guy said.

"You don't seem to be of much help, I'll get rid of you, unwanted trash!" the voice hissed, quite annoyingly.

"Activation: Emerald." The clothed figure said as they pulled out twin black guns with glowing emerald green spirals.

"Tell that man that you've failed your mission and were defeated by the very boy you were here to catch." The male figure said.

A terribly high pitched, ear and glass shattering shriek resounded through the nothingness and a deformed (blob?... wait, no is that slime? No, no it isn't. ) thing came running at full speed towards Tsuna-san. Before it even got two steps from where it was two emerald green streaks shot through the air and hit it forming humongous holes as the thing dropped down motionless and disintegrating.

"Heh?! That wasn't even worth one shot! I could've just beaten it with hand to hand combat!" a very familiar voice shouted.

"Well, time to get back. Outer-dimension." As those last words were said the darkness and the person started to disintegrate, but before the person disintegrated, some light shone on his face and there stood in all his lovable glory was Takao Kazunari smiling, showing off his teeth.

~Outer Dimension~

Takao Kazunari's P.O.V.

I'm back at school, although it probably looked like I never left. Everything's back to normal, but I might have to transfer to a different school. Someone's looking for me; this can't be the least bit good. Why do they want to capture me? Do I know them? Someone who can control akumas? Akumas are the bad energy of the soul that takes a form and starts to attack people and things…. Wait… this is what he wanted; he wanted me to purify it. He was probably close, he probably there, that other scent, that familiar yet odd scent….smelled like Shin-chan!

B-but! Sh-Shin-chan's scent? Wh- Why wou-

"Takao! Answer me when I call you!" Shin-chan shouted, effectively breaking my train of thought.

"Oh, uh, sorry, Shin-chan. I just have a lot of things on my mind." I apologized a little dazed.

"Practice ended five minutes ago, it's time to go you idiot." Shin-chan informs me.

"Ah! Oh, shoot! Sorry, I didn't notice." I said while scratching my neck.

"Incompetent…" I heard Shin-chan mutter. Well, then, how rude, but he loves me and he knows it.

"If I was you

I'd wanna be me too

I'd wanna be me too

I'd wanna be me-"

I had slid the icon to the answer icon, don't judge the ring tone, that song is awesome.

"Hello?" I asked in a top notch Italian accent.

"Takao? Yes, it's me, Yukio." The voice from the other line said.

"Oh! Yu-chan, what's up?" I asked with my normal voice.

"If you're with the green head, run. Right now." He replied with such an urgent voice that I kicked off and run at full speed like my life depended on it.

"Takao! What the hell? Get back here!" I heard Shin-chan shout and rapid footsteps pursued me.



"Why do I have to run from Shin-chan?"

"I'll explain it later, for now, focus on getting to my house, the whole gang is coming here."

"Will do." I replied and hung up and made a left.

"Takao!" I heard Shin-chan shout as I saw the gate to Yu-chan's house. I hopped over the gate and unlocked the door, everyone from our gang has a key to each other's house, well more like a key that can unlock any lock courtesy of our Furihata Kouki, we all are childhood friends.

I quickly closed the door behind me and locked it. When I turned around around the whole gang was here.

"Let's go down," Yu-chan said, while we all nodded and went into an elevator that was hidden behind Yu-chan's closet. Don't ask me why it was there, I just know where it goes too.

"Sucker for pain

I torture you-"

"Woah, woah, woah, whose phone was that?" I asked and looked at everyone, everyone being Kou-chan, Tet-chan, Yu-chan, Tat-chan, Chi-chan and Ryo-chan.

When I looked at Yu-chan he blushed a little and looked away.

"Kise was, ehhem, calling." He muttered. It was his phone.

"You listen to Sucker for Pain?" I asked him.

"Uh, n-no, it might've come over the radio once or twice." He replied.

"Lies, we all know that you have to truly love a song for it to become your ring tone." I replied exaggeratedly, while the others except Yu-chan nodded in agreement. Yu-chan just blushed and looked away.

"Busted Yukio, but nice song choice." Chi-chan said while some of the others including me nodded in agreement.

"Just drop it already." Yu-chan hissed when we reached our destination. We all got out and walked into the room that was a collision of different colours that collided and complimented each other, once again courtesy of Furihata Kouki and Sakurai Ryo. The room looked like a living room with three televisions, one of them humongously big, with four laptops on various tables. So this is where I left my laptop. There was a long table with a spot for everyone. We all took a seat with Yu-chan at the top and Kou-chan at the bottom, while everyone fell into the other chairs, I was closest to Yu-chan.

"Okay guys, we've got caught up in a very dire situation." Yu-chan started.

First chapter out, wew, story before I go back into school. Just in case you didn't pick up:

Kou-chan= Kouki

Tet-chan= Tetsuya

Yu-chan= Yukio

Tat-chan= Tatsuya

Chi-chan= Chihiro

Ryo-chan= … well… Ryo Sakurai

Anyways please comment on anything related to the story. :D