The Aftermath ch2

The response I got to this story was just amazing, thank you so much to everyone who favorited, followed, and reviewed! The reason this chapter took so long is because I was trying to figure out where I would take this story, and then I had to figure out how to get that going and now it's been almost four months and I'm sorry. I hope you like the chapter.

Have a giant piece of fluff.

Alex slowly started to calm down from her nightmare.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Ryan softly.

"Not right now, can you just stay with me?" asked Alex.

"Yeah of course, try and go back to sleep, you need your rest" said Ryan.

"No more than you do" argued Alex.

"So we'll both sleep, how's that?" asked Ryan, grinning.

"Deal" answered Alex softly, already drifting off to sleep, Ryan not far behind her.

The following morning, Alex woke first. She quietly slid out from underneath the covers and walked into Ryan's kitchen. After getting a pot of coffee going, Alex looked around his kitchen, looking for anything edible.

The fridge was the obvious choice, but all that was in there was milk and leftover Chinese takeout that had clearly been there a while based on the smell.

"Yeah with all that's going on I haven't really had time to go grocery shopping, sorry." said Ryan as he leaned against the entranceway to the kitchen.

"It's ok. I can't really judge I mean I haven't had a home-cooked meal since I was home with my mom before I got Quantico" said Alex.

"I can cook us breakfast, just give me an hour to get the ingredients" said Ryan, grabbing his coat and heading for the door.

"Uh…Ryan?" asked Alex.


"Two things: Number one, you know you don't have to cook for me, right? And two, you do realize that you're still wearing pajamas, don't you?" said Alex.

Ryan looked down at his clothes and nodded.

"In answer, I want to cook for you and thanks for the reminder" said Ryan, walking back towards his bedroom.

"But…" protested Alex, before she could finish Ryan walked in front of her and placed his hand gently over her mouth.

"No 'buts', Alex. You spent so long taking care of others and forgetting to take care of yourself. Let me return the favor, if only this just this once." Ryan said softly before removing his hand from her mouth and was about to continue his way to his room when she held onto his arm to stop him. Ryan looked at Alex, confusion etched all over his face until she stood on her tippy-toes, put a hand on his cheek and kissed. Ryan immediately wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to brush her hair back behind her ear. This kiss was short and sweet, but held so much emotion and both were smiling when they broke apart.

"At least let me come with you to the store" said Alex.

"Ok" answered Ryan.

They were out the door twenty minutes later, Ryan clad in jeans and a t-shirt and Alex wearing Ryan's sweatpants and an old t-shirt of his. Ryan drove to the closest grocery store and he and Alex held hands as they walked along the aisles.

"So are you going to tell me what you're planning on cooking?" asked Alex.

"I was thinking pancakes, my Nana's recipe. That sound good to you?"

"Sounds great"

"Great so we need flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, eggs, butter, and vanilla." said Ryan.

"And syrup" said Alex.


"Ok let's split up, I'll get the dry ingredients and you get the other ones. Meet at the first checkout line when we're done?" asked Alex.

"I thought the point of you coming with me was so that we could shop together?" asked Ryan.

"Yes but this way we will get done in half the time and I'm starving. You should be too neither of us ate last night." Said Alex.

"Fair point, let's do it your way" conceded Ryan.

Alex finished first, as all the stuff on her list was all in one aisle. She pulled out her phone to see if anything had happened to the world since she last checked.

"Anything interesting on there?"

Alex looked up to find a man she didn't know looking at her.

"Not really, everything seems to have quieted down." Answered Alex before going back to stare at her phone.

"Come on, something on there has to be interesting if it's drawing you away from me."

"Do you want something?" asked Alex.

"Is a stimulating conversation too much to ask?" asked the man.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to find that somewhere else, I'm not in the mood to humor you." said Alex.

"Are you sure?" asked the man.

"Yeah, she's sure" said Ryan, coming up behind the man. The man turned around and looked up, as Ryan was quite a few inches taller.

"Ah…bye" said the man.

"I was handing it" said Alex with a glare.

"Yeah, but that was fun" said Ryan, smirking back at her.

Back at Ryan's, Alex and Ryan set the groceries on the table.

"Ok, where are your bowls?" asked Alex.

"Nope, I'm cooking, you're relaxing" said Ryan, taking her hand and leading her to his couch.

"I want to help" protested Alex.

"No, thank you. Let me cook for you, please" asked Ryan.

"You know you're lucky you're really good at the puppy dog eyes" said Alex.

Ryan smiled and kissed her.

"Sit, watch TV, I'll bring the pancakes out when their done" he said before disappearing back into the kitchen.

As Ryan moved around in the kitchen, he heard the TV turn on, but he tuned it out as he made the batter and turned on the stove. In no time at all, he had a stack of pancakes he split into two plates. Ran grabbed silverware, the plates and the syrup and brought them to Alex.

"Mm the pancakes smell amazing" said Alex.

"Wait till you try them before you pass judgement, you might change your mind" said Ryan, smiling and handing Alex her plate and the syrup. Alex poured a generous amount of syrup onto her pancakes before handing the bottle to Ryan who set it down on the table.

"What, you're not using syrup?" asked Alex.

"Don't need i0,t" answered Ryan

"You're weird," returned Alex.

"I love you," said Ryan.

"I know," said Alex.

The two ate in comfortable silence for a while, the dopiest smile on their faces. When Alex was done with her plate, she set it on the table before using her finger to eat some of the leftover syrup, sucking it off with her finger. Ryan watched her and suddenly his expression changed.

"Oh sorry does that gross you out?" asked Alex, noticing the change but failing to notice the syrup left on the corner of her mouth.

"No, not at all it's just… I think I need to reevaluate my opinion on syrup" said Ryan, setting his own plate down next to Alex's and moving closer to her. He reached for her desperately and brought his mouth to hers, kissing her hungrily. When he ran out of breath he broke away and placed kisses along her jawline and down her neck

"Are you sure about this? I can stop" said Ryan, looking Alex in the eyes.

"I don't want you to stop" answered Alex.

Ryan smiled and kissed Alex again. They shifted until Alex was lying back on the couch with Ryan hovering above her.

"Hey Ryan?"


"I love you too." Said Alex, smiling up at him. Ran smiled and dipped his head down, capturing her mouth in his.

Again, sorry this took so long. We'll get back to the FBI portion of this story next time. Thanks for reading!

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