It was Liam? Ryan couldn't believe it, the man he had worked with for so long was a traitor, a terrorist. As he was sitting on the floor in the dorm room, tied up next to Miranda, Ryan relived the last few weeks in his head. Liam had asked him to tail Alex before Ryan even met her, and then Alex was framed for the bomb in New York. God Alex, how could he not have believed her? This whole time she was telling the truth and he just thought the worst of her.
"None of us knew, don't beat yourself up about it." Mumbled Miranda.
"Miranda?! Thank god you're alive, don't talk you need your oxygen." Said Ryan, but Miranda was already passed out again.
Ryan heard the sounds of banging doors below him, and he listened for the steps that would hopefully come closer.
"IN HERE! WE'RE IN HERE!" He screamed through his gag, trying his best to make himself heard, praying that whoever was in the building would find him and Miranda before Liam.
"HELP WE'RE IN HERE! WE'RE IN HERE! WE'RE IN HERE!" Ryan screamed again.
"Alex!" he heard Raina say, or was it Nimah? At that point he didn't care.
Alex and Raina rushed through the door, stowing their guns as they ran to check on Ryan and Miranda.
"She has a pulse!" said Raina.
Ryan breathed out in relief when Alex took the gag out of his mouth.
"Where is he?" she asked as she started working on the bonds on his wrists and legs.
"I don't know he left two or three minutes ago. Alex…Alex he has the bomb." Answered Ryan, taking the gag off his head. Ryan stood up with Alex and accepted the gun Raina offered him.
"She needs help. Find him." Said Raina, Ryan nodded and followed Alex out the door. Alex turned right and pushed Ryan away when he started to follow.
"We split up ok?" said Alex. Ryan exhaled and shook his head slightly, looking at Alex with desperate eyes he said
"If you do anything stupid…"
"Let's save the world and you can lecture me later."
Alex didn't say anything else, just kissed him swiftly and took off down the hallway.
Ryan listened to Liam's deranged voice over the intercom as Alex tried to talk him down. As he entered another room, Ryan failed to check it completely when Liam rushed him and stuck a gun into his neck. Liam took Ryan's gun away and forced Ryan into the hallway, where Alex was waiting.
"Take the shot Alex I'll be fine." Urged Ryan, but Alex didn't listen. Liam continued to talk to Alex, about her father, about how the FBI was corrupted, how he had no choice about the things he had done. Alex let him talk, planning her moment just right. Without any change in her facial expression, she shot Liam in the head.
"The bomb's not here." Said Alex.
"Well then where is it?"
After Simon sacrificed himself to save everyone, Ryan pulled Alex into a hug.
"I'm so sorry, for everything." He mumbled into her hair. Alex just sobbed into his shoulder.
Caleb and Shelby were the first to leave, after a while Nimah coaxed Raina away from the scene, an ambulance arrived to take Miranda to the hospital.
"Do either of you need medical attention?" asked one of the paramedics.
"Are you hurt?" Ryan asked Alex, moving away slightly and cupping her face in his hands.
"No, I'm not. Are you?" Answered Alex.
"We're good, thanks." Ryan said to the paramedic, who nodded and moved away.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Ryan asked Alex.
"I don't want to go home." Said Alex.
"Where do you want to go, or do you want to stay here for a bit more?" asked Ryan softly.
"Can we go to your place?" asked Alex.
"Yeah, of course. I need to figure what Liam did to my car but…" said Ryan.
"It's in the parking lot, I saw it when Raina and I got here." Said Alex.
"Good, are you ready to go?" asked Ryan, Alex nodded.
Later, at Ryan's apartment, Alex was sat on the couch with a mug of tea in her hands. Ryan knelt in front of her and took her face in his hands again. Alex looked into his pleading eyes.
"Whenever you are ready, we need to talk about what happened over the past few weeks." Said Ryan, he wanted so much to tell her that he still loved her, that he never stopped but he didn't want to shock her even more tonight. Ryan stood up and was about to leave her alone when he hear her voice for the first time in hours.
"I'm ready to talk." Said Alex softly, setting her still steaming tea on the table.
Ryan sat down next to her and took her hands in his.
"Are you sure?" asked Ryan.
"The first time the terrorist…the first time Liam called me was after the hearing. I said I believed Elias was acting alone because I was so tired of fighting, but I knew in my gut that something was wrong, and then I got the call. He sent me to a location, told me to tell no one. He sent me the video of Duncan killing himself. And then Natalie showed up, she also got a call which said to do what was asked or the people we cared about would get hurt. Liam wanted us to get information from the FBI's servers using your keycard and Hannah's fingerprint. We called in a bomb threat to get everyone out of the building. We got the information he wanted and sent it to him with a worm inside it, with the worm we tracked his location. But it was a trap, Natalie got killed by the explosion. That is why I showed up at your door hysterical that night." Started Alex.
"You said you wanted to be checked in somewhere, but in the next minute you were running out the door…Why? What happened?" asked Ryan.
"While you were on the phone, calling it in, I got messages from an unknown number. They were pictures of you and me at that very moment, to show that he was watching you." Said Alex.
"You ran out to protect me."
"I went to Simon next, I tracked him to a remote place in Vermont and he came back to help me. The next time I got a call, Simon put something in my phone that recorded the voice. Liam sent me a package of a pill bottle that was exactly like medication the Senator takes. He wanted me to swap out the pill bottles. I had the pills tested while Simon started trying to decode the voice. The pills were harmless, the only side effect was a raised body temperature. Hannah caught me trying to switch out the pills, so I told her the full story. She didn't believe me at first, she took the pills from me and kicked me out. But then I got another call saying that the pills had been switched, Hannah had done it for me. That night At Senator Haas' campaign event, when the blackout happened, we figured out that the Liam had technology that could see heat signature, and Senator Haas' body temperature was raised slightly above everybody else's. Before I realized what she was going to do, Hannah fired her weapon into the air and caused a panic, which was enough to save the Senator's life."
"Hannah got suspended for her actions, and I blamed you." Said Ryan.
"Finally, it was me and Simon who got to Will before you, we got him out of their but were forced to hand him over to the terrorist, who also took Simon and also had Shelby under his control. Shelby and I worked together, and we traced the voice back to a church where we found Will, dying of radiation poisoning. We got Will to a hospital and he told us that he was forced to help make a nuclear bomb. We tried to find Simon by searching for John Doe's with radiation poisoning, but we found Drew instead. Drew told me you were the voice and sent me with a usb drive that he said would uncover evidence on your computer, you found me and well, you know what happened after that. I got another call, seemingly from Drew in the garage and he told me to get into your truck with the bomb and drive. Somehow, Simon found me and he convinced me that the bomb wasn't live, and he told me that Drew was dead. You already know the rest of my story from there. What happened to you?"
"For a little bit, we had believed that Miranda was the terrorist; it was Liam who planted that idea into our heads. I went to Miranda's apartment and found a hidden camera, which told me that she was being watched too. Then I realized that Liam was missing from the office, I went to try and find Miranda and that's when Liam kidnapped me. I woke up tied next to Miranda with Liam just standing over us, smiling. He explained how he did everything, how he framed you for the first bomb and then all the rest of it. Finally he told us that he was going to blow up the building with all the new agents and us inside it, then he left the room with the bomb. I was so devastated, because I thought that I was going to die without being able to tell you that I'm sorry. Alex, I am so sorry I doubted you." Said Ryan.
"We doubted each other. And I'm glad it's over, I'm just sorry…I'm sorry it took so many lives. Elias, Duncan, Natalie, Drew…and Simon, they're all gone. I still can't believe what he did, what he had the courage to do." Alex broke down sobbing, leaning into Ryan as he held her.
Alex fell asleep from exhaustion, still in Ryan's arms. As gently as he could, Ryan picked her up and carried her to his room. He laid her down on the bed and tucked her in before returning to the couch.
Ryan woke up when Alex screamed. Ryan bolted up, grabbed his gun and rushed into the room to find Alex thrashing around on the bed, still screaming.
"Alex! Alex!" Ryan put his gun away and rushed to her side. Ryan tried to hold her down to stop her thrashing so she wouldn't hurt herself.
"Alex you're dreaming, please wake up! Wake up!" shouted Ryan, finally Alex's eyes opened, she was breathing heavily.
"You had a bad dream but it's over, you're safe, you're ok." Said Ryan, gathering her into his arms while pressing kisses to her forehead and her hair.
"Thank you." Said Alex.
"Always." Answered Ryan.
I'll continue if there's interest.