Hey guys! Here with a sooner update and that's only because this is another little bridge chapter that is super important before we get to the last two final chapters. YES, two FINAL. At least, that's how I have it planned. But before the story, as usual, I'd like to take some time to answer reviews. This part might be little longer than usual so if you want to skip right ahead to the story, please do! Otherwise, bare with me.

hermonine - Thank you!

Kas221 - Well, depending on how you look at it in this chapter, she basically does. Maybe not in a way some people would expect but I have my reasons why it's going the way it is.

Guest 1 - Great input.

theoriginalsrizzlesouat1D - Yes well, Olive is a confused girl trying to find her way about the world. Not always making the best choices. This chapter definitely makes it more evident. Haha!

vintagemind - First of all, I want to thank you immensely for your supportive review. I knew at some point or another the crazy Harley fans would make their way over here. I was preparing for the flames. Haha. I'm so glad that you truly understood the point of the last chapter and why, perhaps, he wasn't violent in the moment. Of course, that's not to say he won't in the future, but that was the significance of the chapter. I'm grateful for all of my readers but am especially indebted to those who share and comprehend my mind set for why I set a story up like I do. So thank you, truly. I also do love a good HarleyxIvy ship because the two are just so adorable together and it's a much more healthier relationship for our poor Harls. Haha! But if you like Ivy, then I hope you'll thoroughly enjoy this chapter since I was planning on her making a cameo from the beginning! :)

From here on out, I'm going to be going into an in depth answer to a few reviews that I lumped into one for unfortunate reasons. If you want to skip the mess and enjoy the story, please do. I just feel the need to address this and hope that'll be the end of that. Thank you!

Guest 2 - Hmm, where do I begin? Although I appreciate reviews from everyone, I don't appreciate people who complain and whine and don't add any real value to their review. Basically what I've gathered from you is that you are clearly a serious HarleyxJoker shipper. Which is fine, however, the bratty way you go about what you think Harley would do and what you think should happen ventures far away from the whole point of fan fiction. Also, who reads an OC story of a character whom they absolutely hate? You're basically reading the entire thing in the hated OC's perspective. Of course you aren't going to enjoy it. That just doesn't make sense to me.

This leads me to Guest 3 reviewer because I feel that either you guys are the same person (more than likely) or you're friends. Why do I come to this conclusion? Because you both dislike pretty much the same exact things. Even wording it similarly. While 3's review was much more well put together and I appreciate your compliment, I just think 2 didn't know how to deliver properly. As for my depiction of Harley, I personally think she's just fine. Granted, I may draw a little from the animated series and some of her comic book personas but that's only because we got one live action movie painting only a part of her personality. A part. Harley is a little more complex than that.
She's funny, goofy, and quirky and she IS a bit of an airhead. Hence why none of her own plans actually work and why, if you actually know Harley's
character beyond SS, Batman and company treat her essentially like a dope. They're much worse than whatever "attitude" you perceive Olive to have. This is also why more times than not, Joker gets irritated with her. However, that doesn't mean he loves her any less.
As for Olive being portrayed as perfect, I'm a little stumped. What exactly is perfect about her? Also, who ever said she wasn't trained to some extent or another? I'm pretty sure I touched on that here an there throughout the story. I didn't do a whole chapter on it but that's the beauty of being subtle.
And nobody won that fight. Nobody. I'm not really sure how you came to such a black and white conclusion.
Anyway, about being prefect, I don't see any shred of light to shine on a murderer regardless of the circumstances. These villains aren't really people you should "look up to". They are villains! But to each their own I suppose.
All I have left to say is that this is clearly not a story for you. So instead of leaving irrational reviews, just skip it. It's that simple. :)

Thank you!

"When you think you're over me

And your bad baby is dead and gone
Remember I'm the ghost in your machine
I'm your real life suicide blonde."

- Lana Del Rey "She's Not Me"

I wasn't sure how long I could last sitting in the corner

of this room, expecting her to strike. I was ten hundred percent certain it was her casting that shadow previously, causing me to jolt back from J. He never asked me why, just straightened up and ran a hand through his green hair, his blue hues becoming shifty.

Then after that, we walked inside and acted as if nothing had ever happened. It almost felt like it hadn't. My fingers nervously traced over the millions of sparkles coating my dress. I thought surely the psycho blonde would be out to make a scene, and yet, nothing. I think this might have been worse.

Penguin caught our tailwind to pull Mister J aside for a chat. I was well aware what that conversation entailed. He apologized briefly to me before whisking away possibly my only sure defense against Harley. That's not to say I was entirely confident he'd even step in. Even though he was one half of this mess.

And now…here I am.

Where I've been for the past half hour.


I drummed my fingertips lightly. Maybe she hadn't seen us? Perhaps she was facing away from the window instead? Although, there is no way she missed the commotion prior. She must have witnessed us slip off to the balcony at the very least.

I rested my chin in my other hand feeling anxious. It was almost like I was a sitting duck at this point. I had gotten the answers I wanted…kind of, and I'd surely pay for it. Which was something I mulled over consistently since the day I realized how I felt. This wasn't going to be smooth sailing because let's face it, neither of us were too keen on sharing. Only, it wasn't really up to us either.

Someone like me who generally had tunnel vision, could only see J. Someone like J was potentially more open minded and able to love more than one person. He was also a man whom took what he wanted. If he decide he wanted two lovers instead of one, so be it. His world was filled with variety. But was Harley's? She seemed more like a one man loon.

Which led us up to this very moment. How would we ever settle this?

Not being able to bare the uncertain air, I got up and made my way out of the luxurious building. Considering everyone was quite occupied, it was simple enough for me to sneak out. I flagged down the first taxi I could and had them drop me off a ways from the actual home I now resided in. Feeling tumultuous didn't give me leeway to be careless.

I slipped my heels off as I trudged the mile to the estate. Somehow, the walk was liberating, the gravel beneath my feet cooling the high temperature of my body. It helped me clear my head as I thought of all of the things I could and wouldn't say. After all, I am still the intruder but if he won't throw me away, why leave?

I sighed, pulling open the front door. It seemed a lot heavier than I remembered. As I shut it behind me, I instantly took notice of how eerily quiet the mansion was. Most of the lighting was low lit. Then my mind traced back to how easy it was for me to just open the front door.

Was it always unlocked like that?

A faint sound of things being knocked over echoed from upstairs. I pulled one of my knives from the garter I always wore around my thigh when I had nowhere else to keep them. Did somebody really just break into J's home, of all homes? They'd be sorely sorry.

I took my time climbing the steps. The closer I got, the louder the noises became and the louder the noises became, the more I realized it was coming from my bedroom. I clenched my teeth running through my mind a list of things that were important to me in that room. It truly wasn't a long list, thankfully. I never had any sacred valuables other than a few pictures of me and my father. I guess I never had a permanent home to collect such things.

When I entered my bedroom the first thing I saw was the rummaged through mess of my belongings scattered around the room. The second, a hard piece of wood smacking into my temple, sending me to the floor.

"Hmph, I thought you'd show up." A familiar voice giggled at me.

I placed a palm to my forehead as I tried to focus my vision. Harley had a wicked smile plastered to her face as she leaned her bat against my vanity. She went back to what she must have been doing before I came home and that was playing with the make-up strewn about. She was hunched over toward the mirror, running a deep red over her pouting lips.

"I kinda like this color." She smacked her lips together and bored down at me. "It reminds me of blood."

I blinked a few times trying to make sense of the situation. What the hell was she doing in here? I watched her turn back to the vanity mirror, just staring.

"You know, originally I was gonna push that little insect body of your off the balcony when I saw you with my Puddin', again." Her finger nails scraped against the grain of the wood as she clenched them. "I was going to watch your head smash into a bajillion pieces as I toasted to ridding my life of pests. Sneaky little flies who stir up bullshit so they'd have a place to comfortable eat. Feeding off of it."

Her eyes glared back to me, the pain and hate clearly evident. "But ya know," The blonde's tone softened, gazing at her reflection again. "Red helped me realize somethin'."


"I've been here before. My Puddin's hurt me more times than I can count. I do loads of stuff for 'im and he'll treat me nice but sometimes, he'll still treat me bad." Her voice became shaken with the deep sadness of her words. It was as if with each revelation, she was beginning to understand the unfortunate truth of her own relationship with J. It was troublesome to witness for some reason.

"I could kill ya, sure, but what's the point?" Real tears now started to slide down her pale cheeks. "He'll continue to hurt me. If it's not you, it's someone else or something else. That bat." Harley's fist came down hard against the wood. In an instant, just like Joker, her whole demeanor changed.

She was filled with rage as she continued to speak, facing me. "Always Batman, always. Ya know I almost killed that bat brain years ago." She hit a fist to her open palm. "Had 'em right where I wanted 'im. I even perfected J's unfinished plan." Her face twisted into a soft smile as she chuckled. She began to move in my direction. "Ya see, Mistah J couldn't get the fishes to smile but I did. I just turned Batsy upside down. And ya know what I got for it?!"

I stayed silent thinking it better to let her vent.

"He threw me out a window!" Her voice was raised as her fists trembled at her sides.

I had to be honest, I was a little taken aback by her story. Not only because of the actions of J but also the fact that she was telling it to me, of all people. Why? This was when I noticed she wasn't in her formal dress anymore. She had changed into a pair of two toned, leatherette pants, a matching corset, and boots.

She knelt down in front of me. "I love my Puddin', don't get me wrong, but I've gotta teach Mistah J a lesson."

"Are you going somewhere, Harley?" I finally managed to speak.

Her smile was one of complete sorrow. "Yeah" She laughed listlessly. "Just for a little while. Red's always got my back."

"Red?" I questioned this out loud.

And, as if planned, a woman clad in green attire entered the room. Her hair was a gorgeous fiery red that hung delicately down her back. She was probably one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my entire life and I wasn't sure if it was the weird ethereal glow of her skin or the strong, yet graceful bone structure of her face. Her mere presence seemed forbidden.

I didn't have to stop and wonder why J never took interest in a gem like her. She radiated independence. Something Harley and I admittedly lacked. Something J wasn't interested in, maybe even despised.

"Harley, finish getting your things together and let's go. I can only imagine Joker will be home soon." The red haired female's voice was like velvet, but just by the way she spoke his name you could tell her complete detest. Her eyes narrowed to me still on the floor.

Harley sighed, "Okay, Red." She stood up and stretched her arms in the air. "The sooner we get away for here the better. This place is starting to stink, I much prefer the scent of flowers."

A small smile curved the other woman's lips. "I know, peanut." She let her hand loosely grip the blondes as Harley walked away. Their fingers slowly coming undone.

When Harley was out of sight, Red focused her attention back to me on the floor. She offered me her hand that I gladly accepted to hoist myself to my feet. I wanted to thank her but before I could she slapped me in the face. I stumbled in bit in shock.

"I'm only going to tell you this once because I have a feeling the next time we meet I won't just slap you and Harls won't be so forgiving. You can thank me for that. She'll more than likely want you dead."

I was confused. "So why stop her?"

The woman lifted her chin slightly. "Because this is what she really needs. Joker's slipped for the last time. She's distraught and distressed and I know you have something to do with that. She's my best friend that I care for more than anyone could know. However," she slinked towards me. "I also know how manipulative and conniving Joker is. If theres something you and her have in common, it's that you're both idiots. Everything he says is venom making you sicker."

She paused just inches away from me. "He preys on weak minded people because he's got so strong of an act. He's believable and convincing, I'll give him that, but it's all a facade. He's a coward, Olive and just as he's done to Harley many a times, he'll throw you under the bus one day too. He's only passionate about one thing."

"Batman" I answer her quietly.

She nodded, then placed a hand gently on my left shoulder. "I'm giving you this one opportunity now to pack up what you will and leave this place. Leave him. I can get you out of Gotham but that's it. Harley is my number one priority."

"That's understandable." My tone was so unexpectedly low that I could barely hear myself. I could comprehend what this strange woman was telling me but even if I left, where would I go? I don't have any family and anyone I could've turned to was dead or, well, we weren't on the best terms.

Still, there was something nagging at my insides. Something unfinished. I was incredible diverse from the clown queen regardless of our minuscule similarities. Maybe our chemistry would be different?

I squeezed my eyes shut. I wondered how many times Harley must have had those same exact thoughts. This was a pivotal moment for me. I could back down now and blow this city, unsure of where I'd go what I'd do. Or, I could stay here and mend what shattered heart J would carry after this. Replace what he had lost even if it wasn't exactly the same. But that would be a good thing, right?

Make something different. Better.

My breath was uneven as I inhaled, "I sincerely appreciate your offer, Red-"

"Ivy. My name is Ivy."

I corrected myself, twiddling my thumbs. "Ivy, but I just can't leave yet. Theres too much I don't know and things I need to know for myself."

"Stupid." She spat. "You're just as stupid. All you'll come to know is pain and suffering, and none worth any of it either. You won't change him. No one will."

I smiled, "But I don't want to change him. I love him just the way he is."

She shook her head in disappointment. "Then you might just be crazier than her. That's no small feat."

"I was hoping that wasn't the case." I responded as I gazed, miles away, at the carpet. "But I guess you can't help the cards you've been dealt in life. This was my hand and I've got to do what it takes to finish the game I've started. I don't have any strong friends like you. Harley is truly lucky. It takes some courage to completely walk away from the one you love most. I admire her for that."

Ivy didn't say much before she turned to leave, calling over her shoulder. "Well, maybe one day you'll find your own inner strength before it's too late. Good luck." And with that, the fiery woman vanished into the shadows of the mansion.

For some reason, I suddenly felt completely empty. The temperature in the house seemingly plummeting making me shiver. I brought my finger tips to my face noticing that water was leaking from my tear ducts. Then, like one crashing wave, my body racked with sobs. It was so vehement that my knees buckled and I was back on the floor.

Why was I flooded with this intense emotion of loneliness? Had this not been what I wanted the entire time? No, it absolutely had, but I was now very frightened of the future. All I wanted to do was love J but the way Harley was leaving, would it unravel everything? Unravel him?

No, this was it. This is what I wanted and there was no time to chicken out. I could take it. Whatever he could throw.

"I can take it." I tried to convince myself between my slowly dying sobs.

"Can you?" An unexpected growl interrupted. My head snapped up to see Mister J leaning into the door frame with a crumpled piece of paper in his right palm. "What. Is. This."

He threw the piece of paper in my direction as I sat dumbfounded on the floor. His eyes were egging me to read it. I didn't disobey. Pulling apart the worn paper I could make out that it was a letter. Skimming over it, I immediately realized it was from Harley.

She wrote him a letter. She wrote him a good-bye letter. He knows.

My hands were shaking as I my grey eyes met his infuriated ones. He was no longer wearing his suit jacket and instead, was rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt as he approached me. His saunter was threatening. His mouth wound tight into a perilous gnash of teeth.

And for the first time ever, I wished I had gone to the cops that night instead of meeting with him in room 208.

Hope everyone enjoyed this little chapter, it was a bit heavy to write but necessary, I feel. Just setting up the dominos to knock them all down. Also, I hope you guys liked Ivy's little cameo. She's an important part of Harley's life so of course she had to be there!

And remember to fav, follow, and review!