So sorry for the long wait! Life has been busy, but I am back! Currently working on the next update already!

Isn't it strange
That we're falling apart
From the day that we started
Isn't it hard
Knowing these things are unspoken
We're born to be broken
"Excuse me miss?" someone said as they tapped my shoulder.

"Yes," I responded as I slide off my headphones.

"We close in thirty minutes miss. Did you want to buy a bus ticket or not?" asked a thin elderly man.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah I do. I just, I don't know," I said while losing my train of thought.

"You seem very young. Running away from home by chance?" asked the man.

"Not exactly. Running away from a girl who basically broke me," I said while winding up my headphones and placing them in my backpack.

"Ah heartbreak. Should have guessed," said the man as he started to sweep.

"Yeah, so basically I just need to get out of here you know. I mean she basically said some messed up shit to me and she doesn't trust me. I don't belong here, I just need to go back home. I don't belong here, and I probably never did," I said with a sigh.

"Fifty-six years ago I had a girl break my heart. Joan was her name. Most beautiful girl I've ever seen to this day. We had this huge fight, though I don't much remember why. Like you, I decided running away was the solution. So the next day I took a train and left and never looked back. Not only did I leave my entire life behind, but I also threw away a football scholarship, became an alcoholic. Been working dead end jobs ever since," said the man.

"Sorry, that sucks. Love sucks," I said shaking my head.

"The point I'm making dear is I had a great thing going. I was offered a full ride to college and I had a bright future ahead of me and I left it all behind. And for what? What I'm trying to say is things might seem bad now, but you don't know what tomorrow will bring. So you got your heart broken. It sucks, but you need to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. The choices we make today dictate the life we lead. Of course what do I know, I'm just a senile old man," said the man as he smiled and swept.

The man had a point. If I run home I'm just going to go back to Carmen and the drugs. I don't want that life anymore. Here I have friends and I'm making good choices. Why throw that all away? The old Spencer is gone, and I refuse to allow her back in my life.

"I won't be needing a bus ticket after all," I said as I stood and put my backpack on my shoulders.

"Oh, are you sure miss?" asked the man.

"Quite sure, and thank you. I needed that story," I said with a smile.

The man smiled back.

"Good luck," he said as I left and he continued with his work.

By the time I got back to the dorm it was almost midnight. Luckily I was able to get inside without getting caught for being out past curfew. I quietly opened the door. I was surprised to find that everyone had been awake.

"Spence oh my god we were so worried," said Kyla as she hugged me.

"Chica where have you been? Ashley has been out looking for you," said Madison.

Before I could say anything the door behind me opened, revealing a distraught Ashley.

"Ashley can I talk to you?" I asked quietly.

She nodded and followed me out of the room and into the rec room.

"Spencer I'm so sorry! I was stupid to assume you had told the girls about what happened to me. Your attack at the beginning of the school year had not even crossed my mind," said Ashley as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"And the things I said Spence! You have to believe me when I say I never meant a word! You are everything to me and the thought of you not being here would kill me," said Ashley as he started to cry.

"The thing that hurts most Ash is the fact that you don't trust me like I thought you did. You should know by now that you can trust me and know that I would never tell anyone your secret," I said looking at her with hurt in my eyes.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all back," said Ashley as she continued to cry.

"But the thing about life Ash, you can't take back words or actions. It happened," I said disappointed.

"Just tell me what I need to do to fix this," pleaded Ashley.

"I think right now I need to be single. I spent so many years just being Carmen's girlfriend. Then I come here and I'm just Ashley's girlfriend. I need time to figure out who I am. And I need to do that myself, without you," I said looking at Ashley.

"I don't want you out of my life," cried Ashley.

"I don't want to be out of your life. I just can't be in it the way that I was. I just need some time okay," I asked looking at Ashley.

"Okay," said Ashley as she wiped her tears.

"I'm never going to stop trying Spence. I can give you some time, but I will win you back," said Ashley.

"Okay. Listen I'm going to go take a shower. I'll see you later," I said as I turned and walked away, knowing I was doing what was best for me, even if it was killing the girl I loved.