
If you were to describe best Naruto's feelings - that would be the right word. He couldn't understand all the attention he was unexpectedly given. First of all, he was greeted after coming home. Him. Greeted. It never happened. So why now? Second of all, he was actually asked how did his day go and what he was doing after his classes at the Academy. Here Naruto became quite suspicious. What those people wanted from him? Did they need him for something? Had he done anything wrong? But all he did was keeping up with his daily routine. Therefore, it could not be anything related to his activities. He did not speak with anyone either. So, he just could not understand the reasoning behind his mother and father asking him some questions, let alone waiting for him to come back home. He did not recall ever speaking to his parents. Not since he was 8. Or 9. Anyway, what was he supposed to do now? Talk with them like best buddies? Who were those people anyway? Did they know anything about him? His favourite colour even? Did he know anything about them, besides what titles they hold? Those people are just mere strangers.

Blood does not equal a family. Family is a choice – remember that. He does.

But also, what else does he remember is disappointment. He had the luck to live through this emotion all over again. Almost every day of his life. He got so attached to it that it had very little importance to him. However, he promised himself that he will never let down his family. His real family. People that he chosen and who had chosen him.

Family has so many meanings Naruto. But family is something you are ready to die for.

Was he ready to die for those people?

# # # # # # # # #

For the first time in years they have looked at him. Naruto was quite tall for his age, aiming 6 feet. His delicate fair blonde hair fell onto his brow, skin so pale it rendered him stark against the dreary morn. He was simply put angelic, yet his eyes bore a hard expression, a warning of the devil inside. However, for most the eyes looked completely devoid of any emotions. Just pure blue emptiness.

He was a stranger to whom they did not feel any kind of attachment throughout most of his life. But the question arises why? Did they want to get to know him and take care of him now, or was it the guilt speaking? Was the result of his poor performance at the Academy their fault? Did they ruin his ninja career by their neglect? Will they establish any sort of connection? Million questions ran through both, Minato and Kushina's head. However, no answers could be found. They didn't know how to approach their own son. Shall they act normal? But what is normal in this situation?! They both knew that they couldn't patronise him with their presence. It all had to be done slowly so the trust can be re-build. It will be a very slow and gradual process, but if both sides put effort into it everything should work out in the end. At least that is what they hoped for.

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A brooding Uchiha could have been noticed walking behind a screaming blonde Namikaze. Menma was expressing his happiness in a rather loud manner. He closed his eyes and savoured the moment, but never released his grip on the Hitai-ate in his hands. In that moment, there was no expectations upon him, no deadlines, and no schedules to meet. He was the winner! At the top, with the best result ever gained, surpassing everyone else. Not far off was his sister, missing a mere point for the ideal score. She was however, the top Kunoichi of the year, being envied by all females. She had finally proved it, that not only does she has a name and looks, but skills to go with this.

Both Kushina and Minato were very proud of their children. However, their minds were clouded with different worry. Did Naruto pass this time, or did he need to repeat another year? Their children could easily sense that they didn't have their parents' full attention. Naruko did not mind much, knowing that their parents had a lot on their minds. However, Menma was quite annoyed, yet he tried to keep these feelings to himself not to spoil the moment.

There he was. Walking as one of the last ones. A loosely held hitai-ate could have been spotted in his hand.

"Naruto! Congratulations! We are so proud!" sounded a feminine voice, strong but a hint of anxiousness could be noticed. Kushina waited for Naruto's reaction to no avail. He left, not answering her calls. "Let him be. He needs more time." Seeing his wife getting emotional Minato tried to calm her down a bit "I am sure that one day we will be able to celebrate together. All of us. Give it time Kushina."

Receiving a sympathetic look and a hug from her daughter Kushina gave her a warm smile back whilst hugging her back. Menma however decided to celebrate his special day on his own. On the training grounds. Repeating repeatedly the same words. Wish you were dead.

# # # # # # # # #

"Everyone please wait for your sensei to pick your team up! Good luck!"

Hatake Kakashi closely examined his new Academy graduates. Uchiha Sasauke was pretty much what he had expected. Broody, dark, anti-social, seeking revenge for what had happened to him in the past. His life was not easy after the massacre.

Haruno Sakura was supposed to be the team's balance. He was assured that Sakura was indeed very bright and book-wise knew answers to almost all questions. However, is it enough in the ninja world?

Namikaze Naruto, was someone he simply put didn't know what to think of. He was told about his poor performance at the Academy. This boy was even repeating the year, so he must be weak. However, something was definitely off here. He just got that strange, awkward feeling about this boy.

"Ok team! Introduction time. Names, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams! I will start first. I am Hatake Kakashi, I have things that I like and a few things that I don't. Hobbies? I have hobbies. And dreams? I haven't really thought about it. Your turn pinky!"

The female member of the newly formed team 7 scowled at such nickname, but obliged nonetheless.

"My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are…." Looks at Sasuke and blushes. "I hate Ino-pig and Naruto, and my dream…" others couldn't understand the rest of the sentence as it was a muffled giggle while the pink-haired girl was indiscreetly looking at the ravenatte.

None of the male team members made a comment, believing that some things are better left unsaid… Therefore, Kakashi quickly decided to move on.

"You next broody one"

The young Uchiha couldn't believe it. He was stuck with a complete, loud idiot and an imbecile who was repeating the year again. He didn't know which one was worse, Sakura or Naruto. He didn't have time for such people, as they will only slow him down. He needed to gain more power. He needed it for his revenge. And their sensei? He seemed so weak. Could his day be any worse?

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone. "

"You Blondie"

"Naruto. Likes- nature. Dislikes- traitors. My dream? Make my family proud."

That was the longest all of them have ever heard him talk. Obviously having such powerful siblings, you would want to impress the family somehow. Thus, all of them did understand where he was coming from, or did they?

# # # # # # # #

"You dropped something"

And there he was. Standing right in front of him. With two bells in his hands.

Kakashi quickly looked at the spot where the bells were supposed to be. "How did you…?"

"You dropped them" was the repeated answer.

Sasuke and Sakura couldn't believe in what they were just witnessing. Did Naruto somehow managed to grab the bells – unnoticed by all three of them? Or did Kakashi really lost them and by mere luck Naruto was the one to find them?

"Very well. As I have said. Only the two of you will remain. Who are you sending back to the Academy Naruto?"

"Neither" he tossed the bells to his new teammates. Sakura could not believe she was holding a bell – her pass to ninja world. Sasuke, on the other hand, felt anger. Anger and frustration. He did not need anyone to pity him and help him out. He should be the one winning the bells in a fight! And what just happened anyway? How come Kakashi was so useless to lose those damn bells?! What the hell was he even doing here among those weaklings?!

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AN: Thank you all for the reviews and messages!