It had been a few hours, and I did not want to burden Taka's home with my presence. Even though she kept trying to keep me at her lodge, I managed to convince her to let me go back outside… if Ujio walked me back to his lodge. But I knew he and I had much to discuss, so we took a short walk into the woods.

"There is so much to prepare for. I don't want to be a distraction." I said, my arm was gently wrapped around Ujio's. He shook his head.

"Pregnancy is not a distraction, but a gift." he said as we both observed the trees above us. I nodded slowly and stopped walking and he faced me and I faced him.

"You and I both know I would not ask you to stay behind for the sake of the baby. This war cannot be avoided." I said softly, my lips parting to say more, but I was finding it difficult. Ujio took my hand and rested his other hand on my stomach.

"Grace." he said softly this time saying my name correctly and my chest tightened at this and he placed my hand to his cheek and he leaned in to my palm, both our skin warm against one another, "I don't care what happens to me… I only care that you and our child are safe no matter what happens, no matter if we win or lose, the emperor's soldiers will never find this village. You both will be safe here to live out your lives as you choose. I am no longer just fighting for my lord and my people, but also my family."

I exhaled deeply at his words and he gently kissed my hand.

"And if I come back from this battle alive, then I will ask you to marry me." he said and my heart nearly leaped from my chest at his words and I just leaned in and kissed him deeply wrapping my arms around him and nodding.

"Then I will say yes." I replied gently and he smiled and kissed me once more lifting me off the ground and twirling me some. I could not keep Ujio to myself for Katsumoto and his people had much to discuss about the upcoming battle. Taka was not letting me out of her sight, and she and her kids stopped by Ujio's lodge to keep me company. As she cooked some soup for us, some of the villagers stopped by with gifts. It appears someone told them of my pregnancy. They brought food and kimonos and little toys and rattles.

"Thank you." I said but they couldn't understand me. I chuckled some coming into the cooking room.

"Ujio was supposed to teach me your language so I could communicate with you and everyone." I replied. Taka smiled and chuckled.

"I will teach you so you may teach your baby." she said. I nodded.

"it would be nice to finally speak with others of the village." I replied and she smiled and glanced back at me.

"I think everyone would appreciate it." she told and I nodded and sat down some feeling already exhausted once more. Taka must have sensed it and brought me some tea from the elderly man who gave it to me before.

"When you were pregnant with your children, was your husband happy, excited?" I asked hoping not to stir up any sad feelings. Taka was quiet as she stirred the soup.

"Hirotaro was always serious, always strong. When I became pregnant with Higan, he began to show a mild soft side. It took lots of arguments," she said smiling some most likely at the thoughts, "but in the end, he was overjoyed." I nodded and sipped the tea.

"I'm sure fighting was quite annoying." I said softly and she nodded before bringing some of the bowls to the small table before us.

"He proved troublesome, but at the end of the day, neither of us ever let the other go to bed angry." she said, "he cared for me through both pregnancies and when he was not fulfilling his wishes to my brother, he was fulfilling my wishes." I winced at her words and nodded. Would my life be Taka's? Would I lose my love to war and be left to raise my children on my own? Although I believed Taka and I would help raise each other's kids together, to know my child will never know its father frightened me. Once we ate, Taka started right away on teaching me Japanese. It was tough, but we only learned small words first. It honestly kept my mind off the work everyone was participating in. When the moon came, Nathan and I took this time to walk the quiet village. The moon and stars brought light to the place and we just basked in the beauty of the night.

"I never expected this to be the end for us." Nathan started and I nodded and looked up at him.

"It does not have to be." I replied and he looked at me and nodded.

"Yes. I could stay here." he said and I nodded.

"You belong here just as much as I. You get to see my baby grow. You and Ujio." I replied and he smiled.

"Wouldn't that be a grand thought?" he asked and I nodded. He too was going to fight and that meant he may or may not come back either. None of them could come back. I looked down at my stomach.

"I thought of a name for if it's a boy." I replied and he looked down at me and chuckled.

"So soon?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yes. If it is a boy, I will name him after my father… Noah. If it's a girl, I will name her after my sister, Abigail." I replied. Nathan gave a wide smile.

"Have you spoken to Ujio about this?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No. I am hoping to do so tonight. I am sure he will have some ideas… maybe." I said. I wasn't sure if Ujio was even thinking about names with the thought of war just days away. Nathan nodded.

"Well whatever name you choose, it will be a beautiful name." he said. I smiled feeling my eyes water.

"I hope it isn't too much to ask that you bring back Ujio to me, both of you come back to me, because I am going to need one of you to hold my hand and tell me things will be okay while I am pushing out my first child!" I cried heavily, and Nathan pulled me in to him holding me tight to him.

"We will come back. I promise." he whispered. I knew that was asking for too much, but I knew no matter the outcome I would accept it. I had no choice. Or maybe I could go to the emperor and beg him to stop this. I was foolish to think that thought, even more foolish to actually voice them to Ujio.

"Grace the time for talking is over. After we broke Lord Katsumoto out of prison, it was a clear act of war." Ujio said letting down his top knot and combing his fingers through his hair. I sat on a pile of soft blankets nodding.

"But we do not know that. He will listen to me." I said and he shook his head.

"That disgrace for Japanese, Omura has poisoned his mind. You have seen his army." he said.

"But he favors me." I said.

"You're a woman… an African he has never seen before, an African with a sharp mind and strong beating heart to match, he is interested in you because of how exotic you are, something he can never own." he snapped back turning and moving to sit by me now. I tensed at his words some.

"Is that how you thought of me when we first met?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No I thought you would be nothing but trouble." he mildly teased causing me to chuckle. He then took my hand in his. "Besides now that you are pregnant, war is the furthest thing that should worry your mind."

"I worry, because this war involves you. It involves Nathan and Katsumoto and Nobutada and everyone we love." I said strongly, and he nodded slowly. I let my fingers uncurl from his hand I move to gently trace my fingers through his smooth hair. He gave me a soft stare, but even such softness was rooted in hardness.

"This battle is happening and we cannot avoid it," he said and I looked down nodding, "but what we can also not avoid is names for our child." I smiled and leaned in to him some.

"Do you have any ideas for names?" I asked.

"You are the mind, body, and spirit that will create and bring a new life forth into the world. It is only fitting you should name it." he said wrapping an arm around me and I smiled.

"Noah after my father if it's a boy and Abigail after my sister whom I cried for for a long time when I was sold and separated from her." I replied.

"These names… honor me." he said and I looked up at him with a smile and he returned it before leaning in and kissing me lovingly. I leaned in to him and wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me and he leaned in to me deepening the kiss. His hands now roamed my body moving beneath my kimono and cupping my breasts gently. I knew this would be the last night, Ujio and I would ever touch or hold each other like this again. As Ujio's lips trailed down my neck causing soft moans to escape me, my eyes shut close for a moment before opening in thought. Maybe the emperor would listen to me.