Maybe all I need is a break and something new to continue The Reincarnated Master. But for now, Let me introduced you to the Alternate Version of it, which I decided to write after so much review saying that I should just write them both.

Let's me do a testing tun with this then :D

WARNING! There might be a lot of Typos and Grammar error because I haven't installed Microsoft office yet...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything...

The bond forged between a Master and his Servant, a Heroic Spirit is nothing but special and precious. It transcends human's knowledge and even the Spirits doesn't know the full extent of its power. Increasing one's power to an almost unimaginable height, closing a long distance in a single second with a single command, bending reality to allow the [Inexisted] to exist, etc…

This is a story about a man who once forged bonds tougher than the strongest metal in the world and his story after his… reincarnation?

Reincarnated Master - Hyoudou Issei

Arc 1 – Memories of Grand Order

Chapter 1 – Awakening

In a vast grassland under the beautiful blue sky filled with white clouds, he saw her. A teenage girl wearing shining silver armor which had some blue decorating on it with an old styled dress made from old fashioned blue cloth, underneath. She has beautiful blond hair tied behind her head with two neck-length bangs framing her face and a fringe covering her forehead.

She was looking sideways, so he couldn't see her face but he was sure that the girl in his dream must be a very pretty girl. Slowly, she turned around, her lips moved like she was calling someone or just muttering someone's name. Due to the distance, he couldn't hear it clearly.

Her face was also vague, no matter how many nights he dreamed about this girl, no matter how hard he tried just to see her face, he couldn't make it. It's like he had forgotten it…

"…" The girl called out, her mouth hanged opened for a moment before closing itself. The girl looked sideways again, a saddened expression evident on her vague face… and a lone tear rolled on her cheek.


Woke up from his bed by the sound of his alarm bell, Hyoudou Issei slammed shut the annoying thing and sat up.

"…That dream again… and also that girl. Why is she so sad? Why does she show up in my dream?" Issei pondered. Shaking his head, he decided to just get the matter slide and walked out of the room to do his morning routine before going to school.

Issei lived alone. His mother had died in a car accident some years ago when he was still a second grade student, after that, his father fall into despair and got sick. He followed her months later, leaving Issei alone. Thanks to his parent's saving when they were still alive, he didn't have any problem living alone, but still, ever since they passed away, he hadn't been able to enjoy life.

Aside from his childish dream of getting a harem, Issei had pretty much no other goal or ambition. He lived day by day peacefully, same after another, a repeated, boring life. With a bread in his mouth, Issei locked the door and walked to school casually while hoping for something great, something new to happen.

"You are early as usual, Hyoudou-kun." Shitori Souna, President of Kuoh Student Council, said with a somewhat appraising smile on her face.

"Morning, Kaichou. As energetic as usual I see." Issei replied with a relaxed smile on his face. Souna smiled softly at that. Of all the compliments she had received, Issei's one was the most special and also, the most ridiculous.

Honestly, who on the world would say a frail girl like her being energetic? Only Hyoudou Issei would. But still, he was somewhat right. She had worked hard and was still trying her best to do everything she can for Kuoh Academy, but due to her cool demeanor, no one could see that even she had her own limits and emotions.

No one beside the man standing in front of her that is.

"*Sigh* Only you would say someone like me energetic, Hyoudou-kun".

"But isn't that right? You have to work a lot, right? And to work that much, you must have quite a lot of energy hence the reasons you are energetic." Issei said while crossing his arms, Souna let out a sigh and told Issei to prepare for his first class before it was late, a small smile never left her face even after the brown hair boy ran disappeared from the scene.

While doing her work as usual, a random thought ran across Souna's head.

'What if I recruit Hyoudou-kun? But Rias also has her eyes on him. It will be tough..' A glint appeared in Souna's violet eyes and soon, her genius mind had already begun making plans to recruit her first human friend.

After bidding goodbye to his, maybe, only female friend in school, Issei rushed upstair to prepare for his first class which was math. Turning right, Issei couldn't stop himself due to his rush and bumped into someone. Quickly getting backed up, the brown hair boy was soon aware of whom he had bumped into.

Kiba Yuuto otherwise known as the Prince of Kuoh Academy rubbed the back of his head as the school mascot Toujou Koneko helped him up from the ground.

"Good morning Hyoudou-san, I hope you're not injured," greeted Kiba.

Before Issei could reply he was immediately tackled by the horde of Kiba fangirls, "Issei Hyoudou how dare you hurt our Prince!"

Seeing this Kiba just sighed before he and Koneko turned and left, trying to ignore the cries of pain coming from Issei as the fangirls continued their beating.

"Kiba-kun," said Koneko, breaking the silence.

"What is it Koneko-chan?" asked Kiba as he turned to face her.

"Hyoudou-senpai smelled like Dragon." stated the girl, causing her companion to stumble.

"Could he have a Sacred Gear?" he replied with a frown.

"Possibly" replied Koneko.

Kiba sighed before heading to the clubroom, "We'd better tell Buchou about this."

Issei sighed as he rubbed his recent wounds from the fangirl beating and headed home as the last bell of the day mercifully rung, "Anou… Are you Hyoudou Issei?" asked a female voice.

Spinning around he saw a female teen in a uniform he didn't recognize standing shyly in front of school gate, "that depends why are you looking for him?" he replied, cautiously.

God knows he'd had enough with the girls here beating him up for 'touching their Prince' and he was in no mood for the beatings to continue. "Well my name is Yuuma and I was wondering if you're seeing anyone right now?" she asked, hopefully.

"No not right now…why?" frowned Issei.

"I was hoping we could go on a date," she replied, cheerfully.

Issei's brain literally came to a crashing halt at this, a girl who he has never met before asking him out on a date. If he were part of those 'Perverted Duo' he would have leapt at the opportunity to go on a date with a woman like that. Don't get him wrong, he loved Oppai as much as the next guy but it was tempered by common sense, something that is apparently sorely lacking in those two perverts.

As it was this was definitely odd and a little suspicious but his mother did always tell him to give people a chance, besides what's the worst that could happen? Giving her a smile he nodded, "sure why not, is Sunday at the shopping district any good for you?"

"Yes I'll see you there!" she shouted, happily before running off.

"Well maybe my abysmal luck is finally about to change," grinned Issei happily, not noticing the watchful eyes of Koneko as the girl emerged from her hiding place with a frown.

All in all the date was going rather well; it had started off a bit weird with some cosplayer giving him a flyer which he then placed in his pocket but after that, everything seemed to be going great, in fact Issei couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun.

"Hey Issei-kun, could you do me a favour?" said Yuuma as the two stopped by the park water fountain.

"Sure Yuuma-chan what is it?" he asked, although an uneasy feeling began spreading throughout his body.

"Could you please die for me?" she replied with a sickeningly sweet smile as black crow like wings appeared on her back.

Issei's eyes widened and he immediately dodged to the side as his instincts screamed at him to move, only to cry out in shock as a light spear hit the spot he had been standing previously. Issei quickly backed up and glanced at the spot had a just vacated and blanched as he saw a smoking creator remaining.

"Yuuma what the hell are you doing?" he shouted, fearfully.

"I'm sorry Issei but you're a threat to us and need to be eliminated. If you want something to blame then blame your own terrible luck for having being born with that Sacred Gear inside you," replied Yuuma indifferently as she readied another light spear.

Issei once again dived to the side as the light spear was sent over his head and stripped the nearby plants of their leaves. 'Why? Why do always get the worst luck? Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!' he thought angrily as Yuuma began laughing at his pathetic attempts to survive.

"Gah!" Issei cried out and fall over when a light spear hit his thigh. He glanced back fearfully only to see the sadistic face of Yuuma who was taking joy in his suffering. Issei tried to crawled away making Yuuma laughed further.

'I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!' The brown hair teen thought desperately as he crawled away as fast as his arms could take him. The sound of laughing and mocking could be heard behind him as Yuuma made another light spear in her hand.

"DIE!" And she threw it at the frozen Issei who was looking at the light spear which would no doubt take his life away fearfully. Time seemed to slow down and the world seemed to freeze before his eyes as the light spear flew closer and closer.

He could see his life flashed back before his very eyes. From the moment he was born to the time when his mother and father passed away and now, when he was about to die.

'I'm going to… die…' Issei thought sadly as he closed his eyes, seemingly accepted the inescapable bad end he had taken…

'Stand up, Master!' An unfamiliar female voice shouted out in his head causing Issei to snap his eyes open. He could see the light spear coming for his head, and just the sight of it made him unable to move because of fear.

'What the hell are you doing? Dodge, idiot!' Another unfamiliar female voice shouted out, this time more fierce than the last, but Issei could, somehow, sense the worry evident in her tone. Gritting his teeth and rolled to a side as the voice suggested, the brown hair boy successfully dodged the incoming projectile in the last second.

"Persistent aren't you. But it won't happen again." Yuuma said and conjured 4 light spears around her. Simultaneously, she threw them at the brown hair boy all the while having a satisfied smile on her face.

Hopelessness and despair once again invaded Issei's mind as he could only stared at Yuuma like staring into his death. A single tears rolled on his cheek as he gritted his teeth and awaited the incoming pain.

...That pain never come however.

"Seems like the Mana inside the spear has accidentally activated his Magic Circuits." A calm and mature female voice said.

"So that's why we are finally able to contract him just now." Another female voice said, this time higher and more gentle than the previous. Confused by the strange and sudden change of event, Hyoudou Issei opened his eyes and the scene that greet him could only be described with one word.


The normal blue sky was no where to be seen but there was a strangely, beautiful multicolors sky above. Instead of looking disorder, the colors shifted slowly, turning white, pink or even violet, making the colorful sky looked like it was alive.

Standing before him, each with a smile on thier face was two woman... or should he say girls? The first one was an absolutely beautiful and stunning young woman around 20 with blond hair tied into a loose bun behind her head and two long side bangs which were around chest-length.

She has emerald green eyes and a mature, gentle look on her face which make her look absolutely like a Goddess. Standing next to her was another beautiful girl also with blond hair but it was tied into a big, long, single braid instead. Her big sapphire eyes radiated kindness and the beautiful smile on her face made her look like a beauty that could only exist in fantasy and myths.

"You are awake, Master." The second girl said, the smile never left her face.

"How do you feel, Master?" The first girl asked, dragging Issei back to reality with her question. The boy looked confusedly at the two standing before him, then to the beautiful sky above them and finally, to the soft, green grass in his hand which strangely felt real. Slowly, his eyes narrowed in sadness and sorrow as he thought about the reason he was in this place all of a sudden.

Last time he remembered, he was in Kuoh Central Park, dating with a girl named Amano Yuuma. Then all of a sudden, the girl transformed into some sort of Tengu or Angel with Black Wings and attacked him without mercy. That hail of Light Spears must have killed him he guessed.

"Am I dead?" Issei asked sadly, unknowingly affected the girls standing before him, making them feel uneasy. Shaking her head lightly to shook off the depressed feeling she was feeling from her Master through the bond, the first girl took one step forward and kneeled down next to Issei.

"No, you are still alive Master, very much so." She said and smiled softly after seeing that it had got her Master's attention.

"Then, where is this place?"

"This place is Dream World, or more specifically, your world, Master. A world that exists thanks to your love and affection towards us, your Servants in your past live."

"Master? Servant? Past live? What are you saying? Who are you anyway?" Issei asked, once again, unknowingly affected his Servants with his words. The first girl sighed sadly, but quickly got herself over it and smiled beautifully at her Master.

"Even though I know that you can't remember me or any of us because of your reincarnation, it still hurt me more than anything when I hear you said that, Master. No worries though, I won't hate you or anything. I'm your Servant after all." With that said, the girl kissed Issei on the lips, shocking the boy with her bold and sudden action. Behind them, the second girl blushed cutely at the scene and looked away to avert her attention but failed miserably when she couldn't help but glanced back whenever she heard a moan coming from those two.

Memories weren't something that could be lost just because they were forgotten. They were engraved into a person's soul and along with that soul, those memories would also be reincarnated, but as something dormant. By letting her Mana into her Master's body and invaded his soul, forcefully awakened those dormant memories from within, she hoped that Issei would regain his memories and once again, became her Master.

Stopping the kiss after a long minute, the girl looked directly at Issei's face which was just several inch apart from her while couldn't help but feeling nervous. Behind her, the second girl was also looking at Issei with anxiety evident on her face. Forcefully awaken someone's dormant memories isn't something that could be done easily or even possible to begin with. Those memories were supposed to be forbidden after all since it could be dangerous if someone evil was to have it back.

The method they used was devised by Caster - Tamamo no Mae and Helena Blavatsky of the same class based on their knowledge and research. While they said that it was the most suited method to awaken their Master's memories, they also said that if it failed, then there would be no other way for them to reunite with him hence the nervousness and anxiety the two were feeling at the moment.

"Nah, Artoria..." The newly identified Artoria widened her eyes joyously when hearing her name coming from Issei after so long but soon, her expression soon changed into one of embarrassment when a pair of arms embraced her slender waist securely, pulling her closer to her Master.

Softly, Issei landed a kiss on her nose and embraced the blushing girl tightly.

"...Next time you kiss me, release your armor so that I could feel your beautiful breasts." He whispered into Artoria's ears causing the girl to blush further at her 'mistake' but despite her embarrassment, the young woman still smiled beautifully in her Master's shoulder, happy that he had returned to her and also, everyone else.

"You are so lewd, Master." Swallowing back the tears that was threatening to burst out of her eyes, Artoria silently whispered back, but still couldn't stop the slight cracking in her voice and two drops of tears rolling on her cheeks.

Yeah, the only difference here is that Issei awaken his memories in a completely different manner.

Why is there only Two servants in this Dream World? = The others haven't arrived yet, I think so :v

By the way, this Dream World is similar to the Dream World of Soukoku no Arterial. For those who don't know, it looked like Dimensional Gap but with brighter color, and a sun, moon too

Now now, what do you think about this? Can you tell who are those two servants?

By the way, This dream world is similar the Dream World in Soukoku no Arterial. The sky isn't turning blue and red but is made from multicolors. Meaning it look