I stood in the middle of the odd town, in strange clothing that I wasn't used to. I had gone to sleep in my bed, but woke up in this strange place, in the middle of the street. I looked around at the empty street around as I gripped onto my clothes. I was scared, being in the dark and in a strange land didn't help in the least. I jumped a mile when I heard yelling, scaring me out of my thoughts. I, though, was stupid enough to run towards the yelling, hoping that maybe there could be someone who could help me.

When I reach the crowd of men, I gasp, noticing the light blue and white robes some of them are wearing. That's when the night before came flying back to me.

I was on my bed as I watched one of my favorite Animes, Hakuouki. I had watched the whole thing in one day. The two movies, all three seasons and the OVA's. I had cried when I had found out that Souji, my favorite character, had found out that he was sick, when he drank The Water of Life, and also when he died to protect Chizuru and Hijikata. I had finally gone to sleep after I finished it all. As I was drifting off into my dreams, I couldn't stop thinking about Souji, thinking about how it would be if I had been there. Would I have been able to help and stop some of those thing's from happening?
As I was about to fall asleep, though, I had heard someone speaking to me, but couldn't understand them as I was, then, out cold.

After I remembered everything, I stood, wide-mouthed, staring at them. But, what finally made me snap out of it was when I saw blood splattering the ground and the person who had cut the other human being. I hid down an ally, covering my mouth as I tried to keep quiet. I sat there, scared, as I could hear their screams and protests as the other men in the blue and white robes cut them down, splattering their blood all over the place. I sat there, hiding, but then I heard footsteps, and they were coming closer to where I was.

'Please. . . Someone help me!' I thought as I closed my eyes as tightly as I could. I could smell the blood as one of the men stood next me, ready to strike. . . But, it never came down on me. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes, just to see what was stopping my death from coming, but my eyes opened wide when I saw that the man in the blue and white robe was headless as he fell to the ground with a hard Thump. I almost had a heart attack when I realized that the head was right by me, instead, I screamed, bloody murder.

I froze when I saw that someone was standing where the dead man was standing. My eyes followed up their legs until I could faintly see a face in the dim light that was coming from the stars and the half moon. My eyes widened when I recognized that face, but before I could speak, I had passed out from the scare that I had just witnessed.

But, before I had fully last it, I had one last thought.

'Souji. . . ? But, how?'

When I woke up, I refused to open my eyes. I had a killer headache and I was scared that if I opened them, then the pain would get even worse. As I laid there, though, after remembering what had just happened, I bolted up right and looked around. But, that was a mistake. I clutched at my head, which felt like it was going to split open and my brain was going to fall out. I was in so much pain that I didn't even notice the door to the room being opened. That's when I started feeling sick to my stomach. I covered my mouth and got up, running towards the door, but someone was blocking me, so I ended up throwing up on them.

I felt bad after I had done it, even though I knew that I couldn't help it, but I felt even worse when I noticed who I had just threw up on. I covered my mouth when I saw the youngest of the Shinsengumi, covered in my own vomit. He just stared down at his dirty clothes in surprise.

"Oh, my god. . ." I whispered to myself. When he noticed that I was still looking at him, he scratched the back of his neck with one hand while he put the other one up to reassure me that it was okay.

"Hey, don't worry about it. . . It wasn't your fault! It's not like you could hold it in forever." He told me as he chuckled, but that didn't make me feel any better. I was about to cry because not only was I in front of one of my favorite guys from Hakuouki, but I had also just gotten sick on him. When he noticed the tears in my eyes, he started to freak out. "Hey, um. . . You don't have to cry! Do you feel that bad? I don't know what to do. . ." He told me, as he looked out the door, looking for some help as I slid down onto the floor.

That's something you should know about me; after I get sick, I get really moody and start crying at the littlest thing's. I started to wipe at my eyes, trying not to cry and look like a cry baby, but I froze when I heard another voice in the room with us.

"Heisuke! What did you do to her? I knew you weren't good with girls, but I didn't think you would make her cry!" I looked up to see two more guys that I knew; Sano and Shinpachi, teasing the youngest yet again.

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't do anything to her! Besides, she's the one that threw up on me!" He argued with them while I just sat on the floor, head still killing me and feeling sick, again. As Shinpachi was still teasing Heisuke, Sano noticed me and knelt on the floor in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me nicely, but then I covered my mouth, not wanting to get sick on someone else. When he noticed this, he looked up at the other two. "Hey, can you guys go get Chizuru? We need her." They both shut up and went running to go find the only other female here that I knew of. While I was zoned out, though, Sano had grabbed a bucket and placed it in front of me just in time because more stuff came flying out of my mouth. It wouldn't stop coming out and all Sano did was gently rub my back and hold back my hair.

"It's okay. . . Just let it out." He whispered to me. After a few minuets of this, I was finally done, but still had my headache. That's when I noticed that Chizuru had entered the room.

She gave me medicine and told me to lay down, but after she had told me what to do, someone had came in, telling them to get me to somewhere else to see someone.

Chizuru didn't want me to move, but they insisted that I go now.

"Fine, but someone must carry her, and it's best if it's not someone she got sick on." And she looked down at me, like she knew me. I didn't understand why, but now that I thought about it, they were all acting as if they me. . . But, why? I didn't know, but I stood up, wanting to walk instead of being carried. Chizuru was about to yell at me, but then I looked at her.

"I don't know how you people know me, but I can walk. My headache is gone, so I'm fine." I told them. That's when I froze, not understanding what was wrong with me. Why did I snap at her? I don't understand this at all. But, maybe if I see Hijikata, then I could find some answers.

Hi! Well, I know that I haven't done anything on here for awhile and this is it, but I don't have a name for it, yet. . . I would like ideas, please!

Thanks for reading this!