A/N Hey guys, Godlypowers12 here, sorry for abandoning my Percy Jackson stories, I just kind of lost the plot. Anyways, hopefully I will finish this story, as it is my first time writing a Harry Potter fanfic that is not a crossover. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Just so you know, this story has a slow start, but it gets exciting later. Chap 6 is the start of excitement, but you have to read these chapters to understand. Thank you!

CHAPTER 1- A friendship is born

Harry was very confused, Hagrid had just vanished, and it seemed platform 9 and three-quarters did not exist. He stood in front of the brick wall in-between platforms 9 and 10. What was he supposed to do? He sighed in annoyance, and picked Hedwig's cage from the trolley, before ramming it into the wall in-between platforms 9 and 10, but forgot to let go of the trolley!

To his uttermost surprise, the trolley went straight through the brick wall, bringing him through with it. He made it out the other side of the wall, completely confused. He soon realised he was at a train station, not long after that, he realised it was platform nine and three quarters. He almost cheered. Almost. He moved towards the train, and after several attempts, managed to get it onto the train. He walked down the train isles, looking for an empty compartment. Finally, he found a compartment with only one person in it.

The bushy haired girl had not noticed his presence yet, so decided to introduce himself. "Hey, I'm Harry, can I please sit here?" he asked. The girl looked up at him, and said; "nice to meet you Harry, my name is Hermione, and yes you may sit here." "Thanks." They sit there talking and laughing as their friendship strengthens. About an hour into the journey a boy who said his name was Neville opened up their compartment door, asking if they had seen his missing toad. When he got two negative answers, he became disappointed, and headed back out the door, when Harry and Hermione both said the same thing at the exact same time; "I'll help." So the three of them set off down the train corridor, looking for Neville's toad, who said its name was Trevor.

They opened a compartment door which had a single red-headed boy sitting there. Asking politely, Hermione asked if he had seen a toad. The reply she got was; "Of Course I bloody haven't! I don't look for toads! Ugly things! Rats are way better!" Hermione glared at him and walked off down the corridor again.

They past a bunch of snobby looking people, and they looked rich. They asked if they had seen a toad and a blond- haired boy whom Harry recognised as Malfoy replied: "I don't talk to mudbloods! Now rack off! They shouldn't even allow people like you on the train!" Hermione dashed out the door crying, and Harry chased after her, eventually finding her back in their original compartment. Neville arrived a few minutes later, to see Hermione giggling and Harry smiling, obviously Harry could cheer someone up.

When they got off the train, Neville was quite distraught, He had lost his favourite pet toad, (well, his only pet toad) and came off downtrodden. Until a large man yelled, "Hey you there, this your toad!" Neville almost cried in relief, "Trevor! Thank you so much!" "Hagrid!" yelled Harry, rushing over to greet him. "Hey 'Arry!" nice to see yer!" "He Hagrid! Nice to see you to!" "These are my new friends, Hermione and Neville!" Harry rushed on. "Well, nice ta meet yer two! Anyways, yer better get one of the boats ay!"

Harry, Hermione and Neville ended up sharing a boat with a girl called Parvati, and she would not stop talking! It was quite an unpleasant trip to Hogwarts unfortunately.