Disclaimer: Naruto is the property of Masasshi Kishimoto, and High School DxD is the property of Ichiei Ishibumi. This is a fan made non profit work of fiction. I don't claim the rights to anything that you may recognize from other series as well.


1. While there will be no lemons, this fic is rated M for language, violent themes, and explicit situations.

2. The personalities of some, or most, characters have been changed either slightly or majorly to better suit the story.

3. I have no idea about the plot for this fic. I am just going with it, because I don't want this idea to go away. So be warned that I may put this for adoption at any time.

4. First attempt at a harem/multi pairing. So don't expect it to be too big. Or realistic.

5. Expect Cliches.

6. Contains 0% incest, so no Naruto/Rias or Naruto/Grayfia.

7. I have never read the light novels. Any information I have about any character that the anime has not covered comes from other fanfics and the wiki.

Chapter One

It was the happiest moment of Sirzechs's life.

Even though his hand was crushed by his wife who was in labour. She had just given birth to a baby boy — only three months after his mother brought his little sister, Rias into the world.

Sirzechs smiled widely as he beheld his son, named Naruto by Grayfia. There was a little tuft of red hair on his pink head, eyes closed as he peacefully slept in his mother's arms. And to think he was crying a minute ago — so loudly that Sirzechs was sure that the Heavens heard him.

Grayfia was still panting, smiling beautifically, yet tiredly, at her baby boy. All she hoped was that he wouldn't be a childish idiot when he would grow up like his father.

"Naruto... My little maelstrom..." Grayfia whispered, pulling him closer to her.

"Maelstrom?! I thought it meant fishcake!"

Grayfia was silent for a while, before she launched an ice ball at her husband's face.

(Naruto, age 7)

Rias growled in frustration as she chased her nephew. Her beautiful red hair was currently dyed a bright green by the ever so mischievous Naruto.

Naruto Gremory, nicknamed the Devil Prince by many, was a prankster. A prankster, literally from hell. Only Grayfia and Venelana were never targeted, but remaining members of the family were fair game.

Even his own father, the Lucifer was not spared. But Sirzechs was no longer a target, mainly because of the dissatisfying reaction. He had not been angry, or laughed it off. No, he had wore his flouroscent pink suit as a badge of honor and went for work in the hideous suit.

Naruto wanted him to be, at the very least, annoyed. Not be completely unaffected by it.

As the two youngest children ran about in the Gremory Manor, Naruto was also being chased by Enku (his red scales were covered in glitter) and Beowolf (his face now sported nosebleeds and tears drawn with permanent marker). Of course, the members of his father's peerage were simply chasing him for fun — they were much faster than the seven year old devil.

Not to mention, their Queen would skin them alive if her beloved boy and sister-in-law got so much as a scratch while on their watch. Sure, their king would do the same if both of the youngest Gremories were to run off somewhere they weren't supposed to; but they were more afraid of Grayfia than Sirzechs.

Sirzechs may be the Devil King, but Grayfia was Sirzechs's ruler. You do not mess with the woman who held the Devil King by the balls.

Their chase ended rather anticlimatically when Naruto crashed into Venelana.

While the Lady Gremory was not fazed in the slightest, she was still irritated by her grandson and his antics.

She picked him up, glaring at him and the devils chasing him.

"What have I told you about running in the house?"

"...Not too..." Naruto said fearfully.

"That it does not befit a lady..." Rias added.

"Good. You're all grounded till I say otherwise."

"Even us?" Enku an Beowolf asked.


"But we—"

"Do you think I care? Number one rule is no running around in the house. I am sure my son will understand. After all, he was punished like this all the time."

Meanwhile, Rias glared at her nephew. "See what you did? Meanie!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Venelana chided. The two children went quiet. "Now. Back to your rooms."

(Naruto, age 12)

Naruto and Sirzechs were glaring defiantly at each other.

"Whatever would your mother say? Rebelling against your own father?"

"She would be happy that her son is standing up for himself."

Sirzechs shook his head. "You are but a child. You think you can defeat me? The Devil King?"

"I know I can!" Naruto said confidently.

"Almost makes me proud... such confidence! But allow me to show you the folly in your choice."

"Folly? There is no folly." Naruto said, outstretching his arm to the right. Almost like a mirror, Sirzechs copied his actions.

Both looked unflinchingly into one another's eyes.

There was a brief pause.

As quick as possible, both of them grabbed their respective bowls of ramen, and began wolfing down the delicious noodles.

Eight bowls passed.

The food competition was fierce, as father and son ate as much ramen as they could. It came to an abrupt stop, however, when Grayfia and Venelana arrived.

"This is not what it looks like," Sirzechs and Naruto said at once, imitating a deer caught in headlights.

"Then, dear son of mine, what does it look like?" Venelana asked.

"Sirzechs-sama... How many times must I tell you not to entertain his food competitions?"

Naruto, noticing that all of the attention was towards his father, tried to slip away, only to find an ice chain holding his legs.

"Where do you think you are going?" Grayfia turned her attention to her son.

"Bathroom." Naruto stated.

Sirzechs, meanwhile, shook his head. 'Naruto... That won't work! Try something else!' Sirzechs had used the excuse to get out of work early.

"I highly doubt that," Grayfia said.

"But you said I have to be ready by 8! Its 7:30! I need to use the bathroom, and get ready to take my Evil Pieces!"

"...While wearing the suit I put out for you?"

To the side, Rias and Lord Gremory watched the show.

"Why does this always happen?" Questioned the younger Gremory.

"Naruto takes after Sirzechs... Besides, this is hilarious!"

(Naruto, age 13)

It had been a year since he had received his Evil Piece set. Unlike Rias, who had a mutated bishop, Naruto had a mutated knight. Also unlike Rias, Naruto didn't really understand the difference between the mutated piece and normal piece.

He was a sort of a knucklehead. But his combat prowess was top notch, and enjoyed fighting.

Naruto had trained his control over Power of Destruction to the point that it was far greater than his aunt's, Rias Gremory. While she used it the way it was supposed to be used, as a long range offensive magic, Naruto was known for his unorthodox and innovative methods in which he used it.

He used it as a short and long range attack. For short range, he would cover his feet and hands with the Power of Destruction. So, while kicking and punching, the damage would be much more extensive. Even if he missed, he could simply manipulate the Power of Destruction to hit the target. Or, condensing a large amount in a sphere that not only disintegrated what it touched, but also grinded the victim, ensuring an extremely excruciatingly painful experience.

For long range, he could send the Power of Destruction into very thin needles, that attacked the target at high speeds. The needle shape, being small, made it very difficult to see and it would pierce the target first, then begin disintegration.

While both of them were spoiled as children, Naruto took his training quite seriously, even going to his grandfather to learn the other magics made the Gremories famous.

Despite this, combat was the only thing Naruto excelled at. He had trouble remembering the 72 pillars and their histories, political standing and the like. While Sirzechs believed that Naruto could be a very good leader, Naruto had yet to show any leadership qualities.

But he was just 13, so there was plenty of time for him to develop such qualities.

Currently, however, the two of them had saved twins, Akeno and Sasuke Himejima, from their own family that wanted to kill them .

The very idea of your own family trying to kill you sickened the two Gremories to the core. They were raised in a household that put family first and everything else second.

So they took them to the Gremory Manor.

It was not long after that the Himejima twins became the Queens of the Gremory children.

While they took their own time to cope with the loss of their mother, Sasuke wanted to avenge her death straight away. Akeno didn't share the sentiment, and specifically told him not to. It took Sirzechs to stop the boy, who explained to him that a thirteen year old boy would not be able to kill an entire clan by himself, and told him to wait, and bide his time.

Sasuke agreed, on the condition that once he has enough power, he would avenge his mother.

Of course, any other responsible adult would have tried to drive out such sentiments, but they were Devils. While they didn't go around doing evil everywhere (these days), human notions of good and evil mattered very little to them.

Besides that, Sirzechs knew who their father was. Baraqiel was not the sort of Fallen Angel you wanted as your enemy. Sirzechs was sure that Baraqiel had already (probably) killed the culprits within the Himejima clan. He, for one, didn't want Sasuke to go after Baraqiel.

Inter-faction violence and related issues aside, Sirzechs didn't want Sasuke to hate his own father.

(Naruto, age 14)

"Yeah… the monster fox would do that… but Naruto is different. I've acknowledged him as… one of my excellent students. He may not be the hardest worker… and he is clumsy and no one accepts him… but he already knows what it is to feel pain inside your heart. He isn't the monster fox. He is a member of the Konohagakure. He's Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Oh...me? My name is Kakashi Hatake. What I like...I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future...hmm...never really thought about that...as for my hobbies...well, I have a lot of hobbies."

"Those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

"Never go back on your word ... and never give up. That's your ninja way ... and as your mentor ... I have no business whining! Because ... the student's ninja way should be the master's too! Isn't that so, Naruto?!"

Naruto twisted and turned in his bed as heard the voices. They were familiar, and yet, he couldn't place them. Then he was in a sewer. All he could see was a cage, with two, big, red eyes glowing behind it.

"Remember who you are, Naruto. I am waiting for you."

The voice that came from behind the cage was demonic, and if he hadn't been a devil, Naruto supposed that he would have been afraid of it.

"The world needs you again, my partner from the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

A/N: Short chapter, but this is just to get this idea out of my brain. The next chapters will be within my usual 5k to 6k range. Next chapter will be Naruto travelling to find his Peerage members. Canon will begin after that.

I am trying my best to portray Naruto and Sasuke as cannonically accurate as possible. But keep in mind that Sasuke won't be the douche he becomes in canon.

Pairing: Naruto/Akeno/Xenovia/?/?/? (Suggestions with good enough reason welcome). Sasuke: undecided.

Peerage for Naruto.

Queen: Sasuke Himejima

Rook: ?/?

Bishop: ?/?

Knight: ?/? (possibly a Shikamaru like character, or a reincarnation of Shikamaru)

Pawns: ?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?

Hope you enjoyed!