Capsized at sea

Lady Nefertiti

Summary: Sesshomaru claimed everything on the island as his hmmm…everything? *Deserted Island Challenge*

Chapter 5: Surprised?

-With everyone else- (on the boat)

"Ignore the terrible weather. We are on a large boat and poor Kagome and Sesshomaru are stranded on some god-forsaken island-dying of hunger and thirst maybe-but we are going to find them." Miroku said with a nod of his head and told Kouga to keep going. There was another island after this one. It was the last and most remote (distance, isolated) one and it was worth a shot. The light they that turned on would help but Miroku told them to hold off on the sounds.

There was silence on the top deck as no one had anything to say. Sango and Ayame were sitting on chairs, Bankotsu was pacing, Miroku was looking out into the darkness while Inuyasha was busy wondering what to do when they DID find the pair. Would Sesshomaru get angry to see him and throw him overboard again?

Kouga just steered the wheel of the boat in the terrible weather with a sigh, a head shake wondering how (really capsize) it did? They'd have to hit something in the waters; even engine trouble wouldn't make it sink. Unless…..(he looked at the back of Inuyasha's head) both violent brothers had some sort of fight and caused holes and destroyed it themselves. Given how rich their family was-they'd probably overlook it and say that they had a dozen other boats. He sweat dropped.

They steered closer and then Sango and Ayame stood (seeing land) started yelling loudly, "Kagome! Sesshomaru! Are you there?! Can you hear us?!"

"Sesshomaru? Kagome?" Miroku and Bankotsu yelled out into the darkness hoping to see them.

-Kagome and Sesshomaru-

Kagome heard loud voices. 'Oh my god. What a relief! That's what friends are for!' she thought as she stood and ran towards the edge of the waters. Should she wave her hands up and yell out loud? Or run into the water and jump frantically? She bit her lip and didn't notice Sesshomaru walk calmly behind her. Why was he calm? Was he enjoying being stranded with her alone? Without a single soul here? They might shrivel up and die! And no one would know they were here until it was too late.

"Hey! Everyone! Can you hear me?!" Kagome yelled/spoke in a loud manner. It was good that they were close enough that she might be able to get their attention. She didn't see Sesshomaru wade into the water behind her sighing about his energetic and lively mate. He had put out the fire before he followed Kagome. The others would probably see them. Good. He too had been concerned about being on this island for too long.

-Back to the others- (Yacht)

Sango turned around as she heard a voice and since Inuyasha was on board-he had great demon senses/ears and good vision could hear-said, "Oi! I heard Kagome!" and ran towards the edge of the boat looking into the distance and also saw white clothes-Sesshomaru's. Good thing light clothes were reflective. But should he be the one rejoicing?

Hell?! They were stranded? So after the bastard threw him over the boat they'd capsized themselves? (He snickered inwardly thinking it served Sesshomaru right) and said that they should move the boat closer to the island so they could haul them up. Sango's eyebrow twitched. Inuyasha's tongue….they weren't luggage or some item you carry or move around. They were people!

Kouga carefully turned the boat into the direction of the island and stopped it before the water got too shallow. He walked over and looked down at the pair and said, "Hey guys! Fancy seeing you both here. On a private vacation? So should we all leave and come back later?"

"Kouga…" Ayame said. His hair stood on end as he felt this dangerous aura/feeling/vibe coming from behind him. He gulped nervously and threw down a ladder of sorts so they could climb up. They could give him the details later.

Kagome shivered and took the rope ladder and climbed up first-real relief on her face and reached the top as Kouga helped her over the top before she fell backwards into Sesshomaru. He climbed up second and pulled up the ladder behind him. Bankotsu handed him a towel and he took it.

"Kagome!" Ayame and Sango said together and rushed over with a large towel giving her a big bear hug then told her to come downstairs so they could get her and Sesshomaru warm clothes and maybe something warm to eat and drink. She nodded gratefully and heard the Yacht turn back on and Kouga started steering it away from the island.

Well it had been an adventure of sorts, she guessed. This time she'd stay away from boat rides for quite a while now. She stared back at it and wondered whether Sesshomaru would indeed make it one of his own islands to build something on. She wouldn't put it past him and grinned inwardly. Ambitious-that was what he was.

Suddenly…..there was a silence and Kagome looked up stopping in front of the person who was in front of her staring right back with some unknown expression.

"Inuyasha…." Kagome started looking at him and then at Sesshomaru, a puzzled look on her face-speechless.

"Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru said turning around to see his little brother from where he had been standing next to Kouga and Miroku.

"Sesshomaru?!" Inuyasha said pointing-gulped and took off towards the opposite end of the yacht-down the stairs he went in a frantic panicked way-silver hair waving behind him as he ran off, faster than the normal eye could see. A door being shut was heard.


Lady Nefertiti: lol….Please read and review for the last chapter! thanks.