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Olivia sighed looking at herself in the mirror that was lit up in front of her. Her make up was done to perfection, her hair without a single strand loose. Her outfit for the night was hanging on the back of the door, reminding her of why she was in this place. She was here every night, away two young boys and infant daughter. She leaned back in her chair, the silk robe slipping the slightest from her shoulders. She didn't mind this place. In fact, she loved this place. Every idea she ever had or ever cared to mention was brought to life just one story above her. It's everything else that happened because of this place that ended up with her staring at divorce papers.

Five Years Earlier

She groaned inwardly seeing the blonde Barbie doll girls hanging around the front door of her apartment. Of course, he can't resist a blonde. Olivia smirked to herself before pulling out her keys and heading towards the door. One of the regular girls she had seen around multiple times grinned at Olivia and nearly dug her nails into her arm. "Hey Liv, would you mind letting us in?"

"I'd rather not, Kathy." Olivia said before shaking off the blonde and unlocking the door. "I'm not into girls." She closed and locked the door on the surprised girls before hearing her roommate and his current playmate going at it in the other room. "Gross, I really hope they don't make too much of a mess." She usually got home from work when the girls were gone, and she didn't have to worry about hearing or seeing anything. "God, I hope he doesn't come out of there naked." She mumbled to herself before going into the kitchen and placing the two grocery bags on the counter to unpack them.

Her body shuddered when she heard the telltale noises of the two finishing. Her hand grabbed the air freshener and immediately cranked it up, not wanting to sleep in an apartment that smelled like sex. Until she moved in with this guy, she never knew that a room could actually smell like sex. It definitely wasn't a perk of living with him. Popping a grape into her mouth, she started pulling things out and setting them on the counter to start organizing stuff out. That's when her roommate decided to walk in wearing nothing but a grin. The grape flew from her mouth and up into the air. "I got it!" He nearly yelled before catching the small fruit in his mouth and eating it. "These are pretty good. Welcome home! You're home early."

"Yeah, somebody decided to let a rat loose in the coffee shop." Olivia coughed before opening the fridge to put stuff away. "Is there a reason you are walking around here naked?"

"It's nothing you haven't seen before." He smirked before reaching his hand out to grab the grapes.

Olivia grabbed them before he could. "Ah! Ah! Ah! No! Until you disinfect yourself, you're not touching any food."

Elliot groaned and rolled his eyes. "C'mon, I was just in the bedroom."

"Yes, but I know what you were doing in the bedroom and those fingers along with other parts of your anatomy are probably carrying diseases now." Olivia smiled back teasingly before putting the grapes in the sink and starting to put away other foods. "You don't know where these girls have been I might remind you."

"Well, no matter where they've been, most of them have new parts." Elliot chuckled before the blonde emerged from the bedroom buttoning up her shirt and grabbing her things. "Please tell the other girls outside to stop loitering in front of my apartment."

The blonde giggled. "What about me?"

Olivia raised her eyebrow at Elliot. He could be such an ass sometimes to these girls, and today wasn't going to be any different. "That goes for you too." Elliot said before waving at her. "Bye."

"...Bye..." The blonde whispered before leaving the apartment. A few seconds later, the chatter from the girls went away as they all filed to their own apartments.

"You are such a playboy. You sleep with these girls and then toss them aside like they're nothing. I swear; you'd chase anything with a skirt." Olivia lectured him crossing her arms over her chest.

Elliot grabbed an apple off the counter, careful not to touch any other foods. "I make the circumstances clear to them beforehand. Besides, I haven't tried to get into your pants."

Olivia chuckled. "That's because my parts are real... and you know I'd punch you before you even opened your mouth to ask." She ran a hand through her hair before pointing towards the bathroom. "Are you going to shower?"

"Can I get a hug first?" Elliot asked standing up.

"If you touch me, I will castrate you." Olivia said grabbing a spatula from the drawer behind her and holding it out in front of her.

Elliot grinned walking around the kitchen island, watching as she moved away from him. "C'mon Liv, I'm your roommate, and I could use a hug after that insult about being a playboy."

Olivia chuckled nervously. "Our apartment could use a power wash after sheltering your fuck fest. You don't see that happening either."

"If I shower, can I get a hug?" Elliot asked putting his hands on his hips.

"If you shower, clean the bedroom, and spray down everything that you and Malibu Barbie have touched, I will give you a hug." Olivia chuckled before pulling out the pledge from the cabinet above her and setting it on the counter. "Now, did you two have sex on my bed?"

Elliot shook his head. "No, ever since you started putting that wooden board with the nails sticking out of it under your blankets, I tend to stay away from it. I want to have sex, not bandage the girls I bring home." He stretched out, enjoying the astonished look on Olivia's face. "Like the view?"

Olivia smirked knowing how to crush his cocky attitude. "I've seen it before, nothing to be impressed over." She dropped the spatula onto the counter when his smile dropped. "Do you work tonight at the studio?"

"Yes, but I won't bring anybody home." Elliot said before seeing the look on Olivia's face that challenged his statement. "I promise. I will come home alone. It's a brother band we're recording tonight anyway."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought your boss only liked to record girls."

Elliot nodded. "Yes, but these guys are really good." He dropped his arms to the counter in front of him. "When is your next shift at the coffee shop?"

"Depends on when the rat is removed. I might be out of a job for a while. I guess I could always start looking so I don't fall behind on the rent." Olivia sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm making better money at the studio. If you want to wait for the shop to open back up, that's fine with me. You like that job a lot anyway." Elliot said before standing back up and heading towards the bathroom. He turned on his heel to look at her, slamming his hands against the doorframe. "Would you rather clean me yourself so I know I pass inspection?"

Olivia laughed before chucking the hand towel at him. "You're terrible! Go shower!" She shook her head when he grinned at her and walked into the bathroom, stepping into the shower without closing the door. "A man's body is never going to surprise me again living with this guy."

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