Return to Arkham

I do not own Suicide Squad in any way.

Lily opened her eyes and found herself tied down to metal table. She glanced around the room, not knowing where she was. She heard a chilling laugh and suddenly remembered. She had been walking around Gotham, when the Joker had kidnapped her. "Where I am?" she asked him.

"Don't you remember dollface, this is where we first met", the Joker said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Lily insisted, "Are you gonna kill me?"

"Oh princess, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad", he told her as he placed the implements on her temples.

Her whole body convulsed as memories assaulted her brain.

"You're the Joker", she breathed.

"I know who I am, sweetheart. I want to know who you are", he said.

She blushed and said, "Lily…"

"Lily what?" the Joker asked.

"Quinzel", she told him.

The Joker straightened up. "So that's how you know who I am", the Joker said smirking, "What're you in for?"

"I was shoplifting. They tried to take it from me, so I bit off the security guard's ear", Lily said, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I like a girl with a thirst for blood", the Joker told her.

"Guess crazy just runs in our blood", she said. Lily gave him a small smirk of her own, before he was put in a choke-hold.

"See ya later, dollface!" he said, cackling as they dragged him out of the cafeteria.

Lily was in her cell when she heard an explosion. She jumped up from her bed and looked out the window. She heard sirens start to go off and she wondered what was going on. She heard gunshots and the two guards standing next to her cell hit the ground.

"Miss me, princess?" she heard. Her door opened and the Joker stood in front of her.

He scooped her up, bridal style.

Lily giggled as he carried her out.

Her and the Joker had been out causing when mischief when the GCPD had showed up out of nowhere.

"You head back to the warehouse", he told her.

"What? No. I'm not leaving you", Lily said.

"Trust me princess", he said.

Lily ran through alleys and across roofs trying to get back to the warehouse before the Joker. "Well look at what we have here", Lily heard. She froze and slowly turned. She calmed down when she saw it was just Penguin. "You scared me, I thought you were the GCPD or something", she said.

Penguin smirked at her.

Before Lily could run, Penguin's cane connected with the back of her head. "Take her away boys", Penguin said as Lily lost consciousness.

When Lily opened her eyes, she was back in Arkham Asylum in one of the operating rooms. She pulled at her restraints, but her efforts were futile.

"Well, well, well. Welcome back Miss Quinzel", Jeremiah Arkham said, "What are we going to do with you?" He stepped into her vision and she spit in his face.

Her head snapped to the side as he backhanded her.

"Now, now, that's no way to behave. Perhaps your time with the Joker has changed you, but while you were gone, I developed a new special serum and I want you to be my first test subject", he said. He picked up a large syringe and jabbed it into her neck.

Lily screamed and tears left her eyes.

Jeremiah stroked her hair as her vision started to go hazy. "Goodbye Miss Quinzel", he told her as her body went limp.

When Lily came to, she was lying in a bed. She got up and opened the door. She was in an apartment. She knew she had lived here before.

But before what?

When she searched her memories, there was a sharp pain in her head. Lily cried out and grabbed her head.

When Lily cleared her mind, the pain stopped. Lily had no idea what was going on.

She was confused and scared, but there was no one there to answer her questions.

She collapsed onto the couch and started to cry.

When the electric shocks stopped, Lily opened her eyes. She looked up at the Joker, who stroked her cheeks.

"Princess?" he asked her.

"J?" she asked, tears leaving her eyes.

The Joker leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

Lily pulled at her restraints. "J, let me go", she told him.

The Joker quickly undid the straps and Lily sat up.

She immediately started pulling at his clothes.

The Joker smirked and started to pull off Lily's shirt.

Lily wished Jeremiah could see them now.

Most people would be disgusted at the thought of having sex in an asylum, but for Lily and the Joker, it was home.

Where they first met and where they were reunited.