(Well here we are folks. Over half a hundred chapters later, ASUR goes into Volume 3. I will tell right now that here is where some more of this story deviates from the canon: And I mean beyond introducing some new characters. So there you have it. Without further delay: off we go.)

The Vytal Festival

Roy's POV

It's finally here, the Vytal Festival! The first are about to get on underway, still not sure how much time's still there. "Hey there guys!" A cutsey voice called out, seeing RWBY come forward was a good sight to see. "Hi there Rubes." I say a bit sheepishly with a wave, Ruby gave one back in kind with the rest of the girls and guys just staring at me and Ruby. Ah, doesn't matter much. "So are you ladies ready to get going for your first match?" Uriah asks with an air of playfulness, "Not gonna get cold feet on us now are you?". "Uriiiii, come on! Already nervous enough as is." Ruby whines, however I give her a pat on the back for reinsurance.

"Sorry, just makin' banter is all." Uriah states a bit awkwardly. "Hey. Just be sure to give a win for Beacon, you know?" Silas adds on crossing his arms with a smile. "Sure thing Poochy." Yang teases leading Silas' lupine ears to flatten down and him frowning. Seems Blake just gives him a little smile and his ears perk right up and his tail is wagging, and they say me and Ruby are the babies of the bunch.


Yeah cuz, and you'll always be the one that people will look to and say "How sweet they brought in their little brother"


No, fuck YOU good sir!

Guys, guys. Please...later




"Well, that's our cue. See you after the fight guys!" Ruby says ecstatically before walking off, "Good luck girls, we believe in you!" I yell out and wave along with the other guys. After that we make our way into the stands and take our seats, flopping right into the hard and wooden seat hurt my tailbone somewhat but it was all well and good. "Man I'm feeling a bit tingly from all this." I say to myself, looking to the arena itself one half of it is volcanic with an obsidian earth. Simulated lava flowing through it like blood in veins with jagged spikes sticking up menacingly out of the earth. The other half is one made out of ice and snow with glaciers and stalagmites of ice jutting out of the ground like frozen teeth.

"I see that you boys are ready for a show." A familiar voice spoke, however looking to where it came from it was...confusing. The man has onyx black skin, and vibrant purple hair that's formed into a flattop. He's wearing a long-sleeved white dress shirt, a pair of beige cargo pants and boots. He was smiling at us in familiarity. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. But who're you?" Silas asks in confusion, the man chuckled and took a seat in the middle, between Silas and Uriah. "Hey: I helped you three our of your muck." He says pointing to me, Uriah and Silas. "And as for your leader I was there to laugh at him as he trained." He spoke nonchalantly

"Wait...Mr. Dula?" I say in more than a bit of shock as I look at him up and down, "What...why do you look like that?"

"Shapeshifting Roy, simple. While you all may know what I really look like and don't fear it...not everyone is you." Dula says melancholically, but he claps and rubs his hands together enthusiastically. "But enough about that. I'm here to see some fights and I hope it's what I'll get." He says happily. Once both teams are up on stage they stare each other down. The electricity can be seen in the air, "Readyyyyyyyyyy...BEGIN!" And with the boom of Port's voice the fight kicks off with a bang...or as our resident pun queen would say 'With a Yang'. Starting moves are with ABRN charging into the fray with one of them riding a hoverboard, meanwhile Blake and Weiss go into the snow with Ruby coming up to one of the glaciers and unfolding Crescent Rose to scan for targets, and Yang charging in as well.

"COME ON LADIES WIN ONE FOR BEACON!" "KNOCK 'EM DOWN A COUPLE DOZEN PEGS!" "YOU GOT THIS RWBY!" The guys were cheering out happily, I could only whoop and holler as the fight kicks off. "Roy, what do you know about ABRN?" Axel asks calming down, I snap my attention to him and clear my throat. "There's the leader of the team Arslan Atlan, the leader of the team. Weapon is dagger, which in conjunction with her arm bands she uses as a rope dart. Second member is Bolin Hori who's weapon is a staff. Next is Reese Chloris, weapon is a hoverboard that can transform into a pair of revolvers. And finally there's Nadir Shiko who's weapon is just an assault rifle." I rattle off nonchalant. Axel just smiles and we go back to watching the fight.

"Wait, did you have Roy read up on the other teams?" Uriah asks a bit suspiciously, as for the fight Blake is facing with Reese. My feline friend does split the board in half, however it reforms in her green haired opponent's hands into a pair of revolvers. She does fire off a couple of shots: only to get knocked back and landing flat on her butt on the ice getting a groan from the audience me included.

Whew, tailbone's probably shattered up pretty good



Hiz, Tsa. Please. Trying to watch

"Well yeah I did, gotta know our enemy right?" Axel says cocking an eyebrow at Uriah, my partner nods in agreement. Silas in the meanwhile is just grinning widely, well can't say I blame him. Nor can the others. As for Yang she's dueling with Arslan, with the two blondes trading blows with one another. Before the two each throw a punch that slams into the other causing a shockwave to break apart the obsidian spikes jutting out of the volcanic side of the battle field. Yang and Arslan are both thrown back, but Yang reaches her and tries delivering more blows before Arslan uses her rope dart to tangle up her adversary and land a kick of her own to send Yang skidding on the ground to the ice side of the battlefield. While Yang tries to get her balance back on the slippery surface, Arslan rushes forward and knocks her back even further.

"Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us!" The voice of Port boomed over the battle gladly, "Wouldn't you agree, Professor?". "Doctor." The annoyed voice of Oobleck chides, "And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!" He says, his tone changing to excitement.

"For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!" Port booms yet again, in the meanwhile the fighting between RWBY and ARBN has devolved into skirmishes between the teams. "If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules."

"The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested... is skill." Ooblleck lays out

"Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!"

"And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!"

"Ahh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN of Haven."

And with that the fight picks back up into something else. Nadir appears to be taking target at Yang, only for a shot to go between his legs and in a frosty blue explosion: freeze him from his feet all the way to his hips. Ruby pulls back on the loading mechanism for Crescent Rose, however she turns back seeing the staff-twirling Bolin of Haven who not long afterwards: Get's a black glyph enhanced kick through a rock by Weiss. "ATTAGIRL PRINCESS! DON'T LOSE ON US NOW YOU HEAR?!" Uriah cries out, "What? Losing faith in the girls Uri?" I ask him smiling, he shakes his head. "Hey, anything can happen you know."

Bolin recovers from his trip through a rock and crouches with his weapon as he sees a white glyph appear in front of him. A second later, Weiss dashes by and slashes at him, then leaps up and attempts an aerial attack, which he's able to block. She readies her sword while preparing a glyph behind her, and Ruby uses it to launch herself straight up and come down spinning on Bolin, who manages to block the curved blade. Ruby blasts herself away back to Weiss' side, and Bolin rushes at them, rolling away from the shards of ice that rain on him and jumping over Ruby's swing as he continues running. "Whew, this round here is good if I do say so myself." Dula whispers to himself before looking back to us, he reaches into a bag before handing me four books. "Here. Something for you all to read, think of it as an...assignment." Cocking our eyebrows at him me and my teammates just lay the books into our laps and continue watching the fight.

For Bolin he reaches a deposit for fire Dust in the volcanic portion of the stadium, tossing it to Reese who's still fighting against Blake in the ice half of the arena. She fuses the Dust into her board, the lights going from an aquatic blue into a crimson red in color. Thanks to the heat she melts the ice that encases Nadir freeing him.

She comes back to Blake and slams her board into the Faunus' blade, but propels herself backwards and knocks Blake through a frozen pillar. Reese attempts to use her board to slam her foe into the ground, but when Blake dodges that, she spins around in a flaming arc that Blake narrowly misses thanks to her shadows. Changing tactics, Blake launches the pistol part of Gambol Shroud at a nearby glacier and launches herself behind it, as Reese follows her and sees Blake with her back turned to her under an arch. Heh, gotta love shadow clones. Reese rides in like a burning comet to deliver a final blow, only for a ribbon Blake is launching to trap her up a moment too late. She pulls tightly and causes Reese to slam body-first into the string, only to use a final kick to knock her out of the stage. Reese crashes into the wall of the stands before landing on the ground, in defeat causing me and probably more than a few others to cringe.

"Ooh, a double whammy!" Port announces, "Reese Chloris is eliminated by ringout and Aura level!"

"Oh, she really should've worn a helmet!" Oobleck adds in a bit condescending

"Well Uriah, guess you get to see them knocked down a couple dozen pegs after all." Silas dryly tells my partner, "Because that there is never going to be let down." Uriah just snorts and shakes his head at the comment. "Is that because you're gonna dickwave and taunt Haven about how your girlfriend probably ruined a girl's confidence based on how she whooped her ass so handily for a First-year?" In response Silas just shrugs, "Pretty much." Axel couldn't help but snicker. Well gotta appreciate Si's honesty!

For the fight continuing on Arslan uses her rope to swing around and avoid Yang right behind her, who's using shotgun blasts to propel herself forward. Nadir tries aiming his rifle at Weiss as she summons another glyph and launches Bolin at him. The two Third-years are helpless as Weiss creates a whirlwind from underneath them and slamming the two together until she forms a giant ice fist straight up from the ground to trap the two. It reforms itself into a ball that rolls around the field. "Nice work from Ms. Schnee, gotta hand it to her." Dula says rather impressed, Uriah just chuckles at the words.

It seems Arslan notices the ball of ice that's trapping her comrades since she changes direction and slides into the path of the ball. She readies her stance and drives her hand into the sphere, which ends up cracking open and freeing her brothers-in-arms. Weiss forms up a wall of ice, with Yang blasting herself forward and skidding across the icy wall and catching Blake's pistol. Meanwhile for Ruby she acts as a launch pad for Blake, even from here I can hear Yang's screams of battlelust, and the terror in ABRN's eyes at seeing Blake swinging Yang right around. A single explosive punch sending the three of them flying right into elimination. "THAT'S A WRAP LADIES IN GENTLEMEN!" Axel cheers out, he along with Silas, Uriah and me stand up cheering and clapping with the crowd roaring in cheer.

"And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!" Port's voice declares over the arena.


HAHA, You know it man! That was a helluva finish!

Hiz and Tsa were about as ecstatic as me. I'm cheering so hard that my throat's getting hoarse and my lungs are burning, but the only thing on my mind is that our match get here soon.

Axel's POV

"Gotta say, that was a great performance for the fight." I congratulate Rubes tussling her hair, she whines fixes up her hair and blushing out of embarrassment. "Ah it was nothing really. Well...maybe it was something." She says smiling, on her saying this a loud growl came right out of her stomach leading her to groan out. "Is anyone else starving?" She asks hunching over and clutching her stomach. "I may have worked up an appetite." Blake states, acting cool and confidant with hands behind her head ends up having her stomach not so much growling as it just roars out causing the poor girl embarrassment. "I'm so hungry I could eat an entire herd of horses." I add in patting my stomach. Weiss gives a shrug that's just a sign of what's to come, "Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh wait." She says with enough biting sarcasm that I can see tooth marks forming up on my skin.

Uriah wraps an arm around the Heiress and sighs, "Don't worry about it Weiss. I forget the fair grounds too." He sighs in lamentation, "I know. Sad that isn't it?" Ruby pipes up. Weiss just blushes out of embarrassment and brushes off Uriah's arm and glares at him and Ruby, "I was being facetious?" She says dryly. "I'm honestly shocked you didn't pick up my line as sarcasm." Uriah says bluntly, Weiss' face flushes red as a tomato and looking down in embarrassment. He just chuckles and peck's Weiss' cheek. "Well if you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!" Ruby says sounding like she's having a bit of panic, Roy however just grabs her shoulders. "Relax, relax. I think we all want some food." The little tinkerer says smiling brightly, "Come on! I know just the place." Yang states cheerfully. So we start following Goldilocks to where this place, but Weiss seems to lag behind for a phone call but she catches back up.

"Hey! Might be hard to eat without this." A familiar voice called out turning to look it was Emerald, holding a sage green wallet. Uriah comes forward and snatches it out of her hands, "Damnit Emerald, I thought we went over this. I don't steal from you, you don't steal from me." He chides grumpily putting his wallet back into his pocket. The red-eyed girl just laughs and pats his arm, "Good to see you Uriah." Emerald says truthfully, I can see Uriah give a smile back. "Good to see you too bud.", "So what's up Em?" Yang speaks up putting a hand on her hip.

"Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!" She says, Ruby just blushes and shies away but I can understand her mumbling. "Oh, shut your stupid little face..." Roy just gives a bit of a laugh, "Hey. Can't blame her for telling the truth now can you?" He asks curiously causing Ruby to pull up her hood. Ruby the innocent one. "I heard your team progressed to the next round too." Blake speaks up over Ruby's mumblings. "Congrats. Hope you'll make it to the singles too." Silas says, "Well thank you Silas, appreciate the support."

"You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates." Weiss points out, she's right. Don't think that I've gotten a chance to meet them...and by that I mean meet them and get to know them. "How'd they do in the fight?" I ask, seems Yang was about to open up her mouth and ask the same question as she's frowning at me. I just shrug at her, what can I do about it? Emerald tilts her head up for a moment in contemplation from the looks of it before looking back to us, "Really well." She says nodding, plain and simple. "That's great. Uh. Why don't we all go and get a victory food together." Ruby suggests, "Yeah! Come on Emerald, it can be for old time's sake!...Plus a few others." Uriah says nudging the girl on. "Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of..." She says looking back, with the rest of us looking past her there's Mercury along with someone dressed up in brown and a plain white and eyeless mask sniffing the inside of his boot. Oh. Well then. "...introverted. Really socially awkward."

"Ooh, yeah, I could see that." Yang drawls while nodding. "I'm with you there Sunny. Here I thought we were the only ones with social issues." Silas deadpans. "Oh yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?" Em asks curiously. Little Ruby out of her moment of embarrassment stands tall right now "Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision." Ruby states proudly, "We put it to a vote." Weiss states factually and straight-faced. "Yes, so, but I decided that we should put it to a vote." Ruby nervously backtracks

"We voted for Weiss and Yang." Blake says gesturing to the two ladies, one lovelier than the other if I do say so myself.

Ease up on the bias there Axel.

Bite me Cain

I'd rather not.

"I will happily represent Team RWBY." Weiss politely says with a curtsy, meanwhile Yang pounds her fists together in excitement. "Yeah, we're going to kick some butt!" Emerald laughs before cocking her head to me, "So what about you guys? Any idea who you'll pick?"

"Hmmm, well our team round hasn't started yet so it's still up in the air if we'll advance or not." I say in contemplation, "Which we will." Silas adds in with an appropriate wolfish grin on his face. "Anyways. How about we take a vote right here and now? I say Silas and Roy could do for the doubles round." I say smirking to Silas who shoots me a glare, "Yeah I'll concede, let Si and Royboy take the doubles." Uriah says with a handwave. Roy and Silas look to one another and sigh, but they smile back and nod. "Sure thing." "Sounds like a plan."

"Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya." Emerald teases with a confident smirk on her face. Silas and Roy along with Weiss and Yang smirk right back, "Wouldn't have it any other way." Yang playfully growls. Em turns around and starts walking on over to Mercury and the other guy, "Alright, well we're going to catch some more fights." She says. Ruby and Uriah start waving to her, "Have fun!" "Take care of yourself!" They say in sync

Ash's POV

"We will! See you later!" Streetrat calls back to the little shitstains, waving to them. However when she's back with me and Patri she's got a look of disgust on her face, "So, how're the new friends?" Patri asks. "I hate them." Streetrat states, scowling. "Well missy: welcome to my world." I chide. However Patri shrugs in response, "Orders are orders." In response Streetrat starts mashing her fingers together angrily. " I just... how can they be so happy all the time?!" She hisses out, I chuckle at the little bit of whining and sigh. "Well hate to tell you but you seemed to like the one in green, and you seemed pretty happy yourself around him don'tcha think?" I ask leaning over her. Her expression softens up before looking away and going stone-faced, "He's...he's different."

"Oh really now? How so little rat? I'm all ears." I ask her snickering, Patri just nudges me. I turn my attention to him and only glare, "Knock it off. So, did you at least get what we want?" He asks the rat who just waves him off. "It's the heiress and the bimbo for the happy little girls. And the dog and the idiot savant for the little boys." She states nonchalant, I can tell she's sad she won't get to spend some time with the green shitter instead. Well as they say: Tough titty, says the kitty, sour milk is pretty shitty. "Hmm, alright. At least we know who we're working with." Patri says to himself, "Must suck for you that you're not gonna get the chance to pay the Firestarter back for your face." He says smugly. I touch my cheeks in response to hearing that, they still sting even after weeks...the damned things won't heal.

"Oh don't worry about me, I have a plan in mind for paying him back."

Axel's POV

"One bowl of the regular please." Yang asks holding up a digit, and so the old man slides her a huge bowl of noodles. "Oohhh... I'll take the same." Ruby adds in getting the same order, leading to her clasping her hands in excitement. "Something spicy for me thank you." I tell him, in response I get some noodles drizzled in orange hot sauce. Smelling it, it burns my nose so good. "Have something with some extra meat in it?" Roy asks, he gets slid a bowl of noodles that have some extra bits of meat, probably pork or beef. "Do you have anything with a low-salt?" Weiss asks sounding concerned, however she just gets slid a bowl of plain old noodles, "Umm...ok then." Uriah just waves his hand and the old man slides him a regular bowl of noodles. As for Blake she just gives a smile and a nod which the old man returns, and she's given a noodle bowl that has fish stacked up on it. Both she and Silas go bright eyed and start drooling, enough of it to make a puddle. Yuck.

Me and Weiss can't help but give them a look considering Blake's predicament, but hey this day stereotypes win. Weiss hands the old man a credit card marked with the SDC logo, color me surprised. "Aw Weiss! What's the occasion?" Yang asks her, "Yeah. Not like you ever spend much on us...not that I'm complaining that is." Silas adds in, licking his lips hungrily at the fish bowl. "Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round." Weiss states proudly, however having her credit card thrown back at her is a sign of bad things. The vendor gives her an annoyed look and points to the register: DECLINED. "What the- Declined?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!" Weiss complains rightfully. And just when Blake is trying to hide her food, the vendor takes it back causing her to slump over and Silas to just stare at the spot where the bowl once was. "NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHO-HO-HOOO!" Blake cries out in anguish, "WHAT KIND OF CRUEL WORLD IS THIS?!" Silas howls out in despair, but he snaps his attention to Uriah grabbing him by his shirt. "Uriah! Panhandle for us!"

"Woah woah woah, why should-"

"JUST DO IT FOR FUCKS SAKE MAN!" The shouting and swearing causing me and a few other to jump up, well thanks for spooking me Blake. Uriah sighs and stands up and starts waving his hands, "Give us money! We're just poor kids with Dusty Lung and constipation! We just wanna eat!" He calls out in truly a display that will cause even the most heartless and stingy old man to shed tears and give Uriah his entire fortune. "Maybe I can help?" The voice of a certain red-head rings in, and here to save the day is JNPR. "Pyrrha!" Me and Ruby call out in delight to see her along with JNPR, however there's no response. After ten seconds I take a look to see that everything has stopped, it's like time is frozen. I have a very bad feeling about this.

Oh, oh fuck

What's wrong?

It's HIM Axel


"He's talking about me." A new voice says causing me to jump back coming from a man in front of me, it seems off: too smooth, too calm, too...something else. As for his appearance his skin looks glossy and alabaster white like he's some beautiful porcelain doll with long and curling onyx black hair going down to his shoulders, he's tall too: standing a good three or four heads above me so he has to crane his neck and I have to look up in order to see him face to face, his eyes are sparkling and violet, literally in fact. There's little sparks that are in his eyes that pop up on some little occasions, they're almost hypnotic. His smile is just as wrong as the rest of him, it's too inviting and friendly to seem normal but something about it is telling me to trust him despite my mind screaming at me to get away. He's dressed up in a suit that has a weird pattern to it, like a rainbow going from the top down consisting of purple, crimson, yellow, green, blue, brown, orange and black with one of his resting on a mahogany and gold cane that's much like a king's scepter while the other is in a sling of the cane being shaped with an animal pointing in one of the four cardinal directions: facing north is a grinning jackal, west a cobra, east what I can guess is a cicada, and south is a human face crying. And on one of his legs is a brace holding his left leg into place. He's just over all...wrong, it's like looking into a twisted reflection of humanity, he's radiating an aura of malice and spite. Like at any moment he'd just sooner turn my flesh into glass and blood into acid and give me immortality as he would talk with me. "Why thank you, I appreciate the compliment. And be sure to not tempt me now, I'm rather...weak-willed at times." He says happily, he...he can read my mind? Wait.

"You're Nyarlathotep, aren't you?" I ask him, he chuckles and pats my head. "Yep! That's me kiddo:" He says gliddily, "The Crawling Chaos, the Haunter in the Dark, but you can just call me Nyarly. But NOT Nyarko-san." The eldritch being states holding up a single finger.


"How about we chat good vessel for Cthugha and Aphoom?" He asks me with a cat-like smile, snapping his fingers we're both sitting at a table.

Go on now boy, speak to the master.

Shut it Aphoom! Ax whatever he says don't-

Just when Cthugha was about to say something there's just silence from him. "No no, just you and me Axel. You. Me. And just a bit of discussion in the frozen time." He says leaning back in his chair. "So I know how life's been treating you and I just have to say that watching you suffer and struggle has been one helluva lot of fun. Like giving someone schizophrenia along with a desire to eat flesh, just listen to the voices Merrick and eat your son." He rambles to himself, "So! How about we strike a deal: just give me the Codex and I'll make sure the people you know along with yourself come out of this smelling like roses. Alright?" He inquires stretching out his one free hand, smiling at me. Only thing I do is just spit right in his face, the wad of saliva hitting him right in the mouth. The eldritch force taking human form wipes it off just still looking me straight in the eye and he starts to laugh, "Heh...hehehehehahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA..." It sound was like maniacal nails on chalkboard, causing my head to lurch back like white hot needles were being picked at it trying to lobotomize me. "Well. I am very much glad to hear things will be much more interesting kid. Always enjoyed humanity, remind me of hmmm...Henderson? Yeah I think you and Henderson would get along swimmingly. Well I bet you have questions for me, so go on ahead and ask them."

"What's the purpose of the whole Arrival deal anyhow? I know that you and your friends are coming to Remnant to destroy humanity, but why?"

"Well to put it simply: You've all come to simply...bore me. Sure it was a good run while it lasted but it's time I move on, so I've convinced my fellows that this place needs to be wiped out, and I can be very persuasive you know." Nya replies smugly

"You're killing off everyone here because you're simply tired of toying with us?" I ask restraining my anger, "Where does Ash play in?"

"I'm glad you asked that! While the literal pile of brute strength, the grizzled old man with too much ambition for his own good and the depressed former pal of your headmaster are just pawns for Hastur, Yog-Sotthoth and Azathoth. Ash to me is my very own personal apprentice, taught him plenty of neat little tricks and gave him gifts so long as he keeps me entertained and does what he asks of me." He says gladly, just when I think things are just fine. Turns out Ash is just a personal favorite for one of the biggest assholes of the three that'll end up coming along.

"I'd hate to tell you that you should put your plans for killing off Man and Faunuskind on hold. You know what I mean?"


"I say that we should not my liege." A new low, regal, posh and sinister voice says. Looking behind Nyarlathotep there are two figures: Someone in yellow robes and a brass crown on his head, the arms of the robes are stained and dripping with a black and oily substance I can guess is blood. The other is an old man wrapped up in a brown cloak in a wheel chair, his eyes are unfocused and milky white. "Axel Lind: Meet High Priest Hastur, and Yog-Sotthoth." Wait...three were already here, "Yep. That's a fact." Nyarly states. The news causes me to lurch, my head feels like it's being torn open. My stomach twisting up into knots before imploding on itself, cold sweat running down me and my muscles shaking and hurting. Hell even the air in my lungs feels like it's turned into dry ice and is burning from how cold it is. But no...taking in a deep breath I calm myself and look back at the smug prick in the rainbow colored suit.

"Well, this just makes my job a little harder. Nothing more." I tell him and the other two straight faced, "And judging from how you all look. I'd say that someone hurt you all pretty badly." Nyarly flinched

"Just because we appear harmed, it does not mean that you can so easily kill me or my masters. We are immortal. Your extinction is inevitable." The Yellow One states arrogantly

"Well, if you're so cocksure then-...wait. You don't know who did this to us do you?" The Crawling Chaos chuckles, "Oh this is just rich."

"Who did it then? Ozpin? Cain?"

"Nope! Not spoiling that little tidbit." Nyarly says waving a finger in front of my face, "However there is just one thing I wish to ask before I leave." When he says it the other two are gone in a blink, "I've destroyed countless worlds in timeframes smaller than what your feeble mind can comprehend. I've had empires that have lasted for centuries and millennia quake before me, praise me and my name and all of it's glory, and then tear themselves apart with the madness I inflict on them. I've killed and taken the sanity away from more heroes than you've had heartbeats. I've driven men and women who were considered paragons of virtue into being depraved monsters that had their names struck away from all history. I have legions upon legions of followers that will happily throw their lives away to please me. And you still reject my offer, mock me, and spit in my face: The great Nyarlathotep, The Haunter in the Dark, Herald of the Outer Gods, The Crawling Chaos. I am feared by mortals and gods alike, so answer me, because I really want to know. What's your plan?"

"Well whatever you and your friends send my way: I'll kill them all. And there'll come the day where I'll kill you too, despite what your Priest says. Immortality means no one's tried killing it yet, and inevitable means someone hasn't tried stopping it." I answer cooly, the Crawling Chaos smiles before leaving. And time resumes

Ax, you've got to be utterly fucking insane to do that. Dickwaving and taunting an Outer God...good form

Heh, thanks Gassy...so considering what I did I may need help with that.

...Are you implying what I think you are

You're in my head man, you gotta know what I mean.

Well. When the time comes, I'll give you some power. Not all but...just enough.

Fine by me

"THERE YOU ARE!" A familiar voice cries out, seeing Ruby come zooming in was a relaxing sight. Lifts my spirits up, "Been looking all over for you! Come on! JNPR's having their fight coming up! Gotta cheer on Jaune y'know?" The little red bundle of energy says in rapid-fire, I simply nod and follow her as she races to the arena.
