(And so it begins, the prologue here takes place when Ruby is 1 and Yang is 3)

I've been walking for miles on end, been up for days, haven't eaten anything as long as I've been awake for four days...walking. Right now I'm walking on a dirt road in the middle of the rain pouring down sheets, I'm getting cold and wet by the minute...so tired. My eyesight is starting to blur as my eyelids are feeling heavy, maybe some sleep would help me out right about now. So I start to fall forward and a few seconds later fall almost face first into the mud...I would normally say that it hurt, but I couldn't feel nothing much besides numbness and the cold

"...ey...d...yo...ay?" a voice was saying from somewhere I couldn't tell, need to sleep.

I open up my eyes and see a wooden ceiling above me, my legs feel sore and my head hurts, and it looks like that I'm laying down on a couch. "Well what'd you know, still kicking." a gruff voice said from right next to me, I feel scared and try to get out of bed but a hand holds me back down. "Easy there kid, easy...you've been out a couple of days now." the same voice said, I turn my head to take a look at who's talking: a man around in his 30's with spikey black hair and red eyes, wearing a white dress shirt and a tattered looking cloak and a necklace with a cross on it.

"A-A couple of days?" I asked in a stuttering voice, I clear my throat to get rid of whatever is cloging up my throat as the man nods. "Yep. Found you laying in the middle of the road, you're lucky a beowolf didn't get ya kid" I look down for a brief moment before turning my gaze back at the man "Thanks for saving me..." I trailed off not knowing what to call him before he spoke up "Qrow. Qrow Branwen, what's your name?" he asked me

"Axel, Axel Lind" I tell him putting on a weak smile, he smiles back at me. "So...Qrow, where am I exactly?" I ask him as he reaches into his pocket for something "You're in my brother-in-law's house, brought you here as a place for you to stay for the time being." Qrow says pulling out from his pocket a flask. I start to reach for it before being stopped by Qrow, "Don't want to drink this stuff kid, it'll stunt your growth" he said chuckling a bit before taking a sip and putting the flask back in his pocket.

I take a look around and see that the has a window, looking outside the sky is cloudy but it's not raining and it's dark out...wish it would've stopped raining when I was still walking. There's a knock on the door that Qrow hears and gets up to see, he opens up the door and on the other side are two people: one is a blonde man and the other is a woman with redish black hair who has something wrapped in her arms. "Is he awake yet?" the man asks in quiet voice to which Qrow nods. The man looks my way and smiles softly before walking towards me

"Hi there guy, my name is Tai" he says putting a hand where my leg is at, "Mind telling me your name?" he asks me tilting his head to the left some. "My name's Axel sir- I mean Tai!" I say correcting myself on the last part to which he laughs a bit "It's alright Axel, it's nice to meet you." out of the corner of my eye I can see the lady coming towards me and Tai "This is my wife Summer" he says nodding his head to the right of him as she smiles, a smile only a mom would have. "Nice to meet you Axel" she says still smiling, I notice at that moment she has silver eyes...huh.

I nod at her before pointing at what's wrapped up, "What's that you have there?" she looks down and shows me what it is: a baby. "This is our daughter, Ruby" she says as I take a look at the little bundle wrapped up in a cloak, "She looks adorable miss" I say smiling at the sleeping thing in front of me. I shuffle around in the bed trying to not get clustered by the couple sitting there to which they stand back up. When they do I spot a girl about my age with the same blonde hair as Tai, purpleish colored eyes, some yellow PJs.

"What's going on? I heard noise?" she asked rubbing her eyes, Tai walks over to her and shushes her. "Everything is alright sweety, let's head back to bed now ok?" he asks the girl to which she nods smiling tiredly "Ok" the two then leave leaving just me, Summer and Qrow. "Sorry Axel but I have to put Ruby back to bed now, can't let her wake up crying again" Summer says with a nervous chuckle "It's ok miss, I'll just talk with Qrow until I fall asleep again" she smiles and nods before leaving the room to just me and Qrow

"Sorry kiddo, I'd love to talk with ya more...but it's pretty late. I'll be here in the morning ok?" he says smiling a bit to which I nod sadly "Ok...I'll try and sleep some more" I say with a yawn before going back to sleep.

After some time sleeping I wake up again, I get onto my feet...my legs shaking like an earthquake is happening all the while. Time for my first steps again, I start to slowly walk to the bathroom and lean on the wall to make sure that I don't fall. I reach the bathroom and pull up a stool so I can see how I look: and it's not pretty

Short black hair is rat's nest with small patches of mud here and there, my nose is red, my eyes bloodshot and with dark rings under them. I sigh and shake my head and turn on the water faucet to start cleaning out the mud that's stuck to my hair like glue, takes 10 minutes but it's out of there. "Now you look better" a voice said scaring me, I turn to the open door and see the girl from last night still in the same pajamas.

"Thank you, and sorry that I woke you up last night" I told her innocently to which she smiled, bright and happy. "No worries! I still slept fine." she said which caused me to blush with embarrassment and smile sheepishly. "Oh! I'm Yang by the way!" she said extending out a hand, I climbed down from the stool and shook it "Axel"

(Redid this chapter, thanks to Eli Posidonis for pointing out the flaw.)