Disclaimer: Don't own YGO
To Reader: I wanted to go in a different direction with my stories, so this is about what happened after the Duelist Tournament held by Maximillian Pegasus. It's when they're boarding the ship. But, something happens to the ship. Read and Find out!!!!!!!! Sorry so short.
Chapter 1: A sinking feeling
After finally defeating Maximillian Pegasus at his own game, Yugi and the gang were on their way toward the ship that would take them back to Domino City. They were accompanied by Grandpa and Mai. As Yugi boarded the ship he had a bad feeling. A very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach....like if something was going to happen. He ignored the warning and boarded the ship, not saying a word to any of his friends.
As the ship finally left the dock, Grandpa walked over and put a hand on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi looked over and sighed. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment.
"What's wrong, my boy?" Grandpa asked as Yugi shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know Grandpa, I just feel like something bad is going to happen." Yugi said as Grandpa looked at him awkwardly. "I mean something bad is going to happen with the ship."
"Don't say those kind of things," Grandpa said as Yugi sighed and looked away from Grandpa.
His eyes wandered to Tea, who was helping Joey with his luggage. He blushed slightly. Grandpa looked over and smiled. "I see someone has developed a crush." Yugi smiled and ignored his Grandpa's statement. Yugi walked over slowly, getting bits of their (Joey & Tea) conversation as he walked closer toward them.
"Joey....I don't see why you can't get Tristan!" Tea exclaimed as she hauled another package over her shoulder.
"He's helping Mai with hers!" Joey said as Tea rolled her eyes.
"I'm surprised you didn't offer to help Mai with her stuff." Tea said sarcastically as Joey glared at her. She laughed and turned around to bump into Yugi.
"Sorry Yugi," Tea said softly as he smiled.
"No problem." Yugi said, not noticing that he was staring at her.
"Umm...well I better go to Joey's room to dump his stuff in there." She said as he nodded and allowed her to depart to Joey's room. As Joey walked past Yugi he whispered, "It's not good to keep the feelings bottled up inside." Yugi blushed again.
"Does everyone know about Tea and him?" He asked himself as he heard a chuckle coming from his puzzle. "What's so funny?" Yugi asked as Yami cleared his throat.
"The situation between you and Tea." He said as Yugi blushed. "I never knew you liked her."
"Umm...well......I don't.....we're just friends." Yugi said as Yami sighed.
"Yeah...really...really....good friends." Yami said as Yugi ignored Yami.
As they neared Domino port, the ride started getting bumpy and many of the big waves smashed against the ship's deck. As it grew chilly on the upper deck of the ship, many people started retiring to their cabins to rest. Little did they know that the only two people up were Yugi and Tea. Why? Tea had become sea-sick and Yugi was patiently holding her hair back for her. As she continued to her business, Tristan and Joey walked out of their cabins to check up on her.
Suddenly the ship was violently thrown by a wave. This particular wave knocked Tea off the ship into the cold sea. As she re-surfaced she started screaming "HELP!" Tristan ran up to the ledge and was about to jump when he was blinded by a flash of light coming from Yugi's puzzle.
"YU-GI-OH!" He screamed as he plunged into the water.
"Yugi! Wait buddy!" Joey yelled as he dived after him.
That's when Mai came out. She looked at Tristan who was pointing down at the three in the water. Her mouth opened widely as she ran up to the captain's room screaming, "STOP THE SHIP! MEN OVERBOARD!" The captain quickly stood up from his desk and followed her to where the incident occurred.
"TEA! TEA!" Yugi yelled as he searched and searched for the missing Tea. He was accompanied by Joey, who was lagging behind him.
That's when they heard faint screams. They rushed through the heavy waves to meet those screams. That's when Yugi saw Tea grasping for air. He swam as fast as he could toward her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up, with the help of Joey.
"Are you okay?" He asked Tea, not noticing that she fainted. "Tea?" He said as he looked at her.
"Must be worn out." Joey reasoned as Yugi nodded.
Yugi looked from Tea to the ship, that was leaving them behind. "We'll never catch up to it." Yugi said as Joey nodded.
That's when a miracle happened. Joey spotted a long piece of lumber floating on the surface of the water. "This is one good thing that is going to come out today."
~To be continued.....I think....~