Harley fought to keep her aim steady as she felt her whole body trembling. At least she wasn't wearing any high heels, which helped her stand upright. Bruce, standing in between her paramour and their mutual enemy, was relieved to find Harley in one piece. He could tell that Joker was sharing that relief. His Harley was back, but she was still unwell. Black Mask, back on his feet again, stared right at her without a word. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Didn't think it possible. Apparently, she was stronger than he thought. Her eyes were narrowed and her nostrils flared as she breathed in and out like a bull seeing red. And they were all about to see red if nobody stopped her.

Harley wanted nothing more than to throw herself into Joker's arms, but first she had to deal with the vermin which had plagued her. Bright red eyes were staring right back into hers. Holding her arms up for so long made them start shaking and her body swayed lightly. Black Mask gave a derisive laugh at the sight and thought just how pitiful it was. She would helplessly fall to the floor any minute now. He could tell from the bead of sweat trickling down her forehead and her heavy breathing. "How are you feeling?" he asked her, as unconcerned as one could be.

"I'll be fine as soon as you're dead," she spat. He laughed again.

"So why haven't you pulled the trigger yet?" Harley smirked.

"Don't worry, I will. But first I want to know why you did this to me. Why?" Why did you do this to him?

"Simple. Revenge. I wanted him to suffer." He glanced at Joker, who was surprisingly keeping himself in check. "And everyone knows the only way to do that is to hurt you." He turned back to Harley.

"Then why didn't you just kill me?" she questioned, earning an amused chuckle in response.

"Because I knew it wouldn't hurt nearly as much." Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion and so did many of the others'. What could be worse? What could cause Joker more pain than killing Harley? Black Mask went on to explain. "If I had killed you, sooner or later, he would just have forgotten about you. If you don't exist, then neither does the pain. Not forever, at least. But by erasing your memory, I made sure to give him a constant reminder that he could never have you back. I made sure that you became the source to his endless suffering." Harley gave a derisive laugh of her own.

"Well, looks like you failed. I remember now."

"Did I?" He let the question hang in the air. "Did I fail? I'm not the one who's sweating profusely, about to topple over any second. You're in pain and believe me, soon you'll be begging for death." The conversation had already gone on for far too long and Harley grudgingly had to accept that Black Mask was right. Black dots started to cloud her vision and she swayed on the spot. Seeing the burning rage in her eyes, Bruce knew what she was about to do and though he yelled at her not to, it was too late. As soon as she pulled the trigger, she fainted and hit the floor hard. Black Mask screamed when the bullet brushed his left shoulder. Clutching the wound with his right hand, he fell to his knees. Thanks to her poor aim, he was still alive, but his flesh was burning.

Joker watched Harley fall to the floor and didn't even spare his enemy one glance as he dropped to his knees, but took great pleasure in hearing his agonized scream. He knelt down next to Harley and brought her head up into his lap. "Wake up, Princess," he murmured and patted her face. Black Mask, still clutching his wound, was disappointed to hear no gunshots.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked his men through gritted teeth. "Kill them!" Everyone in the room had been more or less paralyzed watching the scene unfold in front of their eyes. Just as they raised their guns, they could hear rushing steps coming from the hallway outside. Steps that were coming closer and closer and a voice called out when they reached the room.

"GCPD! Nobody move!" It was Commissioner Gordon, followed by an armed squad of eight police officers in bulletproof vests. "Drop your weapons!" Gordon commanded and, without a second thought, they did, putting their hands up as the guns clattered loudly against the floor. Everyone else in the room, including Selina, put their hands up. All except Bruce, Joker, Black Mask and, of course, Harley, who was unable to do anything due to unconsciousness. Gordon's eyes scanned the room back and forth. He had witnessed a lot of strange things throughout his career, but this was very close to topping the list. It seemed his colleagues were sharing those thoughts. They focused on aiming their guns at Joker's and Black Mask's men. Gordon himself was torn between the two big baddies in the room. Joker or Black Mask? He settled on aiming at Joker, seeing as Black Mask was in too much pain to defend himself, plus he had the Batman right by his side to stop him, should he try anything. Gordon looked to the caped crusader and gave him a nod to show his gratitude. "Thank you for calling us." Bruce returned the nod.

"Thank you for showing up." Both Joker and Selina looked between the two men.

"You called the cops?" Joker shouted, but didn't get up from the floor. Bruce did not answer to that. He didn't even look at the Joker, whose fuse was running short. The cops could never understand what was going on and they would only make things worse. That, he was certain of. Without realizing it, he clutched Harley tighter, afraid they would take her from him once again. Bruce saw the subtle movement from the corner of his eye and knew what his adversary must be thinking. He pulled Black Mask to his feet, who protested with an audible groan as he felt the searing pain in his shoulder increase.

"Here," he said and pushed him over to Gordon. The police commissioner cuffed Black Mask's hands behind his back.

"You have the right to remain silent," he said. Black Mask only growled in response, looking down at Joker. Gordon then took notice of Selina, still holding her hands in the air. "Ms. Kyle, I think it's safe for you to drop those now," he said, knowing she had no part in the crime. Selina gave him a small smile and stepped over to where Harley and Joker was. Gordon turned to his patrol. "All right. Arrest them."

Joker watched as his gang was taken into custody. The Bat did nothing to stop it. Then again, what was really the point? Harley's salvation had literally flown out the window along with all hope. It didn't matter what happened to them now. Things would never be the same again. He exchanged one last look with Jonny before he was led out the room. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. Gordon handed Black Mask over to one of the officers. "Enjoy your stay at Blackgate." The red eyes beneath the mask narrowed into slits, the killing glare directed at the Joker. No words were exchanged as the police officer escorted him outside.

Now the only ones remaining were Gordon, Selina, Bruce, the two clowns and Black Mask's secretary, Ms. Li. It was quiet for a moment before Gordon spoke again. "I'm not expecting anyone to come willingly, but I'd rather not do this the hard way." He looked down at Joker, so unlike himself. So quiet and so still. In a way, it was even more unsettling than when he wasn't.

"I'll take them," Bruce said, receiving a puzzled look both from Gordon and the Joker. "I'll take them to Arkham. You go." Gordon looked down with a small smile and shook his head.

"Why do I get the feeling you're going to do anything but that?" He wasn't all that wrong.

"I'm taking them to Arkham," Bruce said, a bit more firmly to convince his friend. He was going to take them to Arkham, but what would happen after that, Jim didn't have to know. Finally, he gave in with a sigh.

"Fine. I trust you." He looked over at the dark haired woman behind the desk. "What about her?" For the first time, Ms. Li actually spoke. She stepped up from behind the desk.

"I confess that I'm guilty and give myself up willingly. But first…" She reached inside her jacket and picked out a small glass vial. She gave it to Bruce. "I thought you might want this." Bruce held the vial of yellow liquid in his gloved hand, not quite believing what he was seeing. His fingers closed around it protectively and then gave the woman a small smile. "No need to thank me," she said before he had the chance to speak. "I just wanted to do the right thing, for once." Then she joined Gordon again and with one last glance, they left the rest behind.

"Is that…?" Joker asked and looked at the Bat's closed fist. Could it really be? Bruce nodded.

"I believe it is." Selina smiled broadly, happy to know that there was a chance for her friend to be well again. Joker was too overwhelmed to even smile. All he did was bring Harley's body closer to his. He breathed in the scent of her hair and at the touch of his hand on her face, her eyes fluttered open. He held his breath as her clear blue irises met his.

"Puddin'?" Her voice was small, but it was there. She was there and everything would be fine.

"That's right, Pumpkin." His smile made her heart soar. How she had missed that smile. She was back in his arms again. Just the way it should be. She cupped his face with one hand, but didn't have the strength to keep it there for long. It fell limply back down to her side and his brow creased in worry. Harley craned her neck and saw Selina looking down from above.

"Hey Cat," she said, still with a weak voice and smile. "Where'd ya go at the party?" Selina blinked back the tears and smiled at her friend's attempt at being funny.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Bruce cleared his throat and Harley's eyes drifted to him instead.

"Sorry to interrupt the moment, but I'm afraid we have to leave now." It wasn't until then that Harley noticed just how empty the room was.

"Hey, where did everybody go?" she asked and then gasped when she remembered shooting Black Mask. "Did I kill him? Please say I did." Joker chuckled.

"Unfortunately… no, but you hit him in the shoulder. Daddy's so proud of you," he growled, making her blush under his intense gaze. Oh, the things she wanted him to do to her. Bruce, slightly embarrassed at the scene, cleared his throat again, louder this time.

"Come on. I'm taking you to Arkham." Joker still held Harley in his embrace as they both got up.

"Are you out of your mind? I'm not about to be locked up again in that nuthouse and neither. Is. Harley." Bruce took a deep breath and tried to settle this once and for all.

"She's going to get worse if she doesn't get the right treatment. Should she have another seizure, Arkham is the best place for her to be. They can take care of her while I work on the antidote." Joker snorted and shook his head at the Bat.

"Arkham is not a place where you're 'taken care of.' She's not going and I'm not going. End of story." Bruce knew better than to argue. Arkham was far from hospitable.

"She could stay with me," Selina suggested and sought Bruce's gaze. "I'm sure you can supply me with everything she needs and I'm sure Ivy could too. I've seen what her plants can do." Harley concurred.

"Yeah. Ivy could help." As much as Joker hated the weed, he had to admit that it wasn't a bad idea. Anything to make Harley better. It seemed as if the Bat didn't have it in him to object, either.

"Okay. I'll be in touch."


Taking care of Harley proved to be a piece of cake. While her condition worsened, with Ivy's magical plant skills, nothing serious ever happened. Ivy, who had been unbeknownst to the whole ordeal, was happy to find that her bestie was, after all, all right. But in her opinion, Harley should never have been susceptible to the drug in the first place due to the serum she gave her, making her immune to most toxins. "I guess this was one of those unfortunate exceptions," she mused bitterly.

Selina finally got the anticipated call from the Bat and he came over to her apartment late at night to deliver the antidote. It pleased him to hear that they'd experienced no troubles during the last three days. With a frown, Harley reluctantly rolled up her left sleeve to let him give her the shot. "I hate shots, I hate shots, I hate shots," she repeated with her eyes shut tight. Thankfully, the pain subsided rather quickly.

"That should do the trick," Bruce said. "It might take some time for the effect to kick in, so I suggest you keep taking it easy for a while." Then he got up and headed for the door. Harley shot up from her seat on the couch.

"Wait!" He turned, his cape flapping around him. "That's it? You're leaving?"

"Yes," he answered simply.

"So… you're not going to turn us in?" Ever since Harley got her memories back, she had expected him to do just that and the fact that he hadn't done it yet, despite his many opportunities, was slightly unsettling. This was not the Bat she was used to and though she should have felt relieved and happy, she couldn't deny that she, despite everything, enjoyed playing their game of cat and mouse.

"No." He shook his head. "Not today, at least." Then Harley saw him do something she had never seen before. He smirked.

The house had become alarmingly empty since so many of his men, including Jonny, had been arrested. It wasn't fair. They hadn't even killed anyone, but now Joker wished he had. His bloodthirst was almost unbearable. It took all of his willpower not to take out one of the few men left in the house right then and there. To keep himself from spilling any unnecessary blood, he had taken to stay in the bedroom, but should anyone have the gall to disturb him, he would gladly end their life before they could even beg for it. So late at night when the door swung open, he felt like a child at Christmas laying there on the bed, thrilled to know he would finally get to enjoy himself by cutting someone's tongue off. He just hadn't expected that someone to be Harley.

For a long while they stared at each other in silence. Him on the bed. Her by the door. Then she threw herself on top of him, knocking the air out of his lungs. "Woah! Easy, tiger!" he said and grabbed her by the hips to keep her still. Her own hands trailed down his bare chest, tracing the tattoos she adored so much. The very same tattoos she had repulsed only a few days ago. But not anymore. Nothing about him could ever be repulsive. In her eyes, he was beautiful. Everything she could ever want. She relaxed and lay down her head on his chest, hearing and feeling his heartbeat in her ear. It was the most beautiful sound she knew.

"I'm home," she whispered and closed her eyes as he wrapped his arms protectively around her.

"And you'll never leave again."

A/N: Wow. It's been a helluva ride, but now it's finished. And what do you know, this chapter acutally turned out to be one of the longest in the bunch! (And I said I thought it would be short. Oops!)

I want to thank all readers from the bottom of my heart! The fact that so many of you enjoy this story gives me faith in myself and you're all so sweet and encouraging in your reviews! What more can an author ask for? I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this story!


- QuinnOfConeyIsland