When Larry walked in to meet the old night guards of the Museum of Natural History, he did not expect to see a younger girl with them. By younger, she looked to be in her late teens. What surprised him most was that she was wearing the exact same uniform he was, the only exception being that it was tailored differently to fit her fine physique.

She walked over to him with a bright smile and held out her hand. "Hi! You must be Larry Daley. I'm Raya. I was told I would be working with a new employee."

Larry shook her hand and looked at the older men with a confused expression on his face. "Hey. I thought the museum was only hiring one night guard."

Raya let out a light laugh. "Technically they did. I'm an intern from NYU. I'll be working here for the next year when I'm on breaks. In return, these three wonderful men have convinced Dr. McPhee to give me six college credits."

"Well, now that you're all introduced, we'll let you get started," Cecil said to them. "Your keys. Your torches." He handed the both of them a set of keys and a flashlight. "You'll wanna strap those to your belts. It can get a little spooky around here at night, so you might wanna put a few lights on. All right, flashlight, keys. What am I for—Oh!" He reached into his bag and pulled out several old sheets of paper. "The instruction manual."

"Instructions," Gus clarified. "You start with one, two, three—"

"Four?" Larry finished for him.

"Are you cracking wise? I ought to punch you in the nose, hopscotch."

"Leave him alone, Gus," Reginald said to the man. "You got it covered, right, guys?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Larry answered.

"I think we can handle it," Raya smiled.

"You better get it!" Gus barked.

"Gus," Cecil gently berated. "Larry, Raya, do them in order, do them all, and do them quick. And the most important thing of all to remember: Don't let anything in or out."

"Out?" Larry asked. Raya's brow furrowed in confusion as she looked over at her new companion.

"Good luck, you two."

"Night, Gus! Night, Reginald!" Raya called.

"Young buck," Gus muttered on the way out. "Cracking wise."

"Moving on!" Cecil said.

Raya sighed. "Deep down, Gus is lovable. And the other two are sweethearts."

"If you say so," Larry said. As he began to walk over to the front desk, he asked Raya, "So, why on earth did you take an internship as a night guard?"

"I needed something to get my mom off my back and this is the only one that accepted me. Night guard was the only position they had available. It won't be too bad. I've always been a night owl anyway, and at least I'll be able to read or get some writing done while I'm working. Who knows? Maybe I'll even see some action in the five months total I work."

"Night owl, you say?"

"Oh yeah, at school, I usually don't go to bed until around 4:00 in the morning."

"Why would you do that?"

Raya laughed. "I like to write. And I find that the best time to get some writing done is when everyone else is asleep. It's the perfect time for inspiration to hit, and no one interrupts my thought process. What about you?"

"Well, I have one son, Nicky. He comes to stay with me every other weekend and on Wednesdays. He's at his mom's right now."

Raya nodded a little, putting together that Larry was divorced.

"I've kind of been going from job to job and moving around a lot, but I really want this one to work for Nicky's sake."

"Well, it's not like we're going to be seeing much action on this job. You're just lucky I'm here for now or you might've died from boredom."

Larry picked up the phone at the desk. "Hello?" he said into the receiver. His voice went across the entire museum as it apparently connected to the P.A. system. "Hello! Check! Check. I am Larry. Check! Larry! L-L-L-L-Larry!" He started beatboxing into the receiver.

Raya began laughing at his antics.

"Monday! Monday! Monday! Monster Truck Rally!"

He started singing a very poor and off-key rendition of Eye of the Tiger in a falsetto voice that ended with him vocalizing and imitating an electric guitar. By now, Raya was laughing so hard, she was gripping her stomach as it began to ache.

Larry ended up falling asleep in the chair shortly after. Raya got on top of the counter and curled up where she too fell asleep.

She jolted awake when Larry attempted to roll over and fell out of the chair.

Raya rubbed her eyes and looked at him. "We are terrible night guards."

"It's not like we missed anything. I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Hold down the fort."

"Shouldn't be too hard."

Larry took off towards the mens' bathroom when Raya looked in front of her and realized something was missing.

"Larry?" she called. "You might wanna see this!"

Larry came back and looked at the pedestal in front of the room. No dinosaur skeleton. "Cecil?" he called. "Okay, very funny, Cecil! What is this, like a David Copperfield thing?"

He went up to the pedestal and waved his hand in the air to make sure nothing was there.

"I don't think Cecil did this," Raya said. "I mean how would someone of his age even accomplish that?"

"This is weird."

"Okay, I am really not that heavy of a sleeper. There's no way I slept through someone stealing a freaking dinosaur."

"Wait…do you hear that?"

Raya listened and could make out the quiet sound of water trickling.

"Cecil?" Larry called again.

The two of them followed the sound to the hallway and looked down it. Larry turned on his flashlight, and Raya's heart leapt in her chest. She let out a quiet breath as they looked at the dinosaur skeleton at the water fountain.

The skeleton was moving. How was it moving?!

Larry dropped his flashlight in surprise. The noise caught the dinosaur's attention and it looked over at the two night guards.

"Nice one," Raya hissed.

"Run!" Larry screamed.

They took off running down the hallway. The dinosaur skidded after them as they ran straight for the doors.

"Come on," Larry murmured as they tried to open the doors. "Revolve. Revolve!"

"It's not working!"

"This way!"

Larry and Raya ran back to the front desk and hid behind it. Larry grabbed the phone and dialed the operator.

The two of them screamed as the dinosaur began to knock against the desk.

"Cecil…" He paused as he tried to remember the man's last name. "Fredricks!" There was a pause and then, "Cecil! It's Larry Daley! The dinosaur—The dinosaur is alive! The dinosaur's alive! What do we do? Just tell me what to do!" He suddenly grabbed the instructions next to him. "Okay, I got them! Wait! Wait!"

They screamed again as the dinosaur lifted up the desk in its mouth and tossed it aside.

Larry looked at the instructions. "Number one: 'Throw the bone'. What bone?"

Suddenly, a bone fell right next to them.

"That bone?" Raya guessed.

The dinosaur leaned in close to them as Raya breathed heavily, fully able to see all its sharp teeth.

"I never wanted to be in Jurassic Park," she whispered.

Larry slowly picked up the bone and then threw it in the direction of the doors. The dinosaur quickly ran after it.

"Come on!" Larry said.

They quickly ran in the opposite direction, but the dinosaur ended up right in front of them with the bone in its mouth. It set the bone down on the ground and used its nose to toss it in their direction. It began to walk towards them again and reared its head up.

Then to Raya's utter surprise, it kneeled down and wagged its tail like a puppy. She looked at Larry in shock.

Larry looked down at the bone in front of him. "Fetch?" he whispered. "Play fetch?" He picked the bone up, and the dinosaur wagged its tail even faster in excitement.

Larry threw the bone again and the dinosaur took off after it. Raya managed to duck from its swinging tail, but Larry wasn't so lucky and got hit. He went flying and landed on the stairs before falling back down them.

They looked up and saw various animals and birds walking and flying around.

"No way," Larry whispered.

"This was not in the job description."