Many things happened in the span since the War of the Usurper, or Roberts Rebellion as many in the Kingdoms call it. To start the recollections by starting with the death of the war hero, Edwyn Tully or Edwyn the Dragonslayer. He was taken back to Riverrun and put to rest in the tradition of burning in a rowboat. The next was a year after where the House of Tyrell was brought low for their loyalty to the Targaryens in a plot to slay the new King, all the men were sent to the Wall and Margaery Tyrell was engaged to a young Renly Baratheon, House Redwyne was then named the new Lords of the Reach.
The Crownlands which were formerly in the hands of the Targaryens were given to the Rykker's of Duskendale along with the Island of Dragonstone that was given to House Velaryon for being the first House to swear fealty to Robert Baratheon. The ruins of the old capital would soon be livable after a year and when Lord Rykker asked to rebuild it, Robert refused and had it remain as a warning against any that would serve the Targaryen's and their madness, although a small port was allowed to set up there after some convincing on the Lord Rykker's side.
Tywin Lannister would to lengths of filling the crowns coffers in the Westerlands during these times. At the end of the year a son was born to Robert and a daughter to Stannis, one named Duran and the other was Shireen. Lyanna had finally mourned her late husband and married the new King with the only intention being of duty, and as promised to her, Robert remained faithful and only drank wine occasionally, so far the marriage seems to be strong despite having no love into it.
The next event in history would happen in five years where the Targaryen Army, led by Viserys would march up the Boneway and reclaim lost land. 20,000 men like Daeron the Young Dragon and met the might of 45,000 Stormlanders in a war that lasted three months, ending when Roland Storm slew the Dragon Prince and won him a place a member of the Kingsguardm, or Stormguard that would be the new name of Roberts order. The Kingdom of Dorne would seek peace and swore to not invade the newly formed Baratheon kingdoms, whether that will prove true in the years to come is uncertain.
The Dynasty would see conflict once more two years after when the Lords of the Iron Islands declared independence which ended in victory for the North who led 35,000 men, the Riverlands with 20,000 and the West with another 20,000. Casulaties were all of Balon's eldest sons and Victarion, his daughter and son Asha and Theon were taken to the North and one went to the Stormlands as wards. Also in this year Brandon and Catelyn gave birth to a third child after their twins Torrhen and Hoster, the girl was named Sansa. Also in this year the Lord Tully wed Cersei Lannister after some negotiating on Edmures advisers side.
In the North the Night's Watch was given 13,000 new recruits, 30,000 supplies of food and weapons and had six of their castles rebuilt, all at the expense of Brandon, the new Lord of Winterfell who believed the pact with the Night's Watch should be honored. The 13,000 men being from the Iron Islands, Wildings, Bandits and some from the War of the Dragon and the Stag. The North never seemed stronger in all its years since before Torrhen knelt to Aegon. Meanwhile, In the Vale, Denys fell comfortably in his seat of power with his wife and child, he went through strides to make the Vale safer for travelers by placing ore guards along the roads and had Gulltown build a small fleet to help in any dire needs.
As for now, nothing but more of the overwhelming peace is seen the coming years.
Signed by Vaeryn, Grand Maester and adviser to the King Robert of the House Baratheon, First of his Name and protector of the realm.