Author's Note - So, you know how in Owain's paralouge Lucina mentions that Lissa was still alive in her future? Well, it was a bit unsatisfying to me that nothing of that sort was ever mentioned again, and I've yet to see a fanfic that depicts this... So here you are! My version of Lucina's alternate future up to the point of traveling back in time. Needless to say, many, many characters will be killed off in this fanfiction. All children are presumed born before the start of the story. As always, I will write each chapter in a single, unrevised sitting, so please forgive me for the inevitable mistakes that will be made. All that being said, enjoy! - End of Author's Note

"Hey!" Chrom pleaded, trying to break the trance Robin seemed to be in "Hey, look-". He was interrupted. Robin had stabbed him in the chest with a bolt of lightning magic. Gasping, Chrom looked up at his friend. "Th-this is not your fault. Promise me you'll escape from this place... Go..." Chrom fell to the ground, dead. The magic wall separating the rest of the party from the two of them, and Validar dropped, allowing the rest of the party to rush to the fallen hero and the corrupted hero alike.

Robin looked at his hands, confused. Had he really killed his best friend? 'No, no this has to be a mistake!' He thought, desperately 'A dream, or something of the like!'

'But you know better' A dark thought seemed to speak from the back of his consciousness, or at least as close as thoughts can come to speaking. 'You killed him in cold blood... You, nay, we are a monster. No better than the rest of the monstrosities your so called friends have been fighting this entire time. They watched you kill your best friend. And did nothing'

'NO!' Robin thought 'We're saving the world! We're fighting for good! R-right?'

'Hm. Let me see. Patricide... Patricide... Huh! That doesn't seem to fall under that category of "good", now does it?'

While Robin was doubled over on the ground having his internal crisis (which he was), some of the Shepherds had rushed to Chrom's corpse. Lissa sobbed, trying to heal him with her staff.

"Why isn't this working?! Chrom, you can't die! First Emm... Now... Y-you can't leave me alone! You just can't." Chrom was unresponsive, and lay on the ground, unchanged by Lissa's efforts to heal him. Frederick grabbed Lissa, tears flowing down his face, and held her close to him. He had failed two royals. He was not about to let the third, and the most precious to him, be harmed in anyway possible.

As Frederick dragged a sobbing Lissa away from Chrom's body, Olivia slowly, and silently walked up to the corpse of her husband. Without saying a word, she lay down next to him, lay her head on his back, and started sobbing.

"Chrom..." She whispered, almost inaudibly "You swore... We would be together forever... And maybe will still can be. You can't be dead Chrom, I know that you aren't. Please, get up! Show me a sign that you can still be brought back!" She caught herself. "I-I-I mean..." The realization hit her, and she sobbed harder. "Oh, Chrom..."

Vaike had been standing above the body. But he refused to look. The Chrom he knew, the Chrom he loved, he wasn't dead. He never would be, at least not as long as Vaike lived. But someone had cut his rival's life short. 'No.' Vaike thought. 'Not someone. Robin. Who we all trusted with our lives on a daily basis...' Hearing Olivia's whispers to his dead friend was the final straw. Vaike found, and readied his axe, preparing for vengeance.

Frederick had seen him do this, and, for the moment, he had only one thought.

'The fool will get us all killed!'

Still holding his wife in his arms, he swept her up like she weighed nothing, and called out.

"Shepherds! To me! Come, we must flee, and we must make haste! We have... Failed."

They came willingly enough. Most were still in shock at seeing Chrom killed in front of their eyes, as they were helpless to do anything about it. Others came with a rather large hustle. Frederick had no time for this. He had his wife to think of, and his son, back in... Ylisstol. Fear washed over him. If Grima were awakened, what would be his first target?

"I have no time for your shit!" He shouted, directed at the Shepherds who were, at the very least, reluctant to leave, Vaike and Olivia prime amount them. "I will lead those who wish to live back to Ylisstol. We can still make a difference there. If there are any among you who wish to throw away their lives here and now, so be it. You were a waste of a Shepard." Frederick walked out of the hall, carrying with him a now shocked Lissa. The Shepherds followed. With the exception of two.

"Hey, you murderous piece of shit!" Vaike shouted at Robin. "He trusted you. We all did! With our lives. And this is how you repay that trust? How could you do such a thing?!"

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, my father, I mean, Validar, he took control, and I-"

"I've heard enough." Vaike seethed with rage "The dead guy. After you killed him. Sure. I hope you rot in Hell for this." Vaike took his axe in both hands, and charged Robin.

'Kill him.' The dark thought spoke to Robin. 'Before he kills us. Do it. Now.'

"Vaike, please... I-I don't wish to hurt you! But... I... I can't..." Robin's vision turned completely red as he lost all control of every part of his body.

Vaike came the closest any would come for a long time. But he was still 20 feet too far. When his chest was disintegrated by Robin's thoron, he realized what a fool he had been, and how big of a mistake he had made. His final thoughts were of Cordelia, and their newly born daughter. He hoped that they would find a way to survive. And then he hoped no more.

Olivia hadn't moved, and was blind and deaf to the world around her. Her only thoughts were of Chrom. He had been her life, if only for a short amount of time. It was unfair that she had to live without him. But... Maybe she wouldn't. She came back into reality just in time to see Vaike fall to the ground. She knew what she had to do. 'Lucina, Inigo... Forgive me.' She thought, standing to face her inevitable doom.

Robin looked around the room, having regained control. Mostly. As soon as he saw Vaike, he knew that he had to die. Now, before it was too late. But, as he was controlled, he would never be able to take his own life. He needed someone to do it, and quickly, before he killed another. He saw Olivia stand up. 'How fitting.' He thought. Whether that was him or the dark thoughts that were consuming him, he wasn't sure.

"Olivia... Please. Kill me. Now. Before I kill another."

Olivia smiled weakly. "I'm sorry Robin. But I cannot... I was... I was hoping you would do the same... To me, of course."

Robin walked towards hero "But... Why would you want to- Oh." He remembered Chrom

"Please, Robin."

"I cannot. However... What if... We killed each other? Together? I would feel more comforted that way, I know."

"So be it." Olivia brandished her sword, as Robin did the same.

However, Robin suddenly lost control again. He took his sword, and sliced. And sliced. And sliced. There was no question about it. After muttering the words "Thank you", Olivia was dead, murdered by the same man that had killed her husband.