A/N: Yo!

So, I'm sure this is unexpected, considering my track record, but I really have nothing else to do! Quarantine is so boring...but it gives me time to write, I suppose, which is good. I've got a hell of a lot to catch up on, but we're getting to the good parts, I promise. It all picks up a little bit after Uzu, and then it's gonna be a crazy ass ride to the end. Strap in for the long haul.

My boyfriend is working six to seven days a week, averaging like 85+ hours, and has been for the past month or so. He's in food distribution, making sure everything gets to where it needs to be in the tri-state area, so I barely see him anymore (please stop panic buying). :(

At least the bills are getting paid, though, a small mercy. And in his absence, you guys get all my attention. More chapters to come soon, I promise. :)

I hope you guys are all doing well and staying healthy. If there's anyone who works in the restaurant industry (in America) and has lost their income or seen a significant decrease in wages, there is a relief fund that I know about that's giving out $500 to eligible applicants. I'll leave the link at the end so you guys can read more about it or donate if you have the means and are feeling generous. We're all going through this together.

Anywho, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto! But, I do own the lovely personality that I've concocted for Sasori.

Yuupika felt like a stranger sitting at her vanity. Her reflection stared back at her with listless eyes, seeing nothing and everything at the same time. Everything was still in the exact same place she had left it, even the brushes placed at odd angles. Her unseeing eyes drifted to the picture to her right, which had collected minuscule amounts of dust. A murderous grin and devious eyes looked past her and into nothing. Before she even knew what she was doing, Yuu brought up her hand and caressed the cool glass.


It had been quite a while since she had seen this particular copy of this picture. The original. Her senses could still make out the large, almost indiscernible thumbprint that marred the surface of one corner where Juzo had held it in appreciation, something she never had the courage to wipe away. In all the hustle and bustle of recently, it nearly felt like she had forgotten him. The thought stung her, and she accepted the pain guiltily. I've made a mess of things, haven't I? I wonder what you would say if you were here.

Would you hate me, if you knew? For all I've done…would you understand my sacrifice?

The girl wasn't so sure he would. After all, he had paid with his own life to further her goals and somehow, Yuupika didn't doubt that he would be the last. She shook her head. I don't wanna think about that right now. Not now. Her gaze instead slanted over to the familiar bathtub already adorned with soaps and oils. Yuu's lips quirked slightly, despite her melancholy mood. Kaa-san is always taking care of me.

Konan had been so overcome with worry and fear that Yuu was caught off guard by her charged reception of them when the Ame party finally reached home. The fear in her eyes was something awe-striking to behold. She had shed tears for her, kissing her face, holding her, expressing her panic like Yuu had never seen so before. It struck her then, just how much her mother loved her. To think that Yuupika had only been gone a few days in the summon's realm, and yet she was reduced to that state. Pain was behind them, hugging them both with fierce protectiveness, something too difficult and deep to explain in his eyes. She understood then. They were family.

And Yuu knew what it was like to lose family. Her senchakra brushed over the picture again before retreating to the bath. She could use something relaxing. Her nerves were drawn up like strings held taut between two nails, leaving her restless. With a swift movement, she was at the rim of the tub, turning the knobs with the ease of long practice. She knew the exact position to set them so the water was just right when she stepped in. The bubbling soaps and fragrant oils were next. Konan had laid out her favorite – stargazer lily. Kaa-san truly knows me best. A ghost of a smile flitted across her features as they were poured, the rich scents already dancing in her nose.

Absently, she mused, I missed this. Being surrounded by the familiar walls of her home, content in a way that she never was when she was outside of them, just spending time taking care of herself. Too much had gotten in the way lately. I can never catch a break, was the wry humor quickly after. When the bath was full, she stopped the flow, and easily slipped out of her traveling clothes. They were wrinkled somewhat with the wear of the day and Yuupika was all too happy to be free of them and the scent of tears that still lingered on the fine fabric. She submerged herself in the hot water and let out a languid sigh. I truly, truly missed this.

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Alas, there is someone to disturb my peace already. "Come in," Yuu called with a sigh under her breath.

Sasori stepped through the entrance carefully, eyes pointedly on the floor as he shut the door behind him.

"Sasori-nii?" This is unusual, to say the least. "Is everything alright?" There was furrow to his brow that unsettled her somehow.

He didn't answer right away. It took a moment for him to move away from the door and make his way over to her, settling himself with a solemn air on the floor beside her tub. They sat like that for a bit. "…I was worried." He whispered, nearly inaudible. Her superior hearing took in his words, all the same. Then, with more volume, "I was so, so worried." Eyes that she knew glowed like honey were set downcast and he hung his head like he would rather not have it at all. "I thought…I thought I would never…I thought you were…" He was struggling with his words, the slight tremor in his shoulders sending vibrations rippling across her exposed skin.

Yuupika was assaulted with a mix of heavy emotions and the sudden urge to hold him. "Sasori…"

"Yuupika…" When he brought his head up again, his cheeks were stained with tears. It was like a hammer to her chest, to see such a thing. Juzo was the only one he had truly cried for. Am I…so worthy of your tears, too? Vulnerability and desperation shone in his glistening eyes like wavering stars and his hands reached out to cup her cheeks in the gentlest manner he could muster. "I cant lose you," Sasori murmured painfully, rising to his knees to close the space between them and kiss her forehead. "Not now, not ever. I can't…I just can't."

Sasori… Yuupika lifted herself as well, uncaring of her state of undress, the cold air, or her wet skin and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him with every bit of her strength. Water sloshed over the rim of the tub onto the floor at Sasori's knees, but he didn't even seem to notice. The man, just barely in his 20's, held her back with all the fervor in his body, completely encompassing her. His tears rolled mournful trails down her skin and his lips pressed repeatedly to her temple, his love for her tumbling forth like she would die in the next second.

"I'm never going to leave you," She choked out – and she hadn't even noticed how her own surge of tears were waterfalling onto the cloth of his shirt or when her voice had become so shaky. Yuupika understood him, now more than ever. After Juzo, there was naught left to keep him from going hollow. Kakuzu, Orochimaru, Pain, Konan – they were ever-steady friends, but they did not share a bond like this. She was the last one. The last remaining hope for him. Sasori let out a strangled sob at her words, still fighting to stay in his throat, and embraced her more fully. "I'm never going to leave you," Yuu reiterated.

In that moment, she swore to the god of the moon that she would never let him go.

When Sasori had calmed down, Yuupika was barely in the mood for a bath anymore. He helped her out of the tub with tender care and dried her up with towels before moving her to the bedroom. Chakra strings arcing from his back drained the water and shut off the lights while others gathered undergarments for her as he sat with her on the bed, always with a hand touching some part of her. It was almost as if he was scared to let her go, lest she disappear before his eyes. Sasori peeled off his dried shirt and fit it over her, more form-fitting than Obito's but still like a drape over her frail body. His scent enveloped her. Yuu didn't protest as he laid her down and shimmied up next to her, cuddling her small form like he used to after Juzo died. His warmth was like a bonfire to her aching soul. Sasori needed this. They both did.

A glowing red eye had peered in on them deep into the night, looming down with frighteninging intensity.

Yuupika's bleary senses had felt a presence, but when she looked, nothing was there. And then, she was too lost in hazy dreams to notice.

"What, exactly…is going on here?"

Yuupika had awoken with a bit of a start. She groaned, thinking that maybe she had imagined the stern voice, but when her senjutsu flared to life, there Kakuzu was. His expression stony and arms crossed tersely. Yuu wiggled a bit from Sasori's grasp, his hand on her lower back falling off and waking him as well. Idly, she missed it's comforting warmth as she rose from her resting place on her brother's chest, rubbing her eyes wearily. As the blankets fell to her bare thighs, cold air hit her and she shuddered, pulling on the shirt that had ridden up almost past her ribs. Kakuzu's eyes had grown wider with every second. And then dawn rolled in like thunder.

Chakra burst like an angry volcano to Kakuzu's face and he reared on Sasori with blinding fury in his glare. The redhead, still just rousing from his slumber (and looking so adorable, at that), barely had time to process what was going on before he was ripped out of the bed by his messy hair.

"N-Ngh!" The pain seemed to bring a burst of adrenaline and he quickly tore himself away from the miser's iron grasp, losing a chunk of hair in the process.

"So," Kakuzu drawled angrily, hand still frozen in its place. Strands of downy drifted to the floor. "This is what you've come to, puppeteer." Sasori plastered himself to the wall like a cornered animal.

This, Yuu thought bitterly once she'd properly come to, is utterly unbearable so early in the morning.

"Get out," She commanded weakly, her voice rough from sleep. The two both spared a glance at her, a bit surprised perhaps, but largely unconcerned. Kakuzu began to advance. "I said, get out!" She yelled more forcefully, anger tinging her tone and making the two rouge nin freeze. "Go make a mess somewhere else, I'm tired!" Sasori's eyes darted between the two, and upon realizing that Kakuzu was distracted, he bolted out the door with speeds she'd perhaps never seen before in him. The miser was immediately startled back into anger and lunged after him, snarling in a way that stretched his stitches. They were out of her range in seconds, the clang of thrown kunai clashing with senbon still ringing in her ears. Yuu sighed, rubbing her forehead at the onset of a headache that she knew would last her all day.

"You would do well to expect such behavior of imbeciles."

The girl lifted her face to Orochimaru, leaning languidly on the doorframe. His mouth was poised in it's usual smirk, unsettling to most, but a small comfort to her. Ah – some normalcy, at last. Strange to think that she would find reprieve in his presence, when all those years ago, she was too frightened to even look him in the eye. She never thought she would be able to save him. And yet…

"Honestly, please remind me if I forget." Yuu groaned as she flopped back down onto her fluffed pillows. A spot of warmth where Sasori's body had just laid provided a much needed place to relax again.

"As often as I get the chance," The sannin joked, an unusual thing that Yuu more than welcomed. "However, we have much to work on now, Yuu-chan."

"Oji-maruuuu," She moaned mournfully into her pillow. "You want to work right now? I just got home!"

"This is precisely the time we should be working. You must refine your skills."

Yuu harrumphed. She knew he was right, especially after her latest fiasco, but resting was important too! All during the trip back, she was working on plans for River Country, batting ideas back and forth with her father, Kakuzu, or Orochimaru and generally just being a productive human being. Why did she have to be working every single day of her life? "…I don't wanna…"

The snake rolled his eyes, flipping his hair over his shoulder dramatically. "And I do not care. Compose yourself and we will discuss things more thoroughly in the kitchen." In other words, get up off your lazy ass. The girl silently grieved for her failed rest day as her sensei walked out, the click of the door closing being the only audible indicator of his leave. He was so grueling, sometimes. She wondered if he would have worked himself to death had he not been killed first.


With herculean effort, she lifted herself off the bed and trudged into the bathroom. The girl didn't even have to think to go through her morning rituals, bathing, cleaning her teeth, brushing and braiding her hair neatly, applying just a bit of makeup. She smoothed on her scentless lotions and trudged back into her room, her clothes for the day laid out on the bed already, as always. I guess he's done with Sasori already. Kakuzu was reliable, if nothing else. A loveable miser.

After slipping into her comfortable wear, she made her way to the kitchen, the scent of eggs and fresh rice wafting into her nose. It seems I'm the last one here, she mused, observing the content faces of her family around the table – Sasori, unsurprisingly, sporting a bruised eye and a cut lip. Kakuzu really is too overprotective. Seeing Pain had finished his portion, she walked over to him, ducking under his arms and sitting in his lap. He kissed her forehead distractedly as his rinnegan orbs scanned over the weekly crossword.

"Morning, everyone." Yuu called, a yawn slipping past her lips right after.

A slender hand reached over the newspaper and gifted Yuu her steaming breakfast. "Good morning, sweetie." Konan replied. Other grunts of acknowledgement floated into her ears.

"Yuupika-chan, I do believe I've made another breakthrough." Orochimaru, of course, was always right down to business.

"Really?" She inquired, prodding the tender egg yolks with her spoon to break over the rice. "On the solis study?"

"Indeed." There was a rustling of papers and then a journal was thrust over. Yuu balanced her plate on one hand to grab hold of it before setting it down on her lap so she could resume eating. "On the 23rd line of the page, you can see where I've made some progress on-"

She tuned him out as she could already see what he was about to explain. She stewed in contemplation for a long minute as she studied the notes. Yes…he was certainly getting even closer to creating a wormhole. Altering time and space. It was something frightening, honestly, and she was afraid that she couldn't keep him away from discovering the truth much longer. Experiments probably wouldn't be too successful at first, but knowing Orochimaru's mind, he would quickly remedy whatever problems they came across in this venture. Yuu gave it…maybe a couple years before something truly fruitful would come of this.

But even more than that, she was worried about how he wished to use this new knowledge and how he would acclimate to the power that came with it. Surely, they wouldn't go about changing the past? No matter the nature of the intention, dabbling in history would undoubtedly cause major backlash for the present – even if it wasn't her present. In different realities, who knew how they could irrevocably change the future? One reality in chaos could alter who knows how many others? It was dangerous. Yuu would have to do something. And if she couldn't she would have to monitor this with eagle eyes for every step of the way and make damn sure to stop them before they could do something reckless.

"This is amazing, Oji-maru." She praised idly, perusing through a few more pages. The man smirked, his hubris shining through. "I agree that we've reached a milestone. It's only a matter of time before we make more headway."

"Yes," He agreed, munching on his sushi. The girl took her own bite of rice and eggs. "I'm of the opinion that we can start experiments soon."

"Not quite yet," Yuu shook her head. He lifted an inquisitive brow. "If we were to start experiments now, we may have a more violent repeat of last time. What's missing in this equation is a stabilizer. We cannot solely rely on gravity and nature chakra. We need something more, something that can stabilize the gravity of whatever we created to prevent it from sucking us all in. We can compress it, as we did with the help of nature chakra, but we don't want compression. And nature chakra as I have access to is not powerful enough to hold that raw power that's released from expansion. The idea is expansion and then holding that expansion safely so we can cross through both sides without the fear of it collapsing. Perhaps what we need is a third variable, namely, fuinjustu."

Pain looked up from his crossword and Orochimaru wasted no time in speaking, "What are your thoughts, Leader-sama?"

Nagato folded up his newspaper uncharacteristically as he considered. Konan seemed engrossed in the conversation as much as everyone else at the table, with the exception of Kakuzu. He had stepped out sometime during their discussion to throw threats at someone over the phone – obviously some sort of business disagreement. Yuu felt a spark of pity at all that he had to deal with on her account.

"I believe that there exists a fuinjutsu that can help us. Yuupika and I are searching for a similar space-time bending solution for another project that we hope to find on Uzushio." He rubbed his chin absently, something that Yuu recognized as a habit that she picked up from him. "I have been there once before, when I began learning fuinjutsu. As well as from my own sensei and his summons, I have seen evidence that such techniques may exist. It will certainly be another thing to look for when we go to Uzushio."

Orochimaru hummed to show his understanding.

"So, when are we going?"

Pain kissed her forehead at her eagerness, opening his paper again. "Soon. Another couple of weeks, Princess, I promise."

Yuupika sighed. "Okay, Papa."

"After you've finished, meet me in my lab," Orochimaru addressed her as he stood. Sasori lifted his plate with a chakra string and moved it over to the sink. "You, as well."

The puppeteer looked up. "What for?"

"Genjutsu practice for you," He dipped his head towards Yuupika. "And a joint taijutsu lesson."

"Alright," Yuu assented, shoveling in another bite. Hopefully she didn't throw it up later. Orochimaru had the kick of 260 pound MMA fighter on steroids, in super saiyan mode. She almost shivered as she warily eyed his figure.

The sannin pivoted on his heel and left.

Her words came back to haunt her later when she took a roundhouse to the chest and emptied her breakfast all over Orochimaru's trousers.

It was but a day later when she saw him enter the city at night.

Yuupika's eyes immediately shot open and she lunged out of bed, almost taking a tumble to the floor when she put pressure on her ankle wrong. She hissed away her pain as she rushed to throw on a dark set of training clothes. What the hell is he doing here?! This idiot is going to get himself killed!

The girl grabbed one of Obito's spare ponchos and threw it over herself, silently relieved at the fact that it didn't quite reach all the way down to her feet. If she were to trip over herself at any point, she was liable to get herself caught. And in this rain…Pain saw everything. She could only hope he wasn't paying too much attention now.

Yuu shoved open her window and lunged outside.

Frigid air assaulted her senses like ice thrown in her face as she flew in the air towards the building across from her. "Ngh!" She grunted as her feet hit harshly on the metal rooftop and she skidded across the wet surface for a few meters until she stuck her chakra to the surface. She could feel the sting of numerous lacerations already beginning to seep blood on her soles. No time to think about that now. Yuu let out a shaky breath, expanding her range again. I have to get him out of here before he dies.

She tracked the man's figure as it slinked through the streets and alleyways, garnering odd looks from the villagers. Outsiders were usually always singled out right away in their tight community. Yuu jumped off the building towards the east, under cover of dark clouds and rain as she followed his movements from a distance. Did he even know where he was going? People gave him a wide berth as he traveled along, avoiding him completely when he tried to stop and talk. If he was looking for intel, she doubted with all her being that he would get it. After the Konoha incident, he would be very ballsy indeed to come here seeking anything but forgiveness. Even then, she doubted he would get it.

The girl watched with glowing eyes and tightly balled chakra from across the way as he stepped into a small bar, just a few kilometers away from the main tower. A discontent built inside of her chest.

He was very ballsy, indeed.

Did she really need to save him? After everything, what was he good for? He had already helped Nagato with sealing knowledge. What had he done for the shinobi world? There were many strong shinobi whose names had been long forgotten, no matter the magnitude of their accomplishments in war or otherwise. For all she knew, he was destined to be another faceless man.

Blue eyes and a sunny countenance flashed in her head.

The girl scowled. After a few moments of deliberation, she jumped down off the roof and stepped in after him. Zeroing in on him instantly, Yuu sat across the hulk of a man at the dingy table in the corner of the room he had deigned to rest at. Sharp eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her face.

"What are you doing here?" She cut straight to the point. As little care as she had for the sannin, she would still rather not see him slaughtered by Pain's hands again. He still had a role to play, and that was teaching Naruto. His sole purpose, she had decided.

Jiraiya settled himself uncomfortably, the hand on his sake dish flexing minutely. His solemn gaze seemed to cast shadows on the table, even though the girl knew that the lamplight behind him made the man appear more ominous than he really was. She didn't know how her brand of nature chakra would fare against his – she wasn't certain she could incapacitate him if he tried to move against her. It was a risk that she was betting would turn in her favor. It was silent for a while.

"I wanted – to apologize. For…for the things that…" Juzo flashed through her mind as Jiraiya tried to find his words and a clamping in her chest nearly stuttered her breaths – but she held herself together. He couldn't only mean just what she was thinking. And she knew from black and white pages the sins of the past that the sannin bared on his shoulders. "I wasn't there when they needed me…but…but if I can-"

Yuu interrupted sharply, "My father will kill you if you stay here too long. Just that he allowed you to enter his city is an incredible mercy. You should leave if you know what's good for you." She had no doubts that Pain was already becoming agitated, if he wasn't gearing up to face him already. He must have known Jiraiya was there – what she was really hoping for was that he didn't know about her. And if that confrontation occurred, even with all her influence over him, there was nothing that Yuupika could do to stop Pain. There were some wounds that time could not mend, that twisted too painfully in the heart.

Jiraiya's shoulders slumped like boulders had crashed onto them and he stared into his sake dish. "I thought I did…" She took in his form with shrewd eyes.

He was pitiful, Yuu decided. The most pitiful man she'd ever known.

Yet still, she couldn't just leave him here.

"My father…has had to endure things that were never meant for him." She began apprehensively. "He is a tired man. If you want to help him, then leave him here with his peace. Leave him with his family. He will come to you, when he is ready." With the hope that he wouldn't retreat, she reached for his hand. He allowed her to grasp it with a stunned blink. Ah, she almost winced. This is my left hand. He can probably sense all the nature chakra. She swallowed quietly, thinking of the possible consequences of her premature decision. Well, it's too late to take it back now. "When the time comes, I will make sure he knows you are ready to receive him."

Jiraiya stared pensively at her for a long moment. She almost thought he wouldn't heed her warnings. And then, a small smile cracked his face, the usual playful one that she had seen all the times before. She removed her hand from his, feeling the worst had passed. "Right," he conceded. "Well, will you share a drink with me before I go?"

Yuu deadpanned. "I'm nine." Almost ten, but I digress.

Jiraiya chuckled boisterously, causing a few curious glances their way, but he easily ignored them. "That's true, I forgot." He waved a waitress over who stopped dutifully at their table. "Another round for me, beautiful. And some milk for the kid." Yuupika rolled her eyes under her hood, but didn't complain. It'd been a while since she enjoyed a cool glass of milk, after all. "Well then," He rounded back on her after the woman left, mischievous glint in his dark orbs. "I believe we never got to continue our conversation from the party. I remember you were saying something about the actress I chose to portray my main character?"

Yuu's face flushed instantly with embarrassment. "I – this is hardly appropriate right now." A pause. "But I am right."

"Hooo~ it seems they really do get younger every year." Two glasses were set before them, and Yuu immediately grabbed the one with milk in it to refrain from answering. She stared down at the cloudy liquid to avoid his gaze.

He chuckled to himself again. "Well, I suppose we can always have the actress wear a wig. It would be displeasing to my audience if I didn't at least do that."

"Yes, yes," Yuu sputtered out quickly, her tongue darting out to wipe away the line of milk lingering on her upper lip. Insufferable man. She felt a strong desperation to change the subject.

To her horror, he bludgeoned on, "But, I'm happy to say that her figure is exactly as I pictured it." A lewd crook was in the curve of his smile. "Actually, she has the best pair of bouncy, round-"

"That's great," Yuu interjected quickly, chakra swirling madly in her face. She couldn't push back the images of the snow princess in her head. In fact, it was probably worse that she knew exactly what he was talking about. Her memory was unfortunately impeccable. "Just great. Anyways, why didn't you ever take your first book to the cinemas? I'm sure that would gather just as great an audience. It could probably even topple Prince Kirin, and I'm sure we both know how popular that franchise is."

Jiraiya hummed, a sort of melancholy in his features. "I'm not so sure. It was never as popular as I'd hoped it'd be. And that was many years ago, kid." He sighed, bring the sake dish in his hand to his lips and finishing it off in one go. The sweet scent on his breath made her nose crinkle a bit – it brought up a forgotten memory of the nights her father would drink bourbon as she sat on his lap and watched him stress over complicated mathematical equations. Back when she was Rosse, the sweet scent of corn that the drink left behind had always bothered her sense of smell. Yuu supposed that something similar had carried into this life. A rustle brought her back from her reverie and she focused on Jiraiya again as he fished out something from underneath his heavy robes.

"I almost forgot," He murmured, more subdued now. He placed a old book on the table between them and slid it gingerly over to her. The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi First Edition. Yuupika's eyebrows quirked upwards. "Give this to him, if you would." Jiraiya gazed at it with eyes that saw through the world. "I've always kept this with me. It was the first one every printed. But, now…I think it'd best that your father has it."

She didn't really know what to say. Her mind was kind of blank. Something as precious as this…it was meant to be given to Naruto…in a future that may never occur. Yuu nodded instead, taking hold of the book with care and sliding it into the folds of her poncho, where a breast pocket was stitched into the threadbare. It was invaluabe, in its own way. The tale that inspired a generation.

"Well, I best be going now." He slowly stood to his feet, smoothing away a few wrinkles – and then he paused. "Unless, there was a bathhouse nearby I could take a rest at? I'm an old man, with such a long journey ahead of me~."

"Get out." Yuupika glared balefully at him, her cheeks flushing against her will.

He shrugged with an easy grin, as if to say "oh well," and strode his way out of the establishment, his geta leaving soft clacks on the ground in his wake. She sat there thoughtfully for a while, pondering on their brief interaction – until the waitress came over and laid down a slip of paper on the table.

It was then that she realized he'd left her with the bill.

Insufferable old man.

Yuupika tapped her chin with the eraser end of the pencil, deep in thought. "That's…unexpected."

"Very," Kakuzu agreed with a tired glare, extending his metal pointer. The surreal vibe of being in a classroom was something she was still getting used to. And if the stunned stares of the children around her were any indication, they felt it too. She felt bad for interrupting a lesson to this extent, but Kakuzu was teaching on Uzushio this week, so she figured it was a good chance to learn more about it.

Of course, nothing ever really turns out how she expects it to.

A rumbling outside revealed a gangle of slightly older kids all struggling to peep in through the classroom doors window. Her miser was getting more irritated by the second.

"S-So, how did Mizu no Kuni deal with these whirlpools if they weren't manmade?"

"Well," Kakuzu traced a line with his pointer from the Land of Water to the Land of Whirlpools. "They followed a direct trading route at certain times of day when the tides were the calmest. From there, Uzushiogakure shinobi would use jutsu to help along their passage."

"Do we know of any jutsu to calm the whirlpools?" Yuu pressed on, genuinely curious. How would they get the Uzushio if the storms kept everyone away? And how could they have been sacked with all of those natural defenses? The mountains and sheer cliffs on the edges of the island, the whirlpools, hell, they probably had some sort of sealing barrier too. So what the fuck happened?

"In fact-"

"Ame-hime!" A boy with wild hair came bursting into the room, causing the mass of bodied built up there to tumble over each other. He scrambled to his knees over the mess.

Yuu could see Kakuzu's temper finally reach its boiling over point.

"EVERYONE OUT!" His voice reverberated through the area so loudly that even children from other classes ran out in a panic, leaving behind disgruntled teachers and an exasperated duo. Orochimaru glared at them from across the hall before slamming his classroom door on them. Yuu sighed.

"...I'm sorry, Kuzu-chan."

The miser pinched the bridge of his nose, grinding out, "There are reasons why we don't let you study with the other children and this is one of them."

She winced. "I just wanted to learn about Uzushio, since we're leaving in a couple weeks anyway," The girl defended.

"Then ask Orochimaru. He's been there before, I'm sure he'll help you." They both glanced over at the closed door across the way. "Maybe later," Kakuzu added after a pause.

The girl sighed, absently checking her pager in the wake of the moment. Nothing. A tendril of annoyance slithered in her like a traitorous snake. When the hell was Itachi going to text her, anyway? It'd been forever…

Maybe he heard about Iwa? And he's being a pansy again? Just like when she'd left after the Konoha fiasco. Did he not care about her enough to check in with her? To see if she and her family were okay? The possibility made her angry for an second before she came to a revelation.

When have I ever checked up on him? Really? I only call him when it's convenient for me or when I'm bored. A wry smile found her. I guess I'm a bad girlfriend just as much as he is a bad boyfriend. Sigh.

"Are you alright?" Kakuzu asked. Yuu focused back on him, warmth overpowering her other emotions at his expression. Even through his irritation, he still found it in him to be worried for her when she wasn't normal. You're better than I deserve, Kuzu-chan. And what a funny thing that was, a menace such as himself being such a boon to her.

She smiled at him without reserve, letting her adoration show in her face. "I love you, yanno that?"

His irritation visibly faded and he turned away, taking a moment to erase the diagrams on the board. "Mmm."

There was silence for a bit.

"So for which reason did you find it so prudent to scare away my students?" Orochimaru leaned on the door with a stern expression, addressing Kakuzu with a quirk of his brow.

The miser glanced over. "Ask the one over there."

Yuu took back everything she was thinking. He was a total ass for throwing all the blame on her. "I didn't do anything," She whined in a way that even she had to admit wasn't very convincing.

Orochimaru looked at her, decidedly displeased. "Of course," he hissed. "If you find yourself so disposed to be sitting in on an asinine lecture-" Kakuzu sharply turned to fix a glare on the snake, and Yuu couldn't deny being just a bit amused at the way Orochimaru seemed to be pleased by his ire. "-then you can surely accompany me to the lab to discuss a few more of our experiments."

Again? Yuu let her head drop in her hands, reluctant but resigned. Man…I really just wanted to learn more about Uzushio…

When Yuu stepped foot in the makeshift factory, it felt like she was a stranger all over again. White zetsu ran to and fro, arms stocked with all types of materials that she vaguely recognized. Mass production like this always looked like chaos somehow, especially when the zetsu themselves weren't especially skilled workers. Still, they got the job done and she couldn't complain about that. Her profits always far outshadowed her losses, what with this makeshift army doing all the work for her. For free.

Hopefully they lack the sense to unionize. I'd be in a world of trouble.

"Sister, you are back." Black zetsu slithered out of the ground, looking at her with round, soulless eyes. She suppressed the shiver that threatened to run down her spine. His appearances were always unsettling.

"Yes. I thought I should look in on things here." It's been quite a while.

"Everything is proceeding as we expected." The creature commented, surveying the workers before him.

Yuupika took a deep breath. She knew that. Why was she here anyway? That was something nagging at her, like a leech, and she just didn't know what. Something was different in her city. But she couldn't put a finger on it. She hadn't had time to investigate the ground levels where shinobi were training or really tour the city to assuage her worries, but maybe she would go down later. If she had the time.

Yuu turned to him. "And what of the Ashita plan?" All she could do right now was ground herself in the things that she did know. The things she could control.

"We are nearly done with the mainland. Soon, we will route more forces to the surrounding islands."

"Good," The girl nodded. "I want our defences to be as impeccable as possible before our arrival. I want everything to be perfect."

"It will be done." It bowed it's head obediently. It stood nearly twice her size in it's true form. Taller than she ever really considered it to be. Yet, here it was, taking her orders like a loyal dog. Exactly as it should be.

But as time had shown her, it wasn't enough. Even with her nature chakra at her beck and call, it wasn't enough. Her own power seemed to be dwindling the more that she tried to hold on to it, fleeting like shadows in the night. She needed more. She needed something undeniable, inevitable. Something that could see her out to the end of her plans and beyond.


"Zetsu…" A thought struck her. "Is there any way to bring Mother here without the moon?" He halted and turned his gaze to her strangely. Had this thought ever occurred to him? Was it even possible? What she was thinking…what she needed… "If…she were to have a conduit into this world…someone to nestle her power in…"

"…No," Black zetsu spoke, the hole on it's face strangely never opening to move. "Her power is too much for the strongest of shinobi to harness and live."

Yuupika hummed, stroking her chin. Not quite, perhaps. Kaguya was a master of nature chakra, it was embedded in her very being and a driving force of her power. As evidence, even the Bijuu use it to an extent, to control their surroundings without jutsu. To use the elements without any help or direction, like shinobi. Her chakra is what saturates the land itself…perhaps morphed over time to take a shape of its own, but at its core, it still is of her. It originated from her. And with my inclination towards it…maybe…

"I think you were approaching it in the wrong way, just looking for strong shinobi to harbor her," Yuu proposed. And as an afterthought, she added, "Brother." Once again, he was trained on her, an excitement of sorts making the outer shell of his being ripple. He was urging her to continue. Possibilities and calculations raced through her mind. "If, perhaps, Mother's power and then her consciousness by extension could be transferred into a being with an affinity for nature chakra, just like her, we could bring about her next coming in the elemental nations much quicker than we anticipated." A steadying breath. It was terrifying to even consider, what might become of her barely hatched plan. "And with her remaining power, diminished as it is, and with our forces, we could capture the tailed beasts with much more ease and restore her to her former glory."

The creatures happiness radiated off of him in waves. The murderous vibe he sent out nearly made Yuupika want to step back in fear – but no. She had to rope him in here. She had to be strong – it was all apart of her plan. She needed him to be apart of her plan.

"Of course, sister. The reason Mother placed you here." A guttural sound, almost like distorted laughing came from him. Was it laughing? Is that what it sounded like? Yuu regarded him with caution, her defensive chakra rising up just beneath her skin at how disturbing he was in that moment. He's…terrifying, isn't he? A creature that can even kill Madara Uchiha. "But we will need a formidable seal to accomplish it." Yuupika briefly remembered the clan on the moon, the protectors of Kaguya's resting place. A seal like the one there… "And you will need to be a formidable sage as well, to withstand her power."

And then her mind flashed to the bats. They would never approve of what she was doing. She knew it immediately. The second coming of Kaguya was the worst thing that could possibly happen to the summons, as all their chakra would be ripped away from them again. But still…there was no way they would know, unless they threw her in that pool again. And she had already gained their trust. They didn't have to know. She would learn to perfect sage mode under them, none the wiser. A malicious feeling rose in her – something she had never felt before. It rose to the top of her head and down to her feet and ripped a crooked grin across her face. "I am already taking care of that, brother. Soon, I will be setting off to Uzushio. I'll need a clone to accompany me there to search for an appropriate seal." Yuupika smiled at him sweetly. This is better than I could have ever hoped for. "As for you…how would you like to take a trip to the moon?"

It'd been a day since Yuupika had shown him to the entrance of the moon portal in the dead of night, still a fresh thing in her memories, and then sent him on his way. He was wary of being so close to the Otsustuki, but she had assured him that most of them should be dead by now, what with Toneri's meddling. He was given free reign to kill him if the puppet got in his way. There, he would be searching the remains of the moon city for any seals that he felt could help them in their endeavor. Since Toneri was probably still cleaning up after his mess at this time, most of the archives should still be intact. She was hoping that he hadn't gone ahead and destroyed anything useful yet. Annoying bastard. He was too much trouble for his own good. It would be better to put him down here, before he could cause too much of a ruckus.

Yuupika sighed as she stretched languidly in her bed. There was a knock on her door. Curiously, her senses stretched out to wash over Sasori, two trays of food balanced in his hands. She smiled, propping herself up. Enough for now with these thoughts.

"Come in!"

Chakra strings turned the knob and the young man stepped in, a gentle look over his features. "Yuu-chan. I brought dinner."

The girl sniffed the air. "Mmmm," I'm so glad I taught them to cook. "Smells delicious. Was it you or Kakuzu today?"

Sasori chuckled softly at the grabby hands she was making towards one of the dishes and dutifully handed it off to her. Eel avocado sushi! With edamame and spring rolls. I love this man. "It was me today. Kakuzu's turn is tomorrow." He made himself comfortable across from her, setting his tray in front of him.

"You sure know how to win a girl's heart," Yuu joked, picking up the chopsticks laid out to the side of her meal. Her mouth was becoming wet with saliva just looking at the masterpiece before her. For while she had a passion for exotic cuisine, she couldn't deny herself her simple love of East Asian food.

"I would hope so," Sasori shot back playfully, fitting his hands with his own chopsticks.

"Mmmm," Yuu moaned in delight as she took part of her first piece of sushi. "Your future wife is gonna be so lucky, Sasori-nii."

Chakra immediately shot to Sasori's cheeks and he waved his hand dismissively, if not a bit awkwardly, as his eyes averted elsewhere. "Not really, Yuu-chan," He said lamely, quickly stuffing his face with a spring roll. The girl giggled at his flushed, chipmunk cheeks. He's so freakin' cute. Such a cinnamon roll.

"C'mon, don't be modest," Yuu took another moment to scarf down another sushi piece. "Not a lot of ninja out there can cook even half as well as you can. You're like…" A sip of green tea to push down the few grains of sticky rice lodged in her throat. "…the whole package!"

The puppeteer blushed even harder, looking more distressed than before, sputtering out, "I-I doubt that's true."

"Well, I'm no liar." Yuu declared around the edamame pod in her mouth. A quick finagling with her teeth and tongue sucked the bean inside right out. "Trust me, really. You're practically perfect." She loved seeing him squirm under compliments. Displays of affection had been so few and far between for him during his youth. There was no reason for him now not to enjoy what he'd missed.

Sasori spouted another distracted refusal and Yuu couldn't help but cherish the sight before her. Moments like these were what she wanted to engrain in her memory forever. If she could just keep these innocent things close to her, in the midst of all the other madness and deception, then Yuupika knew she would be okay. No matter what they thought of her after it was all over. And if they wanted to leave, at least she'd have pieces of them in her heart. My light in the darkness.

Where will this path take me? At the very end of my journey, what's waiting for me there? Will my vision truly bring peace?

She didn't want to be another Obito…

"I think…" Sasori's smooth voice brought her out of her dark musings. He was smiling at her softly, half-lidded eyes tender. It made her pulse jump, if only just a little. "…that you would also make an exceptional wife, Yuupika-chan. There's not a man alive who wouldn't be lucky to have you."

"Hah…" Yuu turned her face away, her lips quirking up despite herself. Would anyone want me if they really knew me? "You really think so?"

His warm hand covered hers unexpectedly, giving it a squeeze. "I know so."

She awoke the next morning to a hand shaking her shoulder. Groggily, the girl activated her senjutsu, wiping the crust from her eyes. "Huh? Kuzu-chan?"

"Yuupika." He looked more than displeased. Is it something I did?! She didn't have half the mind to even remember right then. "It seems there is a budding rebellion in Rivers." A wash of relief came over her at the same time as annoyance, waking her up.

"What do you mean, 'rebellion'?" She questioned and he scowled down at the clipboard in his hand.

"The daimyo renounced leadership three weeks ago and declared the country to be under Ame control. Since then, a rebellion has risen up. I can't say for sure whether or not they plan to attack or if the loyal forces of the nation will stop them. Either way, something must be done."

Well...fuck. "Have you talked to Tou-san yet?" She asked, moving the covers off of her. She swung her legs around to the edge of the bed.

"Yes, he's eager to see how you handle the situation." The miser let himself a small grin of amusement and then the mood turned serious again. "So what do you plan to do?"

Yuupika would be lying is she said she wasn't a little miffed at this new development, and subsequently the lack of her father's help - but, she could understand. Dealing with things like this was an important part of learning to become a better leader. The girl sighed and leapt off the bed deftly, padding over to the familiar space of her bathroom. What should I do? Pain handled his own rebellious shinobi by just killing them all, but I certainly couldn't do that if I want to foster good relations between this new country and I. The circumstances aren't really the same either. Hanzo was kind of a tyrant, while Rivers was poor, but relatively in good hands. The former daimyo wasn't horrible and he even allowed the jumpstart of a new hidden village, as short as it lasted. I suppose I'll have to try a diplomatic approach. She hummed as she stared at her own face in the mirror, a toothbrush scrubbing lazily at her teeth.

"I'm not so sure yet," Yuu admitted, letting her muffled voice carry. Kakuzu was whizzing through his own routine, readying training clothes and undergarments for the girl's upcoming day.

"Alright. Well, we cannot leave this unattended for too long. It may grow out of control." He warned.

Yuu nodded and spit out the foamy paste into the sink, "I know. It also may resolve on its own."

Kakuzu grunted, but didn't respond. After washing out her mouth, Yuu eased herself into a short bath, combing out her hair as she sat in the fragranced water. She could hear the scratches of pen scribbling on paper just outside, the reminder of Kakuzu's ever busy schedule. It was a wonder that he was able to keep everything running smoothly, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He enjoyed his work, frustrating as it undoubtedly was, and for that, she was thankful. The girl didn't bother with makeup following her bath, seeing as it would all melt off during training. She let Kakuzu help with pulling on and securing her training equipment and the subsequent braiding of her hair. His fingers were quick and precise, a result of hard training and diligence. Oddly, it came in handy for simple things such as this.

Kakuzu wrapped the end of her hair with a durable ribbon, finishing off the braid. "Your parents will be annoyed if you aren't back for dinner." He commented lightly, a hidden undertone in his voice. Worry? Her lips fought to pull into a frown.

"I'll let the bats know," She replied, shifting around to face him. With everything in her, she tried to ease his discomfort with her body language and expression. Even you are wary now, it seems. "You're gonna be there too, right?"

He flicked her nose softly, causing an eruption of laughter from her. Kakuzu smirked, but it was warm, even as his stitches strained. It was just like the old days. Yuupika cherished the sight. "Yeah."

"Again," Homura commanded.

Yuu was panting lightly, wiping sweat off of her head. Damn, this is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be. "Yes, Homura-sama." She brought her hands back down to the fish below her. The boss had officially started her on jutsu, deeming her improvement with fine-tuning her nature chakra over the past week satisfactory. Yuu had felt relatively accomplished with her hand work until he'd instructed her to regrow half a fish that had been bitten off. It was kept alive with seals, but it was still suffering and the sooner she could heal it's bottom half, the sooner it would be out of misery.

For some reason, it was incredibly hard and within an hour session, she'd only regrown a small part of it. Applying her fine tuned senchakra again, she strained to stimulate the torn cells of the gasping fish.

"Focus less on force and more technique, Yuupika-chan."

"I-I'm trying…" She bit out, another bead of sweat rolling down her neck and into her shirt. You say that and yet, what is this technique I'm supposed to know?! You didn't even tell me how I'm supposed to do this! "Any…pointers?"

"You will know it when you feel it."

Well, that's fuck-all helpful!

Another few moments of her pained grunts went by before Homura set his bony hand down on her head. Yuu yielded to his direction and withdrew her chakra, rocking back on her heels tiredly. "Fuck!" She voiced angrily.

"Calm down. Take a break and we will try again."

Yuupika sighed in frustration. It was still only morning. This was going to be a long day.


Pain looked up from his desk, moonlight from the windows just beyond casting a ghostly silhouette around him. "Yes, Princess? It's quite late for you to be up."

She huffed in amusement, shrugging. No matter how old she was or what she'd accomplished, he still saw her as his little girl… I guess parents are all the same. "I guess it is."

The man placed his pen down and sat back. He patted his thigh, a smile that she knew was only reserved for her completely morphing the grim aura he usually protruded. "Come."

Yuu ran over eagerly, hopping up on his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world. It might as well be. She was still so small, and perhaps she was always destined to be so, cradled in the arms of her father. Pain kissed her crown gingerly, smoothing down her hair. It had become a bit wild in its braid from all the training with the bats she'd done that day. She'd passed out near the end and they'd sent her back to rest. If she had to smell herself, Yuupika would bet that sweat still clung to her. But Pain didn't mind.

They were leaving soon, in just a couple days. The time had drawn near unexpectedly, everything flying by faster than she had anticipated. It would be just her and Pain on this trip. The thought made her happy. An extended father/daughter outing was something that she'd never had with him and she didn't realize how badly she'd wanted it until he told her. It was unusual for sure, but Yuu was sure her father wanted to take some stress off of Konan. As much as their shinobi could be trusted to protect the city, it really was a relief to have familiar, powerful faces around. And of course, no matter what, Yuu knew that Pain could protect them from anyone.

And Yuu herself could disintegrate anything that was a threat, knowing Pain could protect himself from her jutsu. The two of them, they were invincible.

"Yuu-chan," Pain murmured. Yuu let her senjutsu wash over his form, anxiety gripping her briefly at the conflicted look in his eyes.

"Papa?" She placed a hand on his cold face and her eyebrows furrowed. With him, she had no reason to mask her emotion.

"I'm going to show you something before we go. I think it's time you knew."

Images flashed in her mind. Show me something? Is he going to…?

The man swept her up in his arms and his long legs took them out of the room and through various hallways, climbing long flights of stairs to come to a heavy door. Yuupika could recognize the seals keeping her senjutsu from penetrating the room, a curious thing that she didn't even know was possible. She swallowed thickly. His hand paused before the entrance, a hesitation that she didn't miss, before he made a tiger seal and released a few pulses of chakra. Immediately, the seals switched off and her breath hitched as the doors slowly opened into darkness. Five bodies with rinnegan eyes stared back at her, emotionless. And then, a whisper from the back.


She extended her senjutsu to see the frail, bandaged body of Nagato, encased in the metal contraption that kept him alive. The Darth Vader of another universe. She could barely breathe, something sacred in this private revelation.

The body of Yahiko moved forward, the five others parting to let them through. Slowly, they accosted the withered man, the real Nagato. There was silence.

"This is my true body. The body you've grown to love is an avatar of my power. I have lied to you for all these years." He paused, glancing downwards. This was probably very hard for him. "Knowing this, how do you feel?"

Yuu's grip tightened on Yahiko's clothes. How do I feel? What a question. None of this surprises me. I knew this even before I knew you. Before everything, I have always known. So…no matter what…

The girl shimmied out of Yahiko's hold, being gently set down before the man. They all watched her with unsettling eyes as she climbed up the metal. His expression was guarded. She could understand why.

Yuupika hugged him, even though his body tensed. She felt the cold metal rods that dug everywhere into his body. It must be so painful…how can you live with all this pain? "I love you, Papa." She breathed. "No matter what, I still love you. You gave me a home and a purpose and loved me as your daughter even though I was not your own. Regardless of whatever form you take, it will never change the way I feel about you. I love you unconditionally, always."

Air hissed as the seals around his arms released and skinny, shaky limbs encased her. His coarse hair brushed against her face as he lowered his head to rest his cheek on her crown. Acceptance. Then, quietly, "This weak body will have to come with us on our trip. I cannot be too far away from my avatars if I am to control them."

Yuupika hugged him tighter and made a promise. "Tou-san. I will find a way to restore you. I swear it."

There was one thing left to do. Yuu stood before the door, uncertain of herself even as she put her hand on the cold knob. I'm here. I'm finally here. After all this time. She knew she couldn't turn back. She wouldn't. She wouldn't let herself, if she ever wanted to move forward. Exhaling sharply, she turned the knob and pushed. It opened easily, hinges still well oiled even though…

Yuu closed her eyes for a moment of reprieve and then stepped in.

It was bare, as to be expected. For some reason though, she still saw the image of a messy bedroom with weapons haphazardly spread around superimposed over the emptiness. She wanted him to be there. It was what she wanted more than anything, but could never come to pass again. Gradually, she took it all in, sniffing the air for the scent she remembered. It wasn't there.

A few boxes in the corner of the room caught her attention and she walked towards them with trembling knees, wondering just what they could hold. Yuu knelt as she reached them. They were small. There wasn't much. Most everything had been cleaned out but the personal effects that were unsure of their place anymore. Konan had told her as much. Regardless, she opened the flaps of the first box.

A scarf is the first thing that she noticed. It was old and ripped in places, a dark shade of gray in her eyes. It could have been any color, she didn't know. Yuu brought it to her nose and tears pricked the corner of her eyes at the smell. Sweat and murderous smiles.


Yuu pushed down her grief and wrapped it around her neck. It enveloped her with a lightness that still managed to weigh on her whole body. I will carry this with me always. The next was item was a set of cracked sunglasses, much too small for the man himself. They were plastic, faded little flower stickers decorating them along the sides. His daughter's…? The probability was high. Yuu faintly remembered their afternoon in the grass with the orphans of Konoha, the sorrow in his face as he recalled his lost family. With reverence, she placed the article to the side. This will be treasured.

Yuu dug her hand in again, fingers brushing something cold. Maybe a weapon. She wiggled the thing out of the heap of other random objects, bringing it to the surface.

Her breath caught.

A picture. Pancake batter smeared Juzo's mischievous face, probably from a flying ladle, as he held Yuupika close to him and tickled her. Her eyes were closed in laughter, laughter she could almost hear in her ears as if the moment was alive. She could picture this moment in her memories, a moment that had reoccurred so many times that it was engraved in her mind. She shuddered painfully and her throat was overcome with a sudden soreness that the girl knew indicated she was about to cry. Was she crying already? Her entire face felt numb.

Little drops fell on the dusty glass. She wiped them away, leaving dirty streaks behind. Her heart squeezed.

"Juzo," She voiced raspily, her throat tighter than before. It took everything in her just to speak. She had no idea he had something like this in his room. But she needed to be there. She needed this...closure. Yuupika held the precious picture to her chest. "I'm so sorry."

A passing pressure briefly fell on her head, warm as if someone had laid a hand.

Yuupika tensed and twisted around, pouring more chakra into her technique as she scanned the room. Light filtered in through the doorway. No one was there.

"Are you ready to go, Princess?"

Yuupika rubbed a piece of her scarf between her fingers, the umbrella held over her head keeping it dry. "Yes, Papa." She murmured, looking back at her family.

They had already said their goodbyes, Konan threatening them with a stern expression to keep in touch during their trip. Everyone, even Orochimaru was seeing her off, standing underneath the metal roof that hung over the doorway. People were coming and going by them, bowing as they passed to the scarcely seen leader of their country and it's princess. It wasn't anything she wasn't already used to seeing.

Nagato offered his hand to her, an invitation to help her into the carriage. It was only one this time, but much more spacious than normal to accommodate for the bodies that would be coming with them. Pain had truly went all out, making sure his six paths avatars were there. Two had been sent out with the real body, apparently traveling on a paper cloud high up in the air. The other four were here, two for guard detail, one to direct the carriage, and Yahiko to accompany her inside. She had no idea how he stretched himself between so many tasks.

Yuupika eased her mind of her thoughts. It's time to go. We have a long journey.

She took his hand and stepped inside.

A/N: Alright guys, that's it for this one. I'm really excited for Uzushio and the stuff that comes after. Hopefully, you guys are too.

What do you think they'll find?

Who's your favorite character?

Also, here's the link to the restaurant employee relief fund, just delete the spaces: RERF . us

If you type that into your browser, it will automatically bring the page up. Should be green and white. Sponsored by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, whose logo you can see at the top left of the page. If you see these signs, you're in the right place. If it says 'page not found', just click the logo and it will reload the page correctly so you can proceed. Good luck to you.

Ja ne!