Published: 7th September 2016

This fic'll contain mostly grimmichi shota.

Note that that is completely void of any supernatural elements. Masaki is alive and (because I felt like it) she took Isshin's name.

At the end of this chapter will another segment that occurs before the start of this story. It'll chronicle the escapades of Grimmjow and his first lover, Barty. It won't be with every chapter, but when I get a decent amount written I'll tag it onto the next chapter I'll publish. That story will be called: Grimmjow's First Love.

Chapter One: The Boy Next Door

This story started on the day Ichigo Shiba went into 5th grade. The brief break between grades had ended and he was very nervous about the upcoming year. His best friend Tatsuki had been sent to a boarding school for the next few years, and Ichigo had a hard time making friends. Not only was he rather quiet, but he was generally made fun of for his odd hair color. Yes, it was safe to say that it would not be an easy adjustment.

He droned out the homeroom teacher's voice as she went on about this, that and the other. He vaguely registered something about 'a new student from Germany'. He looked up as the door opened and the kid walked in. Ichigo's brain clicked. He knew that kid from somewhere. The kid's hair was a bright teal colour, he had dark blue eyes, and from his skin tone and eyes he was clearly European, though having been told he was from Germany, that was a given.

"Welcome to the class." The teacher said. "Why don't you give us a quick introduction?"

"My name is Grimmjow Tu Odelschwanck. I've moved here from Germany."

"And what sort of interested do you have?" The teacher asked.

"Football, or soccer I guess, karate and comic books."

"And you're here with your parents?"

He shook his head. "My sister and her fiancé."

"Well you're very good at speaking Japanese." The teacher said with a smile.

"Thanks." He said, then strolling leisurely to a vacant desk.

Ichigo remembered where he recognised him from. Yeah, he saw him only a few days ago. His family has just moved into the house next to his. It wasn't surprising he was now attending this school.

The day went by with no extraordinary events, and when the home bell rang everyone began filling out of the school.

Ichigo was taking his ordinary route route home when he noticed that Grimmjow was only a few metres ahead of him.

"Hey!" He called out. Grimmjow turned his head and saw Ichigo waving him down. He slowed his pace to let the redhead catch up to him. "Hi, I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Shiba. I'm in your class."

"Oh. Hi." Grimmjow replied, looking Ichigo up and down before fixing his eyes forward again.

"And I live in the house next to yours."

"You mean the emergency clinic?"

"Yeah, my dad's a doctor."


"'re here with your sister?"


"She has blueish hair, right?"

"Last time I saw her, yeah."

"Is that natural?"

Grimmjow looked at Ichigo with a raised eyebrow. "No, of course not! Who'd have naturally blue hair?"

A blush flushed Ichigo's cheeks. "I guess it was kinda stupid." He said sheepishly. "You said you liked karate, right. Well there's a club in town. I'm part of it. You should join, everyone's really nice there."

"Yeah, maybe."

"And comics? I have a big box of 'em in my room. You can borrow some if you want."

"It's okay. I'm not great at reading Japanese yet. Why do you have three alphabets?"

"Well, uh...don't you?"

Grimmjow shook his head. "German has just the one."

"Huh. I didn't know that. The offer still stands, even if you just want practice."

"Um, thanks, I guess."

I few minutes of walking later, during which Ichigo asked questioned and attempted to converse while Grimmjow gave barebone answers, they reached their houses. They crossed Grimmjow's first, and waiting out front was a young woman, about 25 or 26, with the glittering blueish hair, and hazel eyes.

"Hey Grimmjow!" Ichigo assumed she called, as she was speaking a foreign language that was more than likely German. Grimmjow spoke back, also in German.

"And I see you've already made a friend." She smiled warmly at Ichigo, now speaking Japanese. "Aren't you the boy that lives next door?"

"Yes Ma'am."

She giggled. "You may call me Nelliel, or Nel for short."

"Oh, um, okay...Nelliel." Ichigo blushed. "My name's Ichigo Shiba."

"Why don't you come in for a minute Ichigo, I have something for you." She said.

"Oh, okay." Ichigo said. He was told never to go into a stranger's house without someone you trust, but he lived just next door, and Nelliel seemed nice enough.

Inside the house wasn't dissimilar from his, but with boxes and other luggage still scattered about. "Sorry about the mess, we're still settling in."

Ichigo awkwardly stood in the hall, sans Grimmjow, who went upstairs, as Nelliel went into the kitchen. She was back a moment later with a tinfoil covered plate in hand.

"I made these for your family, as a "hello" present."

"Thank you." Ichigo bowed.

"It's my pleasure." She placed the plate in Ichigo's hands.

"My mom's home right now, she'd be happy to say hi."

"Really? I think I will say hi if that's the case." She then said something loudly up the stairs that Ichigo didn't understand. Whatever she said, it brought Grimmjow down after a minute with a disgruntled look on his face. He was now wearing navy blue jeans with a white polo. "We're going over to the Shiba's house."

He didn't say anything, but he didn't protest so that probably meant he was okay with going.

They were at Ichigo's door in just a moment. Nelliel knocked, and Ichigo's mother, Masaki answered shortly.

"Hi Mom. This is Nelliel and Grimmjow, our new neighbours. And these are from Nelliel." He said, gesturing to the plate he was holding.

"Hello," Masaki said with a kind smile as she held out her hand. "I'm Masaki Shiba. Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, and thank you, it's been a big move."

Ichigo nodded at Grimmjow to follow him further inside the house. He placed the plate on the kitchen counter as he passed it before leading Grimmjow up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"This is my room." He said as he let his backpack slip from his shoulders.

"I never would've guessed." Grimmjow said sarcastically.

"Right." Ichigo chuckled. He then kicked his shoes off and loosened his tie before halfway unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled out off over his head and placed it over the back of his chair, and then undid his belt.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Grimmjow asked, turning his head to look out the window, seeing into his own room on the other side.

"Changing. Why?" Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow and his pants halfway down his thighs.

"You can't just take strip in front of a guy you don't know! It's, it's..."

"It's what?" Ichigo asked, pulling his pants up again.

"It's...nothing. Forget I said anything." Grimmjow huffed, shoving his hands into his pockets.


I walked in through the classroom door and was met with the stares of every single person in the room, including the teacher. She welcomed me and asked for the brief introduction.

"My name is Grimmjow Tu Odelschwanck. I've moved here from Germany." I said, giving the shortest answer I wanted.

"And what sort of interests do you have?" She asked me. I mentally sighed, she really was going to give the whole 9 yards, wasn't she?

"Football, or soccer I guess, karate and comic books" I said, listing off the three things I enjoyed doing back home.

"And you're here with your parents?"

Why the fuck would she ask that!? Surely someone would've told her I wasn't. Maybe she wasn't told, but still, the normal assumption is that I would be. Just 'cause I'm not doesn't mean she should make me tell my life story in front of 30 goddamn strangers! I just shook my head and said; "My sister and her fiancé."

"Well you're very good at speaking Japanese." Well I better fucking be! I was learning with Nel for months just so we could speak the damned thing!

"Thanks." I muttered as I walked over to the vacant desk that I assumed would be mine. I listened for the day, not raising my hand for anything and not being called on by Ms. Smiley.

I sighed in relief when I heard the home bell, making quick work of leaving and making my way home. God this uniform was so uncomfortable. I was considering just taking it off and walking home half naked!

"Hey!" I heard someone call. I looked over my shoulder and saw a ginger kid from my class waving at me. He was slim, with brown eyes, and a nice smile. Yeah, I'd say he was cute. He introduced himself is Ichigo Shiba, saying he was in my class.

"Oh. Hi." I responded, not having yet mastered the art of Japanese conversation.

"And I live in the house next to yours."

Wasn't that an emergency clinic? "You mean the emergency clinic?"

"Yeah, my Dad's a doctor."

I could've guessed that.

"'re here with your sister?" He asked me.


"She has blueish hair, right?"

God, did this kid stalk us our something? "Last time I saw her, yeah."

"Is that natural?"

Dafuq? Is he dense? This isn't an anime! "No, of course not! Who'd have naturally blue hair?"

He blushed when I said that. I guess he's just trying to make small talk, I won't give him a hard time for it. "I guess it was kinda stupid." At least he admitted it. "You said you liked karate, right. Well there's a club in town. I'm part of it. You should join, everyone's really nice there."

I guess joining a club wouldn't be too bad. Besides, I had to do something with my time. "Yeah, maybe."

"And comics? I have a big box of 'em in my room. You can borrow some if you want."

Japanese comics are fucking weird. Besides, I haven't learned of the country's 3 fucking alphabets yet. No-one needs three alphabets! "It's okay. I'm not great at reading Japanese yet. Why do you have three alphabets?"

"Well, uh...don't you?"


I shook my head. "German has just the one." Thank fuck.

"Huh. I didn't know that. The offer still stands, even if you just want practice."

"Um, thanks, I guess."

We walked until we got my house (And his house I suppose), and the whole time he was asking questions.

"Hey Grimmjow!" Nel literally yelled.

I decided to stop her before her onslaught of questions came. "School was fine. Nothing extraordinary. People were nice, teacher was nice, no homework, the uniform's uncomfortable, the walk isn't too long and this is the kid who loves next door." I decided to tune out as she began taking with Ichigo. She invited him in, probably to give him those brownies she made this morning. Then he'd be gone.

I immediately went up to my room, locking my door behind me. I practically ripped off my uniform (stupid thing) along with socks and underwear. I grabbed my cock in my right hand and started to pump it, beginning my after-school ritual of jacking-off (also known as the pre-sleep ritual, shower ritual and whenever I'm home alone ritual). It barely took half a minute for my cock to get up to its full four inches. Not bad for a twelve year old, is it? I plopped into my bed with my legs hanging over the edge.

I put my other arm behind my head as I began to bring fantasies to the front of my brain. I thought back to the times when my football team would be in the locker rooms, showering and cleaning up after training or a match. No-one gave a damn about being balls naked in front of everyone. No-one tried to cover themselves and no-one batted an eye if someone got a hard-on every one and now and then (not that we were all aware of what they were at the time). The best part was hat no-one noticed if you stared at someone's ass for ten minutes straight.

Guys raced to see how far they could side down the showers, they washed each other's back and if someone yelled "DOGPILE" you could bet you're sweet ass that they were underneath 7 or 8 naked, wet, excited boys in under 5 seconds. I was always eager to be first on top.

If a guy scored a winning goal his ass would've been smacked red by every other hand in the room, and a smack was always something I relished in giving. I'd been told more than a few times that my stingers were by far the most painful.

I thought back to my first (and so far only) boyfriend, and the night that we got together. It started when two guys, Alvin and Barty, made a bet. If one scored a goal during a match and the other didn't, the loser had to come back to our pitch that night and run five naked laps around the perimeter. Barty lost, and it wasn't until I saw him naked on his own did I really appreciate how hot he was. He he had curly blond hair, light skin and cute blue eyes with a small crown of gold pubes over his cock. He was Jewish so he was cut, and he had a freckle on his lower left butt cheek. God did I wanna pinch that freckle (eventually I did, as well as more). I was tasked with following Barty during his run with my phone to capture his whole run.

At one point through the 5 laps, Barty had to stop and stretch. When he bent forward I got to see his pink pucker and his balls from behind. Then I slapped his ass and we started running again. I caught his butt with my hadprint on it, as well as his wagging hard-on, on camera during our run. The guys had taken all of Barty's clothes with them when we were running the last lap, making it so that we had to go through town to my house. We hid, dodged and stayed close the whole time, even when it started raining. I didn't mind at all cause I got a front row seat to Barty's wet body and hard, 3-inch cock the whole way there.

I continued to pump my member vigorously, my other hand gone down to fondle my balls.

My memory/fantasy of my time with Barty was completely shattered when I heard my sister's shrill voice call me from downstairs. She said to that we're visiting the neighbours.

"God-fucking-dammit!" I cursed. I mean, why wouldn't I, now I wouldn't be able to cum until later! After all that fucking build up! Wasted! I quickly put on my underwear and socks again, and then put on a pair of jeans and a white polo-shirt. My raging hard-on was being scraped to death by my zipper though, so I flipped it up against my stomach, my polo hiding it away.

I walked down the stairs and silently followed my sister and Ichigo to the latter's house. His mother opened the door and I began to zone out when the two adults, well, one adult and whatever Nel qualified as, exchanged small talk.

Ichigo gestured for me to follow him into his house, so I did.

"This is my room." He said as he let his backpack slip from his shoulders.

"I never would've guessed." I said sarcastically. Stating the obvious like.

"Right." Ichigo chuckled. He then kicked his shoes off and loosened his tie before halfway unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled out off over his head and placed it over the back of his chair, and then undid his belt.

Wait! Is this kid undressing? "Wha-what are you doing?" I asked, turning my head to look out the window, seeing into my own room on the other side.

"Changing. Why?" Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow and his pants halfway down his thighs.

Fuck I've only seen his half his thighs and he's already fucking hot. He just went from 0 to 100 real fast. That uniform really fucks things up. That or I just have blue balls since I haven't had a great orgasm since I left Barty. "You can't just strip in front of a guy you don't know! It's, it's..." It's fucking gay is what it is! So please keep going!

"It's what?" Ichigo asked, pulling his pants up again.

Fuck! Don't pull them back up! They're meant to go down! "It's...nothing. Forget I said anything." I fake huffed, shoving my hands into my pockets. I didn't want to seem too eager and scare him away. If I play my cards right I might be able to substitute Barty with this kid. I need some form of real life boy-ass after all.

Ichigo shrugged off my words and took his pants off all the way.

Oh thank you bountiful Lord! He even had a similar body type to Barty.

As he held them, a 500¥ coin fell out of his pocket and rolled under his bed. "Ooh! I forgot I had that." He got down on the floor and looked for the coin.

Of Jesus. He has his butt up in the air- butt up in the air- butt in the air! My cock had softened a bit since earlier but now it was back up to full mast. With interest.

I continued to watch on as Ichigo, clad only in his red and white underwear, was straining himself to reach the coin, leaving that delightful rear up in the air and wiggling it ever so slightly when he reached a little farther. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, not for a second.

"Go for it! Just go for it!" The little devil on my shoulder said in his high pitched voice. "Just slip your hand in there and SQUEEEEEZE! You know you to."

I did, I really really did.

I felt conflicted so looked at the robed angle on my other shoulder, hoping for some sagely advice that his horned counterpart wouldn't give.

"Go for it bro."

So sagely.

I looked at my shaky hand. I could practically feel Ichigo's bum in it. I then looked at Ichigo again, the strain he was putting on his underwear making them really tight, giving vivid detail of his rear end. My fingers twitched in anticipation.

"Do it. Do it! DO IT!" The things on my shoulders chanted.

"Got it!" Ichigo said, getting up and putting the coin on his desk. My hand went to my side, not having felt the rear of the half naked boy in front of me.

"Hey Ichigo?" I said, getting the boy's attention. "Why don't you show me around town? See the sights and whatnot."

Well, if I wanted to get a look at that ass I might as well befriend the boy first, see if I can get him naked at any point. Then comes the butt time.


That night I was in the shower, hot water was running down my skin as I pumped my weeping cock. Even after spending a few hours with Ichigo earlier in the day, the opportunity to feel his ass never presented itself, but I was willing to be patient.

For now though, back to Barty.

When we got back to my house we showered together to get rid of the mud and cold that the rain and forest we traveled through gave us. I sucked him off in that shower, and I got a good, deep feeling of that hot ass. (I didn't fuck himor anything I just really really felt it up).

I thought forward to a time when he sucked me off in the forest behind my house! Then we went skinny dipping!

And another time when he let me came to me wearing only a ribbon as a Christmas present! The feeling of my fingers in his ass came to mind.

And then I thought of what happened right after I told him I was moving! God, nothing we did before that could even compare.

But then Barty faded away and the image of a bent over Ichigo popped into my brain, this time without the underwear that had gotten in my way.

I bit my lip to silence myself and I came hard into my hand, nearly breaking the skin. I breathed heavily, I leaning against the wall to keep myself steady as I recovered from my orgasm.

It was interesting, all the explicit, wonderfully naughty and incredibly sexy things I did with Barty and its the thought of what Ichigo would look like naked that sent me over the edge.

"Well damn." I said, closing my eyes and waiting for my dick to recharge so I could go for round 2, seeing if Ichigo could do it a second time.


So, in my football club, we often made bets and challenges with one another. Things like: who could keep the ball up for the longest, or who could save more goals. The loser would then have to do the agreed upon penalty and, for the most part, everybody would have a good laugh.

Well, one time, two guys, Barty and Alvin, made a bet. If one of them scored a goal during a match and the other didn't, the loser had to come back to the pitch that night and run five naked laps around the pitch.

Alvin scored. Barty didn't.

So, Barty stood there, naked in the night, with his arms crossed, goosebumps covering his body and a red blush dusting his cheeks.

"Alright Grimmjow, you follow him and make sure he does the whole five laps while recording." Alvin said.

"Right." I said with a smirk. Then we took off running. We ran the first three laps just fine, and I really, really enjoyed the view, but by the third lap even I, with my great stamina, needed a brief rest. Barty even more so. We stopped at the goalposts on the opposite side of the pitch from where the rest of the guys were at. I still held my phone up as a got my breath back, not wanting to miss a second Barty's nakedness on video.

Barty was bent over a little, his hands on his knees as he breathed rapidly. I could kinda see his little pink pucker from where I was standing. Then I saw even more when Barty decided to do a few stretches. I enjoyed watching him bend his lithe body to the left and to the right. It was my own personal peep show. I swear I nearly died when he spread his legs and bent forward to grab his ankles. Not only was his butthole on full display, I could see his hairless sack tightly dangling from between his legs.

I felt the tightness of my boner in my pants. Seeing a very noticeable bulge down there, I quickly flipped my hard-on up against my stomach to keep it hidden from view.

"Come on." I said, walking up behind Barty and giving his taught, pretty little butt a good, solid smack, the sound echoing and my hand leaving a pink print right in the middle. He let out a little grunt when my hand connected with his pale flesh. I looked across the other side of the pitch, at the other goal post, but I couldn't see any of the other guys in the dark, meaning that, thankfully, none of them could see me.

"That stings." Barty said, picking up the pace again. I followed a few steps behind for the most part, but after a little bit I went up next to him to catch a glimpse of his front. He was red-faced when he looked at the camera, either from embarrassment or tiredness. I didn't really care, it was cute either way. As we passed the guys they applauded Barty, who stuck his tongue out at them.

We powered through the final lap. I pulled ahead of Barty completely, glancing down to see that he had his own 3 inch hard-on that was bouncing from side to side as he ran. We passed the goalposts again, showing that we had reached the halfway point. Barty was slowing down a lot by this point. He was very red-faced and was sweating profusely. I don't know why but that really made my dick twitch.

As we neared the finish line I noticed that there was no-one there. All the guys had left and, from what I could see, they had taken Barty's clothes with them. Barty hadn't noticed yet, but boy was he in for a surprise.

When he did we looked around, seeing no sign of any of the guys. They left nothing behind except Barty's shoes and phone.

"Those bastards!" Barty cursed, worriedly pacing to and fro whilst biting his nails. Meanwhile all I could look at was his hard, wagging dick as he walked towards me and his cute, clenched butt (still with my handprint) as he walked away from me.

I shook my head clear of those thoughts, trying to think of some resolution to Barty's debacle. I started by ceasing to take the video of Barty, saving it to my phone. After this I decided that none of the other guys would get the video and that it'd be only for my personal viewing.

"What am I gonna do!?" He said, crouching down and burying his face in his hands. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble." I could hear the crack in his voice. It made me feel for him (and just plain want to feel him).

"Relax," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I'll just call one of the guys and get them to bring your clothes back here. They've had their fun, and it's not like they'll take it too far."

"Ya think so?" He asked, looking up at me with his big, blue, tear-brimmed eyes.

"Yeah. They're assholes, but not that much." I then called one of the guys, waiting out the rings until it went to voicemail. I looked at Barty and shrugged. "Alvin'll pick up, he's never without his phone." I then called Alvin, only to have it go to voicemail again. Barty began to look even more worried when he saw me go to another contact. Same thing happened, it rung out and went to voicemail. Two more times, I called the last two guys who went with us tonight, and they both went to voicemail.

Either they all conveniently had their phones on silent or they were purposefully ignoring my calls.

"Looks like they actually are assholes." I muttered. I looked over at Barty, who was just about ready to cry. "Look, what's the big deal? Just call your parents, explain the whole-"

"NO NO NO! I can't do that!" Barty shouted. "If my parents find out this is what I did tonight they're gonna kill me! And that's after I get my ass belted!" He began to actually shed tears now, followed by a dramatic increase in his rate of breath.

Was he having a hyperventilating or something?

He fell back with a thud onto his rear, bringing his knees to his chest and hiding his face in them as his breathing intensified. I gulped, not knowing how to properly respond to this.

Maybe this was actually a panic attack?

I sat down next to Barty and after a few awkward seconds I put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him in a bit closer. "It'll be fine, okay." He looked me in the eye, unconvinced. "Would your parents let you stay overnight somewhere tonight?"

Barty sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "M-maybe. Why?"

"My sister's at her boyfriend's place tonight so I'm home alone. You can stay there while I go around to the guys' place and get your clothes back. Whichever one of em' has them."

"You'd do that?" He asked, his breath evening out a bit.

"Yeah, I mean, I can't exactly let you fend for yourself out here." I stood and pulled him up with me. "I don't live too far away. If we're careful then no-one will see you all naked and stuff"

"Thanks." He said with a weak smile. He then evened out his breath and called his mother. It took a couple of minutes but after saying that he didn't feel safe walking to the other side of town on his own at this hour, and saying that I offered him to stay, he managed to convince her. "Alright," he said. "let's get going."

I nodded, about to walk in the direction of the exit before I noticed that Barty was still rocking his 90 degree stiffy.

"God, doesn't your thing ever go down?" I asked, gesturing to dick.

"Shut up!" He said, blushing a deep red.

We were soon sneaking through town in the dead of night, both of us alert of any sounds that approached us. I took the front, making sure that the coast was clear before telling Barty to move.

As we were walking through an alleyway we heard voices and footsteps along the street we were headed for. Reacting quickly, I pulled Barty behind a dumpster and held him close between myself and wall, so close in fact that I could feel his boner poking my leg.

The people passed and I checked up and down before gesturing for Barty to follow. For a little bit we'd have to walk down her street, so I warmed Barty to stay close. He followed me out of the alley, hands covering his privates as he followed with a red face.

At that moment, as if to make things worse, I felt a few water droplets hit my face.

"Crap." I muttered, looking behind to Barty, who solemnly looked up the sky, as if to curse the gods. After a minute the rain had gotten heavy enough that even I was shivering through my t-shirt and jeans. Barty, wearing only his shoes, must've been freezing.

I suddenly heard a car speeding in our direction from behind. I quickly pulled Barty in front of me, so that the car wouldn't see his naked rear in its headlights. It passed quickly, too quickly, so quickly that it drenched us with muddy water as sped by over a large puddle.

We ignored it for the time being, deciding that now things couldn't get any worse.

Fortunately, my house was a bungalow in a small enough estate, and we could easily go through a woods behind it to stay unseen. It was a longer route but there'd be less risk of being seen, and once we got into the woods we'd have the cover of the trees. There was only one problem though: The closest entrance to that woods was in a public park across the road from where we were hidden, and that road was very busy at the moment.

"Okay, I'll go and stand in front of the crossing, and when the cars stop for me, you run as fast as you can across, okay?"

"Okay." He said weakly, shivering vigorously and looking sick.

I exited the alley and stood by the zebra crossing, and within a moment I was clear from both sides.

"NOW!" I yelled, and Barty emerged from the alley, hands covering his modesty as ran fast as he could across. I joined him and we both ran into the park, not stopping until we entered the woods.

When we were far enough in we stopped running and got under a dry spot to catch out breath.

"I hope no-one recognised me." Barty said, leaning against the tree. "This thing's only making it harder." He slapped the head of his still swollen cock. He put his hands under his armpits and began to walk in the direction of my house. "Come on, the sooner we get there the better."

I nodded in agreement, walking by his side. We dawdled under the cover of trees, trekking through mud and tall grass,eventually making it to the field that came out by my house. We sprinted across the terrain, both of us slipping in the mud a few times. Now came our final obstacle, the two metre brick wall between us and my house. I wiped my hair out of my eyes and looked at Barty.

"I'll give you a boost and then you pull me up." He agreed to my plan.

I crouched down, letting Barty to get on my shoulders. I could feel his still hard cock poking the back of my head.

Barty climbed from my shoulders onto the wall, and he then pulled me up (though I thought he was gonna slip off from pulling my weight). Fortunately my trampoline was right at the back so we had a safe landing. We rushed to my back door. With haste I took my keys out of my pocket and fumbled before finally unlocking the door.

We stepped inside. I turned on the kitchen light, kicked off my shoes and quickly stripped off my cold, wet and muddy clothes, only thinking about cleaning them up later. I pointed towards in front of me, and started walking.

"Shower." I stated simply, Barty following me. We went up the stairs and into the bathroom, turning on the light. I turned on the shower, praying that there was hot water. There was and I breathed a sigh of relief, stepping in under the stream. "Get in." I said to a shivering Barty, who was still standing in the doorway. He nodded and stepped in behind me. I pulled the curtain closed and took the shower head into my hand, spraying under my arms and all over the muddy patches.

I turned the head on Barty, who was startled at first but quickly relished in the warmth.

"Turn." I said, washing the mud off of Barty's back as I rubbed it. I ran my finger directly down his spine, wanting to see his reaction.

"Ah that tickles!" He said whilst stifling a giggle. I smiled. Thinking I was being very sneaky and subtle, I ran my hand over one of his butt cheeks. He didn't say anything about it so I ran my hand over the other one, this time rubbing it deeper, practically massaging it.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Giving you a butt massage."I said. "Want me to stop?"

"No, it's fine. It actually feels kinda good."

"Okay." I put the shower head back on its hook and grabbed Barty's butt with both hands, kneading it and spreading his cheeks.

This is great! It's so soft and plush and cute and soft! I could do this for hours.

I could feel the blood rushing down to my cock, making it grow to its full length. Curious, I peeked over Barty's shoulder and saw- yup- his own cock was still pointing forward, and it looked like it was strained or something, like, it was red.

I spread Barty's cheeks again, this time rubbing his pucker with both of my thumbs. This made him clench his cheeks and let out a pitched squeal.

"Was that bad?" I asked.

He shook his head slowly. "It felt kinda weird, but not very bad."

I tried rubbing his hole with both thumbs again, this time with a little more oomph. Barty let out another squeal, this time grabbing his cock in one hand and biting the nails of the other.

Oh, so that's what he likes.

"Ya know, if you wanna jack-off, you can, I won't judge our anything like that."

"What's that?" He asked, continuing to bite his nails.

I stopped my machinations for a second. "Ya know, making the bald man cry, waxxing the carrot?" He tilted his head in confusion, raising one eyebrow. "Wanking, tossing it, beating your meat, whacking off, rubbing one out?" Barty shook his head to each of those. "Masturbating?" He shook his head again. "Do you rub your cock up and down to make it feel good?"

Barty blushed scarlet. "No." He looked down and realised he was grasping his member and quickly let go.

"Man, you've been missing out. Here, I'll show you."I leaned against the shower wall wrapped my left hand around my dick. Starting slow, I pumped it, leaning my head back in ecstasy. I made sure to look at Barty while doing it, taking in his wet, naked body, rock hard cock and red face, using it all to fuel my own libido. My pumping quickly increased in place, my glans peeking out with even stroke.

Barty looked at my movements, seemingly embarrassed to do so but also unable to take his eyes of my cock for a second.

"Turn around!" I grunted. Barty did so, giving me another look at his ass, more beautiful and hot right now than it had ever been. With my free hand I reached between his legs. With my palm up I felt balls, making him squeal, and with my thumb I rubbed his hole in clockwise circles. He was so warm and soft. It was the first time I ever felt something like this, and even after thinking about it for so long it felt better than I ever thought. I eased my thumb into Barty by one centimetre, causing him to let out a breathy moan and clench his entire body. In that moment I felt my own body tighten and the knot in my stomach snap, resulting in the best orgasm I ever had. My dick shot out bursts of cum into my hand and onto the floor. I continued to pump even further, milking it for all it was worth and riding the orgasm for as long as I could. My knees were weak like boiled noodles, and during the best orgasm of my life, I had deepened my thumb to about an inch into Barty's hole. That inch had him standing on the balls of his feet with his back arched.

I pulled my hand away, careful when taking my thumb out. "Sorry." I said through deep breaths, leaning against the wall for support.

"It's okay." Barty said, leaning next me. "It actually felt good." He looked down at my softened dick, which I still had my hand wrapped tightly around. "What's that white stuff?"




"What's it for?"

"Dunno, it just comes out when I'm done jacking it." I took my hand away and washed it under shower stream. "Do you wanna try now?"

Barty looked down at his own aching dick. "I dunno..." He said, sounding nervous.

"Here, let me do it for you." I said, reaching out and grasping his cock in my hand. It was the first time I ever touched another guys cock, and I have to say that I really liked the feeling of it.

"No don- HMM!"

He made a strange noise when I started to move my hand up and down, but other than that he didn't object at all. "Want me to keep going?"

He nodded vigorously.

As I went on, his knees started to shake and he put more weight against the wall. He gripped my forearm with both hands, trying to hold it still and thrust into my grip.

I let go of Barty for second, making him moan in annoyance and stroke himself instead. I got down on my knees, grabbed Barty's hips and stood him right in front of so that his cock was in front of my face. I grabbed it again, pumping it towards me. This way I was able to pump faster than before. I reached one hand around and grabbed Barty's left butt cheek, rubbing his hole again but this time with my middle finger.

Barty's breathing became sporadic, he grabbed my hair tight and he closed his eyes in pure pleasure. A tiny, white droplet emerged from his slit. I stopped my pumping for a second, looking at the little droplet.

"Wha- AAAHHHH!" Barty screamed.

When he was about ask why I stopped I licked the droplet from his head, eliciting that scream from. His legs damn near gave out from beneath him, but I caught his hips just in time.

"Pluh-pluh-please do that again." He said through ragged breath. I smirked and kissed his swollen head. I then moved both of my hands to his behind, spread his cheeks and used both middle fingers to poke at his hole. I licked my lips and enveloped the head of his cock, moving down his shaft until my nose touched his small patch of pubes.

I retreated again, running my tongue along all 3 inches of his cock as I went. I didn't get the chance to go back down his shaft myself because he trust right back into my mouth. I gave a sharp smack to right cheek before giving it a pinch. I think he got the message as he didn't do it again. Although it didn't matter much, cause with ten seconds of me blowing him he came right into my mouth with a yell, gripping my hair really, really tight. I could tell that his cum wasn't as thick as mine, it was more watery, nonetheless, I swallowed all of it.

I pulled off of his dick, which was now limp for the first time in ages. His legs were trembling, so I took my hands away and he keeled down in front of me, very much out of breath.

"How was that?" I asked.

He looked me in the eye and smiled. "Amazing, absolutely amazing." I smiled back and gestured for him to come closer. "Yeah?"

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, taking him by surprise. He didn't pull back though, instead he leaned into the kiss, deepening it. I put my hands on his hips and he put his on my shoulders. I pulled him closer, licking his lower lip to get him to open his mouth. I tasted the inside of his mouth, and then our tongues did a little dance together. When we pulled away a string of saliva still connected us.

So that's what my first kiss was: with a boy, naked in the shower, right after I snook him naked through town into my house and then sucked him off. Yeah, as far as first kisses go, that's gonna be hard to top.


That's all for now.

For fun: if anyone can guess who Nel's fiancé is, I'll give you a shoutout in the next chapter.

Tis all for now,

I bid you adieu.