Arcadia stopped speaking to me. She would greet me with curtsies and a cold demeanor but didn't say anything unless necessary.
Even now, after two months, she wouldn't speak. I was sitting in one of the chairs in the library, reading. Arcadia was sitting in another chair, reading as well. Finally, I couldn't take it.
I put my book down and looked at Arcadia. "Arcadia, speak to me."
"What do you want me to say, Your Highness?" She asked coldly, not looking up from her book.
I crossed my arms. "How about you act like your old self for starters. What happened to the shy girl I picked to be my maid?"
"I am still shy." She mumbled.
"There's a difference between being shy and... well... this."
She didn't answer me which only made me more irritated. "Arcadia, look at me."
Arcadia waited for several long, agonizing seconds before finally looking at me with angry brown eyes. "Do you need something, Your Highness?"
I sighed. "Yes, I do need something."
"What is it?" She closed her book after marking her page.
"I need you to follow me." I stood up and walked out of the library. I heard her stand up and follow me. I glanced over my shoulder at her occasionally. Arcadia watched the floor as we walked.
"Arcadia," I said softly. She looked at me, her brown eyes flashing. "I was planning on going for a ride, and I wanted some company. I would like it if you joined me."
"As you wish, Your Highness."
I sighed to myself. This was going to be harder than I thought. Apologizing did not come easily to me. But, I wanted Arcadia to go back to her old self. I missed the shy girl that I had picked to be my maid. I missed her laugh whenever I did something to humor her.
We stepped outside and headed over to the stables. The horses whinnied a greeting, and I saw a faint smile on Arcadia's lips. I walked over to my white horse which had already been groomed and tacked. I swung up onto the horse while Arcadia did the same with another horse.
We rode out of the stables, a small group of guards following us. They were there for my protection. Arcadia followed behind, much to my annoyance. "Arcadia," I called, looking over my shoulder at her. I gestured for her to ride closer. She obeyed and rode beside me though in silence.
The guards stayed a few feet behind us, like always. A gentle breeze blew by us, ruffling my hair and Arcadia's. We rode through the village, which seemed to make Arcadia feel better. I glanced over at her very now and then.
After we left the village and made our way to the forest nearby, she sighed. "Why are we out riding?"
"Do you not want to enjoy the sun?" I asked, looking at her.
"I do, but I also could have enjoyed it just fine in the gardens."
"And if they thought you were not doing your chores again? You would be whipped."
She looked away from me. "Why do you seem to care all of a sudden?"
The trees hid a path that I was familiar with. We followed it in silence. I was unsure of how to respond to her question. The only sounds were the clanking the of the guards' armor, the chirping of the birds, and snapping of twigs and branches. Right as I opened my mouth to finally give Arcadia an answer, a crossbow bolt hit the tree right next to my head.
The guards shouted in alarm and drew their swords, ordering for me to return to the castle. I turned my horse around, urging him into a gallop. Arcadia followed closely behind me. I saw the end of the path at the edge of the forest. I had almost reached it when I fell off my horse, hitting the ground.
"Your Highness!" I heard Arcadia scream.
A pair of rough hands grabbed me and I felt myself being dragged away.
My eyes widened when I saw a large man tackle the prince off of his horse. "Your Highness!" I screamed, my former feelings of anger replaced with fear. A calloused hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the horse I had been riding. I struggled in the tight hold, only succeeding in making the grip tighten.
"Put her with the prince." The man holding me ordered someone else. "He could use the company."
Another person grabbed me and dragged me through the forest. My dress now had many new rips and stains on it.
If I slowed down or stumbled, the man would push me roughly and shout, "Keep moving!"
A small, dirty camp came into view. A makeshift prison far away from the fire and on the edge of the camp was bordered by two large, muscular men. I was forced to walk over there. The two men opened the odd door made from sticks and ropes and shoved me inside. I stumbled, falling onto the dirty ground.
A gentle hand helped me up. I looked at the person, my eyes meeting the sea-green irises of Prince Armin. I quickly averted my gaze, choosing instead to look at the ground.
The next few hours passed by slowly. Armin and I sat in silence for most of the time. My thoughts wandered to many different places. It was only when I heard Armin clear his throat that my attention was pulled back to the present.
I looked at him. "Yes, Your Highness?"
"I wanted t-"
"Keep it down!" One of the men outside shouted.
I sighed. "This can't get any worse, can it?"
Armin looked outside where the sun was beginning to set. "I certainly hope not."
Author's Note
I apologize for the short chapter; this is just a filler. Thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas for the story, PM me or leave a comment. :)