Tony sat outside the 'hall' as they would call it. The World Security Council meeting was today and as right now, poor Lolo was probably getting an earful, by some holographic images in an empty room by some old fools who couldn't bother to be there in person, for defending the Avengers and not simply letting them be charged for some questionable things that were found in most of their files that were leaked.

It wasn't until an hour and a half later that the lawyer stepped out, her face impassive. Tony looked at her, "Listen I don't blame you, those guys are pricks".

The woman chuckled, "Don't worry Mr. Stark you guys are not in any real trouble or public humiliation." she told him calmly. Tony blinked, this tiny 5'2 scrawny mass of a woman had just won a case against the World Security Council itself when they were the opposition, the jury and the judge. "So how did it go?" he asked, Lorry sighed, "Those guys are pricks" she began, "and they do live up to the definition of senile, took me a moment but I was able to form my words in a way they would understand".

Tony led her to a plain room with several chairs around the room and some sort of computer screen in front of them. Those screens turned on and flickered, holographic images of the council men and a woman filled the rooms, they appeared to be sitting on those chairs. Lorry raised a brow, that was impressive. She began feeling jittery as Tony talked to the council men, while he talked or argued as it appeared Lorry was busy calming down her nerves. She jolted a bit as Tony placed his hand on her shoulder looking in her eyes, he left her. Gulping down her nerves she faced the council head on.


"Lawyer." one of them snarked.

"Indeed I am sir, my name is Loralie Coleman and I work for the Avengers as their Legal Advisor." she introduced herself with as much confidence as she could muster, "It's an honour to be standing here in front of you".

"Tell Me Ms. Coleman" the woman began, "Why do you work for the Avengers?"

She smiled, "It's quite simple actually, they found me and hired me for the job. I also happen to find their work admirable and feel the need to do good for the world by helping the Avengers, ma'am".

"Why not work for the government?"

"That would be a completely different thing,wouldn't it?"

Tony snorted a laugh, sipping from his glass of Bourbon, "So you basically told them that working for the government does no good?"

The blonde lawyer sitting across from him in the private jet owned by Stark Industries shrugged, "In a way". The man laughed again, "You're more reckless than all of the Avengers combined, kid. I like you". The woman smiled, "I've been made aware of how reckless I am". "So what happened next?"

"You're telling me that they should not be held accountable for their crimes?!" the old man, Indian maybe, bellowed in anger. Lorry wanted nothing more than to hide behind her files and papers but that's not what she was hired to do, taking a deep breath she smiled, "With all due respect, sir, 'crime' is a very strong word to describe mistakes."

She began pacing, all signs of fear and nervousness and her usual bubbly personality gone. "Let's start with Mr. Stark shall we?" she began, "The Stark Industries was known for manufacturing and developing weapons for warfare. I believe the council was aware of that and what transpired with Obediah Stane who was in fact aiding the terrorist organisation. Mr. Stark who was the CEO of the company was not called out to or taken to court regarding his business. However, as of present day, much later after the 'Avengers Initiative' and some 'redeeming acts', calling out the faults will only reflect badly on the Council's image".

A council member raised a brow at her, "You're saying we're a bunch of idiots?" he questioned, eyes narrowing at the woman who stood before him. Lorry shook her head, "Absolutely not. I'm saying that the public isn't... for the lack a a better word, stupid. They are aware of everything the Avengers have done, good and bad." she smiled, she had their attention. "Most of the public, national and worldwide, however is willing to overlook these 'mistakes' in favour of the bigger thing and that happens to be what the Avengers do for them... and that's plenty".

The jet landed at the airport, Loralie boarded off the plane after saying her goodbyes to Mr. Stark who was headed for Miami. Reaching the tower, she realised how tired she was, her gray eyes were heavy with sleep and her limbs were sore in need of rest. She entered the elevator heading for her office to put away the files she held before going for her apartment.

There were only a few employees left in the department and even they were preparing to go home. The elevator dinged and opened to reveal their worn out boss, the young blonde woman stepped out and smiled at a co-worker as she headed towards her office room.

She sat behind her desk, busying herself with her task. Gloria, her secretary knocked on the door and entered, "Hey boss".

"Yeah?" Lorry asked without looking up from her work. "A bunch of documents came in, they're for you so I didn't check." the dark skinned secretary informed. "Just put them on the desk, I'll take them home".

"You know, why don't you just take your tired ass home and leave these here. You can always look at these on Monday".

"Better to deal with it over the weekend than have it pile up with other stuff we have to do on monday".

"Have you ever had a weekend?"


"I doubt that!"

Loralie looked up at the other woman who stood before her with her knuckles on her hips, shaking her head. "I'm fine Gloria, why don't you go home. It's getting late and I doubt you'd want to stick here longer than you should". Gloria rolled her brown eyes running a hand through her straight, glossy black hair, "you may be better than the previous boss but damn girl, you work more than you earn!" this caused the blonde to laugh loudly, "Go home, I'll see you after the weekend!"

"Leave the files here!" the secretary chided as she made her way out the door.

"No promises".

She did take those files home, tucked under her arm as she unlocked her apartment. They rested innocently on her coffee table as she slept away the rest of the night in her room, unaware of how important they'd be to one of her employers and things she'll find out.



I have a perfectly good explanation for disappearing like that!

I started school! I didn't want the gap year. I IS SAWRY!

But here's a chapter!

Read, Review! Tell me what you think!

Oh and about that thingy with questions thingy (if you want)

I'll start only if i get at least three questions at a time.
