"Now if we are to take the 3 here and move it where we had just solved for X-"

Natsu Dragneel was started to get bored- Or he might possibly be dead from boredom by the end of his class period.

He was a rather lean young man of 15 year old, not as bulky or muscular as many of the other boys in his class as the muscle mass he was blessed with gave him a more of feminine look and appearance and could be seen even in his school uniform, much to his annoyance. He wasn't as tall or as short as many of the other students in his class, ranking out at an average height for a boy his age with a slightly tanned skin that had been kissed tenderly by the sun itself, his eyes were large, doe-like with iris that looked like they were made from molten gold. His messy pink hair fluttered over his face slightly as he yawned and revealed briefly his abnormal sharp canines and the scar on the right side of his neck peeked up from behind his trademark scale pattern scarf before both disappeared once more from sight once he leaned forward, placing his arms onto the surface of his desk, on top of his notebook and books and rested his head on them, eyes threatening to close.

He let out a soft sigh.

Math class was more boring then he last remembered. He lifted himself back up when he felt a small interest and he picked up his pencil and began to doodle a few abstract and nonsensical images onto his assignment's surface only to eventually become bored with it and he leaned back into his chair as far back as the mixture of metal and smooth cut stone would allow, wincing slightly as the head of the chair dug and stuck itself into his back at a rather awkward angle. Natsu sighed before sitting himself upright once again, eyes drifting to the clock that hung over the classroom door.

12:52 pm

He groaned. He still had another 2 hours and 38 minutes before the school would let out and he could finally go home and possibly sleep. He wasn't going to make it.

There was no way.

"Mr. Dragneel, perhaps you can tell us the answer for Z?"

Natsu blinked at the sound of his name being called, his gaze wandered back over to the front and landing on his teacher who stood up front, textbook in hand and a dry erase marker poised to write. He gazed at Natsu expectantly with a smile of encouragement, a look that always had Natsu gulp and sweat nervously as he realized then and there, he had not been paying attention and therefore had no idea what happened and what he was expected to do.


"Well Mr. Dragneel?"

"Uhm- Uh- W-What was the question again?"


The teacher just let out sigh in slight annoyance and shake of his head over the sound of soft giggling and laughter at the pinkette's clear inability to do not just what it was he was asked to do but clearly didn't pay any attention to the lesson at all. He turned his attention to another part of his classroom before eventually calling on another student and Natsu would have let out a sigh of relief for being let of the hook before he sudden felt his heart stop, eyes grow wide and just basically every part of his body froze when a voice- That most irritating, most annoying voice that he had ever heard spoke up. It had left the pinkette to feel a strange mixture of emotions he didn't think were conceived, all of them completely jumbled and tangled together like a bunch of Christmas lights, hard to tell one feeling apart from another and leaving the poor boy confused and left to decide that he just hated the sound of it.

A voice he knew all to well having grown up with it in elementary school.

"Ah- Mr. Fullbuster?"

The student in question smiled, a smile that made Natsu's chest hurt for an odd reason he before he stood up before his classmates, his name- Gray Fullbuster.

Gray Fullbuster had to be the most handsome (at least to the entire female population of the school), most popular guy in Natsu's class- Heck, maybe in all of the history of high schools and Natsu just could not see what was so great about Gray Fullbuster and having grown up alongside him, it was understandable. His eyes narrowed to angry slits as stared heatedly into the bastard's back.

Gray had extremely messy inky black-colored hair that looked as though he just woke up. His eyes were a dark blue, a blue that could rival the midnight's own color brand of blue and was one of the many boys in his class that stood taller then Natsu though it was roughly about a foot or half a foot taller then the pinkette himself and he had a body that was toned and muscular to show his masculinity, a fact the droop-eyed bastard seemed to have no problem rubbing into Natsu's face. Natsu could feel his cheeks redden at the sight of the rock hard abs that revealed themselves in the artificial lighting of the classroom as it seemed the ravenette had decided to forsake his school shirt, again, leaving him only in his dark school slacks and a matching tie that hung loose around his neck thanks to a rather 'interesting' habit Gray had, a habit that had the pinkette on his toes.

A habit that clearly said Gray was pervert or a possible stripper in the making. And didn't help that many students, females, encouraging this behavior though Gray claimed that it wasn't on purpose and that was an accident.

He shook his head.

'Yeah right.'

"The answer is 4 sir. Z will be equivalent to 4."

"Very good Mr. Fullbuster!" The teacher praised, clapping his hands and turning his back around. "Although, I'm not sure why you had to remove your shirt but- Nonetheless- Well done!"

"Huh?" Gray blinked, looking down at himself before he shrugged and sat down. "Oh well. Least it wasn't my pants this time."

As if knowing he was the source of a heated glare aimed at him, he turned and glanced over at Natsu and shot him a rather smug sneer that had Natsu huff and turn back around, folding his arms across on top of his desk and he rested his head on top the folded limbs.

Dragons above, he hated this prick.

Natsu let out a soft growl and he hid his face into his arms. School could not end fast enough for the pinkette and he really just wanted to get home, cuddle up to his mother, eat some snacks and forget about today. The last three periods were hell for him as it wasn't already bad enough that he had to share four of the last classes with him but it seemed that all Gray wanted to do was mock and humiliate the pinkette in some way in front of all the teachers and students and it made Natsu want to punch his stupid, ugly smug face in until it could never heal and can never be called 'handsome' again. A silent and ominous dark cloud hung over Natsu's head as he walked- more likely stormed- his way toward the school doors and anyone who was in the fuming pinkette's way, quickly moved out of his way so as not to incur the short teen's wrath.

"Hey! Natsu!"

"Hmm?" Natsu blinked and turned to look behind him, his temper lessening at the sight of a familiar face and he broke into a large smile. "Oh. Hey Lucy, I thought you had book club today."

The new companion, a young lady, Lucy Heartfilia paused, her warm chocolate brown eyes looking the pinkette over before she decided to press forward and caught up to the smiling teen. Her shoulder-length blonde hair fluttered behind her in the gentle breeze before halting, one part of it was tied by a ribbon of a variety of colors in a small ponytail, today it seemed, she had chosen pink and was tied to the right side of her head while the rest of her golden locks hung free. According to the male student body, she was one of the hottest girls in Natsu's school as she was a buxom and a curvaceous babe and was another of Natsu's childhood friend and his best friend since they were very little.

Lucy was the kind of girl any man would want on his arm.

"Yeah- But it was cancelled 'cause poor Levy-Chan fell sick." A look of concern washing over her face. "Is something wrong Natsu?"

Natsu shrugged. "Nothing's wrong."

"Natsu- You and I practically grew up together." Lucy replied with a huff, hands on her hips. "You know I can tell when you're lying to me, right?"

Natsu flinched, looking anywhere that wasn't Lucy. "Really?"

Lucy sighed, her gaze softening, "Just tell me what's wrong, Natsu- I know there's something wrong so don't go treating me like I'm stupid... I'm just worried about you, that's all."

"I know, I know" Natsu replied, shoulders slumping and he let out a sigh before he pressed onward, Lucy following close behind, "I know you're not stupid, it's just- Hah- I'm just really really tired ya' know. And stressed- I guess."

"Tired and stressed?" Lucy blinked. "You being tired is nothing new but stressed? Stressed about what?"

"I dunno," Natsu shrugged, "School I guess-"


"Okay okay!" Natsu cried, throwing his hands up in the air in annoyance. "I'll tell you alright? Sheesh! It's him! He's my problem!"

Natsu jabbed his finger harshly into one direction, toward the source that was his 'problem' Lucy's eyes following the way. Leaning against the thick tree trunk just outside the school building was the still shirtless Gray who was currently talking and laughing, with two other people. One was a young woman named Cana Alberona a tall, slim woman with an ample bust, curvy hips and tan skin with long, mid-back length brown hair, two shoulder-length strands of hair frame her face, with the left one starting from a prominent, high fringe, large brown eyes and visibly long eyelashes. The other was a young man of average height, distinguished by his delicate facial features, that irked Natsu to no end- Why didn't they call him 'feminine' or cute?!- and slightly short but still messy orange hair named Loke. He had hazel eyes that were almost always covered by a pair of azure-tinted sunglasses with a thin frame, his left ear is adorned by three earrings: a stud and two rings and his right hand was a adorned in a couple of rings.

Lucy let out a sigh. She should've figured. "What did Gray do this time?"

"What did he do?! What did he do?!" Natsu couldn't believe what he was hearing! "That cocky bastard has spent the last half of the day trying to piss me off Lucy!"

"And how did he try to do that if I may ask." Lucy replied with exasperation. "It doesn't seem any different then usual-"

"He mocked me, laughed at me!" Natsu ground out as he glared daggers at Gray's back. "He made me look like I'm some idiot!"

Lucy sighed. "Again, how is that any different then how the two of you normally interact?"

"It is different! First, he sneers at me every time I don't answer a question the teacher gives me-"

"Big surprise."

"And then he answers them in a tone like the know-it-all jerk he is-"

"That's because he actually pays attention unlike a certain someone we know-"

"He then passes me notes just asking for a beating-"

"After you probably send them first-"

"Lucy!" Natsu whined. "Who's side are you on?"

"I'm sorry Natsu." Lucy giggled softly. "But it's kinda hard not too-"

"What's so hard about understanding that Popsicle pants is a asshole?" Natsu asked head whipping around and burning a hole into Gray's backside when he suddenly found his eyes wandering lower and he seemed to struggle to put out any of his usual heat or even focus. "He's an asshole! A fucking ass- That is all... Ass..."

Natsu froze, eyes wide as his brain began to catch up and he realized what it was he said. His face red and flaming as he suddenly turned on his heel and dashed toward the school gates in a mad attempt to escape the grounds before something bad happened and he was ridiculed in the worst way. He didn't.

He just didn't!

What the hell was wrong with him?

"Natsu! Natsu wait! Where are you going?!"

Natsu didn't answer as he continued to run, run toward freedom, throwing the large doors wide open with a loud bang and immediately made a mad dash across the yard toward the school gates with Lucy following close behind, an action that wasn't missed by Gray. He quickly turned to his group and told them he'd see them tomorrow before he took off behind them. Natsu ran and ran until he turned down an alleyway that on the right side of the school before turning again this time to an open field behind the school and paused. hunching over with hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"Natsu- What was that all about? Are you okay?"

Natsu blinked before turned wide eyes and with a face of cooling red to the concerned blonde who had chased after him before she too blinked, a look of confusion melting into comprehension dawning on her and suddenly she gave him a rather funny, at least, to him, it was smile.


"Lucy-" Natsu breathed in a low warning, his face returning to its red shade. He knew exactly what she was thinking! "Don't you dare-"

"You liiiiiiike him!" Lucy gasped before poking the tip of his nose. "Don't you~"

"I d- Wait- What?!"

Ok. So maybe he didn't know what she was thinking.

"You totally doooo~" She giggled, like as though she had just got noticed by her secret crush. "You like Gray!"

"Hah! Doooo not~"

"Oh yes you do."

"You're not listening Lucy!"

"Neither are you!"

"No I do not!" Natsu replied hotly, temper getting the best of him. "I do not, I do not, I do not!"

"Then why are you being so defensive about it- Huh?"

Natsu blinked, eyebrows furrowed looking at the blonde rather disbelieving. "Uh- Because it's the truth. Duuuuh. I hate that prick Luce, it's not a secret. It's so obvious that I bet people floating around in space could see it!"

"Ya' know something Pinkie Pie if ya' keep yelling and screaming like that, you're gonna scare everyone away. I'm actually surprised you even still have any friends that ain't deaf yet."

"What did you say?!"

Natsu whipped his head around and found himself facing the very source of his still existing problem, the bane of his existence; Gray Fullbuster. Standing there in his now undressed state, laughing at his turmoil.

Twin Gods- How he wanted to punch this prick's face in!

"Hey Lucy."

"Hey Gray," Lucy covered her face with her hands, her cheeks pink, "W-Where are your pants?"

"My- What?"

"Your pants Gray! You're in your underwear!"

"Huh?" Gray briefly looked down, finding himself in, indeed, his boxers before he shrugged. "So I am. Aw well-"

"Pervert-" Natsu breathed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from the scene.

"What did you just call me?!" Gray demanded, storming up to the pinkette and snatching him up by his collar. "I dare you to say that again in my face!"

"Ok, allow me to speak slowly so your small brain can grasp the words." Natsu sneered, venom punctuating each word, "You. Are. A. Pervert."

"Oh you little-"

The next thing the blonde girl knew, a fight suddenly broke out between the two boys as Natsu and Gray started dishing blows at one another, screaming insults, all the while Lucy stood on the sidelines sighing and watching with utter annoyance as she moved farther away to keep herself out of the crossfire. She did really did not understand boys- Or, at least, she didn't understand these two. She shrieked and ducked just as Natsu's school book bag came flying right at her, completely missing her head by an inch as it went over her head.

"Watch it you idiots you almost hit-"




All three teens froze and slowly turned to look toward the source of the sounds and found themselves staring at a broken window on the second story of their school. An angry voice suddenly rang out in the silent air making all three squeak and tremble when the owner of the voice looked out the now broken window, rubbing his head as he glared angrily at them. Mostly at Natsu and Gray.


Natsu felt cold sweat envelop him as the exact picture of his was being painted itself in front of him.

He was sooo busted.