A Powerful being 'created' to protect magic, to keep a balance between good and evil.

A guardian it's a woman between 15 and 25 years, but they can almost to 100 years and never aging due to the role as a keeper. A balance between good and evil the guardian must keep or the world could be destroyed if there's more evil than good and vice versa.

The Gaurdian helps magical creatures with their doubts, to accept themselves as who they are.

If there isn't a guardian, the magic would die

If she dies, the magic dies within her and the world. She owns a magical gem as a source of her powers and protection to herself

She's like the Charmed Ones. Her gem acts like the Book Of Shadows but she isnt a witch.

The Guardian has three personalities: Good, Evil and Neutral


She's extremely good, as the Guardian, she must have a limit, between what's good and what's too good that can hurt others, she has to keep an eye on Demons, in this state, when she sees a demon doing something bad, she could encourage the demon int continuing, not believing he did something bad. The good Guardian it's too Innocent, her gem it's white


You could easily confuse the Evil Guardian with a demon, she's heartless, sarcastic and with a bad temper, she's all the contrary as the Good Guardian, her gem it's black


The Neutral Guardian it's the normal guardian, as her role to keep a balance, she has good and evil in her in the same portion, her gem color it's purple

The Guardian's gem its like the Book Of Shadows, but depending on what personality the Guardian is in, the people can take it, example:

When the the Guardian's personality it's Good, every creature as Fairies, Dwarves, Elves, Mermaids and even even good witches can take the gem.

When the Guardian's personality it's Evil, only demons can take the gem, use it as their own benefit

When the Guardian's personality it's Neutral, only the ones she authorizes can take the gem

This gem can take the form of any Jewelry the Guardian likes:

* Necklace



* Headband

A new Guardian it's chosen every 95-100 years, the actual Guardian knows when her time would be up and has to look up for the next one and give her the Guardian's gem to protect the New Guardian or wait to her time is up and wait for the gem to find its new owner, which takes a while, where magic isn't under control, until a new Guardian awakes.

Phoebe Halliwell stared at the Book Of Shadows when she finished reading The Guardian entry, she was curious about the Guardian, if she was as powerful as her and her sisters as the Book said, she sighed and was about to close the Book; touching the page explaining what a guardian is, she flinched closing her eyes as thr familiar feeling of a premonition passed through her eyes...

A young, black haired girl runs away from someone through a dark alley. Her wide, frightened green eyes flickers behind her, she turns her head back slightly and trips onto her feet falling to the ground, she shrieked in pain and fear dragging herself with her hands and feet away from someone behind her, she looked up scared almost begging, her back colliding with the wall making her stop cornered by whoever stood in front of her. The someone chasing her revealing to be a demon when in his hand appeared a fire Ball, the demon raised a hand and threw the fire ball at her, she screamed in fear ...

Phoebe's premonition ended and she opened her wide brown eyes, she looked down at the Book Of Shadows to see it still in The Guardian's entry, Phoebe frowned for a second before remembering the frightened green eyed girl and she ran downstairs to tell Piper and Paige, her sisters about her premonition