Prussia sighed as he walked down the street. Of all the places to meet, why, oh why did it have to be New Jersey? Prussia hated New Jersey. Why you might ask? Because he always got lost. For some reason, he never had any trouble getting around anywhere else in the world, but the moment he stepped foot into New Jersey, all sense of direction went out the window. America blamed in on the aliens, but knowing America, it was probably a joke. Probably. Sighing again, Prussia looked around. To his confusion, he had ended up in a park of some sort.

"If this keeps up, I'm going to end up like Austria." Prussia shuddered. Pulling out his phone, and was just typing in the address of the building he was going to when he heard someone calling his name.

"Prussia, psst, Prussia." He heard a voice hiss from above him. Jumping in surprise, he looked up and saw France and Poland above him in a tree. But to his greater surprise, they were both wearing dresses. France was wearing a bright red Hollywood dress, while Poland was wearing a purple mermaid styled dress.

"What the hell are you two doing up there?" Prussia asked, his mouth hanging open. "And why the hell are you in dresses?"

"Oh, it's a long story." Poland said, waving his hand lazily. "But to sum it up, France, Spain, and I had a bet to see who could rock a dress better."

"Why am I not surprised." Prussia chuckled. "Who won?"

"Spain." France grumbled. With a huff, he threw his hair behind his shoulder. "But only because he fooled the cops."

"Well, you do have a beard. You couldn't be a female." Poland pointed out.

"What the hell are you talking about? Cops?" Prussia asked. "What did you do this time?"

"We were walking down the street, when like, these two police men stopped us for being indecent." Poland sniffed. "Like, how rude! It's not like we were naked or anything."

"With France, that wouldn't be surprising." Prussia cackled. "But why did the cops get on you for just that?"

"Turns out in Haddon it's illegal to cross dress." France said with a sad sigh. "I don't understand why I must hide my beautiful figure. That should be the real crime here."

"So, where's Spain?" Prussia asked, looking around him.

"Probably looking for America." Poland said. "For some reason, my guess was those cops were totally blind, they thought Spain was the only one who was female, and let him off."

"Damn, was he that good looking?" Prussia asked with a whistle.

"Apparently." France sniffed.

Just then, they heard the sirens of a police car coming towards them.

"Shit, they found us!" France cursed, trying to climb down from the tree without ripping his dress.

"Like, I am not climbing down this tree in this dress." Poland said, raising his hands in surrender. "I spent way too much money on it."

"FREEZE!" A cop yelled, running down the park path towards them.

"Run!" France yelled, run as fast as he could in his high heels.

"Tackle him!" The cops yelled as they ran past Prussia, who by this point, had walked over to a park bench to watch the show.

"Vive la France!" France yelled as he threw his shoes at the cops.

"Aw man." Prussia said happily as he started to record the scene in front of him. "America's going to love this." Then after a moment, he laughed. "Screw it, New Jersey isn't that bad."


America sighed as he filled out the paper work on his desk. God he hated paper work. What he wouldn't give to just set fire to his desk. Just as he was about to start screaming from boredom, he heard a knock at the door.

"It's open." America said, looking up eagerly. To his shock, Spain entered in a yellow dress. America hated to admit it, but damn, Spain didn't look half bad. Coughing into his hand to hide his laughter, he nodded towards Spain.

"So, are you coming out, or is there something else going on, because I'm afraid I don't swing that way buddy." He chuckled.

Spain rolled his eyes, and pulled out his phone. "Oh, very funny. No, France, Poland and I were in the middle of a bet on who looked the best in a dress-"

"Why am I not surprised?" America sighed.

"-and the cops stopped us for being indecent. Well, they stopped France and Poland. Apparently with the hair extensions and my amazing make up skills I was able to pass off as a woman."

"So, let me guess." America said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You need me to bust them out of jail, right?"

"Bingo." Spain said, walking over to America and slapping him on the back. "Here, Prussia just sent me the video of them being arrested." Pressing the play button, America watched as France threw his shoes at the cops, and Poland refused to get out of a tree because he didn't want to ruin his dress. To his amusement, and exasperation, they were both tasered and hand cuffed.

"Why is it always when you come over to my place you guys do weird crap like this?" America sighed as he grabbed his coat.

"Because it's fun!" Spain laughed.

A/N: In Haddon, New Jersey, "It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in any street or public place in a state of nudity or in a dress not belonging to his sex or in an indecent or lewd dress, or to make any indecent exposure of his person or be guilty of any lewd or indecent act or behavior, or to exhibit, sell or offer to sell any indecent or lewd book, picture or thing, or to exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or other representation."