Not gonna go into details, but I will say that I missed you guys, AND I missed Rory, Sam and Dean. I promise not to stay away for so long from now on!

Now onto the story! We will be picking up where we left off!

Enjoy! 3

I saw you standing on the opposite shore

But by the time the first bombs fell

We were already bored

We were already, already bored

- Arcade Fire - "The Suburbs"

"I'm kicking your ass!"

It had been hours since the boys and Rory had split. Though she trusted they were okay, being the well experienced hunters they were. She found herself stuck in moments where she thought of how life would be had she chosen to stay with Ellen, Jo and Ash, and had to admit to herself that it wouldn't be a bad thing. Joanna was her best friend, they shared everything with each other- some would even consider them sisters. Ellen had been a mother figure to Rory ever since she could remember. And Ash was just the cherry on top, also like a brother. They were her family, in more ways than she let on, and knew that if it came down to it, she'd always have a place with them.

"Oh, please! My turn." Rory and Jo were busy playing a game of billiards when Rory's ringing interrupted them momentarily. She sighed with a lazy, alcohol induced smirk while Jo grinned, bending over to take her shot.

"They can't even last a few hours without you." She laughed. Ellen had to throw in a chuckle herself, overhearing her daughters words.

"Go for Rory." She gleamed into the speaker of her phone, waiting for a response from Sam.

"Angel! You'll never guess wh-"

"Shut up Dean. Hey Rore."

"Sammy? You okay, you sound annoyed. More than usual. What'd you guys crack open?"

"Killer clowns! Sammy's favorite!" She could practically hear Dean grinning mercilessly at the youngest Winchester, causing her to showcase a soft pout, knowing his fear for the damned things.

"Really Dean?" She rolled her eyes, only imagining the torture he was inflicting upon his little brother. She suddenly felt horrible she couldn't be there to stand up for him.


"Whatever- we snagged a couple jobs at the carnival." Sam cut him off, taking full control of the phone back.

"Oh Sammy..." Rory sympathized.

"I'm fine Rore, Dean's just an ass…Anyways we're just gonna stake the place out and see what we can see." Rory listened to Sam speak, gazing at the table in front of her, with Jo on the opposite side, waiting patiently, chugging the rest of her lager down before it could become her turn again. Rory sized up the yellow striped ball, bending slowly to match up her stick.

"I can't say that isn't an effective way to start. Alright, let me know what you guys find out." She replied.

"Will do."

"…Dean?" She called with a warning tone after hitting her shot.

"Dammit!" Jo cursed, getting ready to retaliate with a shot of her own.

"…Angel..." Dean replied using the same tone, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Quit being a dick to your brother. I'm not around to bail you guys out so be nice. You're all you've got until the case is over." She chastised as quickly as possible, not wanting to spend her downtime having to discipline two grown men.

"Oh, come on. We'll be fine. Talk to you later!"

Rory hung up casually, stealing a quick glance at her screensaver before tucking her phone back into the back pocket of her jeans, saving the image of a teenage Dean, Sam, and herself in her mind.

"Your turn, Angel.." Jo teased with a sly smirk knowingly, earning a middle finger from Rory.

"Shut up." She snorted.

"So okay, enough beating around the bush young lady. What's going on?" Ellen's voice sounded over Arcade Fire, from what Rory could make out.

More time had passed since she'd last talked to the boys, and she was beginning to grow stir crazy.

Maybe I'm not made for the normal life after all.. she thought to herself, watching the droplets of sweat drip down her half empty glass of lager.

She and Jo had retired from their billiards war to relax and catch up in conversation that included Ellen whilst Ash worked on deciphering John's journal. She'd been tip toeing as lightly as possible over conversation, trying her hardest not to crack the surface of what lay underneath her smile. She'd been debating ever since she'd spoken with Castiel, whether or not to tell anyone else about what she had figured out about herself.

It turned out, she wasn't as ready to find out about who she really was as she thought she was.

"Oh don't give me that clueless look. I know you all too well." Ellen chastised with a lazy smirk. Aurora exhaled a breathy chuckle, trying to come out with it.

"Where do I start?" She scratched the crown of her head nervously, feeling all eyes burning into her.

"How about from the thing that's bothering you the most?" Jo took that moment to speak, able to pick up on what her mother might've missed. She knew Rory well enough to spot the fear in her eyes. There was something she was afraid to admit to them, something she was holding back.

The question on Jo's mind in the following moment, 'Why?'

"I'm not sure it's safe Ellen-"

"Oh, none of us are safe sweetie, we're hunters." Ellen said matter-of-factly, wiping clean the glass in her hand with a towel she had hanging over her shoulder. "Start with the worst, and work your way down."

Rory sucked in a breath that made her posture go straight. Jo watched intently slightly worried for what the news could be. "Yeah c'mon, don't hold out on me now...No judgement. Promise." She nudged lightly just as a phone went off.

"Someone's vibrating." Rory's brows rose, glad to have felt some of the pressure off of her. Though, Ellen's eyes never left hers.

"They can wait." The older woman held her stare. Rory's lips went tight, and she sighed knowing she wasn't about to get out of coming clean. It was beginning to feel like no matter what she did, or how much she tried, she wouldn't be able to deny, or suppress who she really was.

"Aurora Ariel Singer-"

"I'm a Lioness of God." She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, and her hand gripped her glass so hard she thought it might've shattered under the pressure. The pregnant pause that followed immediately after caused her to slowly peel open her lids.

"..A what now?" Jo sounded off first, not sure she'd processed right the first time. Rory groaned inwardly, not thinking she'd have to say out loud again.

But there she was, fixing her lips to repeat herself.

"An angel. Of God." She speak as clearly and loudly as possible, and it was as if God himself heard her prayers to get her out of the conversation, her back pocket began to vibrate and ring. Swiftly, she retrieved her phone from her pocket, and without checking the caller's ID she answered already knowing it was Sam based off of the Pomp and Circumstance graduation anthem began to play.

"Hey Sammy. Everything okay?" She answered plainly. Not able to read the faces of her loved ones in the moment.

"Hey, uhh wondering if you can help, or maybe Ellen or Jo know something?" Immediately, she was able to pick up on his off tone. Something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Her eyes then traveled to the other side of the room as she hopped out of her seat to gain better attention.

"Okay, so, we've figured out the thing we're hunting doesn't seem to be a spirit. I mean Dean and I got a couple shots in last night and it definitely hit something solid."

"Sam." She stopped him, knowing he was trying to avoid the real issue at hand-whatever it may have been in that moment. She guessed he and Dean had fallen out.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He responded, slapping on a clueless voice. Rory tipped her brow up, leaning all of her weight onto one side of her body.

"I'm asking you. Not about the case, I can sense it in your tone. What happened with Dean?" It was his silence after her question that confirmed her assumption.

"…Nothing. I just-I don't understand why hes choosing to deal with everything so closed off. It's like hes becoming an entirely different person what with all this pent up anger inside of him."

"Well everyone deals with death in different ways Sammy, it's not up to you how Dean deals, no matter who he is to you…You care and that's great, hes your brother, but the healthier way would be to let him do what he has to do to get over it, and stand at a safe distance just in case he needs the help." She sighed, trying not to be frustrated with herself for not going with the boys, thinking that if she had, she'd be able to stop their bickering like she normally could.

"Well that's what Im trying to do but-"

"Nuh-uh. I know you. You can be a little overbearing at times what with the questions and whatnot."

"I am not!"

"You have your moments. As do I and everyone else on this God forsaken planet. Look just give him time to sort through his thoughts. He just needs to blow off steam for now, and when the time comes he'll sit and deal with everything he's come to realize."

"I guess you have a point."

"I have plenty points Sam." She smirked, happy to have gotten through to him.

"I just don't want it to get too bad."

"It's Dean. He's a little hard on the surface, but he always comes around eventually. Just leave him be., and in the meantime, you look after you." She tried to help.

"I hear you. Okay, I'll let it go." Her soul felt a little more at ease when she heard the easiness return to Sam's tone.

"Alright! Now what can I for you?" She said, turning around in the direction of Jo and Ellen since she'd spilled the news about her recent self discovery. When her gaze landed on Jo, she found her wearing a look a shock, and decided that they all needed time to process some more. Thus giving her an excuse to exit the room for a bit. She headed towards the back, causing Ellen to look at her as if she'd grown 2 heads.

"Rory!?" Jo called out to her back. Rory spun to look over her shoulder, holding a hand over the speaker end of her phone.

"I gotta take this its Sam! You process! I'll be back!" She said before disappearing behind to the back where she knew Ash could help her do some research and help the boys out with their case.

All the while thinking that staying back was a bad idea.