Prologue 3

"Are you always like this?"

The silver-haired girl was looking at her companion: a girl the same age as her, skin pale as a spirit, short snow-white hair, golden eyes that held a sort of abyss into them, and her clothes… well let's just say they CANNOT be considered appropriate.

'I really wish she'd stop listening to that crow's suggestions."

"What do you mean?"

The ghost-like girl asked.

"So dead."

Golden eyes simply blink.

"You're more like a corpse than something that is truly alive."

"How would know what a corpse is like?" She tilted her head to the side. "Have you ever lived among them? Had them cling onto you? Never letting go?"

Silver hair seemed to look down in remembrance.

"More than you think."

Golden eyes looked at her curiously before turning away.

"… I am like this… because I am… the bringer of death."

Silver hair looked at her.

"Why do you claim that?"

"It is what I am; It is all I bring to others; it is what follows me; it is my fate."

Silver hair simply shook her head.

"That is no way to live."

The two sat next to each other watching the sunset.

"You've been here for weeks yet I don't know your name."

"… I do not know what it is… yet… everyone calls me Alighieri."

"That doesn't sound like your name, more like a clan one."

Silver hair seemed to be in thought before coming to a decision.

"If that is the case, I'll give you a name, and I'll find you a new path for you to walk."

Something sparked in her eyes before disappearing. She asked: "What will be my name?"

"… Seras."

Golden eyes, now named Seras, was testing her new name.

"… Seras… I like it… but what is your name?"

Silver hair smiled before officially introducing herself to her newfound friend.

"My name is-"

Author's Notes

3rd prologue for the upcoming third arc the Holy Sword Excalibur arc! Hope you guys can find out who the "crow" and silver hair girl are. ;)