The sun rose on the temple on what appeared to be just another sunday for the Crystal Gems, but Steven was a little more excited. Stephen jumped out of bed when he saw Pearl (his favorite gem) and he ran downstairs. He hugged her wrapping his arms around her legs, she smiled and looked down at him rubbing his head. "Good morning to you too. What's got you so happy?"

"You'll see when Garnet wakes up." Steven ran over to her door and started to bang on it with his fist. "Garnet? Garnet, wake up." Pearl grabbed his arm.

"Now now, Steven. Best not to wake her, she'll get up on her own time."

"Aww…" Steven complained. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the television to stall time. Two episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond later Garnet walked into the living room.



"Do you know what today is?"

"Um… No"

"It's Mother's Day!" Pearl looked at Steven like he was crazy.

"What is that?" Now Steven had his turn to look at Pearl like she was crazy.

"You don't have Mother's Day on Homeworld?" Pearl and Garnet exchanged glances and both shrugged at Steven. "Oh my god! It's a day where all of the children on Earth give gifts to tell their mom's thank you for being my mom."

"So…" Garnet said.

"So? I gathered the two of you here so I could give you gifts?"

"Wait…" Pearl interjected while Steven ran to get the gifts from his room. She was cut short by Garnet's elbow hitting against her ribs and a glare from Garnet. Minutes later, Steven had two things hidden in cloths.

"For Garnet," He said, "since you love to punch stuff, I bought you a brand new punching bag!" Garnet smiled as she ran towards Steven yelling, with her fist back ready to punch something. Steven put his hands over his head ready to get punched. Garnet swung her fist at his face and hit the new punching bag. Steven sighed a breath of relief as he remained unharmed. "For Pearl, new organizing cubbies for your room or the kitchen. It's up to you!" Pearl squealed in excitement and ran to the cubbies. She picked them up examining meticulously examining them, for a minute she thought figuring out what purpose these new shelves would serve. Afterward she hugged Steven and looked at him.

"Thank you Steven, these are perfect." He smiled. "But, I don't understand why we received gifts, it's Mother's Day. Your mom is dead."

"Exactly, I never knew my mom, you guys are like moms to me."

"Well, I'm proud of you Steven."