I've decided to also make a story with the shipping Ash x May. After reading some fanfics with this pairing, they have become my pokemon OTP.
So, I won't bore you with meaningless rants, on with the story!
P.S. If you have noticed the rating, it is because there will be some language and, quite possibly, a lemon scene or two.
I do not own pokemon! Wish I did though, then I could get all the games for free!
A plane landed in Saffron City Airport. Three people came off it. One was a raven haired trainer with a Pikachu on his shoulder named Ash Ketchum, whose dream was to be a pokemon master. The next person was his cousin Dawn Berlits, who was a coordinator from the Sinnoh region, they found out their moms are half sisters and figured out they were cousins. Dawn's mother died a few months ago from a fatal car crash and so she's been living with Delia and Ash from then on. They got along like they were actually brother and sister.
The third and final person, was Serena, Ash's latest travelling companion when he was going through the Kalos region. Dawn actually went to Kalos to compete in the contests there as she was interested what it would be like to be Kalos Queen. Sadly, Serena beat her in the first round, but they said she did her best and she can always try again. Dawn and Serena instantly became friends and decided to travel back to Kanto with them for a while.
When they left the airport, they caught a taxi back to Pallet Town. They asked the driver to stop on the town border, saying they could walk the rest of the way.
As soon as they left the cab, they saw the sign that said:
Welcome to Pallet Town
Home to the famous
Professor Samuel Oak
Ash took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air of his home town. "Ahh! Smell that Pikachu? There's nothing like the fresh smell of home"
Pikachu took a deep breath as well before sighing in bliss. "Pika"
"Race you home pal!" And Ash started to dash down the path towards his house. His sudden speed caused Pikachu to fall off his shoulder. Pissed off at his trainer doing that, he used Volt Tackle and Quick Attack to gain speed and rush past Ash.
Dawn and Serena just sighed before letting out a giggle.
"Ash never changes does he?" Dawn asked.
"No, he doesn't. It's just like when we first met all those years ago!" Serena replied.
Deciding they should catch up with the two, they immediately started to sprint after them.
When Pikachu sprinted past Ash, he immediately shouted "Hey, no fair Pikachu! You can't use moves in a race! That's cheating!"
But Pikachu kept on going, whether he heard his trainer or not, no one knew.
They soon arrived at the house, but before they could go inside, they heard a loud commotion. Like the people inside were arguing. They went up to the window, and what they saw and heard shocked them both.
May was standing in front of her brother Max, Tracy, Misty, Gary, Professor Oak, his mom Delia, Brock and Paul. She was shouting at them, while they cowered before her, scared for what the girl might do to them.
Inside the house
"Why do you want Ash to give up on his journey!? Can't you see he has been getting closer to his dream after every league he enters!?"
Professor Oak tried reasoning with her. "But May! We're just looking out for him! If he keeps this up, he'll get seriously hurt! Or worse, die! Do you want him to? He's not getting any better at all with his pokemon training, so it would just be better if he just gave up and found something better to do"
Delia decided to add her point. "Ash can't keep putting himself in harms way May. Everytime he goes on a journey to a new region, he ends up getting into some trouble. I know he isn't responsible for causing it, but some day, he might get seriously hurt. I just want my baby boy to stay home where it is safe"
This seemed to piss May off more, but before she could retort, the front door opened and Ash, Pikachu, Serena and Dawn walked in. Ash hadn't heard everything, since the glass in the windows were too thick, so he decided to ask "May? Mom? What's going on? Why are you arguing?"
Delia just said "Ash, honey, please just go to your room and wait for a bit. We just need to settle something between us and May"
But Ash stood his ground by saying "No mom. If you have something to say, you can say it in front of all of us. Care to explain May?"
May turned to him and said "Well Ash, your mother and your so-called friends, want you to stop going on your pokemon journey"
Ash and the others were shocked. "W-what!? Why!? I'm getting closer to my goal everyday with my journey! Why should I stop!?"
Delia was about to say why, when Max interrupted her. "Because you are a weak trainer Ash. You're no good and so you should just quit. It's embarrassing seeing you enter the leagues, raise our expectations and let us down at the last hurdle"
May whacked Max on top of his head, causing a large lump to form, while shouting "MAX! How DARE you talk like that about Ash! He has been like the big brother you always wanted, and this is how you treat him!?"
Max just retorted with "Not my fault the boy you secretly love is a pathetic trainer" which caused May to blush. She was about to give him a second hit, when she heard a sudden sob. Which came from Ash. She turned around, and saw he had tears coming out of his eyes.
He turned around and said "I can't believe you guys. You stay by me from the beginning, then decide to betray me. I HATE ALL OF YOU!" Before running out of the door with Pikachu on his heels.
Serena, Dawn and Pikachu went after him, calling his name, trying to stop him. May turned around and glared at her brother and the others. "You Max, are no longer my brother. Don't expect me to come home for a long time. And don't any of you expect to see Ash anymore either" And she ran out the door to try and get to Ash.
When she left, everyone looked and glared at Max.
With Ash and the rest
Ash was running as fast as his legs would carry him. He kept running until he reached the border and stopped to catch his breath. When he was about to start running again, he heard his name being called.
He turned and saw Dawn, Pikachu and Serena running after him. He lowered the brim of his hat over his eyes and turned around. As soon as the girls and Pikachu caught up to him and caught their breath, he asked "Why did you follow me? Didn't you hear them? I'm a pathetic and weak trainer who's going no where in life. So why do you want to keep following me when I'm just going to disappoint all of you?"
Before they could answer, a new voice interrupted. "Ash, you aren't weak and pathetic. You are a strong, dependable trainer who loves his friends and his pokemon. You love all of us like we are your family and you treat us as such. Don't listen to them, for we are with you to the end. No matter what" The new voice belonged to May, who managed to catch up to them after they ran from the house.
Ash turned back around. He had tears in his eyes and said in a cracking voice "Do you mean that?"
The girls and Pikachu nodded their heads in unison before walking up to Ash and giving him a massive hug. Pikachu went onto his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek with his own, causing Ash to giggle a bit as it tickled him.
When they broke the hug, Dawn asked "So, what now? Where are we going to go?"
Ash replied. "First, we are going to get my pokemon. Then, we will use the pokemon I have that can fly. We will be arriving in a place where I felt I truely belonged. So let's go to the lab and get my pokemon before the 'professor' decides to release them or give them to other trainers"
Nodding, they all walked back down the path towards the professors lab. When they got there, they saw no one was there, and started to pack all of Ash's pokeballs into his bag while Ash went to the corral to gather his pokemon.
After explaing the situation to them, they all returned to their pokeballs and Ash and his group ran back out, heading for the border to Pallet.
As soon as they got outside however, they saw Professor Oak, Gary and Tracey were walking up the path towards them, in the middle of a conversation. When they looked ahead of them, they saw Ash and the others.
They wondered what they were doing here, but, as soon as they saw how full Ash's bag was, they ran after them, yelling "Get back here with those pokemon!"
So Ash, May, Dawn and Serena ran all the way to the border of Pallet Town. When they looked behind them, they saw Tracy and Gary were nearly catching up, the professor way behind due to being old.
Thinking fast, Ash pulled out two pokeballs and called out Charizard and Starapter. Dawn and Serena got on Starapter, while Ash, May and Pikachu got on Charizard.
"Charizard, Starapter, fly out of here as fast as you can!"
Not needing to be told twice, the two pokemon flew up to the sky as fast as their wings could carry them. Looking back, everyone could see that Gary and Tracy were just standing there, looking up at them as they became smaller and smaller.
When they were at a decent height, Ash told Charizard and Starapter "Fly us to Nuvema Town in Unova Charizard. We'll be safe there. Plus, a certain someone I know will be able to hide us for a while"
And so they flew off to Unova. Not knowing that they were about to start a whole new life in a new home together.
And that is the end of the first chapter. I got the inspiration for this fic from another fic called new life (remake) by Spartan5271. I really recommend it.
So, to summarise, Ash has been betrayed by the people he cares about most except for his pokemon, Dawn, May and Serena. They went back to get his pokemon and got caught by Gary, Tracy and Professor Oak. They ran to the border and flew away on Ash's Charizard and Starapter and started to head to Unova. What lies for our heros? Only I know!
Stay tuned for the next chapter of A Fresh Start! Certain scenes may contain harsh language and scenes of a sexy nature which are unsuitable for children, please read responsibly and with caution.
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So I'll see you next time!