A knock came at Odin's office door.

"Enter." Odin called. Loki stepped inside. He'd been escorted there by Einherjar, and had not been allowed to make any stops or detours.

"You summoned me father." Loki said.

"Yes. Come, sit. I wish to speak with you about everything that has transpired. I know you have questions."

"What was the ruling for Lord Stark?"

"Lord Stark was found guilty of conspiracy and treason. His execution was carried out an hour ago." Odin said. Loki burst into tears.

"It's my fault."

"No, Loki. It was not. Lord Stark had been helping the Jotunns plot your kidnapping for some months now. Long before he broke to the front of the pack to become your favorite. In fact, it is because he became your favorite that he delayed his plans. Had you mated with him I believe he might have abandoned them, but that does not forgive his original crime. It is good we found this out about the man now, rather than after he had already married into the royal family. Do not shed any more tears for that man. He does not deserve them." Odin said. Loki's sobbing stopped and he gulped down his guilt, causing him to hiccup.

"Thor and I…I'm sorry."

"I'm not angry with you Loki. Only sad. I only wish that one of my sons had the presence of mind to think things through and overcome his natural instincts. You will live with the memory for the rest of your days, and that alone will be punishment enough."

"Mother said that Thor is leaving Asgard. Is this true?"

"Yes, he's going on a solitary 100-year journey. To reflect, and mature. Hopefully he will gain perspective as well."

"It's not fair. That he is punished and not I. We both wanted one another." Loki swallowed back his disgust.

"Perhaps, but I could hardly send a fertile Omega out into the wilderness of the nine all alone. Besides, what the two of you need is separation and time. By the time Thor returns, you'll both be different people and the memory will be faded." Odin said. Loki nodded. Already, he missed his brother. His older arrogant fun brother for whom he felt affection and love, the familial kind.

"What of the Jotunns?" Loki asked.

"They'll not be entering Asgard again that way. I have set certain precautions against such magic being used to breach Asgard's borders again. Laufey will have a much more difficult time getting his hands on you now."

"You were already in the forest when Stark took me there. You knew he was going to kidnap me?"

"Not entirely. Fandral had gathered from his network of spies and informants that Jotunnheim was trying to get its hands on you. It took him weeks to figure out how, where, and when. But the topic of who their contact in Asgard was, remained a mystery. That is, until Lord Stark asked me if he could assist with the fertility festival. When he recommended a farmer's field close to those woods, I became suspicious."

"You needed to catch him in the act." Loki said.

"Aye." Odin said.

"Fandral. He saved my life." Loki said, mostly to himself.

"Aye, that he did. And for his service to the crown I am granting him a wergild."


Thor stood in the gatehouse with a heavy rucksack and a purse full of gold coins. Mjolnir hung heavy from his belt. He'd never ventured out into the nine alone. Always, someone had accompanied him. It was unnerving, and for the first time in his life he felt sad and disconnected from his home.

"I will always be watching my prince." Heimdall said.

"I thank you my friend. That comforts me. I only wish Loki were here, that I might apologize to him."

"I think he knows. Safe journey." Heimdall pressed his golden sword down into the lock and turned it like a giant key. The Bifrost whirled open in a kaliedescope of rainbow colors. "Where do you wish to go?" Heimdall yelled over the sound of the machine.

"Surprise me." Thor said, and stepped into the unknown.


For a full month after Stark's death, Loki hid in his chambers out of guilt and embarrassment. Despite what his father had told him, he'd been genuinely fond of Anthony and did mourn his passing. Other times, he felt rage at the betrayal. Mixed in the middle of it all was the awkwardness of "the incident" with Thor, as Loki had now come to call it. Between getting his beloved brother exiled and another man executed, Loki was feeling rather unpopular with the people of Asgard.

As the fertility festival drew near, Thor's absence was only magnified by the special occasion and Loki cringed at the thought of having to carry on the ceremony without him.

"Loki, why don't you come into town with me?" Frigga asked him.

"Mother, you know the common rabble has unkind things to say about me. I would undoubtedly hear all of it in hushed voices and whispers on the wind."

"All the more reason to show your face in public. What happened between you and Thor was unfortunate, and with Stark quite tragic. But acting guilty invites judgement. You must put on your brightest, widest, smile."

"Mother I'm good at lying but what you ask of me requires a talent for the arts of theatre."

"Well then, allow me to teach you." Frigga said. She walked Loki back to his chambers and had him change into something somber and conservative. The high neck and long sleeves created dramatic lines that outlined his gorgeous body without showing any actual skin. It was both slutty and demure. She sat him at the vanity and considered his hair.

"Why do you always fight your pretty curls?"

"They aren't pretty. They are frizzy and wild."

"A little wildness would suit you." Frigga said. She grabbed the curling rod and set it near the fireplace to heat. Grabbing a jar of hair cream, she ran a small amount through Loki's hair, making it all slightly sticky.

"Are you trying to make me look like I just had sex?"

"Only just." Frigga said with a smile. She grabbed the hot curling rod and used it to make large smooth ringlets that fluffed up into pleasing voluminous waves when brushed. Loki smiled at his reflection, despite not wanting his mother to see.

"There now. Who could resist you?" Frigga asked. Loki's face fell.

"No one, apparently. Not even Thor." Loki said, looking sad.

"Exactly." Frigga said. They went into town, and though the people kept their usual respectful distance, Loki did feel the eyes of the public more acutely. Like before there were those that looked upon him with desire, but mixed in with those were also ones of pity and disgust. There were some who thought him Thor's seducer, others his victim. Either way, he felt more pressure than ever to choose a mate.