Five year old Harry Potter sighed as he watched Dudley and Piers playing a computer game. It was about a Hero who went on quests and rescued people and helped them of course Dudley had chosen to play as the villain it was kind of funny to watch Dudley keep dying. He went into his cupboard wishing with all his might that he could be a Game Hero like in Dudley's game. He would love that.

When he woke the next morning a blue screen was in front of him. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He grinned to himself as he dressed. He got up and went to the kitchen no one was awake yet which was good. He moved his stool to the stove and readied everything to begin breakfast.

Quest Alert!

Cooking for the family!

Cook breakfast for the Dursley's.

Reward: +25xp

Failure: get your hands burnt.

Harry began cooking he snuck food into the glowing pouch on his waist. As he cooked the smell drifted through the house rousing it's occupants. Harry's aunt Petunia came in first and looked over his shoulder and nodded stiffly. Harry set the bacon to cook and quickly set the table and returned to it. He slid a few cooked pieces into his inventory. He also snuck a glass of OJ into his inventory. By the time Harry was done cooking and served it all up on the table Dudley and Vernon were at the table. Harry washed dishes.

Reward: +25xp

Harry finished washing the dishes , drying them, and putting them away. He went and got his school supplies today he was going to his first day of school. This of course prompted Petunia to start shrieking over getting Dudley ready. While she did this Vernon noted his nephew opening the front door.

"What are you doing?" He grunted ready to hit the boy.

"Walking to school." Harry replied, "bye."

Harry closed the door behind him and began walking as he did so he ate some of the scrambled eggs, on his toast, until the eggs and toast were all gone, he then ate all the bacon and drank the juice. He put the glass back in his inventory. He was full for the first time in a long time and that made him happy. He thought about the game he'd seen Dudley play.

'Status' Harry thought.

Name: Harry James Potter

Race: Unknown

Title: Elementary School Student


Exp: 25/100

Hp: 50/50

MP: 30/30

Str: 0

Dex: 0

Con: 0




Char: 0

'Interesting.' Harry thought to himself. 'Everything is at 0 . I've got to get everything up.' he frowned to himself 'Skills'

Gamer's Mind-Passive: Allows the user to think calmly and rationally.

Gamer's Body-passive: Grants player a gamer's body.

'So cool.' Harry thought. He looked at his name again. 'So that's my name? I knew it couldn't be Freak Boy.'

For arriving at a logical conclusion you got +1 Wisdom

'Even better.' Harry looked to see that he was close to the school. 'Today I'm going to learn a lot!'

Do to walking +1 str, +1 Dex, +1 Con

"That's great." Harry said aloud. He entered the school with the other kids. A man was at the door telling kids where to go.

"Name?" The man said.

"Harry Potter." Dudley and Petunia were behind him and were shocked. They hadn't known he knew his name of course Dudley didn't even know his cousin's name.

"Last door on the left." He pointed to right. "Have a good day."

Harry went down the hall then moaned when Dudley came in behind him. He waited until his teacher told him where to sit. Dudley sat two seats away.

A girl walked past on the way to the seat in front of him. She tripped he quickly grabbed her before she could fall.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem ." Harry said shrugging and letting her go. He sat back down.

Socializing-passive: Talking with people and interacting with people

+1 to Socializing

1% of people interacting with you

-3 socializing do to poor clothing.

Harry hid his smirk. He noted parents were standing around the sides of the classroom most looking at watches. He could see their names and levels above their heads. He stared at the girl infront of him.

Observe-passive: by observing a target you get information on the target.

Harry blinked and Observed the girl in front of him.

Lilly Moon

Elementary School Student

Level : 2

HP: 100/100

MP: 0/0

Ms. Moon is in your class . She likes to sing.

He Observed every child and Adult in the room . When he was done it was level 3 and he could get more information.

Lilly Moon

Elementary School Student

Level: 2

HP: 100/100

MP: 0/0

Ms. Moon is in your class. She likes to sing and wants to be a country singer when she grows up.

When class began Harry worked hard.

+1 to Int for listening to teacher for five minuets.

and it went like that for the rest of class though the time between grew longer. By the time he was sent to lunch with the other kids his head kind of hurt.

Int: 5

For having Int: 5 you gain the Skill to read faster while not missing anything

Speed Reading-Passive: x1 faster reading while understanding everything you read. Can level up.

Harry smirked. He ate his lunch watching as Petunia fussed over the amount Dudley got claiming it wasn't enough while glaring at Harry thinking that he should give his lunch to Dudley and not eat at all. Harry filled his stomach again and rescued some food that wasn't being eating by others in to his inventory for dinner tonight. He was allowed to go out for recess but ignored the teacher telling him to and went to the library across the hall from the door the teacher was holding open. The teacher and librarian blinked at him in shock.

"Hello, Madam." Harry said, "Will you please show me where I may sit? I wish to read some books."

"Of course." the librarian smiled at him. "Please come with me."

+1 to Char.

"You may sit here and read." she said , showing him to a corner with a bean bag in it. "This corner is perfect for those who don't want to be bothered."

"This is perfect , I thank you very much, Madam." Harry said, smiling at her shyly.

+1 to Char!

The librarian smiled and left him. Harry quickly looked around his Observe was going haywire. He smirked and walked to the nearest shelf and grabbed a book.

Languages-passive: The higher the skill the easier it is to talk in any language. Affects skills such as Socializing , Flirt, etc.

English: 95 (Do to knowing it your whole life)

Harry grinned brightly. He began reading . He learned four other Languages and a bunch of other things. Math, Science, History, etc. He realized he was grinding all his knowledge and that it was a good thing because he was getting smarter.

On one shelf he found 20 pounds tucked behind a Biology book. He quickly put that away grinning . At the back of another shelf he found a chest. This confused him but he'd seen Dudley try opening one. He touched it and it popped open apparently it didn't have a lock. In side he found a purple staff a little taller than himself with a glowing crystal on top.

You've found your first weapon! Magic Staff!

Magic unlocked.

You've learned Mage's Rebellion!

Mage's Rebellion-Passive: You can randomly use magic at will just by forcing magic behind your words.

You have learned Ustrina!

Born Ability!

Paraseltongue: you were born with the ability to talk to snakes!

ShapeShifter: Your fathers side of the family were shapeshifters! You can turn into animals at will!

Nymph: Your mothers's family were Nymphs (she was adopted) She could control wind and water . you control Fire and Earth.

"Cool." Harry smirked. He spun his staff. He'd learned some combat and weapon from books he'd found. He equipped his new weapon and found that it attached to his back but no one other than him could see it."That's perfect."

"What's perfect , dear?" It was the Librarian come to check on him.

Harry turned giving her a shy smile he had a book in his hands.

"I found King Arthur." he said, showing her. "I wanted to see if you have any books with magic in them and I found King Arthur!" he gave another shy smile. "I like magic and fairy stories like that."

The librarian smiled at him. He was just so cute.

"Very well. " she nodded, "Give me your hand and come with me I have a book you can read or at least I hope you can. I think you'll like the magic in it as it's the same kind Merlin used. "

"Oh, I'd like that." Harry gushed. He followed but didn't take her hand. In his mind he was making sure that everyone thought him weak , helpless and shy. He suddenly gasped as he saw a man dressed in all black leaning against the check out. "Severus!"

The man blinked at him as Harry's class came in.

"GHOST!" Severus screamed pointing at Harry. He was suddenly using Petunia as a shield "GHOST! "

"That's not a ghost!" Petunia smacked him away from her. "That's Lily's son Harry. Look at the eyes before you panic!"

Severus stared at the boy then recovered clearing his throat.

"Right. How do you know me?"

"Mommy showed me a picture of uncle Severus!" Harry slammed into him hugging his legs. "Mommy says Uncle Severus is my Godfather! I've been waiting for you to come for a very long time!"

Severus was in shock and so was Petunia. The two adults shared a look it was news to both of them.

"I see." Severus found himself picking the boy up and holding him. He got a shy smile and clung to him. "Mariel , is this why you wanted to see me?" He couldn't stop himself from thinking Harry was incredibly cute compared to the other little brats and a lot smaller. "Mariel."

"Here it is." Mariel handed Harry a book. "Here you go. Severus, I've never met such a brilliant boy! He spent his whole recess reading books! He can read way above his level. " Severus cocked his eyebrow seeing the title of the book Harry now held. "No, I called you here because I found this rare tomb I just know you'll love at a swap meet the other day. "

Mariel was Severus' half sister from his drunken father she was a year younger than him. She had found him. It seemed his dad had a thing for witches because his sister was a witch though she didn't use her magic much as she preferred reading and learning to magic.

"Harry , ?" the teacher of his class asked "Have you been in here the whole time?"

"Oh, yes." Harry said, giving another shy smile. "I find books more stimulating than running around like a dunder head accomplishing nothing. "

"Oh, you and I are going to get along perfectly." Severus told the small shy boy in his arms. He earned a shy smile.

"I see." The teacher smiled. "How many books did you read in this time?"

"Well seeing as I can read books 4x faster than any normal person and still memorize everything I'd have to say that I've read at least half of the books in this library I would of course like some time to read some more."

It was true his Int had gone up considerably.

Int: 20 had given him that ability and he was loving it. It also gave him +Mana Regeneration that didn't really matter to him as his magic had shot up to 2000000 when he'd unlocked his magic. He didn't understand why but he guessed it was because he was strong in magic.

"I see... " The teacher said "and did you understand what you read?"

"Of course I did." He scoffed, quietly, "I would ask that you please stop being condescending and stop talking down to me."

Severus chuckled and whispered to Harry that he was a good boy. Severus was shocked when Harry's eyes lit up and the boy hugged him. Severus cursed himself he was already getting attached to the small five year old. He suddenly knew that Harry had been telling him the truth about him being his Godfather the bond that created was pulling at him and he realized it had been pulling for years. He rubbed the boy's small back.

"I apologize." The teacher said confused. "You are only 5 correct?"

"Indeed." Severus suddenly had to wonder if Harry was his. Lily had made a mistake and had been with him around the same time Harry would have been conceived. "Madam, please do not go any farther in this conversation. I do so apologize for not coming back to class but I did not hear the bell."

"Very well." the teacher nodded. "We are having story time now so why don't you go and read some more? You have gym next."

"I would like that very much." Harry said with a nod. "Down , please, Uncle Sev. I have some books to read."

"Very well." Severus set the small boy down and watched him vanish into the shelves.

Harry smirked to himself maybe now he could get away from his stupid family. He blinked as he spotted a chest he rushed to it and tapped it. It popped open. He reached in and pulled out a Tomb.

Weapon Unlocked!


You've unlocked Title Mage!

This is a basic Wind Tomb!

Will train magic!

He equipped it it appeared on his belt next to his pouch. He hummed and went back to reading books. His Wisdom and Intelligence were raising slowly now. He guessed it was because it was so high now. He finally finished reading all the books that weren't baby books for kids his age 1st and 2nd grade. He'd found lots more money. He walked over to story time and began ransacking the books he hadn't read they were boring but finally he was done.

You've read all the books in your Elementary school library !


You've earned a Skill!

Skill Learned!

Mage Sense-passive: You can sense magic all around you! 1% chance of sensing magic! Level it up!

Level up!

'Finally!' Harry thought. He went and pulled on Severus' shirt until he picked him up. 'Stats!'

Name: Harry James Potter

Race: Wizard

Title: Elementary School Student


Exp: 0/100

Hp: 100/100

MP: 1000000/1000000

Str: 1

Dex: 1

Con: 1





'I see.' Harry said, nodding in his own head. 'Okay, I get five skill points per level up it looks like. I'm going to put all 5 points into Luck! '

His points went into Luck

Level 5 Luck!

You now get magic boosts and have unlocked

Magical Transportation!

Luck effects everyday things!

'Great!' Harry cheered, 'This might help if Uncle Sev doesn't take me home with him.'

In Gym they were running laps. Dudley's gang gave chase to him and he ran.


Dudley's Gang!

Outrun Dudley's gang!

Reward: new shoes! +25xp

Failure:Embarrassment by getting beat by them.

He quickly pressed yes and ran for all he was worth.

+1 Str! +1 Dex! +1 con!

He ignored it and ran. Dudley seemed to be really trying to catch him.

New Stat!


Sp: 2

'Great' Harry said, he was getting winded because of his malnutrition state. 'Come on train those for stats!'

He ran and ran sure enough his four stats were raising.

Severus was pissed it was clear that Petunia's spawn and his friends were chasing down Harry.

"Tuny." She glared at him. "Your child is chasing Harry with his friends. You'd better hope they do not beat him up if they catch him. " he lowered his voice. " Or he'll be spending his days as a slug."

Petunia paled.

"Will you be taking him?" she asked tentatively. "We never wanted him."

"I cannot but I can make things easier on you raising him." Severus replied. "You would have to consent to me using magic on your house though . Don't worry it wouldn't hurt you or your family. It would just help him. I'd provide everything for him . "

"I see." Petunia said, tightly. "I didn't want to treat him like this...I do not hate him or Lily but Vernon..."

Severus hushed her.

You've reached Strength 5!

For doing so you've gained Damsel in Distress!

Damsel in Distress: Every needs to be able to pick up his Damsel and carry her in his arms or on his back now you can without worry!

You've reached Dex 5!

For reaching Dex 5 you've gained

HP regeneration-passive: The ability to regenerate Health! 1% Health/Min.

You've reached Con 5!

For reaching Con 5 you've gained

Bronze Armor-passive: Your skin be comes hard as bronze during battle

You've reached Speed 5!

For reaching Speed 5 you've gained

Speed Wing-Passive: You may use Speed Wing once a day to boost your Speed for 12 hours!

Dudley and his gang were slowing down as Harry smirked and kept running. He was feeling better during running now. Finally, the Gym teacher blew his whistle telling them to stop.

You've outrun Dudley's gang!

Reward: +25xp! New shoes!

Harry called up his Inventory screen then observed his new shoes. They would boost his speed by +3 when worn. He equipped them. They were black trainers that weren't much better than what he was wearing but he liked them because they actually fit. He walked up to Severus and demanded silently to be carried back to class.