Constance came running across the yard the second she heard the horses hooves pounding against the stone, her heart telling her it was them.

They rode through the gates, her eyes landing on him and not moving from his face. She paused for a moment taking in the site of him and feeling like she could cry from relief.

A smile shone from his lips as he spotted her, his world finally back in place. He ignored the pain radiating from his ribs, seeing her somehow eased his aching body.

They had taken four days before they began to retreat, which was longer then expected. Plus add on another week within the process of actual retreating, the long days had taken its toll on D'artagnan's body.

The second his feet hit the ground she was in his arms, held tightly to him as he breathed her sent in, the smell of familiarity calming him.

He brushed a hand through her hair then trailed it down to her back, rubbing circles to comfort not only her but himself as well.

"I love you," Constance mumbled and D'artagnan smiled, chuckling slightly.

"I love you too," he said before burying his face into Constance's hair, not wanting to pull away from the hug. She couldn't help but smile, her cheeks aching. "God I love you," D'artagnan mumbled into her hair and she sighed in relief, just thankful to have her husband back safe.

Porthos jumped down from his horse moments later and Elodie came walking over to him with Marie in her arms, a smile slipping onto his face.

"Missed me?" Porthos asked and Elodie shrugged casually.

"Maybe," she said before cracking into a grin and Porthos could only laugh and smile in relief.

He pulled her into a hug, gently kissing her on the forehead. He then pulled away and smiled down at Marie, taking his daughter from Elodie before she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as they shared this prefect moment.

"She's grown," Porthos said and Elodie smiled up at him.

"Not long before she's walking or handling a sword," Elodie said. "I bet she'll give you a run for your money," she added and Porthos laughed, kissing Elodie on the lips.

Athos climbed more slowly down from his horse, ordering the stable boys to make sure the horses were fed and given water.

Aramis followed in pursuit, stretching and cracking his back. He glanced around and spotted Sylvie stood by the table at the bottom on the stairs.

He smiled at her, removing his hat and bowing slightly to which she smirked and rolled her eyes at.

Athos followed Aramis' gaze and his eyes landed on her, his breath caught in his throat as the sun lit her face up. He slowly walked over to her and her hand dropped from holding the end of her necklace around her neck.

His pace slowed once he got to her and their eyes met, his blues so full of pain from the war slowly shining with love for the woman that stood in front of him.

He leant in and closed the gap between them, his hand coming to cup her face as their lips met. He then pulled back, his hands slipping to wrap around her waist as she smiled up at him.

"Hey," she simply said and Athos smiled at her.

"Hey," he replied before kissing her once again.

Aramis simply stood at the gates, all his friends finally reunited after so long. As he watched, his mind slipped to Anne and he wondered if she had thought of him often, prayed for him to return home safely.

His heart began to ache as his brothers smiled happily and were all full of love for their other half. He let out a sigh and flipped his hat to place it back on top of his head before turning away.

He was happy for his friends, having found something so pure in a world like this. However, a part of him was jealous of their free love, a love that didn't have to hide in the shadows, no stolen kisses or stolen touches whenever no-one was watching.

He walked off into the streets Paris, deciding against going to his room even though he wanted to bath and then sleep for days, hoping his dreams wouldn't be plagued by the horrors of the war. Instead, he made his way to the palace, unable to go another second without seeing his son and the woman of his child.

Aramis got to the palace to find the Queen and her son outside; Anne sat on bench with her two ladies in waiting playing with the Dauphin on the grass. He paused at the tree line, watching his son run around one of the women as they pretended to chase after him.

His eyes then drifted to Anne who had sensed his presence and turned slightly to look at him.

She straightened once their eyes locked, her hand moving to grip her necklace. His chest tightened and heart pounded hard against his ribs as he moved over to her.

He removed his hat and bowed once he stood in front of her, lifting up to stand straight with a small smile on his lips.

"Aramis," she greeted, a soft smile appearing on her own lips as relief flooded over her now that she knew he was safe.

"Your majesty," he replied, placing his hat back on his head and glancing towards his son.

"It's good to see you well and back in Paris with the rest of the musketeers," she said and Aramis glanced back towards her, her words so formal but eyes shining with love.

"Thank you, your majesty. It has been a long journey and we have lost many comrades but we are certainly happy to be back," Aramis said and Anne smiled gently up at him. Her eyes drifted to her cross still hanging from his neck like it had been since the day she gave it him.

Aramis' chest tightened even more now her eyes drifted over him, he had never felt this way about another woman before. Trust him to fall completely in love with the Queen of France, forbidden love for a pain.

"My dear," the King suddenly called from behind and Aramis and Anne broke eye contact, Anne quickly clearing her throat and standing up.

"Yes your highness," she said with a forced smile, turning to look at her husband who was walking over to them.

"Come, we should play with our son," he said and Anne nodded.

"Of course," she said before walking past Aramis who simply bowed. The King held his hand out for Anne to take, looking back at Aramis who let out a breath.

He could have sworn the King had emphasised "our son" or maybe it was just his broken heart causing his mind to play tricks on him. Either way, he wished he had just gone up to his room and slept, instead of coming to the palace to see another man play with his child.

He turned, walking back the way he came and back to the garrison in hopes of seeking out some much need food and wine as well as his bed. As he walked, he got the distinct feeling of Anne's eyes on him, yet he couldn't look back since he didn't know if his heart could take it.

So I have the last few chapters of this story finished and I should be posting them really soon. I hope you enjoyed the reunion, I certainly liked writing it. Thank you all for the follows, favourites and reviews, they have kept me going. Next chapter will be up sometime next week :)