Tick-tock, Tick-Tock, Emma watched the minute hand approach the twelve. Being a cop usually makes your time fly by so fast you can barely realize another day is over and other one begins already. Today wasn't the case though.

Maybe it was the dead quiet morning, maybe it was her mood, either way the clock seemed to be the stuck all day. Emma lifted the cup with the not-so-hot-anymore coffee to her lips and took a sip as she took a look around in her office. All those piles of boring papers waiting to be settled but her patience wasn't the greatest at the moment to sit down, organize and write neatly.

The only distraction all morning had been Graham who popped into the office for 10 minutes to fill her out on a case, nothing too interesting or important, so soon their meeting was over and Emma returned to her boring routine of staring at the door. She got out her phone to check for any new messages or missed calls that would distracted her but the screen was empty just like the 4 last times she checked. The door opened suddenly and Ruby stormed in, making Emma startle.

"Where have you been all day?" Emma asked her partner, who suppose to use her desk as well, as they were both waiting news from their boss.

Ruby took her time to sit on her desk and make herself comfortable before she answered "I was upstairs." She said as if it was the most natural place to be "the new guys from the homicides are super fun".

Emma's eye roll didn't had much of an impact on ruby who took a strand of her hair between her fingers and started playing with it as if she had no care for the world.

"Aren't you even a bit worried about what David has to say? He seemed pretty pissed off this morning before he left, we are in big trouble after the Rider case" Emma said as she stood up and starting walking around the small room, desperate to let some energy out.

"Relax…" Ruby followed her with her eyes "David is just a bit…punctual" she said and used her quotations fingers in the last word. "He'll see things more spherical when he is calm and he'll come around when he realize that things ended up well after all, and the case is closed. He always does".

"I don't know Ruby, we really messed up this time, we ignored his order and we acted on our own. No matter the results. I mean don't get me wrong, I would still do it if I had to, but that was our last warning".

Before the other woman get a chance to say anything the door opened a little violent and David stick his head inside "In my office both of you. Now" and before any of them had time to react he was out of the room again and the door closed shut.

"Uh oh..." Ruby said dramatically and popped down off her desk. Emma shot her a warning look that said 'let me do the talking' and both women exited their office.

When they got in David's office, he was already sitting on his big chair looking down at some papers on his desk with a serious look on his face and his hands crossed in front of him.

As the women took their seats, they looked at each other briefly before they look back at David who seemed too absorbed with what he was reading, or he pretended he was reading to make things seems even more serious than it was.

"Okay ladies…" he started and lifted his eyes to give them a cold look which worked pretty well for Ruby "You both screw up, Again! You had your warning, but you just had to ignore me and do your own thing as always. But! you already know that. You don't need me to remind you. Besides, all the three of us know that if I'm gona start yelling about what happened , nobody is gona listen to me and you gona do the same mistakes as soon as you walk out of that door."

As David was talking he stood up and walked up and down in front of his office, having the two women following him with their eyes not daring to look away. "So!..." he said and stopped leaning with one leg on his desk to reach a file "I'm skipping the lecture, and I'm moving on to your punishment" he opened the file he was holding and flipped through the pages.

"Punishment?" Emma protested "Come on David... you know that what we did, we did it for the best and we didn't indented to go against your orders…it just happened, we had to make a decision in the heat of the moment and take the risk.." Emma was blabbering and it seemed that David didn't give her any attention, still focused on the files, until he looked at her with a smile.

"Sure you did Emma, that's why I'm not continuing the topic of the Rider's case and I'm assigning you a new one".

A new case? Okay that can't be bad. He wasn't mad, he was just letting it go. A new chance to prove their abilities. A new distraction. An opportunity to get some adrenaline into her system. A new case! That's good.

David moved behind his desk again and sat down "This!...ladies…" he said as he pulled a photo out of the file and show it to them "…is Killian Jones" the both women looked at the black and white photo showing a dark haired man around 35, with stubbles and a scar on his one cheek. Thick eyebrows, light colored eyes and a haunted look on his face.

Emma was glaring the man behind the glass soundproof window. He was sitting strangely comfortable, almost laid on the chair, with his legs spread in front of him and his arms crossed behind his head as if he was enjoying the sun at the beach in a warm day.

"He is hot" Emma heard Ruby saying while was standing next to her studying their 'new case' as well. "Oh, and here are the files you asked about him" she said as she handed her the envelope.

"Thanks Rubs, are you gona go to that patrol with Graham?" Emma opened it and searched through the pages to get a general idea about the guy before she had to face him.

"Yeah, do you need anything else from me?"

"No, I'm good. Meet me for lunch at granny's later to let you know how it went?"

"Deal, see you then" and with a small wave Ruby put on her coat and left the room.

"All right buddy, let's see what you have to say" Emma said more to herself, closing the file and opening the door of the interrogation room.

The man in front of her didn't flinch a bit when the door opened and Emma got in.

He only followed her with his too blue eyes as she walked around the table and sat down on the opposite side of him.

"Hello beautiful" a sneaky smile appeared on his lips as Emma looked at him directly and then back at the papers she was holding in her hands. That accent… aha, here it is...Irish descent.

"Killian Jones…" Emma started, keeping her eyes still on the information in front of her.

"That's me" Killian agreed a little bit too enthusiastic, as if he was proud of his own name.

Emma kept reading "Also going by 'Hook' …? Really? Like the Captain?" she tried to hide her amusement for the silly choice of a fairytale character defining a criminal. She was a professional after all.

Killian's smile disappeared apparently annoyed by her mocking. "Yeah just a little moniker that stuck with me when I was in prison…' he said while waving his hand in front of her "something involving a hook ripping out some guy's eye..You don't wana know...Messy stuff"

Emma gave him a 'seriously' look and decided to move on. "So!...Mr. Jones, what were you doing last night at the Jolly Roger pub?"

"Having a beer…" he said casually.

"So you just happened to be there randomly enjoying your drink?"

"I sure did"

"And what about the preview night?...or the night before that?...or pick any night from last week that you were there daily"

"I happen to like the place…It has some nice ocean vibe...you know with all the anchors and the ship wheels on the walls…"

"Right…" Emma run her fingers through her hair "What about the owner of the pub…Mr. Robert Gold, you like him too?"

For a long moment he stayed silent looking at his fingers entwine with each other. Emma spoke again "look, we both wana go home, and if you won't help me out here, there is a pretty good chance that we gona stay in here for a while… so why don't you just…"

"I don't mind your company miss…" he cut her off raised one eyebrow in ask of her name.

"It's detective Swan, Emma Swan…and stop avoiding what I'm asking you here because as I said a minute ago, I don't have all night"

"Is it illegal to spend my evenings in a pub having a beer in peace and quiet? Detective Swan?" in the last word the corners of his lips turned upwards just a bit.

"We both know the reason you were there was more than the tasty beer and the pretty decorations" her voice going a little higher this time. The frustration started building and she knew it was just the beginning of a long long afternoon. Thanks a lot Nolan.