In some random place
Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away,
Into a Land of
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Magic
Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee the Way
Through All the Pain and
The Sorrows
Weep Not Poor Children
For Life is This Way
Murdering Beauty
And Passion
Hush Now Dear Children
It Must Be This Way
To Weary of Life and
Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into the Calm And
The Quiet
Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away,
Into a Land of
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here in My Garden
Of Shadows
Irene was walking alone through a large abandoned land. The air was very thick because of some fog that known to stay in the area.
She soon stopped walking when she sensed that there was someone nearby that was coming to her then smiled.
"My, I thought I was alone in this place."
She saw a dark figure standing a few respectful feet from her. She smiled more when she saw that their eyes were gleaming a fiery orange at her.
"I could say the same about you, human."
The man showed himself and Irene was able to get a good look at him.
He was a tall man that had dark tanned skin. He had a mane of black hair that hung past his lower back and two thick strands that framed his face. He wore a long sleeve black coat that had black leather cuffs and had leather straps going up the torso. He wore black pants and black gloves.
"So what brings you to face me?"
The man narrowed his brow.
"This is my territory and a human such as you is nothing more than a meal to me."
"So you're a cannibal? You seem awfully nice about it."
The man raised a brow.
"No. Do you really have no knowledge of where you are?"
Irene looked away.
"Not really. Thanks to this thick fog I lost track of where I was going."
"Very well then, it's not often I get to come out this far of my land but are you even worthy of a moment's entertainment?"
Irene smiled at him.
"I aim to please when it comes to men."
"Since you put it that way let's play a little game."
"Oh? What game is it?"
"The rules are simple. You have to get to get to the main tower without me getting you. There is no time limit but you will not be allowed to use your magic."
"What do I have to do in the main tower?"
"There is a bell that you have to ring. If you win this game I will spare your life and assist you out of my territory."
"And if you win?"
"You will be my prisoner."
"Sounds fair, I accept."
He nodded then faded away.
"Let the game begin. I will tell you this, no one has ever beaten me."
Irene smiled and went ahead to look for the tower.
"If only this fog was just a little easier to see in."
She went on walking through the thick fog.
The man was in a large hallway then he entered into the throne room.
"Father, I have returned."
He kneeled before his father who was sitting in his throne chair.
His father was a tall muscular middle aged man that had dark tanned skin. He had long black hair that was put into a ponytail with some hair covering his forehead. He wore a black cape and black pants. He wore metal arm bands and metal boots. He wore a breastplate that had a large demon face designed into it.
"So you are playing a game with a human?"
"Yes Father, but this human is rather different."
"In what way?"
"A human that has large chests is a 'woman' correct?"
His father blinked then laughed.
"My son, a woman is playing this game with you?"
"Well you win, the woman is going to be your prisoner. However I already have a task for her."
"What kind?"
"If she fails she will be the one to have the offspring of our bloodline."
His son blinked.
"But she's human, will her body be able to withstand such a task?"
"All females are able to have offspring. She will be the first to give birth of a hybrid."
The son just blinked then he looked away.
"I understand, Father."
With that the son turned to leave and his father spoke.
"Onyxero, this is the only way for our bloodline to expand."
Onyxero nodded then left to his bedroom chambers to look from the balcony.
"So she has to give birth to my offspring. I wonder how that will go?"
With Irene
Irene had managed to find her way inside of a place but it seemed that it was a good break to have. It looked to be some sort of abandoned hospital. She went around and saw that it was clear. She then went to a high floor and locked herself in a room for safety then she laid on the bed.
"So I can't use my magic and I have to avoid that man from getting me. That does sound simple but I can't help but wonder what would happen to me if I fail this game."
Her smile faded then she turned to lay on her side.
'It matters not. It's not like I have anything to lose.'
With that she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
AN: Alright there is the first chapter! I hope that this was a good introduction. What will the game lead to and who will win? Thank you for reading and I will update soon!