Chapter 1: Bad Girl in Town
AU: This will be a dark story about recovery and trauma, but will have romance and a very laid out plotline. Also… The 10 unlucky ninja, (You know who I'm talking about!) are fish. Yes, fish. I have a POLL about who LORI should end up with on my profile! Check it out and vote, you don't have to have an account to vote or review!
It was freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrived. Lori just wanted to be alone, somewhere people wouldn't base her on her parents and past. Now that they all knew the truth… She was done for.
Chapter 1
A girl is walking into her new home in Arkansas. It was a simple one story house with 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. It obviously had a kitchen and a living room.
The girl had long light blonde hair with a fringe covering her forehead lightly. Her hair straightened, as she had straightened it all today. She also had ivory colored skin, and unusual arctic blue eyes. Like a wolf's'. Her eyes were intense, and like the rest of her they weren't at all expressive, they were cold, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking white-blue staying lined up next to one and other making her eyes themselves seem like a white tundra, it's as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center that are her pupils.
Walking up to the door of the white wooden house the blonde knocked lightly on the door, the air of unease running up her spine.
The door in front of her opening brought her out of her daze as she looked up to see a woman with pin straight brown hair and natural blonde highlights, glowing milky white skin and glistening ocean blue eyes. She looked to be about her early 30's.
Immediately the woman's lips formed into a welcoming grin as she stepped aside to allow the blonde inside. "Oh, you must be the girl I am adopting right? Please, come in!" The woman's voice was like that of a bell, musical and easy on the ears. The blonde stepped inside quietly feeling tense at being in an unfamiliar place, her electric blue eyes scanned the house thoroughly. There were a few knick knacks and trinkets on shelves in the living room, which was where you are once you step foot into the house through the front door, a grass green carpet covering the living room and the hall that most likely spread out into the bedrooms. There was a 56 inch flat screen TV in the corner to the right of the living room, a few pictures on the walls of the woman and a man whom must be her husband, a counter separating the kitchen from the living room with wooden floors, a mahogany table, and a fridge right behind the table against the wall.
All in all, this was a nice house. Everything was nice and neat too.
"This is your new home! I'm so excited to have you here!" The woman cheered giving the smaller blonde a warm embrace around the shoulders which the younger female did not return.
Of course you are now, but in a week or two you'll be excited to have me out of the house. Thought the blonde teen snidely.
She was shown the rest of the house, down the hallway there was a 1 and a half bathroom with wooden floors and a bathroom door separating the smaller part of the bathroom with the toilet from the bigger part, with the shower and the bathtub. Across from the bathroom was the laundry room with wooden floors as well. At the end of the hallway was two bedrooms directly across from each other, the one on the left was the older woman and her husband's room while the one on the right is her room. The third bedroom was in between the other two.
"Well, you can just unpack and relax while I get dinner going. You must be starving!" The woman promptly walked down the hall and into the kitchen while the blonde teen went to her room and started to unpack various clothing and necessities closing the door behind her.
"Unpack and relax...Pfft, as if. Not like I'm going to be here for long anyways..." muttered the blonde as she opened her suitcase and took out what clothing and necessities she would need for the next day. After a while of listening to "Monster - Skillet", the blonde decided to go out and see the town. It was a small town where everyone knew each other, Atkins. Walking down the hall and out the door without her host's permission, not really caring if she was allowed or not.
It was a nice town, trees everywhere you turn, houses on every corner, but quiet and peaceful. The only thing the girl hated was the chilly december air… Good thing she was wearing a black trench coat.
Her feet paced the pavement of the small town roads as she wandered aimlessly around the town, first she walked towards where she saw a gas station nearby and bought a bottle of water. She loved to drink water, she drank it so much her real mother considered her a fish.
After about three hours of walking around she had seen enough of the quaint town of Atkins, she liked it. There was nothing but country out near Bells Chapel Road, across the train tracks. A lot of people lived close together and kept an eye out for one another, it was a nice community they had. They even had a bait shop near Lucky Landing. As she neared the front door of her new foster home she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness worm it's way into her cold heart for the fact that her real mother had never wanted her. That her father never wanted her.
Forget that, she had to get things ready for tomorrow. Until her stomach started yelling at her to get some food and as luck would have it right as she walked inside the smell of pork chops invaded her nostrils…
Okay, maybe after dinner.
Listen to "Like A Pheonix - Fall Out Boy" As it sets the mood so to speak!
As her phone alarm went off at 5:45 A.M. She tapped the close button to keep the alarm from going off once again. A huge yawn erupted from the short blonde's now gaping mouth as she stretched her tired muscles trying to loosen her joints and the pleasurable wound of bones creaking filled the room. She headed towards the bathroom in the hall to get ready for school.
Adorning a pair of bootcut blue jeans, black combat boots, and a navy blue hoody with her hair straightened and bangs parted to the left she was now ready to go. Walking out of the house with blue backpack slung over her shoulder.
"Okay, I have my schedule… First hour is homeroom." The blonde girl said to herself. "I don't know why they won't just let me drop out, it's not like I'm good for anything anyway except being a nuisance." She told herself as she tried to make her way through the sea of teens rushing to their classes only to get pushed into lockers and the walls, her body was already feeling sore and it wasn't even eighth fucking hour of high school.
"Hey!" a tall girl with longs maroon colored hair that fell in deep waves down her back, with choppy yet stylish side bangs yelled. As the maroon haired young woman walked closer the blonde's electric blue eyes noticed her skin too was ivory with light freckles along her cheeks that blended in nicely making her hazel green eyes pop. The girl was taller than the blonde, about 5'4 while the blonde stood at 5'2.
The swarm of people quickly made a path for the maroon haired girl as she made her way to the blonde and started walking with her, no one dared to force the blonde against the wall or a locker for some reason.
"Are you ok?" The wavy haired girl asked an apology for the idiots clear in her voice. The blonde never answered and just glared at her, the newcomer soon showed signs of suppressing her anger such as her eyebrow twitching once or twice.
Jeeze! What is this girl's problem? Thought the taller girl in annoyance.
"So...Where are you headed? I'm Jeri by the way." The taller girl asked as she took the schedule out of the electric blue eyed girl's hands to examine it. "Why would I care what your name is? And who told you to butt into my business anyway?" The shorter of the two snapped in reply.
Jeri's patience was wearing thin, this girl needed to be taught some manners! What the fuck is wrong with this punk? All I'm doing is trying to be nice and she's acting all pissy!
Before Jeri opened her mouth to give the new kid a piece of her mind she noticed the unusual cold look in the blonde's arctic blue eyes. It was as if she was dead inside, there was no glimmer of wonder, hope or anything. It was like a cave, dark and cold. Except instead of a cave try freezing a bottle of electric blue. But deep down Jeri thought she saw a glimpse of loneliness.
Jeri frowned feeling sorry for the blonde.
What made her eyes so cold? Did something happen to make her like this? What? Is she secretly lonely...but doesn't want to show it?
She quickly returned her attention to the schedule in her hands. "Mr. Wilson's? That's mine too, let's go!" The taller girl grabbed her hand and pulled her through the halls and into a classroom filled with kids. No matter what… I'll break that cold exterior of her's and make her see things the way I do! I'll make sure she's never feeling lonely again! Jeri silently vowed.
"H-Hey!" the blonde shouted at the dyed maroon haired girl as they made it to the classroom, Jeri dragging her inside right before the bell rang. "What the hell!" The arctic blue eyed teen snapped at Jeri, cold arctic blue eyes now filled with a fiery rage aimed straight at Jeri.
Jeri narrowed her own mossy green eyes at the shorter female in a warning. 'Watch your tone with me.', was the warning in her eyes. Daring the blonde to attack her like she knew she wanted to.
"Pfft!" The blonde relented meaning that Jeri had won as she smirked in pride. They turned their attention to the class before them noticing all eyes on the two girls. Mainly on the blonde electric blue eyed newcomer.
"Who's the new chick?"
"I don't know but she's hot as hell!"
"Hey! Come sit over here!"
There were various other comments and Jeri knowing how much of a pig these guys in her class were, guided the blonde to sit by her in the front of the room but instead the blonde opted for the back of the room, much to Jeri's disappointment as she sighed.
"Well fuck you too." Jeri muttered sitting in her seat and glaring at the board as the teacher took names and a certain electric blue eyed girl plugged her headphones into her ear blasting music from the speakers as the teacher let them do anything as long as they were quiet, what can they say? He was a lazy teacher.
When class ended Jeri rushed to the blonde's side talking non-stop and guiding her around the school much to the blonde's annoyance. Honestly, she just wanted to ditch class and go sleep somewhere. Or go out and about around town, maybe see if she could pickpocket someone…
Once Jeri showed her to her next class and walked to her own, she quickly ditched school until the rest of the day was over and done with.
On the way home she couldn't help but wonder why Jeri, if she even remembered the girl's name correctly, kept trying to be nice and friendly.
Maybe I should have told her my name, or at least my nickname. Lori, that's my nickname and the name I go by. Of course I have a few other nicknames but I just stick with Lori. Was I too harsh with that maroon haired girl…?
"Hey! Asshole!" Lori turned to see...the same girl from in school.
Or maybe I wasn't harsh enough…
Jeri stopped in front of Lori panting after running all the way across town to find her. Once she had regained her breath Jeri glared daggers at Lori, if looks could kill Lori would be dead 100 times over by now.
"What the fuck?! Ditching class on the first day! Why?" Jeri yelled at Lori who was not caring in the slightest. "Leave me alone." Said Lori coldly which just served to make Jeri even more angry.
"No, you listen to me! You can't be ditching school like that!" Jeri yelled once again.
Lori was getting more and more annoyed with the girls constant yelling and was clenching her fists, who were by now bone white, to keep from knocking her ass on the pavement. Lori could barely get any words out through her gritted teeth. "You don't know me so don't pretend that you do. Stay away from me and leave me the fuck alone!"
Jeri was about to lunge at the girl until she saw some unusual colored fish on the pavement in a puddle of water flopping around helplessly. She quickly ran over and searched her backpack for a water bottle.
"Fuck! I don't have a water bottle!"
Jeri whipped her head back to the first to see a clear plastic water bottle that was only half empty. The hand holding said water bottle was Lori's as she looked off to the side like she didn't care.
"If you're going to save them, stop gawking and take it." Lori ordered and Jeri although still quite pissed at being ordered around and treated unfairly, took the bottle gratefully and unscrewed the lid picking up all the fish which were about the size of her thumb, one by one until all the fist were swimming in the bottle of water.
"Maybe you're not as bad as you make yourself out to be…" Jeri muttered under her breath. "What was that?" Lori asked curiously as her eyes returned to their normal cold state as she was lost in her own thoughts at the time and unable to hear what Jeri had said.
"Why don't you take them? It's your water bottle." Jeri offered shoving the water bottle that contained several small fish in them in her hands. "I'll come over tomorrow to check on them."
Maybe she has a soft spot for animals… Thought Jeri looking at Lori who was interested in the fish.
"Well, see ya!" Jeri began to walk home towards Bell's Chapel Road West just past the train tracks. Lori fell into step with her easily which peaked the maroon head's interest. They walked in silence as they finally made it to the street they both lived on. Walking to the white house Lori stopped only to notice Jeri right beside her opening the door and walking in without a thought.
Lori followed after her hearing her foster mother inside and walked in just in time to see Jeri being hugged tightly by the woman. "I'm so glad your home sweetie!" She seemed to have noticed Lori too. "Aww! I see you've met your sister!"
"WHAT?!" They both yelled pointing at eachother. Jeri enveloped Lori into a fierce hug. "Yay! I have a sister!"
On the inside Lori was pouting. What the fuck have I gotten myself into…?
After showing their 'mother' the fish they put them in a small tank giving them some fish flakes to eat before closing the lid ensuring that the resident cat of the house wouldn't be able to fish them out.
Fish POV
"Where the fuck am I?" Tobirama questioned irritated at having to be saved by two meer girls. He was a white fish with red eyes. He noticed the blonde's electric blue gaze on him, observing his swimming movements and tried to glare as best as a fish could.
"Albino." The blonde said looking directly at Tobirama, all the fish laughing bubbled as their mouths opened and closed rapidly, making it look as if they are breathing or whatever. Tobiramaignored the other unknown fish and glared as best he could at the girl. Who did she think she was talking to?
Oh right... He was a fish.
The blonde points a small finger at Tobirama. "Snowflake. That is what I'll name you." Tobirama turned to face her, looking at her through the glass and proceeded to curse her name to hell and afterwards mumbling about 'stupid women'. One fish, which was half brown and half white was shocked beyond belief and one dark brown scaled fish, after stopping his fit of laughter, hit the white scaled fish upside the head with his fin. "Watch your language around women!"
Tobirama or the now deemed 'Snowflake' muttered something incoherently under his bubbly breath, before whirling to face the one that fin-hit him. Tobirama realized that he had to be the bigger man or... Fish and decided to swim away casually. The dark-scaled fish stated where he was at.
The blonde then pointed at one dark-scaled fish. "Hershey's'." THe dark-scaled fish, not knowing what Hershey's was, happily swam about.
Jeri gave the black-scaled fish names like 'Mud', 'Shadow', 'Rocky', 'Night' and 'Arrow'.
Lori also named the other fish 'Nemo', 'Crow' and 'Coconut'.
The dark-scaled fish was the first to try the 'new food'. He said it was flaky and tasted like crap. Unfortunately it was either eat that or starve. Until a black-scaled fish suggested survival of the fittest and they eat one another.
AU: So did anyone pick up on any foreshadowing? And man do my hands and head hurt from typing non stop all day! Lori needs an attitude adjustment and Jeri needs to be the one to give it, who's with me? Poor Jeri, she was just trying to be nice and be a friend… Lori needs to quit being an ass!
Foreshadowing: Hinting about what is to come.
Q1: Did anyone pick up on any Foreshadowing? What was I Foreshadowing?
Q2: Why did Lori treat Jeri that way? And what did she mean by she would not be staying for long? Should Jeri had dropped Lori on her ass when she opened her mouth the first time?
I have a POLL about who LORI should end up with on my profile! Check it out and vote, you don't have to have an account to vote or review!